Chapter 4


I'm engaged.”


KyungSoo's mouth dropped as an impact of the pleasant news, at the same time earning a casual punch from his brother as he accused him of disbelieve, but urgently grasped him and congratulated both SeungSoo and himself mentally for his favorable cooking skills and sense he never know of possessing. A grin escaped his lips and the elder's stare became quite skeptical.


Yah, how dare you laugh at me like that? Don't think it's all thanks to you. Without me and my exceptional looks it would all be nothing.” That was the boundary of KyungSoo seriousness as he gradually kneeled to the floor, pressing his hands on his mouth in an ineffective attempt to stay cool as he heedlessly giggled at his narcissistic brother. After regaining the ability to stand up again, KyungSoo patted his brother shoulder and told him to dream on, then soundlessly made his way to the bedroom, helplessly hoping that tonight he might sleep.




Helplessly hoping and yet sleep definitely wasn't his friend. He laid in his bed, with laptop sitting on the pillow. Somehow, he developed a habit of checking through Facebook every night for a little while, even though he was determined to deeply scorn that site. On the other hand, Pinterest was included in his daily routine, reviewing through countless images of fascinating scrapbook ideas, inspirational quotes, adorable puppies and phenomenal drawings.


KyungSoo always wanted to keep a notebook, diary or scrapbook; anything that would allow him to scribble down his thoughts on paper as a neat record of everything. Yet, the most he wrote was eight pages; three years ago.


He was made of quotes; when he wrote them down on post-notes and kept them on a shelf, between the pages of books he would often read, only to uncover tens of blue notes on a unpredictible page. They encouraged him, baffled him, depressed him. He had a favorite one that was stuck on the first page of his favorite book.


To the world, you may be one person; to one person, you might be the world.”


Actually, he found that one in one of the fortune cookies he's mother used to buy on her way home on Tuesdays, in the local store. He once asked why Thuesdays, she replied that on the certain day, she opened her first fortune cookie and it read that her life will take a big turn because of a little thing. That little thing resulted to be him. Frequently, he accursed himself for those deliberate despicable thoughts he had about her. His mother who, despite the abominable words and ruthless slaps thrown at him, loved him greatly.


Since the young years, he seized his love for dogs from his grandmother; comparable to an endorphin pill, those massive, gleaming eyes just make you beam. KyungSoo had a dog at the age of four, he named it Bubble due to the fact that puppy adored baths. But the dog aged faster than the little boy and shortly Bubble perished, leaving the child crying himself to sleep, apologizing and regretting the time they weren't united. He plighted for Bubble to be his first and last pet, because he suffered to see it go, while he had to stay here.


Definately, KyungSoo couldn't be described as a outstanding drawer, but he liked to sketch a distinctive flower or an ordinary face he came across on the street, from time to time when he had the time to get bored.




3am. Eyes still boundlessly open, earphones plugged in to the phone, shuffle on. Oddly, “Fun – Some Nights” were streaming through the miniature speakers.


It was cold again.


3:56am. Eyes closed, music muffled, off to dreamland.






JongIn was stuck, pondering about resuming dancing, when all of a sudden he woke up ten minutes ago. Did he really want it? Yes, he did and he pleaded it for a whole year. Though he never defined the reason for stopping, deep inside he needed to punish himself just a bit more, for the calamity. Once again, as if his voice, piano, life, wasn't enough. He wondered, at five in the morning as to why he ever decided on this? It wouldn't make SeHun materialize before him, if he penalized himself just enough. But what was enough? That's where the question laid.


He was drained by this life, to the point where he hesitated if it was still life. No dedication or hobby, no evident emotions, a slight change from time to time. JongIn needed to go back to it all, to confront the situations and places that made him recall, and from scratch, start again. He just lacked the motivation and was desperate to find it.


It was hot.


Idly, he found himself arising from the cozy bed for a cup of orange juice; tonight, the water was too tasteless. As soon as his heavy head settles on the feathery pillow, he floated away in unconsciousness.






KyungSoo dashed around the house in hectic, shoving through everything inside out and cursing secretly, which was truly dissimilar of him, as well as the fact he was late. Today was truly, unlike Do KyungSoo.


! Hyung! Hyung, have you seen my keys? Or my phone? Wallet maybe?” Chaos was one of those peculiar things KyungSoo shunned.


Late, lost and cursing? Ok, now tell me stranger where is my dongsaeng?” SeungSoo let out a brief grin and gave him concise directions to the misplaced items. Keys on the sofa, wallet in the drawer, phone in... His hand. KyungSoo shook himself, noticing that his phone was in his hand all the time. He must've been unquestionably exhausted today.


Here, drink it.” Blithely, KyungSoo gulped the too-sweet coffee and headed off with a rushed goodbye on his lips, to the shop where YiXing might presumably slaughter him. Typically, YiXing was serene and lovely, but there was one indefensible thing, alas that was being late.


He sprinted for wholly long, getting utterly tired from the lack of exercise he had for years, since he relinquished from the basketball team in highschool.


He felt a tough object crash into him on the corner of the building, and a shaggy creäture around his leg as his balance was gradually gone. He was prepared to fall, yet didn't meet the ground. A hand was firmly holding his arm and hauled him up straight. Slightly appalled, he came upon misty eyes of a sublime boy towering over him. He would've remained paralyzed for a while, if only something wasn't resolutely scampering around his legs. It was a dog. A puddle look-alike. Without second thoughts, he got on his knees and brushed the dog's fluffy fur. The presence of the boy only struck when the dog barked. He haven't even spoke a word yet.


Erm, thank you, I mean sorry for bumping into you, I-I... Cute puppy.” He wanted to clarify himself, but the clock was ticking and he had to run to the shop, abandoning the boy behind.


KyungSoo would've sworn he'd seen this face before, yet he couldn't put a name with it.


He felt the shirt sticking to his back when he finally got to the doors of the shop, which already read 'open', reminding him how late he was. Normally, he would be the one to open the shop and Lay would arrive half an hour later to collect the orders and head off to his father, then come back around 2pm to keep KyungSoo company for the rest of the day. But today wasn't normal and it got him off-track. His undeniable routine was amended and KyungSoo was lost in the minutes.




Lay, oh-my-god I'm sorry.” He mumbled as he entered, panting and searching for the counter as if it had its position altered since yesterday. Lay stormed off to the door, while rumbling.

Aish, Do KyungSoo, where were you?! Oh my god, my father, oh my god, oh my god, I need to go.” That was all KyungSoo heard before the door shut sharply behind his friend's back.



After sitting down for a little while to rest, KyungSoo got on with his daily chores. He dusted the mess, arranged the albums in new order, checked the CD's. Today, he felt like playing something contrasting, other than the tunes that were always on replay. Instead of the typical pop, he felt like rock. On random, he played 'Royal Pirates – Shout Out'.






It was past ten and LuHan was nowhere in sight. JongIn was trotting in spot, locking his eyes on Monggu who when only felt the opportunity, began racing around the park, with so much energy he was bouncing. JongIn smiled whilst gazing at his four-legged friend. He missed the other ones, but his sister insisted on taking care of them in her place, so he didn't contend and was still able to see them once in a while when his family visited SunCheon.


Finally, he spotted a slim silhouette walking in his direction. LuHan.


He only got a pithy 'hello' from his friend, who's weak smile was turning into a frown. Hey, what's wrong? He shook his hand in the direction of the puppy, which vigorously run into his arms as he applied the leash around his tiny neck and dragged LuHan towards the bench next to the one he sat on yesterday. In the second his friend opened his mouth to speak, JongIn smelt the extravagant alcohol in the air, radiating from LuHan, who like always, haven't shown any signs of being drunk.


I'm so stupid, aren't I? Eh, I actually hoped for him to like me you know? I actually did.” LuHan's hand were shaking a bit, a habit of his JongIn got to know well, when he was anxious or exasperated. He let out a sigh and focused his eyes on the grass, allowing his head to dangle.


I saw a man coming out of his apartment, dressed in casual, holding ramen. Smiling.” Witout a legitimate reason, LuHan's eyes started glimmering, a lonely tears travelled down his cheek as he caught it on his fingertip. JongIn seeing this, picked his head up and made an intensive analysis of LuHan's bittersweet and fatigued expression. JongIn felt like looking at a stranger. LuHan grinned at his own behaviour.


, what's wrong with me Jong?” It's love LuHan. JongIn smiled as he gesticulated the words, whole heartedly, in slow motion, for LuHan to think about every one of them. That was the end of their conversation for a while, LuHan said nothing, while JongIn played with his dog, letting him think. Unknowingly, they decided to go for a walk.


Monggu was leading.






I'm hoping to see you soon. Bye.” KyungSoo watched the door close themselves behind the customer who seemed to have bought half of his precious CD collection. He liked when things were selling well, but it felt like he was losing something at the once. Even though new copies would be here the next day, it wasn't the same.


Another ring and the door opened revealing a sullen MinSeok heading towards him, with a plastered smile on his face that KyungSoo immediately noticed. His pale face and swollen eyes with visible veins, declared a sleepless night filled with tears.


Hyung, where did you disappear yesterday?” With a troubled face that didn't seem to fade, he gave him a welcoming hug. MinSeok's head hang low, eyes on his feet all the time; KyungSoo pulled him to a chair so he would rest, because it felt as if he was to pass out in any second.


MinSeok snapped back, saying he went home, at KyungSoo who felt slightly intimidated by his abnormal behaviour. KyungSoo gave him a questioning look, quietly asking why and trying to smile a little.


Because I wanted to, what it's to do with you?”


I-I won't ask again.” KyungSoo bowed his head in apology and took a step back just in case. They fell silent, MinSeok mumbled a soft sorry and sighed heavily.


“KyungSoo yah, I didn't mean to, I just have a bad day.” MinSeok kept staring at his feet, not even lifting his head for a second. Avoiding KyungSoo's eyes, who though slightly offended by the insulting attitude, was truly distressed about him. KyungSoo opened his mouth to ask why, but MinSeok seemed to notice faster.


Yesterday, in that café, I saw LuHan with someone. They were sitting together, laughing and holding hands. All that, it was overwhelming and I just couldn't stand it. It hurt.” MinSeok blinked rapidly, trying to escape from the image. KyungSoo thought for a minute, recalling the two boys sat across them, the dark-haired boy who didn't speak. Was that him? Somehow, KyungSoo found himself wishing it was the other boy. He didn't quite knew why.


Hyung, maybe they're just frie-” He stopped midway as the bell rang in the room and the door opened, unraveling the two boys from café. KyungSoo nearly suffocated himself at the sight, while MinSeok stood up and walked in their direction. Slightly feared, KyungSoo expected a confrontation, but MinSeok only walked past them, brushing the shoulder of the shorter boy who opened his mouth to greet him. Poker faced, without any emotion; MinSeok left.


The light-haired boy swallowed aloud as he sank to the floor, heavier and heavier, until he barely held on his fragile legs. As if all the blood rushed out of his body, his skin became paler then before and eyes were gone. He gave a pathetic smile and made a gesture to his friend before leaving who nodded sympathetically. Walking out, one leg dragging behind the other.




Welcome to Quaver. May I help you?” KyungSoo said with a trembling voice, trying to act ordinary. The boy was still, keeping his dog on a leash close to his leg. KyungSoo felt out of place and didn't know how to response to the silence.


So... Do you have a name?” His voice got more stable, but was stiff. He needed to remember something, but he didn't quite know what it was.


The handsome boy was looking at the white grand piano, smoothly touching the edges of the frame and keys. It made a slight sound when he pushed too hard. He ignored the question and continued pressing keys, until the first notes of the melody could be heard. Comptine d'Un Autre Ete. A few notes and it stopped.


I know this melody, where did you learn to play that?” Now only KyungSoo's voice echoed. Still, nothing but silence. The boy towered over KyungSoo and looked at him closely. His hands began to move, making quick signs that the cashier didn't understand. Finally, he pointed to himself and then pressed his finger against his own lips. I only speak silence.


KyungSoo felt confused, but the last gesture made it clear. He remembered, muteness. The scene from the café played in his head. He was so perturbed upon MinSeok and the other boy's demeanour, he'd forgotten the most significant fact.


You don't speak...Ah.” He uttered to himself, but still made it audible enough for the other to hear.


Well, I'll leave you then.” He stepped in the other direction, but was stopped by a hand that tapped his shoulder lightly. He spoke through his hands, but seeing that the cashier was only standing dumfounded, he began to make simple gestures. Again, pointed to himself, then to the piano and played two notes. Can I play?


You, you want to play?” Uncertainly, KyungSoo stared at his hands, thinking of the meaning. The boy smiled widely and nodded. Yes.


Sure, go on, play as long as you like, I don't think anyone will mind.” A smile formed on his face as he saw the boy's face lit up with happiness and excitement as he sat on the chair and placed his hands on the keys. Comptine d'Un Autre Ete. KyungSoo left him alone and started rushing around the shop, cleaning everything again until it shined like a mirror. He was listening carefully to all the melodies that were floating around as the notes came out, one by one, played by the boy who didn't speak.



One question formed in his mind. Why this song?



The melody stopped and the strange boy got up. He gave KyungSoo a folded note with a smirk on his lips , leaving instantaneously. KyungSoo unfolded the note and saw a handwriting so beautiful, he would've called it calligraphy. One word.







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Chapter 2: Comptine d'un autre été is just perfect for this cliffhanger! It's like butterflies flutterring aimlessly and then abruptly stop at that sudden confession. I love Kaisoo but the prospects of LaySoo makes me all excited too!
Chapter 1: Eeekk! What an interesting plot. I'm looking forward to an update!