Sweet Love

Pastel Pink Apron



"I told you it's a girl," the raven-haired boy says. His other friend was not amused.

"Dude, look closely it's a freaking boy." Raven-boy wailed in bewilderment at his friend's statement.

"Shut up, how could a boy look like that, huh Sehun?" the boy asked the annoyed Sehun. Tell me why am I here, again. They were sitting at a bench in an amusement park and is facing a cotton candy shop just a feet away. The cotton candy shop was small but it is cute for its size. Decorated with cute flowers infront of the shop, it gives a friendly vibe which attract tourist and visitors inside the shop. The shop walls was made of glass, where people could see the kinds of sweets and chocolate that is sold there. The interior design was cute, painted with pastel colours which many girls have a thing for. Nevertheless, the employees there was kind of attractive, which is bonus. 

But, right now, Sehun and Barom(raven-boy), is in a heated conversation on a certain boy/girl in the cotton candy shop. Sehun befriend Barom to the amusement park because he couldn't stop talking about this 'girl' at a cotton candy shop. Curiosity get the best of him, and here they are debating on his .

"Look, Barom. As much I love you--" Barom ewwed Sehun. "That girl got no , he's obviously a boy," Sehun suggest, wanting to leave the place. He could go and pick up girls somewhere else for all he cares. He even wore neatly, just in case this girl was all-talk just as Barom suggested. He could drown to hell.

"The only one who doesn't have any is you --"

"Fine, fine."

Sehun was already tired from this conversation, and he's really carving something to eat. It was 2.00 p.m, and they haven't gotten anything to eat yet. Sehun saw a couple of girls glancing at their way and giggled. He noticed their gazed and grunt. "We better get away fast, some people is already thinking we're here on the date."



"Keep your opinion to yourself." Barom sighed, deeply hurt that the trip here was a bummer. Not only that they found out the girl is actually a guy, they were mistaken as a couple. Sehun shivered at the thought, if I was gay, it won't be him.

Sehun look once more at the cotton candy shop. A pair of eyes was already on him, watching him intently while dealing with the customers inside. Sehun was surprised but still lookng at him. They hold their gaze, as if wanting to know more about each other, sending telepathic messages through each other's eyes. The boy's doe eyes let one more lingering look and look away shyly.

Sehun, on the other hand, has his eyes fixated on the doe-eyed boy. That look was somehow adorable. Kind of child-like. After some thoughts, he finally look away from the boy behind the glass wall and sighed.

"You're not wrong about the boy being fascinating, Barom." Barom look up from his phone, glancing at Sehun. "I said it was a girl, Sehun." "Boy who looks like a girl, same difference."

Barom gave a questioning look at Sehun, but then gave attention back to his phone. "Hey, do you think he got a boyfriend?"

"W-what?" Now this really caught Barom's attention. Sehun ignored his friend's petty looks. But, Barom won't give up on bullying Sehun. "Am I hearing right, Sehunnie? Are you really questioning me that, Sehunnie? Are we going to talk about his uality now?" 

Barom, you head.

"Hey, do you want some chocolate?"

The smirked on Barom's face drop as he saw Sehun giddy face. "Oh my God, you're serious."

"Let me repeat--"

"God, I heard what you said, Sehun. Are you--" silence. "Are you a bendy straw?"

There was a moment of silence before both of them laughed along each others. "Holy , Barom did you really use that metaphor?" Sehun stops laughing and smiled at his friend. Barom smiled back and shook his head in innocence. "What are drama majors for?" 

"Thanks, Barom-ssi. You know I'm just gonna talk to him, right?"

"I hope you're not the cat."

Sehun scowl at his friend's indicent joke and put it aside, but grin a little at his friend's understanding. "Sorry I took your main dish away, Barom." "Eh, I was the one who thought he was a girl."

Sehun glanced one more time at the cotton candy shop, and sure enough, the pair of doe eyes was looking at him again. As Sehun look back, the boy turned his head away with a hurt face. Sehun was confused. "Hey, I'm gonna go now." 

Barom took out his phone again and play his previous game. "Good luck." At least someone is not at lost here.





Sehun went inside the shop slowly, after he let some elderly couple walk in. He could almost hear Barom's laughing at his politeness to the elders. Sehun can't helped it, he was nervous. He wants to make a first good impression on this boy.

Still not entering the shop, he checked his image on the glass wall. Was his hair combed perfectly? Did he tie his shoes? Oh, wait he was wearing Vans. Is his shirt straightened? He was so busy checking himself out, that he forgotten the people inside could see him. "Luhan, what's that boy doing?" Luhan was surprised by a female employer while he was swirling the cotton candy around a stick. Noticing where the girl was looking, sure enough, there was a blond hair boy looking at himself infront of the shop. He was swinging his head side to side, it almost seem comidic. "I think he's scaring some customers away, Luhan hyung do something." 

The girl took his place at the cotton candy machine and let Luhan took care of this strange customer. Well, practically he's not a customer since he's outside, Luhan thought. Straightening his pink pastel apron, he slowly went closer to the main entrance. Sehun was still deep in his thought and looks, that he didn't sense Luhan's present on the other side. Try knock, Luhan suggest.

Nah, this is golden.

"Excuse me," a couple of girls pushed Luhan aside and pushed the entrance door forcefully that it knocked Sehun right at the nose. Luhan heard a loud "OUCH" and he can't help grinning from ear to ear. The girl mumble a few sorrys before they went to their dates with chocolates in their hands. 

"Eh, hello. Did you push the door?" Sehun asked Luhan, the doe-eyed boy he had saw just now, after he regained his balance. Luhan look at him with amusement. "No."


"I think you did," Sehun said, pinching the bridge of his nose, making him sound like one of those constipated elephants. Not that he knows.

"What? No, I did not. And it was your fault for standing infront of the door, looking at your own reflection in the middle of the afternoon. Besides, doors are for people to go in and out, you know," Luhan finished lamely. Sehun finally released his nose and look lowly at Luhan.

"You look like that kinda guy who delibarately push doors and hurts peoples nose."

"Are we still into that?!"

Sehun laughs and said ," So much for first good impression." 

"I'm sorry, what?" Luhan asked back. Suddenly, the girl from before called him back, to attend the cotton candy machine. "Luhan! I need you now, I think it's broken!" Luhan have totally forgotten that he was the only one who knows how to work the cotton candy machine. "You know what, wel'll finished this later." And Luhan rushes back inside the shop.

Sehun heard the girl shouts and it looks like it was meaning for that boy. Luhan, he thougth. Luhannie.

 Sehun was left laughing softly alone outside. Yeah, that boy is truly fascinating. Pulling the entrance door, he was greeted with a smell of sweetness and was amazed by the type of chocolates that was displayed at the shelves. Getting between the shelves, he checked each one of the chocolates and thought to himself how he never knew there was so many kinds of chocolates that exist in this world.

He also couldn't stop thinking about Luhan, how he dresses well in his pink pastel apron. Aside from the other male employess here, Luhan look best in that uniform. The apron compliment his slender waist perfectly, though it was quite plain at the back. No big deal, it's just an , Sehun thought. Luhan's milky features was also what makes part of him stands out from the rest. Sehun glanced at a certain chocolate. If Luhan was a chocolate, he'll be white chocolate.


 Suddenly, hearing a sudden smack, he jolted up his head and saw Luhan smacking the cotton candy machine with a stick. He was hitting it so hard, it almost seem like child abuse. "Work you stupid machine," it was not inaudible for the rest to hear, but it was so cute hearing it from the cute petite boy.

"Is there something wrong, Luhan?"

"What, how do you know my name?" Luhan asked back. Sehun ignored it and walked towards Luhans work place. The machine was not that complicated, but it sure look new and pink. Glancing at Luhan's uniform, Sehun snickered. It's too bad he couldn't snap a picture right now. "It won't work?" Sehun assumed.

"I'm so sorry, Luhan. It was my first time," the girl, which Sehun assumed who shouted helped, cried almost pleadingly.

"It's so easy, you just need to twist and turn, twist and turn, twist and---"

"Wow, you got a big temper for a cute boy," Sehun cut off reaching for the machine and inspect it. He had work at his father's workshop, so he know a little thing how cars work. This thing is not close to be a car, but Sehun's sure he knows the basic.

Luhan was actually surprised to Sehun's remark that he stop smacking the machine, which Sehun thanks for. Sehun look inside one of the holes where the cotton candy was pushed out. "There," Sehun pointed inside the hole," you got some sticky cotton candy inside. It won't let the other cotton candy pushed out. You just need to removed those sticky cotton."

Luhan nodded, embarassingly, and stick the stick inside the machine. "W-wait!" Luhan can't believe he let out a fuse in the workplace, infront of this blond-haired pretty guy, no less. 



Mush of pink cotton candy flew out of the machine in big chunks, covering the Sehun, Luhan and the girl. Sehun had time to cover his beautiful face, but his hair was not in luck. Luhan, on the other hand, was covered from head to toe, looking like an Abomanible Cotton Candy Man. "This is not what I work for," Luhan finally said.

"Now, that's what I called an eye candy," Sehun looks suggestively at Luhan. Luhan blushes and put the stupid stick down and took some of the cotton on his face and shoved it at Sehun's face. "W-wait. What the--"

Luhan keep shoving, that Sehun had to grabbed Luhan's arm, to protect his oh so beautiful face. "This face is off limits."

"Oh really?"

"Except for your lips."

Now, this got Sehun off guard. Did that really slip out of his mouth. This was suppose to be an unharmed flirting to a boy, not suggesting something else. Sehun look at Luhan who was looking at him with an unreadable look. Oh no, he's gonna run away,Sehun thought.

Surprisingly, Luhan suddenly laughs at Sehun. "Hahaha, wow. You, you really are something else." Luhan finally said. Though they are covered in cotton candy, nothing could ever beat the sweetness Luhan is feeling inside. "I am, aren't I?"

Luhan rolled his eyes in amusement. "You know, I still haven't got your name."

"Sehun. Oh Sehun."

Luhan nods, quietly picking cotton candy of his face and eating it. Sehun watched closely, as if thinking of something. "Here, let me help." Before Luhan could say no, Sehun has already picking cotton candy of his face. Luhan couldn't deny it, Sehun's soft fingers slightly touching his cheeks made him churned. The good kind. It's been a long time since he felt this way.

Sehun playfully graze his fingers on Luhan's cheeks and picked up the last cotton candy on his face. He could finally see the face that made his heart pacing fast. Luhan's pink lips made his face compliment the cotton candy that covered his body. Sehun smirked. "What?" Luhan said.

"You do suit in pink." Sehun received a playful punch on his shoulder. Sehun may not have the best first impression, but he sure can make a nice last impression. He hopes Luhan might have and interest to him, as he was to him. 

Suddenly, the entrance burst open, and stood there was a bewildered Barom. "What the hell happen?"

Luhan suddenly felt uneasy and took a step back from Sehun. 

"Why are you covered in cotton candy, Sehun and --" Barom stop midway.


"Ah, Luhan."

Suddenly, they heard a loud sigh. " Did you guys really forgotten that there is a poor vulnerable girl over here?" Oh, it was the girl from before, Sehun thought. "Oh, hey! Isn't it Luna," Barom finally recognized the girl, admist the cotton candy which had covered half of her face. Luna huff a grunt, not wanting to be humiliated. "Whatever, you know if you guys wanted to flirt, you guys better do it where you're not in public. Did you know what I have to endure, here?" Luna said dramatically. 

"Must be one of Barom's classmates in Drama," Sehun said. 

Sehun finally ignore Barom and Luna, who was actually fighting whether pink suited her or not, and gave attention to Luhan. Luhan have been quit for a while, what happen? "Hey, are you okay. Do you need help removing the -"

Luhan shook his head, with a sad face. Luhan saw that Barom guy getting all close with Sehun that afternoon at the bench. He knows there's something between them. Trying to get away from Sehun, Luhan turn around and walked away. "W-wait."

Sehun finally grabbed on Luhan's arm, which was kinda slippery because of the cotton candy. "Woah, hold on sweet thing, what's wrong." Sehun said jokingly, but than drop the smile when he saw Luhans look. "Hey,what's wrong," he meant it this time. 

"Isn't that your boyfriend?"


"Isn't he? I saw you two being close at the bench just now. Its- Its not like I was looking at you the whole time. NO! No, that was not the case because Luna keep pointing at you two, that I - I," Sehun shoved some cotton candy into Luhan's mouth, which made him shut up. Swallowing the sweet poison, Luhan glanced down, embarassed and feeling weak at the spot. The cotton candy just better swallow him whole right now. 

"First of all, eww, Barom and I are not like that. Don't even think about it." Sehun cringed at the thought. 

"And second, if I was to swing that way, it would be you." Sehun laid a finger on Luhan's cheek, taking a speck of cotton candy and it off from his fingers. That made Luhan blushed rather than mad in rage. "That was so cheesy." Luhan finally respond.

"You know, lets start over. Meet you tomorrow?"

Sehun know he is serious in this relationship and he was surprised how it started in an upbeat and 'wow-I-never-thought-it-wil-turn-out-this-way' kinda thing. He have to thank his friend Barom, for this.


The day started with no hope and solemn despair but it ended in a way that Sehun could never imagine. Covered in cotton candy was one of them, but partly because of a doe-eyed boy called Luhan.

He just hope the path in this relationship is all cotton candy and sweets.





wow what did i did im srry

Comments are greatly appreciated. :)










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lovehaelovehyuk #1
Chapter 2: Oh.finally ve found something interesting to read. Love ur writing style and fresh idea as i can said. Gonna upvote this story to give u more motivation to write such a lovely stories again.<3. thanks. love u.
This is so adorable
probably the most adorable thing I've ever read *u*
Thank you :D
BieLaBie #3
Chapter 2: HA HA! this is soo adorable!! *^* too sweet!! Auch! Cavities hurting me xD

Lovin this ♡
CandyJar #4
awwwwww! sequel .. omg i can't
Thank you for writing the sequel! Soooo cute and fluffy <33
CandyJar #6
Chapter 1: Cuuute omg i need some sequel here
JennyLovesThat #7
Chapter 1: omg hunhan feels
Chapter 1: Aww so fluffy!