Chapter 2

The Child that is called a Monster

The day after Baekhyun's arrival

"Sumgyeodo twinkle eojjeona

Nune hwak ttwijana

Beire ssayeo isseodo

Naneun twinkle tiga na"


  Baekhyun woke up to his favorite idol noona's voices. Turning the alarm of his phone off, he got up from bed and started getting ready for his first mission with Exo. He got his duck backpack, that was a bit bigger than his petite frame.

   After finishing packing his bag, Baekhyun left his dorm and headed towards... nowhere. Baekhyun just remembered that no one told him where to meet. He was wandering around the whole school untill it was already 8 when, he saw his seatmate Tao coming out from one the dorm buildings. Baekhyun immediatly ran to Tao.

"TAO!!!!!!!!!~~~~~" Baekhyun yelled at the top of his lungs

   The said person flinched and he started walking faster. Baekhyun caught up anyways.

"Tao~ Didn't you hear me call you?"

"Oh really? I'm sorry. I didn't hear you." Tao scratched the back of his neck and gave Baekhyun a small smile.

'Wow... no matter how you look at him, he's obviously faking that smile.' Baekhyun threw Tao a sincere smile anyways. "Thank god I found you Tao."

"What's wrong Baekhyun?" Tao was obviously forcing himself to talk.

"Well... No one told me where to meet up for the mission so I was wandering around the campus searching for you guys when I found you!!!"

"Dammit! I should've went outside earlier." Tao murmured "Oh! We were supposed to wait at the main gates at the entrance. Since we're both headed to the same direction, should we go there together?"

  Baekhyun's expression was brighter than the sun itself. "Really?! You would be willing to do that for me?"

"Of course! You're not only my seatmate but, you're also my teammate."

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you sure?" Tao raised his brows.

"What are you talking about?" 

"There's no one watching. Just be yourself." Tao's eyes widened

"Wh-What nonsense are you spouting?"

"Though I have only talked to two of you for now, I think you guys are interesting. I don't get why you act thou-" Tao slapped his hand on Baehyun's mouth before he can blabber more.

"Don't tell the hyungs."

"Sure." Baekhyun saw that they already arrived at the main gates. At the main gate, there was a total of 6 people. They began introducing themselves one by one.

"Hello, I am Luhan and I like you." The guy had big doe eyes, pastel pink hair and he was wearing a MCM bag.

"I'm Sehun. Don't go near my Luhan or bubble tea cause i'll slash you to pieces and feed you to the porks." The guy had rainbow hair and was sticking to Luhan like glue.

"I am Kris and you're not my style." The said guy was a giant with a face.

"You already know me but, i'll introduce myself again. I'm Kim Joonmyeon but, call me Suho." Baekhyun looked at the guy better and noticed that Suho was actually pretty small.

"I'm Chen~ Hope we get along." Chen was giving Baekhyun a creepy grin so he quickly looked away at the last person to be introduced. The guy was a giant with yoda ears, that was smiling ear to ear at Baekhyun.

"I'm Chanyeol~ I will protect our group from you." Baekhyun sighed. 

"We should get going." Suho announced

"What about the others?" Baekhyun asked "They're only 7 of you here. Aren't there 11 members in Exo?"

"The others are already left." Suho replied to which Baekhyun gave a 'o' face.

  The members entered the van that the school provided them with. It wasn't big but, it fit them all in. The ride was silent if it wasn't for Baekhyun trying to start up a conversation with everyone. Suho, Luhan and Tao were the only ones who were talking with Baekhyun. Luhan was the only one Baekhyun was not awkward with though.

"Baekhyun, are you perhaps wearing eyeliner right now?" Luhan squealed

"OMG!!! YOU COULD TELL?!?" Baekhyun squealed back

"OF COURSE I CAN!! I don't wear eyeliner though. I'm more into my clothes than my face."

"Why not buy both though?"

"Budget. I can only afford to buy clothes with the money that I earn."

"How much do you earn?"

"5000 dollars per month. Well it depends on the request I do."

"I know what you mean. I would also buy some more clothes, but, my budget is tight this month."

"Where do you get your money from? Isn't this your first job?"

"Oh! I did some part time jobs here and there before coming here."

"Your salary?"

"6000 dollars every month."


  Luhan and Baekhyun turned their heads to the owner of the voice. 

"So you were listening to our conversation, Tao." Luhan chuckled

"N-no, I just heard about Baekhyun and your salaries. I have a question though." 

"What is it?" Baekhyun was excited because Tao was finally talking with him without putting up a act.

"Baekhyun, you earn 6000 dollars, just how much make up do you buy that you do not have money for clothes?"

"Hahahahahaha!!!" Baekhyun looked at Luhan and laughed both of them started laughing like crazy. "T-Tao do you really think we spend all our money on clothes or make up?"

"Well... you don't?" Tao tilted his head in confusion.

"We have to pay water bills, electris bills, rent, and other things too. Did you really think I would spend 6000 dollars only on make up? There's crazy, but, that's just insane!!!" 

 Tao embarassed about the question he asked looked out the window ignoring his surrounding. Baekhyun who saw this felt guilty and tried cheering him up. He gave up after half an hour of trying. He went back to talking with Luhan.

"You know tommorrow's Saturday right?" Baekhyun nodded "Let's go to the mall! I mean if it's okay with you."

"THE MALL?!? OF COURSE IT'S OKAY!!!" Baekhyun yelled making the members in the car flinch from the sudden loud noise.

  Luhan was having so much fun chatting with Baekhyun he didn't notice someone looking at him with a longing gaze, but, Baekhyun saw everything.

"I'm gonna go on a total shopping spree~~" Luhan pratically sang out

"Don't you need someone to help you carry your bags? I'm already hands full with my bags so I can't help you."

"True..." Luhan put his hands on his chin to think while a certain someone snapped out of his gaze and looked at Luhan with eyes shouting out 'Pick me!!'.

"Why don't we take Sehun with us?" Baekhyun suggested.

  The said guy gave Baekhyun a small smile of thanks which Baekhyun returned with his own smile.


Yehet Bank (A/N: I am sorry for my lame names...)

  They parked their van in the parking lot next to a black van. One by one the members got out of the van and were heading towards a secluded area.

   If Baekhyun had to describe the area he had one perfect word to describe it. Suspicious. Very suspicious. There were  four men in the area. Two guys had glasses on and were sitting on the bench cuddling like there was no tommorrow. The other two guys had hats on and were pointing at him while whispering. There is no way how someone would not think that was suspicious.

   Well, the other members sure didn't think that. Suho and Kris led the group to those suspicious people and started talking with them. Baekhyun was about to rant to Luhan about how this could be dangerous and they could get robbed but, he shut his halfway open mouth when he saw the 'suspicious' people take off their hats and sunglasses.

   The four men stood in front of Baekhyun and one by one, they began to introduce themsleves.

"Hello. I am Minseok. I am the eldest here, even if I look like this." The guy was shorter than Baekhyun by a few centimeters, had chubby but cute cheeks, and his eyes were big. Basically Xiumin was the epitome of cute.

"Hi... I'm Yixing..." The guy had eyes that made him seem like he was lost. He also had dimples.

"Hello. I'm Do Kyungsoo. I am very sorry if the members acted rudely towards you." Kyungsoo had a motherly feel, if Baekhyun had a mother maybe he would have Kyungsoo's aura, is what Baekhyun thought when he saw and heard Kyungsoo speak.

"I still don't accept you but, I accept the fact that your cute-" Kyungsoo smacked a tan man's head.

"Kim Jongin. Introduce yourself correctly... or else." Baekhyun thought he saw a knife in Kyungsoo's hand.

"I am Jongin and I hate you." If someone told Baekhyun to describe Jongin he would just say these three words: y but annoying.

  After Baekhyun finally met everybody they decided to start the mission.

  Their mission was to stop some stupid robbers who announced to the whole world that they would be robbing the bank today. They decided to go back to the van and wait for the robbers there.

  Baekhyun went in the van where Tao, Luhan, Sehun, Chanyeol and Yixing were.

"So let's go back to talking about shopping~"

"It's been such a long time that i've had a friend who I can talk to this about!!!"

"I know right?!? No one in Exo cares about these stuff so I never had a friend who I can talk to this about."



"Hahaha- wait what? Bacon?"

"I said Baekhyun."

"No. You said Bacon. You definitely said Bacon."

"It's because I said Baekhyun to fast tha-" Luhan was interupted by a loud alarm noise coming from where the bank was. "The robbers already came? I couldn't even talk with Baekhyunnie that long."

"It's better if we head out now." Chanyeol stated while he was smiling(?)

  The team got out of the van and ran inside the bank building. Inside the building, there were men wearing black clothes with a black beenie that completely covered their faces up. Half of the men were holding guns while the other half was with knifes.

   All of the members got into action and began showing their powers to Baekhyun.

   Kris ran towards Chanyeol as fast as he could and spread his wings. He carried Chanyeol up with him. Chanyeol took a deep breath and burnt the enemies from above. They reminded Baekhyun of a fire breathing dragon. Luhan who was next to him did him the favor of explaining the member's powers.

"Kris has the ability to fly and Chanyeol has the elemental power, fire."

   Joonmyun was getting ready to fight with Chen by his side. 

"Joonmyun and Chen are called the elemental 'couple'. Joonmyun element is water, while Chen's is lighting. Their elements are perfect for each other." Luhan explained while Joonmyun was soaking the opponents with water with Chen electrocuting them.

    Kyungsoo had Jongin watching his back while he prepared to stomp his foot.

"Kyungsoo has the earth element. Jongin has the ability to transportate.It's pretty rare to see Kyungsoo fight though. Kyungsoo hates violence you see."

   Kyungsoo's stomp made a huge earthquake. Jongin quickly transported Kyungsoo to a safe place before Kyungsoo gets hurt and started backhugging him. Baekhyun looked away from the scene. It was too fluffly for him.

"How about Minseok and Yixing hyung? How come they are just watching the others?" Baekhyun asked

"Oh! Minseokie hyung has the snow element. He doesn't like fighting at all so we don't force him to. Yixing has the ability to heal so he's pretty useless on the battlefield." Luhan replied.

"Then what about you and Sehun?"

"I am a telekinesis user while Sehun is a wind user. My ability can't be used in close ranged combats so I stay in the sidelines. Sehun doesn't like to fight alone although he is strong so he stays with me." 

  Baekhyun glanced at Sehun who was currently glaring at him. Baekhyun guessed it was because of jealousy and felt a little sorry for for stealing away Luhan. He decided to let Sehun be alone with Luhan for awhile. 

  Baekhyun was walking in the middle of the battlefield looking at his teammates kick the robber's butts, when, he saw Tao fighting the robbers. Normally, he would've just ignore Tao but, the way Tao was fighting intrueged him. Tao wasn't fighting with supernatural abilities, he was fighting with a wooden stick. Baekhyun walked towards Tao when he was stopped by a gun being pointed towards him.

  Baekhyun stopped and just smirked.

"Are you part of Exo?"

"Officially I am but, actually i'm not."

"What? Whatever. I'm gonna pumel you anyway"

"This will be fun~"  

"My name's Key. I'm a sound user"


"Aren't you supposed to be a bit more suprised? I'm a sound user. A sound user. It's rare."


   Key became red with anger.

    He attacked Baek but, Baek efforetsly dodges. Baek gets ready to attack him. He charged his palms with his element only to feel nothing. He then remembered

"!!! THAT GEEZER FORGOT TO TAKE OFF THE LIMITIZER!!!" He immediately stopped his screaming and stared at the sound user. "Please can you wait a mimute?"  Key unconciously nodded his head. Baekhyun reached for his phone that was resting in his pocket when his opponent came back to his senses.


   While dodging never ending attacks aimed at him he called the principal "HAHAHA!!! YOU CAN'T EVEN SUMMON YOUR POWER!!!" That statement earned stares from the Exo members.  

"Hey you freakin of a geezer... ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!?!" Baekhyun heard a yawn from the other side of the phone.


"Don't what? me!! THE LIMITIZER!!! RELEASE IT!!!"

"Ohh... it was that? I knew I had forgotten something. The limitizer can only be released when I can touch your flesh though."

"I'll kill you when I get back."  

    Ending the call, he resumed on concentrating on his furious opponent. The opponent was throwing sound balls at the Baekhyun who was dodging them like they were dodgeballs. When he was near enough he gave him a kick right in the stomach, although because of that he also recieved a direct blow in the stomach.  

     The sound user was bewildered, how can someone who wasn't using any magic be on the same level of power as him? Angry, he went to his limit, releasing his power on Baek. Tao interfered before the attack hit Baekhyun, using his time control ability to reverse the attack as he wushoed the user.

      Tao picked Baekhyun up and threw him over his shoulder ignoring his protests. 

    After the Exo members finished up their battles, they surrounded Baekhyun and gave him dirty looks.

"You're just a extra baggage. We can do well without you." Kris blantly stated.

    They left Baekhyun alone in the bank while the members entered the van and drove off. Well, Baekhyun thought everybody left but, he was wrong when he saw Luhan grinning at him.

"Are you okay? Thr members are a bunch off s sometimes, sorry."

"I'm okay. But..." Baehyun pouted saying "I definitely left a bad impression and it's all that stupid geezer's fault."

 "Old geezer?" Luhan questioned

"It's nothing important. Let's go back to the dorms before it gets late."


Baek returned to the school by himself and went directly to the principal's office.

"If it isn't Baekhyun? What brings you he-"

"You planned this didn't you?" The principal gave him a smile

"What are you talking about?"

"Anyways, release my freakin limitizer."

"Hmmm.... I guess since you need your powers to do the missions... alright come here." The principal ed Baekhyun's shirt "Wow, your body's like a toddler." Baekhyun rolled his eyed in annoyance

"Stop ogoling over my body you e."

"I never ogooled over your body, i'm saying you're under developed, you shorty."

"I swear I will make your life a living hell one day."

"My life was a living hell ever since you came."

"How rude. I'm hurt."

"Should I not take off your limitizer?"

"Sorry master, I am begging you."  The principal smirked


         Taking off Baekhyun's shirt he put his finger over the logo that was on the nape of Baekhyun's neck. The color drained from red to orange.

"Why aren't you completely taking the limitizer off?"

"Go to the director. You need his permission."

"Dammit. Whatever, this is enough."  Baek picked up his shirt and left the room.

     In the silent room, the principal picked up a call from a unidentified number.

"How was he?"

"Bad mannered like always."

"That brat never changes does he?"

"Anyways, are you sure this is a good idea?"

"Good idea or not, it's the only choice we have."


A/N: Sorry for the typos. I'll edit them later. 

I hope you enjoy the story~ 

~(~o ̄▽ ̄)~o












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bookwonderer24 #1
Chapter 1: Nice story. It really this makes me want to write one on my own. Thank you and keep up the good work fighting!
Chapter 3: I love this story it's so cool! hope you will update soon!
kimeyen #3
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Hey, don't worry. Your story is awesome and its pace wasn't fast like what you claimed. Just maybe the last few lines seems a bit rush. But it doesn't pull down its standard..
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 2: Please comeback soon and update. They are being so mean to baekkie lol
hellabanz #5
Hiatus? ohh i hope not
Hurm wonder who was the old geezer..baek's relatives perhaps
Omg this is so cool please update soon ^.^
Chapter 2: Update soon!
Chapter 2: ouo baekhyun is a monster. i love this. <3
Chapter 2: Waaaa! New reader here! I do hope that you update this sooner! Omg! XD