Baekhyun; Meeting a friend on the journey.

Unexpected Relationship.






"VACATION?!" Baekhyun's voice rampage through the whole neighborhood as the elders, whose only at front of their house, yelled back at the shouting smaller male.

Kris knew, well he is Baekhyun's father, that Baekhyun likes vacation. Their first vacation, which is only a week without school days, is what Kris been waiting for. He decide to have a father-and-son vacation, Baekhyun was pleased at first until Kris added the sentence that caused Baekhyun's rage.

"Vacation with them?" Baekhyun asked once again as he settles the elders to forgive him for shouting at the middle of the afternoon. Once again, Kris plastered a jokingly pout, causing Baekhyun to twitch in his spot and let his beloved father to explains.

"Actually, it's not a father-and-son vacation. More likely, 'Four Monthsary.' " Kris tugged a small smile, looking at his son. Baekhyun wasn't convinced to his explains as he started to nag again.

"Well, if it's a celebration of lovers. Yixing-appa and you should go alone." Baekhyun replied firmly.

"I don't want that." Kris retorted.

"And I don't want to be alone with Chanyeol!" Baekhyun finally snapped. He didn't yelled like the first one, he wonder if the elder heard him again.

"You guys are underage. We'll be a terrible father if we left you guys in here, in Seoul." Kris stated.

His father got a point, Baekhyun thought. If he'll be alone with Chanyeol, more insults would come. And if ever, they're really were alone, in the same room, no one can guess what's gonna happen and Baekhyun is afraid of it.

"Fine. But, I'll bring Jongin." Baekhyun blurted and finally given up. Kris huggled his beloved son into a tight hug and gave him a few light kisses in his nose, shouting, 'Thanks, Baek!'


Dinner was spacious as Kyungsoo cooked them their favorite cuisine. It was then Baekhyun realized that Kyungsoo wasn't with them for the past few weeks.

"Where were you last weeks?" Baekhyun asked Kyungsoo, who's washing the dishes. Kris had to run an errand for his business of for his lover. The thought of that made Baekhyun wants to hurl.

"Oh, I was with my grandmother and I have to be with her 47 hours straight." Kyungsoo replied with a sincere and soft tone of his. Baekhyun likes Kyungsoo's voice. It was just like a music without any melody to Baekhyun.

"I see." Baekhyun said, almost whispering. Then he smirked as the person that Kyungsoo adore crossed to his mind. "Jongin missed you." He blurted.

Kyungsoo's body spun around to face the grinning Baekhyun. Still holding the plate he's currently washing. Kyungsoo's cheeks were flushed as Baekhyun's shirt today.

It was dark red and Baekhyun could point out that Kyungsoo was deeply blushing about it.

"He does?" Kyungsoo asked, almost a muffled as he turn his body around, rinsing the other plates.

Baekhyun plastered a victory smirk and noted to himself that he need to message Luhan about this flushed Kyungsoo for hearing Jongin missed him.

"Yep." Baekhyun replied. Fishing out his phone to check who was calling him.

The screen was buzzing as Baekhyun stared the dim-light screen on his phone. He didn't know who's calling him. It was unknown number.

"Who's calling?" Kyungsoo asked, placing the washed and dried plates to the counter. Baekhyun shrugs as Kyungsoo got the glimpse of Baekhyun's worried eyes.

"You don't know?" Kyungsoo asked, confused as he skipped to the chair, where Baekhyun is sitting uncomfortably. It was probably some strangers who want to bully Baekhyun again, Kyungsoo thought.

"Let me answer it." Kyungsoo grab Baekhyun's phone as Baekhyun glued his eyes on the doe-eyed male. Kyungsoo was braved and a person who can rely on.

As the fifth time the phone rang, Kyungsoo pressed the screen said, 'Answer.' and he place the speaker to his ear. He didn't want to have the conversation public due to the fact that this guy might be saying dirty or bully Baekhyun. Kyungsoo couldn't take the risk of hurting Baekhyun.

Once Kyungsoo answered the phone with his deep voice. The caller seems to be in a shocked mode as it didn't answer after the gasp when Kyungsoo answered.

"Hello?" Kyungsoo repeated, this time with impatient in his tone and dominating.

"Who is this?" The caller asked. Causing Kyungsoo's brows to meet in the middle.

"That's suppose to be my question. Who is this?" Kyungsoo asked, making sure he put a irritating tone on his question. Baekhyun went to the living room and decided to give Kyungsoo some private conversation with the caller.

"Oh, you must be ... his friend. I'm Zhang Chanyeol." The caller, which is Chanyeol, replied with a wary tone. Kyungsoo's temper went down and his blood cooled down to the fact that he knew the caller.

"Oh, Chanyeol-hyung." Kyungsoo chirped. But not that loud.

"Kyungsoo?" Chanyeol asked.


"Oh, hey there."

"What's up? Why did you called this number?" Kyungsoo asked. He heard Chanyeol's heavy breathe and Kyungsoo noticed that the older might be nervous.

"Is Baekhyun there?" Chanyeol finally asked. The way Chanyeol asked the younger, it seem that Chanyeol was holding a deep breath.

Then it stung Kyungsoo like a lightbulb went to his head and lit up. Kyungsoo smirked at the thought he discovered.

"Oh, he's asleep." Kyungsoo replied. Making sure he can hear all Chanyeol's noise. He heard Chanyeol mumble something like, 'Too bad.'

"I see. I'll call some other time. Tell him that I got his phone number from his father." Then before Kyungsoo could bid a goodbye, Chanyeol hung up.

"That's rude." Kyungsoo said, eyeing Baekhyun's phone. He should save Chanyeol's number...

Baekhyun went back to the kitchen to find a grinning Kyungsoo.

"What are you smiling at? Did Jongin called and tell you he was in love with you?" Baekhyun teased. Even though Kyungsoo had most advance of teasing, he didn't care about Baekhyun's teasing. He'll just have to find it himself.

He return his phone and spun his firm frame to the kitchen sink, washing his hand thoroughly.

"Who called me?" Baekhyun finally asked. Kyungsoo didn't answer, but he just shrug his shoulder off.

Weird, Baekhyun thought and he ignore the weirdness behind those smirk on Kyungsoo's face.


"Finally." Yixing let out a shaky breath as he stretched his muscle on his arms. It wasn't a long journey, but for Jongin and Baekhyun, it does.

Jongin had a car sick inside of his soul and he couldn't take 5 hours of ride without any stops. Well, if Kris or someone among them is badly need to go to the bathroom.

On the other hand, Baekhyun isn't a car sick person. He was irritated to have a seat next to Chanyeol and Chanyeol's friend on his other side. Jongin need space for his sickness, so he's on the very back of the car. Groaning until Baekhyun shut him up.

Chanyeol's friend was handsome, to Baekhyun's view. He had a fair skin, you could notice it if Jongin would stand beside the taller male. He also had a slim body with broad shoulders. Those long legs, Chanyeol was the still the tallest in their year, but Chanyeol's friend was only like 2 or 3 inch shorter to Chanyeol.

His sharp jawline was attractive too. His small pinkish lips were like the softest to Baekhyun. And heck, he didn't even touch it yet but he felt it's as soft as Kyungsoo's lips.

Oh yes, he kissed Kyungsoo before. It was a stupid dare of Luhan to make Jongin jealous and the plan didn't went well. Causing Jongin to stormed out of Luhan's apartment, followed by Kyungsoo to follow the tan male.

Anyway, Baekhyun was listening to Chanyeol and Chanyeol's friend conversation as they proceed to the road. He learned the handsome boy's name, it was Sehun.

Sehun's voice wasn't as deep and husky as Chanyeol and Jongin's. But it was like the deepest voice Baekhyun heard.

He took a quick glimpse on the sleeping boy besides him. His eyelashes were long and his snores were that loud either. He was listening to a music and Baekhyun could hear the music coming out of Sehun's headphone.

Baekhyun noted, Sehun is a heavy sleeper. There were sometimes that Kris would crossed to a rocky road and the car would shake, Sehun wouldn't wake up. Instead, he'll just scooted closer to the window.

Jongin on the other hand was asleep. It was a good thing for Baekhyun. Knowing the stress relief of Jongin was only Kyungsoo's songs. He should bring that plan up when Jongin started to groan in frustration.

Baekhyun didn't dare to look at the other side, knowing Chanyeol was there besides him, he kept his eyes and all of his senses busy.

Putting his earphone on his ears and started to volume up the music. He wants to fall asleep, but seeing the view in front of him made him fully awake.

Kris' free hand is on Yixing's hand. They're fingers were intertwined and the way Yixing would giggle at Kris' jokes makes Baekhyun to hurl.

It wasn't 6 in the evening when they went to a rest stop. They're be sleeping in the car cause of the motel is full. Kris and Yixing went out to buy some dinner for them.

Jongin and Sehun woke up.

"Baekhyun-hyung." Baekhyun heard Jongin's mumbles. His head turn to face the sleepy tan male as Jongin move closer. Almost brushing their nose, but Baekhyun didn't mind. He think Jongin as his little brother. Jongin thought the same thing.

"I'm hungry." Jongin puckers his lips into a cutely pout as the words slip through his mouth.

"Wait.. Dad and Yixing-appa went to the convenient store for some foods." Baekhyun hushed the pouting Jongin.

"Are you guys dating?" Baekhyun's eyes widen as his body spun around to the source of the voice. Sehun just asked him. Oh yes he did.

"No." Jongin answered the question with a monotone. Sehun nodded his head, making Baekhyun to spun his head to Jongin's eyes. Smiling sweetly.

Chanyeol was quiet today, Baekhyun thought. He just only knew Chanyeol when Kris announced he has a lover and due to the sudden meeting, he knew the Chanyeol who would rant all about his days non-stop 'till Yixing hushed him with a spoon of spinach, which he learned also that Chanyeol hates it.

"Hyung..." Jongin called out and cut off Baekhyun's trance. Baekhyun hummed in a sweet possible tone to impress Sehun... Wait, why would he want Sehun to impress? Does he like the taller male? Does he like Chanyeol's friend? Does he like Sehun?

"I'm really bored here. Join me?" Jongin spread his arms widely as possible, inviting his favorite hyung to come to his arms.

"Kai..." Baekhyun groans his name. Sehun flung his head once again to the scene.

"Are you.. older than him?" Sehun asked, being the curious friend of Chanyeol, made Chanyeol want to punch him.

"Oh, he's older than me. He's a year older than me." Jongin chimed, tugging on Baekhyun's neck as he forcefully pull Baekhyun's body to the back side of the car.

"I see. So, you must be older than me." Sehun said, deadpan within his tone. Baekhyun's eyes widen to the words that Sehun blurted.

"How old are you?" Jongin asked, successfully pulled Baekhyun to the back row.


"Same as me." Jongin said, smiling at the milky skinned guy.

Baekhyun was shocked to hear that this guy, is only 15 years old. Chanyeol and Baekhyun were in the same age, so how can a middle-schooler...?

"You must be wondering why I have a friend who's older and is on High School?" Sehun said sternly. It was like he can read Baekhyun's mind.

"Chanyeol-hyung and I were childhood friends." Sehun confessed. Baekhyun didn't notice that he was staring at the younger's face. Chanyeol has started a argument about how younger his face were than Sehun and Sehun would defend himself by calling Chanyeol 'Yoda.'

Baekhyun couldn't help it to see to smile at the scene. Jongin join the fight as well, saying how awesome Chanyeol can be in basketball and how tall he is.

Sehun would snorted at the taller male and Jongin would laugh at Chanyeol's derp face.

Sehun notices the smiling Baekhyun, he lean in closer to the male without the two's attention at all. The two male were busy arguing about something Baekhyun couldn't hear.

"I like you smile, Baekhyun-hyung." Sehun pauses to smile. "Smile more."

Baekhyun's heart begun to pound rapidly and he knew, his cheeks were as red as Jongin's shoes.





A/N; Thanks for subbing and reading this story. :) 

Credits to the owners of the photos. :D 



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wonwoojpeg #1
Joonmyun is the babysitter haha! I'm excited to read this (: