Together with an Apology (Xiumin One shot)

EXO OneShots! (Requests are being taken)
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“Oppa.” The girls screamed as they normally do when he came to school. Him and his group sure as hell are popular with the girls not to mention all very jerky and have very large ego’s thanks to the hundreds of fan girls, some even from other schools.

“Move please” I ask trying to walk into the classroom only to be scoffed at and pushed away. “This is only for Exo” A fan girl screamed making me huff and push my glasses back up the bridge of my nose.

I usually have a lot more tolerance than this but three years in the same situation can tick a person off no matter how calm they are.

“I will ask you one more time. Please move” I said through gritted teeth to try and keep myself calm but as the same fan girl tried to push me once more I couldn’t take it. I finally snapped in front of a lot of people I may add.

“Don’t you dare touch me! Make a damn path way before I personally kill every single one of you for not letting me get to class these past three years! I swear to god if you don’t move you’ll never be able to see those pretty boys again because I will have gauged your eyeballs out with a spoon!” I shouted making every one of the look at me in shock and make a large gap.

“Thank you. Continue with you deranged obsession” I say and every one of them turn back around and begin screaming and crying as the boys finally come into sight. I huff as I slam my books and the wooden table before pushing the hair out of my face opening to the pages I was told to research to write a three paged report on.

“Thank you ladies and what lovely fans you are.” He said making my mind cringe but my stomach to flutter. It had always been like this. The way your mind may hate someone and tell you to escape the situation your heart was just too strong and you managed to somehow fall in love with them.

“And to my darling _____” He cooed as he slipped into the chair next to me making my heart beat hell of a lot faster. I looked up at him and smiled knowing that if I was rude I would have a lot of girls to deal with.

“Hello Xiumin and to what do I owe the pleasure of your company” I said sarcastically though one the inside I was one of those crazed fan girls. But I was able to keep cool and act like I usually would.

“Oh so you do enjoy my company” “And you have no Idea what sarcasm is” I retorted making him laugh and his friends to follow. I gave him a half smile before going back to my work hoping he would just walk away and not look back. Though the though killed me it would be better for me and my hair and not to mention my grades.

“You’re an interesting one aren’t you?” He said twirling a pieces of my shoulder length hair in between his fingers. I nodded continuing to read the pages of the biography of the dynasties of China.

“How ‘bout you and I go out tonight?” He cooed into my ear making me shudder. I shook my head “How ‘bout no, sweet cheeks. I got me some homework to finish” I said back making him sigh and nod as he walked back to his own seat.

(Fast forward)

Five minutes left I thought as I begun to pack up the text books and work books I had needed for that last subject. Though I wasn’t in that big of a hurry I still needed to get to my locker before the sea of students happens.

Just as the bell rung I sprung from my chair sprinting into the corridor to make it to the st

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Chapter 1: Hi! I'm new reader and your oneshots are freaking awesome~~!!
Chapter 5: C-cupcake... G-giant baby... This is so cute and I--I--- *speechless* Thank you very much! /bows a thousand times/ I wish I could get a guy like him... TTuTT
Chapter 3: K-Kyung... Kyungsoo ;A; I don't know why ajjsafkjvksahghkjrhgkjhgjkabgjkbajgbjbgnbnmbnmbnmvbnb if you only know /flips everything in sight/
Chapter 1: O m o You write beautiful oneshots. I wish I could be like that too without being boring and all... TTuTT Xiumin really that baozi... And I saw a little Xiuhan moment even if it's just for a second... /wails/
Chapter 1: YO it was nice one !! sobs how i wish i can write as good as you ;((
I'd like to request :DDD
Characters: Han Raemi (OC) and Oh Sehun
Oneshot: fluff and school romance
If it won't be problematic for you, I'll leave the plot to your amazing brain and magical hands. :))
Thank you in advance! ^^
P.S Sorry if I sound so nosy and demanding you can brick my character if you want... Okay I'm sorry I'll shut up now. ^^"