' how it begins

' divided - bighit's new girl group
Chapter 1: how it begins
                                               "and today we welcome the newly debuted girl group, divided with their first single, shampoo!" the mc announced, his grin widening as the girls came onto the screen each of them dressed in matching white outfits, their hair all perfectly set and make-up highlighting their natural beauty. each and every member had their fair share of beauty.

"now, listen up, we've been looking forward to this moment for a while, some of us longer than others, but this is it girls. this is our big chance to prove to everyone that ever said we wouldn't make it that we're going to be one of the biggest groups out there." the leader announced from her position in front of the other seven pairs of eyes that were all staring back, some with hope and some with determination. "you can only do your best, so let's give them everything we have."

yoonmi was the first to enter their basic dorm, it was just as they had left it this morning before their third debut stage of the week, a complete mess. she was surprised to see that none of the cleanlier members were running ahead trying to fix whatever was wrong with the small living space. she let out a soft sigh and threw her tired body down onto the bottom half of the bunk beds, unlike her roommates, her bed was made and covered in small plushies. despite being one of the leaders, she still enjoyed having cute little things to decorate the simple room. or at least, it used to be simple and clean. now it was just a mess.
she had her roommate to blame for the laptop sat in the middle of the room, the countless pairs of sweats and shirts thrown across the floor after a mad rush to get ready. yes. it was all her roommate. eunjoo had never been the neat one, she didn't care for things being organised or having everything put away in a wardrobe. sometimes yoonmi was surprised that eunjoo cared enough to change clothes everyday, the younger was one of the laziest members.
"eunjoo, can't you clean up for once?" the leader grumbled into her pillow when she heard light footsteps head towards the beds. they came to a halt and she could just imagine the younger of the two standing with a frown on her face as she thought about her answer.
"i'll try, sorry." and that was the only answer yoonmi would be getting for the duration of the night.
"where did everyone go?" yeojin asked aloud, looking towards the two figures sitting down on the floor in front of the television set. she let out a little sigh and sat down next to the two others. hyera, the maknae, was already falling asleep in her sitting position, her eyelids shutting ever so slowly only to open again a few seconds later. yeojin laughed inwardly at the baby of the group, it wouldn't take long for her to finally sleep. she really lived up to her expectations of being the cutest.
"i think most went for a nap" the second girl explained, resting her own head against the couch for a moment before deciding that she should probably get up before she ended up like the others. "will you help me prepare dinner for everyone?"
there was a small debate in her head until yeojin reluctantly agreed to help cheonsa. it never ended well when they had to cook together but as both leaders and most of the other members were already sleeping or hiding in their rooms, they didn't have much of a choice.
standing up, yeojin stretched her limbs before following cheonsa into the kitchen. she wasn't much of a cook, ramen was probably the most successful thing you could get out of her but rather than complaining, yeojin decided to just go along with it and save herself from another lecture about her lazy habits.
"does this chicken look cooked to you?" cheonsa questioned, tilting her head slightly while trying to inspect the contents of the frying pan. the sound of cooking had awoken some of the members, gaining her better help than yeojin who had managed to cut her finger while cutting the vegetables, she had wailed for at least twenty minutes and claimed to never perform again because of the terrible injury that cheonsa had caused in some magical way. 
haemin peered over her shoulder and gave her a reassuring nod before going back to whatever she had decided to prepare. cheonsa was sure that for the past ten minutes she had just been staring at the rice machine while she tried to cook the chicken and yoonmi hurriedly finished chopping the vegetables.
"wah, this smells so good!" a soft voice said from the entrance of the kitchen.
"ooh, it does smell good, how long will it be?" another chirped.
there was a moment of chatter between the two voices before cheonsa turned to stare down the noisy two. miyoung and hyera.
those two were joined at the hip, wherever miyoung went, hyera followed and chaos shortly after.
"out of the kitchen" yoonmi answered, obviously having the same thoughts as cheonsa. they didn't need half of the dinner eaten before it was even served.
it had been such an eventful day for the girls and each of them were glad to be sitting down at last with a meal prepared for them. eight filled plates had been given to each of them and a wide smile followed by a thank you. the two leaders were the last to sit down, their own smiles a lot deeper in meaning than the others. they had finally done it. they had finished their first week of promotions. they were in a group. they had debuted after all those years of hard work and now they had six other girls to thank for that.
Author's note
                                             finally! the first chapter is up! it's a little short because it's just an introduction to all of the girls (apart from ahri but there's a reason for that) and their dorm-life. the next chapter should hopefully be a lot longer and up soon but i have a lot of exams coming up so i can't promise when it will be up but i will have something for all of you! thank you!
(also, the 'shampoo' in the first line is linked to the performance)
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ilabya4 #1
Chapter 1: omfg asdfghjkl this is a perfection >.<
so hyera is close with miyoung? <3
i love your writing style!