Angels are funny

'cause a life without cotton candy is no fun

"Goddammit! Changmin stop changing into other people, you freak me out!" the black haired demon throw a plastic cub after the younger. The whole last week the boy decided to change into every person he knew, to practice his skills. But all he ever managed to do was changing his appearance, not one word could he speak nor change his clothes. Not that Jaejoong would mind, he tried really hard to reach the next step on his skills, but the black haired demon slowly went insane. Everyone would when suddenly strangers would appear in your apartment, sit on your coach playing video games or taking  showers. The first time it happened, when Changmin saw this really cute looking girl, changed into her and thought that it would be funny to take a bath in Jaejoong bathroom. When he found out that his protected just wanted to look at "his" s, he throw a fit. Slowly the older demon came to the thought that Changmin might did it just for the fun of freaking him out.

"Hyung, I think I can get it slowly." Changmin sat in his favorite spot on the coach, while starring intensive at the television. With a short glance at same electronic device Jaejoong answered amused "What can you get? How to make muffins?" The boy shot him a glare "I mean the man, I try to copy his voice. Sometimes I can say a word right." "Impressive, but don't overdo it. It takes years to perfect your skills." smiling Jaejoong left his protected, since he got earlier a message from the council. He went into his room and closed his door. Slowly he began to draw with his finger in the air, making a symbol that began to glow after he draw the last sign. The glow formed a fancy looking door with a chain around the middle.

"Open the gate,

 let me in

for my sin."

And the chain broke.

The abyss was dark. It wasn't all red and black with souls hanging on every wall. It was just dark. A nice, cozy dark. "Jaejoong." the gate keeper nodded at him. Jae gave him a crooked grin and began walking to the council's place. He needed to cross half of the abyss to reach it and in human form it would be a lot more burdensome. So while walking he began to change into his real appearance. His straight black hair went into a tousled form, his eye color changed into a deep blue and his all day clothes disappeared for a black cloak, black jeans and same colored boots. His nails and canines grow sharper. Ice crystals sprayed around his footprints as he made his way over to the council's castle. He surely missed his real form, changing on earth was a lot more complicate, since rule 85: "It is not allowed to show your true form to humans, unless it was unavoidable."

"Yo what's up popsicle?" sighting Jaejoong turned away from the castle door and looked at floating men above him.  " You float in the air not me. So apparently you." the men blinked confused until he got it and began to sink to the ground "You are no fun, gelato." "Gelato? Really? Why are you even here, shouldn't you pluck some chickens?" the black haired demon crossed his arms as he looked at his way younger brother. "Uh, the angel are no fun! Also I heard the council talking about a difficult case, so they HAD to contact you! I wanted to see you again." his brother smiled proudly at him and wanted to take a step closer when Jaejoong's arm  stopped him "You have guard duty and left! Are you retarded? Every moment an angel could come here and snatch something important! Go back to your guard and hope no one saw you! Now." The eyes of his brother went wide and he began to run of to somewhere, hopefully his guarding place.

"Jaejoong it is a pleasure to see you. Please sit down." the highest of the council members smiled at him fondly. Jaejoong smiled back and took the offered seat on the round table. He sat in between the first and third council member, on the seat of the long lost second member "We summoned you today because one of our informants went missing. We assume someone kidnapped her. It is important that no one beside us gets her information."

 "I understand. Is she a demon?"

"No. Her name is Stephanie Hwang. She is human, made a deal with one of our soul takers, for her information we cured her from an angel's curse."

"Angel's curse, so she was a prophet. Then I know where I will begin to search. Is there anything else?"

"No. You are allowed to leave, don't disappoint us!" The third council member sneered.


 Jaejoong scoffed as he fell on his bed with a soft bounce. The glowing door faded and only his appearance reminded of the place he just visited. "Hyung," Changmin busted into his room, but was fast left in awe "you look amazing." The older demon growled and let his head fall back on his soft bed. He remembered that the younger one hadn't seen his real form in ages. "So what is your job? Hunting a traitor, fighting angels or something like that?" Changmin's eyes glowed and Jaejoong knew what was happening "No you won't come with me to help! I just need to visit an old acquaintance." "But hyung, I need to test my new improved skill and I know you mean that one angel that doesn't care who he gives information as long as he gets a reward!" Jaejoong sighted, his protected would never leave him alone now "Okay, you can come. But, you will do exactly what I say."

Jaejoong already knew when they stand in front of the angels door that it was a really bad idea to take Changmin with him. He just wouldn't shut up."Hyung, hyung! You know angels are funny, they taste like pureness." And literally in that moment the door opened and the wanted angel stared at them "Now that is an interesting information."

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ilabya6 #1
So good!!!!!
BunnyHunny1996 #3
Hello! I'm new to this website but I hope you will read my fanfic! It's more about YooSu but there are more rated R scenes of YunJae! (hinthint: chapter 3 is a YunJae scene winkwink) I hope you will enjoy!
shymusicgirl #4
I really like this
sheerasyj #5
Chapter 1: Wow..this is interesting...looking forward to updates...
Neng2ovid #6
Chapter 1: This is a cute story. Keep going.