
101 Signs that You are in Love (drabbles)

5. You listen to him everyday on the radio. [Eunhae.]

Donghae doesn't mind not being packed with a schedule. Even though he likes going out and seeing the fans, every now and then, it's nice to be a normal teenager who can just stay at home and go on the computer.

So on his days off, that's what Donghae does. Except, Kyuhyun is always on his computer, never relenting unless Sungmin comes around, and Eunhyuk's laptop is always locked, much to Donghae's dislike. This means that Donghae has to settle with internet-surfing on his phone.

He turns on the radio and immediately switches to Sukira. He smiles immediately at hearing Eunhyuk's voice. He wants to call in, but he was never any good without a script. He wishes he could be as natural as Eunhyuk and Leeteuk, but he's always afraid he'd say something wrong. Because of this, he lives by the script on shows and such.

As he listens, he goes on his phone and scans through photos. He laughs at some that he's found, and raises eyebrows at others. He wonders when some were tooken, even.

He wants to text Eunhyuk, but he knows that his phone would most likely be on silent and he wouldn't see it until afterwards. He simply listens as Eunhyuk and Leeteuk talk, missing both of them a lot.

Kyuhyun walks into his room later and asks, "Will you turn that down?"

Donghae shakes his head. "The louder it is,  the more it seems like he's here."

Kyuhyun rolls his eyes but walks away. "I swear, those two can't go a day without each other," he mutters as he leaves.

Donghae smiles and continues listening, closing his eyes as the sound of Eunhyuk's laughter fills the room. He can't wait to see him later. A couple of hours is too long.


A/N: This one is set when Donghae returned from filming his Taiwanese drama and had nothing to do and was posting twitter photos of Eunhyuk and such, haha, and texting Leeteuk and Eunhyuk when they were at Sukira. I was going to mention the photos he put up, but since he put up three, each on a different day, I decided not to, since this drabble is set in a one-day time frame.

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Chapter 29: So cute <3 I know this is rare but could you make a kyury Drabble?(Henry/kyuhyun)
Chapter 29: KangTeuk please? Can you make one on their first hug after kangin returned from the army or a convo between them about teukie's enlistment right after kangin's return? Kamsahamnida... ^^
hebteuk #3
ohh! i liked these kangteuk's 3 chaps..can u make more kangteuk :)
Chapter 29: Aww, this is cute xDD
"Can I be a pink proton?"

pleaseee do a hanchul one ;__; you left me there with the angsty drabble *sob*
Chapter 29: lol..
rereading this all over again and saw my comment down there..
i love this.. do update when you want.. =D
shesworthit #6
i have that signs too!! LOL
Chapter 4: <3<3<3<3 Hanchul is just perfect! This is the best HanChul drabble I've read :3
Chapter 13: Chapter 1& 13 are my favs! They are extremelyyy cute :3 So cutee I could die xD. Pleaseeeee update soon. You're a really good writer!
Maybe you can do a hanchul? At one of the super shows, after Hannie left, some fans held up a huge and noticable "Hankyung" banner and heechul started crying, errr sorry I don't have the video :(
please update....