
My soulmate

[A/N] italic = past,
         Liu Yiyun = f(x)'s Amber

         Xiao Long = actually it means little or small dragon, here it is a nickname for the 'she' person

She had been here for two whole days. She had never felt so locked up before, Mrs Lu didn't let her out the spare room.

She had found out this mansion was at the other side of Beijing then the point were she arrived. The spare rooom itself was huge already, even bigger than the spare livingroom. Six by eigth meters and four meters high, with only her bed. The side with the windows look out at lawns but she could still see the skycrapers from Beijing.
While looking at the clouds she thought back about her days in the clan, not knowing the dangers of the outside world.

''Look, look, i'm flying, really flying. hahaha''  She stayed giggling and flying circles. Her wings were finally strong enough to hold her. It was also her sixth birthday and most Dragons weren't able to fly at that age yet. Higher and higher she went, but suddenly she stopped and let herself fall from an incredible height. Just a few meters above the ground she spread her wings even wider and broke her fall. Softly she landed on both her feet.

''You saw that? You saw that? That had to look awesome, right, Yiyun?'' giggling and smiling she skipped to her guardian. What she didn't expect was to get slapped on her left cheek. ''You just began flying, like what, ten minutes ago? How could you do something as dangerous as that, you could have broken something at least. With your knowledge you should know better. You are the clan's pride, you have responsibilities. Don't be reckless.'' She still looked to the right, still shocked from the slap. But she knew Yiyun was right, something could have happened. If she died, everything her clan cared about most would be lost. If she died, no other dragon would be born. ''S-s-sorry Yiyun, but, but it's so much fun.'' Tears formed in her eyes, she had disappointed Yiyun. Yiyun hardly heard her, so softly she had spoken.

Honestly, Yiyun was just a few years older then she was. Yiyun was chosen to be her guardian the moment she was born, but the monks were afraid that Yiyun wouldn't be able to protect her well enough. Even though their age difference, neither cared for it and were happy to be friends.

Dragons alwasy went through intensive training from childhood, so there was little time to socialize. Because of that, she had only two friends including Yiyun. Not that she minded. ''Now now Xiao Long don't cry,'' a boy's voice sounded from the direction of the palace ''Yiyun only wants to keep you from harming yourself.'' and the boy patted her head. He was her other friend, or how she saw him, her big brother.

A year ago he had sneaked into the holy ground to prove his 'courage', her senses were getting stronger and she had felt a strange presence. She had been shocked by it and started to cry, on his insticts he comforted her even before Yiyun had noticed.

''Yifan!'' at once her sadness had gone and she gave him a hug. Secretly it was very amusing for Yiyun to see her like that. ''Yifan, long time no see. How are you?'' Yiyun asked.

''Quite good, just a few bruises from the monks but-''

''Yifan fan fan, '' She slightly tugged his sleeve to get his attention, ''what's in that bag?''

Yifan's bright smiled turned into a forced small one and he lowered himself to her level ''Xiao Long, please listen for a while.'' She nodded ''Lately I have been through some tough training too and for a reason. The monks are going to send me on a mission. To find someone.'' he paused to see if she understood, she just nodded. ''And for that mission, I have to travel around the world.''

''no... '' she now shook her head and pouted, holding his sleeve tighter ''don't say it, please.''

''I have to leave Xiao Long.''

''No, no you shouldn't say it.'' Tears rolled down her cheeks while she still shook her head. It wasn't easy for Yifan either, to leave all he knew behind, to leave her behind. But the monks had decided and after all, he did it for her. ''Goodbye Xiao Long.''

''TELL ME, p-please, please tell me y-y-you come b-back.'' she asked through her sobs and hiccups.

''I'll come back.'' and he turned to Yiyun to give her a hug, just a hug. Both of them knew, the chance of his return was even less then zero. With that done, not much later she and Yiyun had seen him and three warriors disappear, engulfed by the forest's darkness .


Why. why did she suddenly think about that again? She though she had forgotten about him long ago.
No, not forgotten, she would never forget him. She just had stopped hoping he would come back and put thoughts about Yifan away.
A soft knock brought her back to her situation now. Who could this be, the staff never knocked and Mrs Lu just appeared somehow. The door opened and one of the six guys came in, while closing the door a smile came on his face.

''How are you?'' She took a step back but stayed quiet. She couldn't trust him, she couldn't trust any of them, any stranger could be after her at least that's what the monks told her. So she kept staring at him, narrowing her eyes. The blond, tall guy looked a bit awkward but tried again to start the conversation. ''I- ''

'''What are you doing?''

''Euh.... Sorry?''

''Why are you here?''

''Because I, euh, was worried, i guess. I just wanted to see you.''

''See me?'' She was lost, who was he to care about her.

''I just missed you, Xiao Long.'' Xiao.. Long... Xiao Long! Only two people in the whole world called her that.

''no..'' she shook her head ''no, impossible. It can't be you. Yifan?''

''It's been a long time, right?'' and his stunning smile was back, exactly that too familiar smirk. And then she lost it ''TWELVE YEARS, I HAVE WAITED FOR YOU TO RETURN EVERYDAY. FOR ALL THOSE TWELVE YEARS. We have missed you for twelve years, we have waited for twelve years, we have hoped for twelve years.'' Tears had fall down after her screaming and Yifan had pulled her into a hug. ''Why didn't you come back?'' She clung to him like she would lose him if she let go.

Her screaming was heard in the living room nearby and exo stood with their ears against the wall, just to pick up somthing and know what was going on. When Mrs Lu saw that Mrs Lu just pushed the door open and exo was very surprised to see Kris hugging her.

They parted when they had heard Mrs Lu's laugh ''Now now Kris, don't tell me you fell in love with my son's fiance already.''
Kris gave her a kiss on her forhead ''No, I'm just so happy to see my Xiao Long again.'' A giggle escaped ''Kris? Is that your name now Yifan.'' ''Oh shut up you.''

Mrs Lu insisted to tell her about them and she was finally allowed to get out her room. And so, there they sat in the main living room, she noticed that Yifan or 'Kris' was trying to keep most things secret. She also learned that Yifan was in this boy band called EXO and he was very populair in South Korea. ''Now, you're more comfortable with us, can you tell us why you're here in Beijing?'' Mrs Lu question came sudden, she didn't know what to do but Kris nodded encouraging.

''I'm not confortable with you, but I trust Yifan.'' hesitating she looked throught the room ''It was just last week and ''


She looked through her window, into the forest. Birds flew away, wolfs cried, the wind let the trees shook in fear and the moon stood bright at the sky. She felt Yiyun walking to her room and not much late Yiyun opened the door.

''Why are you still up Xiao Long? ITs past midnight.''

''Yesterday was my 18th birthday, but something feels strange. I have a bad feeling about this night.''

''It's usual for this time of the year, but i'll disqust it with the council.''

''Prepare everyone to flee, tomorrow the sky will greet us in it red color of wasted blood.''

''I will. Now you have to sleep, it's important, you look ill.''

''I'm just worried, but i bet i have to try, don't I?'' slightly from a smile and Yiyun nodded. She bid Yiyun a good night and Yiyun went to the councel. With a last look she turn her back to the window and got in her bed, she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep so she went into a slumber. With her mind wandering between the dream world and reality she gaint strength, she needed them soon enough.


''Wait, is a slumber not just the same thing as light sleep.''

''Don't interrupt her Chen. It's annoying.''

''He just IS annoying.'' said the one besides, appearently, the chen guy.

''Are they always like that?'' she tried to be as quiet as possible, so the others wouldn't hear it.

''I wish they weren't.'' and Yifan explained what the slumber was ''It's a sort trance, mostly used in wars. People's senses are still sharp enough to notice an attack but they are still able to rest and gain strength. Now back to what Xiao Long was telling.''


Flying arrows, swords piercing people, the guards of Kyrenia laying in their own blood and the grows eating from their dead bodies. She woke up, shocked and horrified by the vision she had seen. The sound of flying arrows was heard once again. They were really here, the assassins of Night Dust, the 'Dragon Slayers'. She could feel their presents all around the castle and in the forest, before she knew it Yiyun was in her room in full gear.

''You were right, but they came sooner than expected. The women and children are already safe but everyone else is now fighting.'' she said while blocking the door with whatever she found in her room. ''You have to open the secret passage, NOW!'' She recovered from her shocked state and shove her bed aside, under her bed was a flame symbol and she laid her hand on it. With a deep breath some fire escaped her hand and shot into the mark on the floor, soon the flames spread and created a door in the wall. Before the door was in it's ful form she had time to put on a pair of trousers and then Yiyun pushed her through the opening.

The door closed and disappeared, like it never excisted, it made the passage pitch black. ''Don't use your fire, they will see it at the end. Sense the walls. Close your eyes and think about your training.'' And so she did. Without any problem she was able to led them through the passage but the true danger was waiting outside. Just before the end Yiyun stopped her and pulled out her sword and went through the opening before her, only to be stopped by another sword.

''You could have died, Zhurong.''

''Same for you, Yiyun.'' And both lowered their swords.

''Zhurong, why are you here.'' she asked the former dragon guardian.

''I came here to lead you throught the forest, Ma'am.''

''I am the guardian now, Zhurong. Go back and help the others.''

''You can't commant me Yiyun, have respect to your master. My dragon is still in her and I feel still bound to my friend. Besides, you haven't been through the whole forest ever before, it could be dangerous.''

''Fine, it's because we haven't time to agrue. We have to move, now.'' Yiyun grabbed her by her arm and went to the edge, where the young trees were growing by the blood of the dead gatekeepers. Only looking back of a second and then they went in. Slowly Kyrenia became smaller and before it disappeared she looked at it one last time. Goodbye Kyrenia.


''Just a few hours later Zhurong was shot by a poisened arrow. Yiyun and I had been running for three days after that, only stopped two times to drink and eat. At our third stop we were so exhausted and drowned from strength, both of us collapsed. I woke up and the assassins were just a few hondred meters away. Yiyun instisted to stay and hold them off, Yiyun literally pushed me away and threatend me if I wouldn't go. I had no other choice then to leave her behind also.'' She a bit trouble talking, something blocked and her eyes became watery once again. ''I can only hope that she is fine. More than a day later I finally arrived at Beijing, where I thought to be safe, at least safer. Then I was kidnapped to here.''

Just like Yifan she had let the details and secrets away, still she had been talking for over half an hour. Exo and Mrs Lu were out of words, when Luhan realised 'Kidnapped' he looked at his mother with a judging look. And Yifan.. Yifan was astonished and sad, he couldn't believe that maybe Kyrenia was all destroyed, maybe his family dead, maybe Yiyun dead. He had dream of returning, being welcomed by all he cared about and raising the new dragon. Was Kyrenia really lost?


[A/N] Kyrenia was an ancient Greek city on Cyprus, also known as Girne. I just needed an old city name and this one was ok ^-^
Hope you enjoy the story so far.

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YAY Nederlanders unite! Leuk idee! Love EXO!
ArianaMaddi #2
This idea seems nice,
update soon, please?
Jonghyuns-wife #3
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
MistyMinnie #4
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^