
Unexpected Relationship.








"YOU WHAT?!" A 17 year old, yelled at his father's jokingly pout. Begging for his son to calm down as he gently rubbed his son's board shoulder.

The waved of shocked flushed through Baekhyun's body. Making his beloved father, Kris, to plaster a worried look on his beloved only child.

Kris didn't mean to make his son upset. "Baek, calm down." He waved his hands in front of Baekhyun's sight. Making the younger boy to look at him.

"You promised, though!" Baekhyun bellowed. "You promised you won't getting married or getting another lover!" Finally, Baekhyun's rage turn into like a flame. "I hate you!" As the words slipped through his mouth, he ran upstairs to his bedroom and locked the door.

He heavily panted out his breathe, how could he? 'He promised!' Baekhyun slide down as he leaned on the door, hugging his slim knees and begun to let out the tears he's been holding.

Night has passed when Kris realized that Baekhyun didn't even eat his dinner when he said he'll be out to meet with his lover. Baekhyun hated him by now. Kris went up to his son's room. Knocking the door lightly but louder enough for the younger to hear.

He didn't wait for Baekhyun to respond, "Baekkie, son. I'm sorry. I'll be out again to meet up with my lover. They'll be here to meet you too. Hope you come out of there and-" Before Kris could finish his rant, Baekhyun open the door with a half-lidded eyes and a messy hair. His eyes were swollen and red.

"You were crying all night?" Kris asked, caressing his son's cheek as Baekhyun nodded lightly.

"They'll be here?" Baekhyun asked.


"What time?"

"Around dinner."

Baekhyun nodded at the last word his father speaks. "I'll make sure I'll be ready and respectfully greeted them." Baekhyun muffled as his hand made it's way on his hand, brushing his palm against his plump lips.

Kris smiles lovely at his son and pecks Baekhyun's forehead. "I'll be out now. I called Mrs. Kim to make Jongin company you for the day." Baekhyun returned the smiles with a small one and his father went out.

A knock on the door made Baekhyun skipped towards the door, happily opening the door with full delight smiles as the tan boy appeared in his sight.

"Hyung~" Jongin cooed as he tug a small smile and enter himself in the room. Seeing Baekhyun's red eyes and messy hair. Jongin sighed in a irritated way and pull the elder's arm to make Baekhyun sit his in the couch.

Knowing the forceful Jongin, Baekhyun complied the silent command.

Jongin stare Baekhyun with a intense glare as the elder fidgeting on his spot. Not knowing what the tan kid would say. After a long minutes or so, Jongin fished out his phone and dialed a familiar number. Baekhyun waited patiently as the younger make a call.

"Yes, hyung. This is Kai." Jongin response firmly as the other person speaks. Baekhyun's heart quicken the pound as he see Jongin's glare once again.

Jongin hung up and stare blankly at the older, a few seconds, the younger let out a sighs. "What's gotten into you, hyung?" He asked worriedly. Baekhyun's let out the breathe his been holding when Jongin stared down at him.

Baekhyun shakes his head in a slow movement. Jongin sighs once again, "I called Luhan-hyung. He'll-" Before Jongin could finish his sentence, the door bell rings two times and Jongin hurriedly went to the door to greet the hyung they invited.

"You're father had a lover?" Luhan asked, puzzled.

"That's it?" Jongin asked, shockingly to know the reason of a Messy Bacon. Baekhyun simply nodded his head.

Luhan let out a heavy sighs. "Baek, maybe your father felt lonely."

"He have me!" Baekhyun retorted. Luhan facepalm himself. "What I meant is, he was lonely in his bed." Jongin smirked from Luhan's . It took Baekhyun a minute to realize what was the older was talking about.

"YAH!" Baekhyun bellowed. "My dad wasn't that kind of a person!"

"We know." The two said in unison.

Baekhyun sighs in a relief way and looks down at his lap, noticing the pants his wearing was yesterday. "I'll take a short bath." He said, standing up. "You guys can help yourself in the fridge. Oh, Kai, dad told me that you're banned for eating his chocolates pudding." And Jongin's smirking face became a sad face as Baekhyun slipped the words. Luhan laughed.

"You know what, hyung." Jongin said, ruffling the plastic bags that Baekhyun's father brought for tonight's dinner. "Since his father had a lover. We should congratulate Mr. Wu." Jongin said, smirking to the confused look on Luhan's face.

"In personal?" Luhan questioned, making his way to the sink. Jongin replied with a 'yes.'

Luhan puckered his lips and smiles in a sweetest way. "Alright then."

Locking himself in his room as his father came back home with someone he didn't know. Maybe his friends? But, before Baekhyun or those people could see him, he rushed to his room and locked his room for security.

"Baek-ah?" He heard Luhan called out for him. Baekhyun didn't answer as he skip to his bed and cover himself with his blanket.

"Baekhyun!" Luhan repeated the tone but with a louder voice by then. No answer...

"He's asleep?" Jongin asked as he climbed into the stairs, looking puzzled at the older. Luhan nodded his head up and down and knock softly on the door once again.

Kris followed behind Jongin, "Let him sleep, kids." The two shot their heads to where the voice came. "Mr. Wu... But, they're here. He should-" Jongin was cut off again as Kris patted his head. Jongin took the signal for them to went downstair and start to arrange the dishes and plates for the dinner.

Kris leaned closer to the door and knock softly, "Baekkie, they're here. They badly want to meet you. Would you come out and meet them?" Kris waited patiently to the door to open. When the door slide slowly open, Baekhyun was wearing a neat warm sweater with his brand new jeans.

The two walked downstairs; sensing the other people might be on the dining room, Baekhyun inhaled a huge air, Kris noticed his son and patted his head. "It'll be good. Yixing already saw you when you were in school."


"Yep. That's his name."


Before Baekhyun could register to his father's words, a long, thin arms wrapped around his body, tightly. "Ah! Baekhyun, you're so adorable in personal and close!" The other male chirped, causing Baekhyun to smile in a awkward way, eyeing the person that hugged him tightly.

He had fair skin with a deep dimples and a slim body. It was such a breath-taking person and he couldn't believe it that he saw how deep his dimples were. "U-uh, nice to meet you too." Baekhyun shakingly said, bowing at the sight of the other male.

"Don't bow at me, silly." Yixing jokingly pinch Baekhyun's cheek. Noting to himself that the younger's cheek were soft.

"I'm Zhang Yixing." Yixing introduced himself with a bright smile. Causing Baekhyun to stare his face 'till Kris patted his back for him to introduce back.

"I..I'm Wu Baekhyun, sir." Baekhyun bowed again and Yixing let out a soft chuckles. "I told you not to bow." Yixing repeated his words.

"Baekkie, Yixing and I started dating when I entered the art class two months ago." Kris stated. Yixing looked at him lovingly.

"Wait... what?" Baekhyun almost chocked out when he heard his father's word. "Two months ago? Then you're hiding this issue for almost three months?" Baekhyun frown and Kris gave him a sincere smile.

"Uh, excuse me..." Someone interrupted them and Baekhyun knew those husky and low voice. His eyes traveled to the tall person standing besides Jongin, taller than the tan male.

"I'm Zhang Chanyeol, by the way." The taller male said firmly. "Nice to meet you." As Chanyeol bowed his head. Baekhyun's white widen in surprise and he yelled, extremely loud as Jongin covered his ears.

"Baek, what's wrong?" Luhan asked, rubbing his inner left ear as Baekhyun calmed himself down. "Y-you're..." Baekhyun pointed out his index finger to the taller male, who's looking totally puzzled and scared when Baekhyun raised his voice.

"You're Chanyeol!" Baekhyun finished his sentence and Kris sighed in embarrassment, not knowing what to do with his son.

"Yeah, I am. I just told you that." Chanyeol replied with a matter-fact tone. Baekhyun shakes his head repeatedly.

'I know him. He's the... Why him?' Baekhyun cursed himself mentally, staring the taller male in front of him made him think, 'Maybe it's time for us to be friends.'










A/N; Here's like the prologue of the story. Hope you like it. :) 

Credits to the photos. :D 

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wonwoojpeg #1
Joonmyun is the babysitter haha! I'm excited to read this (: