First Real Fight

Marrying Mr. Arrogant
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The next day you were still not talking to each other. You weren`t even looking at each other. You were feeling homesick. *I miss omma and appa* You sighed. You were sitting and watching tv, when your phone suddenly rang. You looked at the caller id: Rin. It was your bestfriend, but you didn`t know if you should pick up or not, since you hadn`t told her about the marriage. You just kept looking at your phone. Hoya was on his way out of the room, when he saw you sitting and staring at your phone. He was getting irritated of the ringtone. "Pick it up!" he shouted. You flinched. You picked it up. "H-Hello" you stood up and walked passed Hoya. You pretended like you didn`t see him. You went to your room. *I saved her that day, and she still haven`t thanked me* he was really mad.

"Hi, ____~ How are you?" Rin was really excited. "I`m fine how about you?" "I`m fine, how is your husband?" she giggled. "Mwoh? How did you know?" You were in a shock. "I went at your home several times, and your mom came up with an excuse everytime I asked about you, but in the end she ran out of excuses and told me about your marriage" You became quiet. "Hello?" Rin said. "Mianhae, I shouldn`t have kept it as a secret from you, I hope your not mad?" you were feeling guilty. "Aniyo, I`m actually happy" "Jeongmal?" your eyes widened. "Come to visit sometime, and bring your husband" You rolled your eyes. "We`ll see about that, but I`ll definetely come" You smiled. "Okay then have fun" she hung up.

You went out of your room and you were alone at home, with the housemaid and the butler. "Where did Howon-sshii go?" you asked the butler. "He didn`t tell" you nodded. *Wait, why do I care?* You sat down and watched tv. You were bored.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. You walked over and opened the door. "Hi" you smiled. It was Daniel and YonJoo. "Hello" Daniel greeted back. "What`s up?" He asked. "Nothing much, just getting bored" you said. "Come on inside" Daniel shook his head. "I thought you would like to go out with me and YonJoo?" You thought about it. "I saw Howon driving somewhere so I thought that you were home alone" he smiled. *If Howon can go outside and have fun, then I can too* You nodded.

You went to your room and changed clothes. This time you decided to wear what you wanted to, and not what Howon wanted you to wear. ( You went outside. "Nice hat" YonJoo pointed out. "Thank you" you smiled. You sat in the car with YonJoo in the backseat. Daniel was driving. "Did you have fun on your vacation?" you looked at YonJoo. She nodded. "It was beautiful there" she beamed. "Where did you go actually?" you tilted your head to the side. "Thailand" she smiled. "Wahh...I have heard that it is really beautiful there" she nodded. "It is"

Daniel parked the car infront of a huge restaurant. Your eyes widened. "Were you both suppose to have a romantic dinner?" you looked at them both. They shook their head. "I don`t know, this doesn`t feel right" you scratched your head. "Come on, I`m starving let`s go inside" Daniel and YonJoo hold hands and you walked behind them. Even though they were nice enough to include you on this, you still felt bad to just barge in. They ordered a table and you three sat together. You looked at the menu. *So many things to choose between, what to order?* You wrinkled your nose. The waiter came over. "What do you want to order?" "I want kimchi, and she wants ramen and she" Daniel looked at you. "I`ll take ramen as well" The waiter nodded and left.


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i really love your story! please write more hoya's fiction authornim
Chapter 31: this is unbelievable cute
Trin20k #3
Chapter 31: This story was adorable, I just read it in one sitting. Now to start reading the sequels!
Fardiah #4
Chapter 31: Great story ^_^
its May 2015 and here I am, lurking on this page because i missed reading this and im gonna read it all over again.
gett-n #6
great job!
babyxieee_ #7
Chapter 31: nice story author-nim! ∩__∩ gonna ship this couple kekeke~
jenn44 #8
Nice story i love reading it!
Chapter 31: kyaa !! this such a cute story .. good thing hoya is my no1 bias in infinite or i'll hate him for sure .. kekeke ,, but i'll love him for being a sweet husband here >.< good job author-nim . i love this story ^^