Chapter 2


KyungSoo, I think I like you.”


His head swung low, witnessing KyungSoo's impassivity, he deplored at his own words. It's like butterflies fluttered aimlessly and then abruptly stoped at that sudden confession. The adamant heart, until a luminous spark entered his eyes for a split second. The eyes that studied Lay with a aghast expression, yet in a delicate manner that still held hope. His lips began to form somewhat of a abashed smile that caught Yixing off guard. KyungSoo was investigating the boy's face that yet never resembled that gentle and delicate features; only now he caught the dimples, the eye smile and the habit of biting his lip when nervous.


Haltingly, checking if he's allowed, the fragile arms reached out and wrapped KyungSoo's lean figure closer until the warmth of the other's body ran through his skin in a gentle embrace. A smile formed on his face and he situated his hands on Lay's athletic back.


Thank you,” Yixing was dubious about the meaning of the two straightfoward words, as he thought to himself, KyungSoo continued, “for telling me that, I guess I was foolish enough not to see, but I am blind to some things. You had to open my eyes for it and now as I see it, I'm uncertain of my own feelings. You're, something I cannot describe. Not a brother, or a friend but more, yet not close enough to be called a lover.” His heart skipped a beat in astonishment at the lingering words. He was something 'more' to the other one. Something more.


Let's go out then, like a date, you could say. Maybe then you would be able to, hmm, decide.” Lay's pale cheeks were replaced with the color of fuchsia and maybe, for a millisecond, you could say an emotion was present in KyungSoo's eyes, too abrupt for anyone to see.


Good idea, but you have to do something for me.”





Hyung, I have a date! Can you believe it?” He restlessly rushed around the house since morning, from one place to another and nothing would've kept him still.


Dongsaeng ah, calm down. You're running like an idiot. So what's her name?” KyungSoo grinned secretly. His pleasing attention shifted to his brother.


It's him and his name is YiXing, or Lay if you like.” SeungSoo bit his lip as the mistake occurred to him. The boy, content with the situation, danced carelessly, tripping on his very own foot from the commotion.


Ah, right, I forgot. I think I'm getting old. Anyway have fun, eat lots and you know, not on the first date.” The juice KyungSoo was just holding was half spilled on the white tilled, half gulped in flabbergast. A clear frown was visible on his face when his eyes narrowed and faced SeungSoo, nevertheless a laugh escaped his lips.


Honestly, hyung, you idiot. I am leaving this place of sin.” The door to his room shut and a deafening giggle was heard.


I'm just saying.” SeungSoo's chuckle was flowing around the house, as if it was the most amusing and priceless thing he had experienced; while KyungSoo was fading into his silky pillow at the mention of him doing 'it' as he fell onto the bed. He was a grown up man it wasn't an unknown thing to him, but just the fact it came out of his own hyung's mouth, it all just sounded, wrong.




Hello, I'm YiXing, I'm here to meet KyungSoo.” A rigid and agitated boy stood in the doorway, with another boy snickering at him at the thought of the conversation before.

Hi, I'm SeungSoo, Kyungie's older brother. Nice to meet you.” No one said no more and the atmosphere was uneasy.

So, how old are you?”

I'm, hmm, I'm... I'm year 1991.” Lay stuttered and SeungSoo swiftly changed his tone of voice as well as speech.

What a situation, I guess you're older than me.” His formal speech appeared unwieldy to Lay; he requested to call him hyung and just 

speak casually.

Well then, friend, come in.” The emphasis of the word 'friend' caused YiXing to grin, he himself unsure of the reason.


He welcomed himself into the house and sat on the sofa where SeungSoo indicated him to.


KyungSoo yah, hurry up, your friend is waiting for you.” And again, the emphasis, only the voice transformed into a mock. Older brothers, they never let the opportunity to embarrass the youngsters slip away.

So, I can call you Lay, right? That's your nickname?” The vacant expression of YiXing's eyes as they stared into the colorless ceiling, in realization of a question being asked moved to glance at SeungSoo.

Yes. Yes it is. And yes, you can.” KyungSoo's brother gave him a friendly smile and hit his arm playfully.

Oh, don't be so stiff, relax. I don't bite.” He bit his lip, because his nerves were gambling with the feelings. Was is so obvious he felt a bit uncomfortable?


Fortunately, KyungSoo sat on the sofa and waved at his friend, saving him from hos own brother at the same time, to which Lay was very thankful.

Hi Lay. I'm sorry, I was a bit distracted thanks to some person.” His eyes tightened and he glanced at hyung, who chuckled as KyungSoo mouthed 'you die' and moved his index finger across his neck. He then proceeded to help the other boy get up and held his tensed arm in his tight grip.


Hyung, I left a whole lunchbox, full of food, for you and JaeKyung. It's on the counter. Good luck and you know, not in the park.” A derisive snicker was all SeungSoo heard before he cursed silently at the blunt revenge. Lay didn't understand most of what was happening, so he made the decision of being reticent until he leaves this house.


Yah, Kyun-”

Bye, hyung.”


He dragged Lay outside and asked where they planned on going. A while later, he received an answer, to which he jumped frantically, almost hugging Lay, yet instantaneously backing off.

I thought you would like going to the theatre. I mean, I know it's nothing special, but you've never been there, so I tho-.”

It's perfect.”




The sound of the feet being dragged across the pavement ended precipitously, when KyungSoo stopped in the middle of a step.

What about the shop?” This day wasn't b with work, which, for someone like him, was something new and sometimes absent.

Don't worry, I asked my friend to look after it. He'll earn some money and we have a day off.” KyungSoo was never to realize how much effort Lay put in to prepare for today, how much stress he was in to impress him and what it took to keep the audacity he held for now.

Who is it?” KyungSoo examined his mental list of all Lay's friends he knew, and he knew most of them, so it wouldn't hurt asking. He needed to be sure that the shop was under good hands, sure that nothing damaging could be happening to his asylum.


Oh, isn't he the one that used to play soccer with us?” Lay acknowleged and KyungSoo began contemplating and remembering the boy he used to run around on the field with, the one who always cleaned everything up and the one he told all his secrets to. They were quite similar, both had an eye for details and mess.


With that, he evoked the other memories that drifted back. MinSeok bullied by the school idiots, called names too shameless to speak out loud. Everything because of one uncontrollable reason; he had an eating disorder. Disturbed to even comprehend how much self loath he had inside that gaunt body. What agonized KyungSoo was the constant reminder of the help he never given. He tried for MinSeok to eat. He bought him home-made food in various shapes and tastes. From egg rolls to rice pandas, all for his friend MinSeok that soon drifted away from him, as the time went by. To be honest, KyungSoo missed him sometimes, when he alone in his room, thinking about the boy who loved Spongebob and the boy who wanted to be a feather. Sometimes, he wanted to call him, but the button never got pressed as the courage to ask how he's been, vanished away.


"We should invite him to my house sometime, don't you think? You know, for helping us with the shop.” But really, he just wanted to check that the continual need for the stomach to grief in hunger faded and he felt fine.


You don't just simply forget your old friends.


Mm, we should. I'm sure he would be happy to seyou again, you haven't spoken in so long.” A genuine smile form Lay who then delicately pushed his fingers though KyungSoo's and intertwined their hands in one, without a glance at his partner in order to abstain his reply, still KyungSoo only gripped the hand tighter and stepped by his side at a regular pace.


Are we going to watch something?” KyungSoo asked with eagerness as they marched along the alleys, that Lay once showed him when they were going to his house.

The Secret Garden, I think you'll like it. It's a play from 1995. You remember Chen and BaekHyun from the class opposite ours in highschool? They're taking part in it too, Chen's even playing Colin.” YiXing spoke about the play, feeling agitated and thrilled about it. KyungSoo listened attentively to his words, although Lay was talking about a whole new world KyungSo yet never had a chance to see. Jubliant, that's what he felt now. His routine was alternated and disturbed by someone and today he was free of his mind. Yet still, his eyes were empty. But YiXing was too engaged in the date to notice it.






JongIn dragged his legs across the fractured pavement, earphones playing music vociferously, world revolving around. He held his phone and waited for a message, head held low. His pace and heartbeat harmonized together with the song as Kurt Cobain sang his lines in 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'. He had a thing for Nirvana and Kurt. He liked his story and maybe sometimes he aspired to be like him. Became a leader of the young generation, taste the world, show who he was and die young. Maybe he wasn't brave enough to end his life, but if a car was coming and he was in the middle of the street, he wasn't sure if he would move.


Aish... He bowed his head in rush and moved away, peering at a couple holding hands, captivated in each other's eyes and complacent, touring through the alleys. He exhaled the held oxygen and deterred his inquisitive eyes. Eveything reminded him of SeHun. How they walked hand in hand, waved their hands at strangers, danced to upbeat music, talked about nonsense, sat in his room showing each other aimless videos.


Linkin Park, Numb. The song now matched his feelings. Emotionless. He could see SeHun in front of him for a split second, on the ground, as the car came and he bounced away, only then realizing he was in the middle of the road. Only now JongIn realized, he would move. Maybe there was still something left in his life. He let a weak smile form on his lips when he looked back at the two boys holding hands, as they dissappeared in the corner.


Someone was still expecting him in this world. A soul mate.






Lay, wait, where are you going now? In the middle of the performance. Lay, are you listening to me?” YiXing completly ignored KyungSoo cries. He stood up and waned behind the enormous doors, while KyungSoo stayed sat like Lay requested him to. He watched Chen act as Colin and BaekHyun played the violin along the flute. After a while, the curtains flung open again, right after the Secret Garden cast bowed and sang their goodbyes. This act began with a blackout, on the stage and the audience. Then, the sound of a piano began to play and KyungSoo found himself closing his eyes at the sound of Comptine d'Un Autre Ete, accompanied by the feeling of memories.


A couple of keys were hit by the fingertips of the player, the stage lit up and a massive charcoal-colored piano appeared along with a boy and smooth traverse of his fingertips along the notes. The boy who, KyungSoo realized was Lay.


In a second, the stunned look became a pleased smile and loving eyes, as he watched his friend vanish in the sounds and absorb himself in the melody as he transformed himself into one with the piano and keys. Austouding.


When the musical finished, they went to meet the boys and congratulate them on an impressive performance they did. Both recognized KyungSoo from their school years and talked for a while, but then YiXing, with the oblivious KyungSoo, winked at BaekHyun and they left excusing themselves with a meeting.


Wah, I can't even describe my feelings right now, that was really something. And you play so perfectly. You know, when I asked you to play me that song, I never though you would do it in such a way.” Lay embraced KyungSoo in his arms, as the petite boy laid his head on his shoulder, overwhelmed with feelings.


YiXing was now looking into KyungSoo's eyes as they rested on a park bench. He was exploring his features, but his gaze stopped at his eyes. You could portray them as grey, they were black before. Lay was seeking a spark, a highlight, a little emotion, but he found emptiness. He thought to himself that the spark comes with time, but inside he knew that KyungSoo haven't yet found himself, or his soulmate. Lay knew he wasn't going to make those eyes spark, and his delicate heart hurt when he looked at his first love, called Do KyungSoo.






He was running to the café now, where his friend, LuHan awaited patiently. He knew JongIn was going to be a bit late, he was never punctual, no matter how hard he tried.


After the accident, LuHan and JongIn got close, very close. Like best friends and they had one unsaid rule between them; never speak of SeHun, not even his name.


JongIn bowed his head and held it down low.


Sit down Jong.” The corners of his lips turned up into a forgiving smile.

You ok?” JongIn nodded. He gestured to LuHan to get him a latte macchiato and pointed to his wallet showing he'll pay. LuHan dissapproved, explaining that he's the hyung and it would be his fine for him to pay. The younger boy started gesturing to LuHan, who talked back casually. How have you been doing?

Really good. Actually, I met this boy three weeks ago. He's really nice and kind and treats me really well. Still as a friend, but I think, maybe, I'm hoping for something more. I don't know, I'm not sure, but maybe I do. He's smile mersmerized me and I just can't stand it. You know Jong, I think, actually I am, in loved.” LuHan was dazzling and sun rays were blazing out of him.


JongIn could definitely see the golden highlights in the eyes of his friend as he talked about the boy. Apparently, he was quite small and very skinny. He had short brown hair with bangs that covered his whole forehead and he looked like an angel. Glowing. He liked to play soccer and go shopping, watch Baby Huyi and eat miso soup made by his parents. His favourite color was blue, he loved listening to ballads and wanted to be an architect.


LuHan was glowing himself and JongIn was pleased to see his friend like this, nonchalant and vigorous.


LuHan tought himself the language of silence only to talk to JongIn, who was speechless. He would often come to his house and ask what this or that gesture meant until he was able to talk to his friend and move his hands in the same graceful and elegant way his friend did.


JongIn had a beautiful voice that LuHan never got to hear.






The boys walked over to the shop and YiXing started to wave to the cashier.

Hello, hyung.” KyungSoo also made his way to the counter that originally was his place fo work, but he was okay with MinSeok taking over for a while, at least he knew it was all cleaned up and shiny.

K-KyungSoo?” He stuttered at the presence of his once good friend. A soulful smile appeared on his face and he went to give him a short hug and get a good look of his new presence. A definite change. More sharpen features, hair longer and styled, casual style in the contrast of the messy thing he was in highschool. His eyes lost color as well and MinSeok saw the eyes he once owned when anorexia was eating him away. Dull and empty. He kept on smiling and welcomed them both for a cup of coffee.


It feels weird to invite you to your own shop for a drink, but, would you like some coffee maybe?”

Sure!” Lay and KyungSoo answered in unison as they both recognized MinSeok's coffee-making skills; the best coffee you could ever drink. Everything was measured out to taste perfectly, and it did. The barista bought the coffees to the table and they sat around on the floor in circle. All curious about each other.


How have you been hyung?” KyungSoo was the first one to ask as he couldn't stand the waiting, because he wanted to know if he's been okay, if everything was good and how he felt now, did he get better?

I'm good, now even better.” He smirked and YiXing gave him an asking look.

What do you mean?” They both stared intensively at MinSeok, who got a bit startled by the sudden gain of attention.


It's just that,

a special person has entered my life.”  

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Chapter 2: Comptine d'un autre été is just perfect for this cliffhanger! It's like butterflies flutterring aimlessly and then abruptly stop at that sudden confession. I love Kaisoo but the prospects of LaySoo makes me all excited too!
Chapter 1: Eeekk! What an interesting plot. I'm looking forward to an update!