Into the Night



“No master, don’t go.”


Clang! Sounds of metal pierced through the air.




Kibum opened his eyes. The dusty floor of his bunk greeted him.


It was all a dream. He got up and stretched. How long was he asleep on the floor? He looked around at the destroyed room. Painful memories of what had happened the day before rang in his mind.


That’s it. No more.


Kibum grabbed open a bag, and started to throw clothes and other necessities in it. He was leaving. He couldn’t take it anymore. What was left for him now anyways? Jinki was probably too weak to teach him anymore, and besides, at that moment, Kibum felt so frustrated that he almost didn’t care about Ninjitsu. He wanted out.


Tonight – when everyone was asleep. That’s when he would leave the Yin academy. He would go and avenge his master, and his school. Like he promised he would. He promised his master.


“What are you doing, Kibum?”


A voice broke into his thoughts. Kibum turned to find Ha Young standing at what remained of the door. She looked tired, worn-out, with dark circles around her eyes. She stared at the bag in Kibum’s hand.


“Where are you going, Kibum?” she asked.


“Nowhere,” Kibum said, stuffing the bag out of sight.


“You’re running away, aren’t you?” she walked up to Kibum.


“Aniyo! I’m…” he faltered. “I’m going to avenge my master; and the school. I promised.” He stated.


Ha Young stared at him. Finally, she said, “I’m coming too.”


“What? No, you’re staying here Ha Young. It’s dangerous.”


Ha Young rolled her eyes. “I’m a ninja, pabo. I deal with danger every day.”


Kibum tried to dissuade her again. “What about Ra Hyo? There’s no way she’s ever let you go. Especially not now.”


“Whoever said she’d have to know? I’m going with you Kibum, after the funeral today. Whether you like it or not.” Ha Young’s jaw was set, her eyes defiant. Kibum knew there was no turning back now. At least he would have a friend on his journey.


“Fine,” he hissed. “Meet me on the roof of the girl’s dormitory tonight. We leave then.”


It was almost midnight.



The dark sky loomed overhead. There was no moon that night, its shining light blocked by large clouds.


Perfect to steal away into the darkness.


Kibum looked around. Where was Ha Young? If they didn’t leave soon, someone was bound to find them. He stared at the ground. How on earth was he even going to find Jonghyun and the school of Yang anyways? It was not like it was on a map or anything. Kibum sighed. Had he gone over his head in making this decision? Suddenly, a rustle in the trees broke his train of thought. He tensed, waiting to see what was coming.


It was Ha Young. Finally! But wait, someone was with her.


Ra Hyo.


The ice queen! “Why did you bring her?” Kibum whispered to Ha Young.


“She found me packing and immediately knew what I was up to. It didn’t take her long to figure out you were in on it too. She didn’t try to stop me though,” Ha Young replied.


“Really?” Kibum was stunned.


“Yes, I’m coming too. No way am I going to let my sister run off without me, and definitely not with you. Plus, I have nothing left here. I have to be able to support Ha Young somehow. You know what a handful she can be.” The corners of Ra Hyo’s lips turned into a small smile.


Stranger and stranger, Kibum thought. “Alright, fine. Let’s get out of here before someone finds us.” He said. Together, trio leapt through the trees silently, anyone looking up assumed that it was no more than a bird rustling in the branches. By day break, they were out and on the move, on their way to meet with evil.


And so it began.

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Taemin, huh? -apprehension grows-<br />
At least, I think it's apprehension...>.<
No...JongKey perhaps?
Lucitaem #3
Kekeke, what I have found a REAL WHITE PEACOCK! XD<br />
<br />
And maybe, idk. Will have to wait and see~
SUNGMIN. ^_^<br />
Lol you have? New mission: FIND REAL WHITE PEACOCK.<br />
Awww Onew had to die??? KEY TAKE REVENGE FOR ME MUHAHAHAHAHA-<br />
wait, will be there a twist in this? o.O
Lucitaem #5
Actually, yeah I have seen one. They are soooo pretty, it's unbelievable. =D Who though?
Red vs. Black...HAHA suddenly am reminded of Kung Fu Panda 2. <br />
Seriously though, have you ever seen a white peacock?<br />
And about the Nunchaku, guess who I think of? XD
Lucitaem #7
Lol, I wish. He'd look cool with an eye patch XD
O.O So curious.<br />
Haha did Jonghyun become a pirate? XD