Sequel : Sweet Beginning

Pastel Pink Apron

I didn't think I would write a sequel to this story, since I thought it is a one-shot, but since some of you wanted it, I can't helped but write more :) thank you to all readers.






                  "Hey, Luhan, didn't you have like a date, today?" Luna suddenly asked, behind the counter. They were busy today, since they have shortage of employees. Luhan was busy entertaining new tourist by making some cotton candy near the cotton candy machine. 

                   Yesterdays incident was a mess, but all four of them manage to clean it up with the help of some helpful customers. "Date? What date?" Luhan reply, innocently.

                 Luna rolled her eyes, as if she was not there to witness their little 'heart-to-heart' talk yesterday, eventhough they were covered with cotton candy. She saw that glint in Luhan's eyes, it was not like any other. There have to be something. "Don't play dumb, Luhan. You're going to meet him today, that Sehun boy," Luna grinned. Luhan blushed more, wanting Luna to shut up since their in the middle of work right now. But, Luna think it's fun to play with Luhan. 

                "Luhan hyung, are you going to dress like that during the date?" Luna asked more, after Luhan finished making the last cotton candy to the last tourist. Luhan bowed politely to them, before side-eyeing to Luna. That woman really needs to mind her own business, Luhan thought to himself. Luhan looked at his work clothing and shrugged. Well, Sehun did say he likes him wearing pink. What's wrong with that? 

              "Well, Sehun said he didn't mind since I'm working today." Luhan replied, while wiping the cotton candy machine. The shop was quiet, there was no customer for now. Luhan took the time to sit near the counter, resting his head. 

              "By the way, this is not a date, this is just -"

             " Meeting an acquiantences?" Luna guessed.

             Luhan sighed, nodding his head. "I don't know. Sehun didn't mention anything about us. I don't know what to label us, actually." Secretly, he wanted more.  Let their first date in the amusement park, let them hold hands for the first time while strolling around the amusement park, maybe their first kiss in the Ferris Wheel. Luhan blushed hard at the thought and covers his face with his arm, whining. He wanted Sehun so bad, it's almost unbearable. He can't stopped thinking about Sehun since yesterday, his finger grazing on his cheek, which is still warm with his touch.

              It was just a slight touch, moron, Luhan keep telling himself that, but to no avail, and blushed more. "Hyung, if you want it to take it to the next level, you have to present yourself well," Luna comment. "Says the girl who got dumped by three people in one week," Luhan received a slapped on his back by Luna. Her slapped was loud and it hurts so bad it stings.  What is she? "OUCH! No wonder they left you!" Luhan whined, but Luna just ignored it. 

              "Hyung, I'm helping you out here. Look, I have some cute shirt at the back and I think it'll suit you," Luna said, and clearly she really wants him to try it on. Luhan rubbed his back more, itching the pain away. "Where did you get the clothes? Ew, if it's from your ex -"

            "It's not," Luna grunted and walked away from the counter, proceed her way to the locker room. Luhan rolled his eyes. Well, if the 'presenting itself' work, he have to give her credit. Luna then arrived by bringing three shirts of different pattern and colours. She left the shirts on the counter and make her way to the entrance door. "Let us close for a while," and Luna turn the "WE'RE OPEN" sign to "SORRY WE'RE CLOSE". Luna grinned to herself, and looked at Luhan's confused face. "Are you going to watch me change?" he said, trembling. 

         "Oh my god, just choose!"

         Luhan looked at the shirts on the counter. Well, if it's for Sehun, Luhan then choose his best choice and just hope that Sehun won't be dissapointed for not seeing his boy in a Pink Pastel Apron.



           It was 4.00 p.m now, and Sehun bought his ticket to the amusement park. It's his second time today, and yesterday was his first. He's afraid that he'll make Luhan bored on their first date, so he made himself a 'homework' by studying the fun part in an amusement park. It didn't took him long, since he had Barom who had taken many of his dates to the amusement park. 

           "Just stroll around the park for a while, talk to him. Get to know him better," Barom suggest, and Sehun trusted him a hundred percent, cause he have no idea what to do in an amusement. He just want Luhan to have a good time, to make up the incident yesterday. "Then, go to the bumper car or the water balloon area, do something thrilling to have a fun atmosphere around you," that was the second thing Barom told Sehun. Something thrilling, why don't they just go to the Haunted House?

          "You just wanted him to have his hands around you." "And that is why you are my best friend." Sehun smirked, imagining Luhan's scared face and him clinging to Sehun, like he was his only saviour. Barom wished him luck yesterday and Sehun thank his friend.

           Walking casually into the park, he noticed some happy couples walking hand in hand, laughing to each other. Some were loud and some were just in their own world. He can't wait to do these couple-y things with Luhan. The pink cotton candy shop was seen, and Sehun stopped on his track. Smiling to himself, he was happy he took the time to follow Barom yesterday. Yesterdays incident was no coincidence, the door to the face part, the cotton candy machine and Luhan. Especially, Luhan. "Luhan, get ready to be mine." And he make his way to the Cotton Candy Shop.



                  "Luhan, I'm seeing Sehun walking this way with a really stupid grin on his face,"Luna said, near the door. Luhan was busy checking himself out in the shop's mirror. He started to panicked when his hair didn't look how he wanted it to be. "Oh my God, it's 4 already! And it's not stupid, it's cute," Luhan glared at Luna, through the mirror. Luna just giggled,"Hurry up, hyung. He's waiting." Luna replied while waving at Sehun, which Sehun waved back. 

         "I have a hair which just won't sit still!" Luhan whined. "Luhan, you look great now go and meet you're potential boyfriend outside," Luna walked towards Luhan, and grabbed his free arm. Luna dragged Luhan near the door, though Luhan was practically resisting. This woman is too strong, Luhan thought, and wish the best of luck to Luna's future boyfriend. Luhan had choose a brown cashmere V-neck sweater and changed his pants to a black jeans, which Luna said bring out the shape of his thighs. My thighs is bigger than my , Luhan whined inside, after Luna told him that. 

            Luhan looked outside the glass door, standing in awe at Sehun. He was like one of those man from a high-class fashion magazine, though all what Sehun was wearing was a leather jacket on a white t-shirt and a black skinny jeans. "Good luck, hyung," Luna wished him, and walked away. Luhan smiled gladly  to her retreating back and open the door. 

           "Took time for you to come out," Sehun said. Luhan blushed, not wanting to confess that he really took time to look good in this 'meeting'. "Sorry, I just- "

          "Hey, it's okay. It's just a date."

          Luhan stopped on his track and looked at Sehun. Luna is right, it was a stupid grin. Luhan smiled back at Sehun and they walked together. While walking, Sehun noticed that he was much taller than Luhan, who said he was older than him. "You're so much shorter for a hyung," Sehun commented, while looking at Luhan's smooth brown hair. It was neater, than before and it make Sehun happy that he make effor just for this date. 

           "Hey, respect your hyung. Is that what you say on a date." Luhan retort back, though not offended. 

           "Sorry, let me try again. You're so much cuter for a hyung," Sehun said, with a laugh in his voice. Luhan blushed at the comment and push Sehun at the side with his arm. Didn't move him for a bit. Not only I'm short, I'm weak, Luhan mumbled.

          "That's my duty then, Luhan." Did Sehun heard that? Luhan looked at Sehun's smiling face and blushed. The thought of Sehun protecting him made him having this funny feeling inside, which make him safe. They haven't really confirmed anything between them, but him saying that know was like a confession on wanting to be his side forever. "So, what are we going to do know?" Luhan said, breaking the silence. Sehun scratch his hair, glancing around the park. There was a merry-go-round, Water Balloon shooter and Bumpy Cars. All of them looks like fun, but Sehun wants Luhan to have a pick. 

            "Why don't you choose?" Sehun asked. Sehun wants this day to be his day, so it's better for Luhan to have a go today. He could have his day on latter days, if they can take this relationship to the next level. "Are you sure?" Luhan asked, amusement in his eyes. 



              "I would've never though you're this kind of person," Sehun asked, regretting his choice right away. They were in the line to get in the Haunted House. It was at that the far side of the amusement park, and they were only small part of people in the area. "You know what, let's not." Sehun said. He had always label himself as brave and strong, but one glance at the creepy banner at the entrance of the Haunted House, made him think of his mom. Not that he's scared of his mom, no no no.

          "No No No. Honjaga anya no no no."Luhan started singing, mocking Sehun. Luhan had always wanted to go to the Haunted House, but he never get to asked anyone. Now, that he has the chance, he would never thought that Sehun was scared of these things. "Don't worry, hyung will protect you," mocking him again, which Sehun frowned. Sehun sighed, giving up and pratically dragged his way towards the ticket counter. 

          Upon receiving their ticket, Luhan squeal in delight and snatched Sehun's hand. They ran towards the Haunted House door, which was tall and give out this "Get Out before You're Engulf" kinda vibe. Sehun gulped, and his hand make his way towards Luhan's hand. Sehun grabbed Luhan's hand, and squeezed it tightly, to ensure himself he's not alone. Luhan on the other hand, was surprised by Sehun's sudden move and surprisingly, he giggled. "What?" said Sehun, annoyed. 

        "Oh, nothing." And they make their way into the Haunted House. 




          After hundreds of screams and clinging, which is in fact from Sehun, they managed to get out of the Haunted House safely with Luhan in tears. "God Sehun, they were all just puppets and stuff!" Luhan managed to breathed, practically wheezing. Sehun rolled his eyes, not amused that he had lose his cool in front of the very guy he's interested in. But, he also had showed the part of him that no one else had seen before, and he's glad that its Luhan. Sehun fake coughed, to make Luhan stopped laughing. 

       Sehun had scream when his back was touched by a 'ghost', seen a mysterious glowing red eyes, seen a well with Sadako coming out, and a flying ghost flying above the two of them. While Luhan was enjoying seeing Sehun's lose his confidence and totally embracing the scared side of him, Sehun never let go of Luhan's hand without him noticing it. Luhan didn't say anything, and jsut go along with him. 

        "This was not I have in mind when I'm able to go to the Haunted House," Luhan said, while they were walking out. Sehun sighed, did he blew it off? "I had fun, Sehun."


     "Yeah, with you and your face." and Luhan laughs again. Sehun knows he cant stopped Luhan from laughing again, but he was glad that Luhan had enjoyed himself. "You should've seen your face,"Luhan said in the midst of tears. 

   "Yeah, yeah. Hey, want to go to the Ferris Wheel next?" Sehun suggest, at least he knows that Ferris Wheel are harmless. "I thought I get to choose the place," whined Luhan. Sehun smirked. It's good at how their able to be so friendly after only two days knowing each other. "Fine," Sehun gave up and Luhan dragged their already link hands towards the Bumpy Cars. Huh, Sehun thought. When did they hold hands? 

         He looked down at their joined hands, and it was perfect. It's like Sehun had finally found his missing puzzle piece. While Sehun's hands was rough and big, Luhan's was soft and small. Giving Luhan's hands a squeeze, he chuckle. "You are small for a hyung," Sehun mumbled, which Luhan reply with a confused looked on his face. Smiling innocently back at Luhan, they ran towards their next location.

        Two hours after the Bumpy Cars, eating corn dogs for the first time, playing at the Merry-Go-Round (which Sehun greatly say no because it's for children, but gave up after seeing Luhan's pout) and playing on the swing ride, they were exhausted after the fun rides. Sehun had to say, Luhan has an energy of a two year old. He was still able to stand after two fun yet exhausting hour while Sehun barely sit up straight. They rest for a while, on a bench, watching people passing by. Sehun leaned a little on Luhan's side, resting his head on his shoulder. Yeah, this is nice, Sehun thought, and nuzzled his head on the crook of his neck.

      Luhan tensed up a little, but didn't have the heart on pushing Sehun away. He noticed some people looking at them, but ignored them. "Sehun, people are looking," Luhan whispered, pushing him lightly. Sehun groaned, totally drained out, not leaving his nest. "Ignore them, it's nice here." 

     Luhan blushed, the way Sehun said it was too cute and too good to be true. His hand slowly reached Sehun's blond hair and caress it slowly. It's not wronf, right? "Okay, then. But we still have one more ride to go." 

    Sehun groaned one more time, which made Luhan giggled. "Did you know you have a cute giggle?" Sehun said, smiling, his head still on the crook of Luhan's neck. "Get up, we're going to the Ferris Wheel, come on! It's almost night," this time Luhan shook Sehun hard on the shoulder. Sehun immediately straightened up, hearing the word Ferris Wheel. 

   "What are you waiting for! Lets go, hyung," Sehun stand up, waiting for Luhan to get up. Luhan would never thought that Sehun had childish side of him. "Okay, fine." And both of them went to the Ferris Wheel.

Hand in hand.


        Finally, inside the Ferris Wheel godonla, they sat in front of each other, the placed suddenly feel small with only the two of them alone. Their knees made a slight contact, and it made Luhan tensed.  Luhan glanced at Sehun, and he have this pokerface on him, making Luhan more tensed. Did this make him uncomfortable, Luhan thought, clasping his hand together. The gondola finally move and slowly they can see the whole amusement park in low lights. 

        It's almost night, and shiny lights decorate the earth beneath them. The crowd of people decreased in number, most of them already went home. It really feels like their the only one, in the world right now. Luhan smiled, while watching the scenery outside. "This is nice, Sehun," Luhan said, breaking the silence. "Glad you like it," Sehun replied, grinning, leaning on the side. 

       Not long then, the gondola stopped at the highest peak and Luhan accidently look down. "Oh no," Luhan gasped. He forgotten. 



        "I'm scared of heights."

        Sehun immediately sit up straight, not leaving his gaze at Luhan. "Why didn't you told me?" Sehun asked, panicking. "I'm sorry, it's just that I totally forgot, since you were so eager on riding the Ferris Wheel," whined Luhan, locking his eyes with Sehun. This is much better than looking the outside world, since their so high up from the ground. Luhan start to shrivel up in his sit, feeling uncomfortable. This is so embarassing, Luhan thought, closing his eyes.

        "Hyung, look at me." Sehun calmed voice, blanket over Luhan's uneasiness in the gondola. Luhan still had his eyes closed, not able to look at Sehun's eyes. Suddenly, he felt warm hands covering his already clasp hands. "Hyung."

       Luhan finally opened his eyes, slowly trailing his eyes towards Sehun's smiling face. "I'm here," squeezing Luhan's hands, Sehun shyly looked away from Luhan, and instead looked outside. Sehun didn't know Luhan was scared of height, those are the things he should know about him by now. But, he didn't. This, was the least he could do, and explaining what's happening outside was one of them. 

       "I see someone running with a balloon over there, hyung. I think its for his date. Ooops, he falls," Sehun said, laughing at what he was seeing. "Oh, and I think I saw a bear mascot hugging a crying kid. Which actually made him cried harder. And over there -" 

       "Sehun, stop."

       Sehun quiet down, actually embarassed that he did that for Luhan's sake, which Luhan found cute. "Thank you." 

      Sehun nodded, not wanting to see Luhan's face. He's so adorable, still stubborn to look at Luhan's face. He can imagine Luhan's face right now, smiling to himself while looking at their now intertwined hands, which Sehun found quite adorable. He felt a tingling feeling coming up from his hands to his face. It's so ticklish and he wants it away. 

      Luhan quietly formed a small circle using his thumb on Sehun's hands. He just want Sehun to be comfortable around him, and maybe do something else. Their day together was what Luhan expect to have with Sehun, fun and lively. It was not boring and there was never a dull moment with him, which Luhan is grateful for. He didn't regret meeting this boy, never had and never will.

      "Sehun, again, thank you. It was really fun, today.  Maybe we can do this some other time?" Luhan said, with truth is his words. He did want to spend time with Sehun more, and he just hope that Sehun felt the same way. The same way, Luhan wondered. Like what? Him liking me? Luhan thought to himself. It'll be good if he does, becuse Luhan have already fallen head first since their cotton candy incidence. It was sweet and surreal, it was not a meeting of chance that every lovers wanted to have, but that what's make them different. 

    It was uncalled for, but they received it and now here they are, having their first date. "I'm glad. Sure, we should do this dating thing more," Sehun answered, after watching Luhan's expression soften. What is he possibly thinking, Sehun thought. 

    Luhan nodded, and they caught each other eyes. The moment they looked each other, they have only one thing in their mind. 

    "Can I - " they say simultaneously. 

     "What?" "What?" they said together.

     They finally laughed at each other, totally comfortable with their understanding with each other. Their unspoken words was not heard, but hope that the other one knew it. Sehun finally decide to make his move and inch closer to Luhan's confused face. Sehun took the moment to appreicate this moment and this boy who had shown him that love could be as sweet as cotton candy. He could finally admit it, "I like you, Luhan." 

   And without a second thought, Sehun cupped Luhan's refine cheek, ready to make his move when suddenly, the gondola started to move.  Sehun abruptly went forward, to close for comfort towards Luhan, but not wanting to lose this moment. 

  Luhan, totally unprepared, just close his eyes. I could die rigth now, Luhan thought, smiling inside. 

   Their lips finally meet. Sehun kiss the bottom of Luhan's luscious lips, and grazed on it softly. This was the moment that Luhan had finally waiting for. Their first kiss, in a Ferris Wheel, no less. Forgetting his fear of height, Luhan swing his arms around Sehun's neck, wanting more. It wasn't passionate, it was just sweet and non-hasty. They just took their time, like they were the only one in the world. 

      Luhan finally broken off the kiss, and smiled stupidly to Sehun. Sehun whined, which Luhan laugh softly at.

     "I like you, too." He had wanted to tell him that all day, and nothing could be better than telling him now.

     And it was all pink and cotton candy, down their road together as a couple. 










smiling stupidly  I could never do a romantic scene holy 

Note : I didn't proofread this, so I'm so sorry if there is any mistake. 

I love u all. <3




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lovehaelovehyuk #1
Chapter 2: Oh.finally ve found something interesting to read. Love ur writing style and fresh idea as i can said. Gonna upvote this story to give u more motivation to write such a lovely stories again.<3. thanks. love u.
This is so adorable
probably the most adorable thing I've ever read *u*
Thank you :D
BieLaBie #3
Chapter 2: HA HA! this is soo adorable!! *^* too sweet!! Auch! Cavities hurting me xD

Lovin this ♡
CandyJar #4
awwwwww! sequel .. omg i can't
Thank you for writing the sequel! Soooo cute and fluffy <33
CandyJar #6
Chapter 1: Cuuute omg i need some sequel here
JennyLovesThat #7
Chapter 1: omg hunhan feels
Chapter 1: Aww so fluffy!