Going Official (Sehun One Shot)

EXO OneShots! (Requests are being taken)
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“So will we ever be going official?” I ask and Sehun just shrugged with a blank expression his eyes not leaving the movie playing on the large television.

“I have crazy fans…..I wouldn’t want you to get hurt.” He said trying to save himself from the hole he was already digging.

“Oh…Ok then.” I say standing up from the lounge grabbing my bag. “I should get going…it’s getting late.” I say walking towards the door despite Sehun’s protests.

“I love you.” He called behind me and I just nodded slightly unsure if he meant it or not. I closed the door behind me wasting no time in running home not even bothering to greet my mother just going straight to my room.

I sighed as I jumped onto my bed burying my face into the fluffy pillows that sat at the top of my double bed. I really did love that boy. He was almost my first for everything. Not in the rude way though.

He stole my first kiss, he was the first boyfriend I had ever had, he was the first person I went to an amusement park with and my first love. He was my everything and was very important to me, but I wasn’t sure it was the same for him.

I looked at the clock and just slid under the covers not even bothering to do anything else that day. All I wanted to do was sleep and dream, dream of a wonderful relationship that was official.


“Honey wake up!” My mother’s voice rang from behind the locked door making my eyes flutter and my head ache.

“Coming.” I say groggily climbing from the bed sliding to my cupboard where the freshly ironed uniform lay.

I rubbed my eyes a few time letting out a large yawn as I stretched my arms over my head. I put on my uniform though my body was aching and weak I still managed to get downstairs in time for the school departure.

“Ready to go?” My mother asked as she handed me a mandarin and an apple. I nodded grabbing my school bag from its respected hook.


“Bus home!” My mother shouted at me again as I wal

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Chapter 1: Hi! I'm new reader and your oneshots are freaking awesome~~!!
Chapter 5: C-cupcake... G-giant baby... This is so cute and I--I--- *speechless* Thank you very much! /bows a thousand times/ I wish I could get a guy like him... TTuTT
Chapter 3: K-Kyung... Kyungsoo ;A; I don't know why ajjsafkjvksahghkjrhgkjhgjkabgjkbajgbjbgnbnmbnmbnmvbnb if you only know /flips everything in sight/
Chapter 1: O m o You write beautiful oneshots. I wish I could be like that too without being boring and all... TTuTT Xiumin really that baozi... And I saw a little Xiuhan moment even if it's just for a second... /wails/
Chapter 1: YO it was nice one !! sobs how i wish i can write as good as you ;((
I'd like to request :DDD
Characters: Han Raemi (OC) and Oh Sehun
Oneshot: fluff and school romance
If it won't be problematic for you, I'll leave the plot to your amazing brain and magical hands. :))
Thank you in advance! ^^
P.S Sorry if I sound so nosy and demanding you can brick my character if you want... Okay I'm sorry I'll shut up now. ^^"