Chapter 3

The Child that is called a Monster

   Tao stared at the principal like he had grown two heads. 

“I have to babysit that guy?” Tao said as he pointed to a certain brunette who lay down on a sofa.

    The principal sighed at the interpretation of the other. “You’re not babysitting him. He’s your partner on this mission.”

“I don’t need a partner. I can go myself. I have never failed a mission before-“

“I know Tao but, you can’t possibly so by yourself every time a mission requires a partner. It’s dangerous.”

      Tao eyes furrowed in frustration as he unconsciously raised his voice. “I can take care of myself-“

“Stop your whining. Even if you tell me this I can’t do anything as this is an order.”

      The younger glanced at the brunette- who pretended he couldn’t hear the conversation- and snorted in disgust. “So he got into Exo through connections?”

“That’s not the point here-“                                     

“I understand. Is that why even though you know he’s going to be our weakness you still protect him-“

       The principal slammed his hands on his desk shutting Tao up.

“Enough is enough. I don’t want to talk about this anymore. Tomorrow there will be a car ready for use so go on that. If you have nothing else to say, you may get going.”

       Tao understood that the elder was angry with him and retreated out of the room. The principal’s expression relaxed as he turned to look at the brunette who was silent through the whole conversation.

“You too.” The principal said in a less strict manner than before.

“Why do you try so hard?” Baekhyun asked with a blank expression “I don’t have to get along with the others as I’m simply here as the upper’s toy. So why do you try so hard for me to get acknowledged?”

“I wish you could joke around and be yourself with a friend... like before.” The older responded with a slight touch of regret in his voice.

“For what? You guys are just going to trample on them,” Baekhyun gave a bitter smile as he continued “like before.”


“I don’t want to hear it. I also will get going.”

     The principal stared with guilt at the closing door.


      Tao rolled his eyes in annoyance as he stared at the ticking watch. Deciding enough was enough, he walked away from below the lamp post and started heading towards a black car parked in front of the school. Before he could even touch the handle, a sudden loud scream stopped him from entering.


       The said guy didn’t answer as he wanted to show the other that he wasn’t in the mood.

“I’m sorry for being late! I had something to do.”

“You don’t think I also had something to do? I don’t care about your excuse so just get in the car.” Tao rudely replied, just wanting to get over with the stupid situation.

“Why’re so rude only with me?” Baekhyun asked although he already had an idea in his head.

“The other members… they’re all strong in their own ways- different from me. Now shut up and get in the car.”

“It didn’t look that way to me.” The shorter mumbled to himself as he entered the car.

       The ride was surprisingly silent when Tao had thought the other didn’t know the word silence. When he was starting to suffocate in the silence, he decided to turn on the radio to listen to some classical music. Baekhyun frowned at the other’s musical taste. He didn’t mean classical music was horrible or something, he just preferred something more fun?

       The brunette switched the song to one of his favorites.

“I didn’t say you could switch it.” Tao said, coldly glaring at the other.

“No one listens to classical music in this kind of situation.”

“And what type of situation is this?”

“What do you have against me?”

“What does this have to do with you? I was asking about the situation, not you.”

 “I’m hurt.”

“Don’t change the subject just because you lost the argument.”

“I did not.”

        Tao rolled his eyes as he couldn’t believe the other was actually older then him. The ride returned to its silence. It’s awkward silence. Tao mentally sighed in relief when they arrived at the shopping.

“So, what are we doing here?” Baekhyun asked in a cheerful manner, scratching the back of his neck. Tao gave up on the older as he decided to answer the question for the heck of it.

“Some stupid gang decided to bomb the shopping for reasons unknown and you know, the usual. We only have a few hours.”

“They announced it again?”

“Yeah. Probably for attention.”

        Baekhyun nodded in agreement, following Tao in the shopping.

        The shopping building was quite big and elegant in a way. The building was unpopulated as they had all evacuated the place. The plan was to find and stop the bomb before it exploded.

“Isn’t that kind of hard with only both of us though?” Baekhyun asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m not Min hyung neither am I Luhan hyung. I’m more action than thinking so if you think you can do better go ahead.”

“No thanks.”

“Thought so.”

“Why didn’t they call a group of specialists to resolve this problem? I mean it’s much better and efficient than just us two.”

“It seems the gang will intercept us during our attempt to disarm the bomb. Since I’ve answered all your questions, we’re going separate ways.”

       Baekhyun frowned as he looked all over the place. Whining to himself, he kicked a empty can, trying to make it enter a trash can. Sadly, it missed by a few centimeters, landing near the bathrooms.

“Don’t tell me. The only place I haven’t searched in this area is the woman’s bathroom. I had forgotten about its existence.”

       Baekhyun entered the woman’s bathroom as he quietly mumbled how this was for work and not for personal problems. In the bathroom, he searched inside each of the stalls and in the last stall he heard a quiet but audible beeping noise. Before he could reach for the noise, he felt a cold metal on the back of his head.

“What is up with me and guns?”

“I advise you to not move a step.” The brunette heard someone say as he turned his head. “I told you not to move.”

       The man was short as his hair was divided right in the middle. He was using sunglasses for some reason Baekhyun didn’t know.

“You said not to move a step and I didn’t.”

“Don’t you dare get all smart on me, bastard.”

“So are we going to stay here until the bomb goes off?” Baekhyun asked shooting the other a wide grin.

“Get up. If you even think about doing something funny I swear I’ll kill you on the-“

“I know, I know! I just wanna get outta this place already.”

      The man gave a grunt as he led him to out of the bathroom. Outside of the bathroom, Baekhyun noticed he was surrounded by a group of people so he wouldn’t try to escape. Dropping his head a little he gave a small smile before elbowing the man behind in the stomach. With the gun pointing upwards, he slapped a certain area of the other’s wrist so he would lose grip of the gun.

     In that moment, the men around him had pulled out their guns, pointing it towards him. The man that had lost his gun yelled for them to shoot. Right then in Baekhyun’s palm, light gathered as it spread across the room. The men instinctively covered their eyes in pain, dropping their guns. Proud of his achievement, Baekhyun confidently walked out from between the group before a familiar voice stopped him.

“You’re a light user?”

     Baekhyun turned to see the man and cursed as he forgot the other was wearing sunglasses.

“Answer me! You’re a light user? Then are you from that-“

“It seems as you recognize me for some reason so I have no choice but to get rid of you.” Baekhyun replied coldly making the man shiver, “Just kidding.”

“Anyways, I have to battle you as you will continue to block my way.”

“My name is Ha Dong Hoon and I have the power to reflect.” The man said as he cracked his knuckles.

“My name is Byun Baekhyun and I’m a light use-“

      Before he could finish, he was thrown across the room by some sudden force.

“That’s not fair,” He whined, “I haven’t even finished my introduction-“

       He was once again cut off as he was slammed on the wall.

“Like I’m saying, can you let me finish at least one sente-“

        Tired of being thrown across the room like a doll, Baekhyun secretly charged his palm in wait for the perfect timing 

for a counter-attack.

“To think you can’t do anything anymore, you’ve gone weak.” Dong hoon laughed like a mad man, slightly letting his guard down. Baekhyun who caught that, aimed his hand towards the laughing man as he threw his ball shaped energy ball towards him at full speed.

        Dong Hoon was startled at the sudden attack but succeeded at repelling it somehow.

“You . To think you would use the moment where I was-“

         The short man stopped talking when he noticed the grin that spread across gracefully on the other’s face. His eyes widened in complete surprise as he flew across the room by an explosion from behind him. With him in a weakened state, Baekhyun ran fast, making him look like he was teleporting.

          In front of his opponent, he crouched down as he took off the other’s glasses before putting his hand on top of the other’s eyes.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered as light leaked through his fingers into Dong hoon’s eyes.

“What is this? I can’t see! What the flip is this?”

“I want you to answer my questions and then I’ll let you see again.”

“I’m not falling for it.” Dong Hoon replied as he turned his face

“Well then. It doesn’t really matter. I’ll get going then. You’ll be blind the rest of your life. You won’t be to see the face of your lovely wife-“

“How do you know that?” Dong Hoon yelled trying to find the younger’s whereabouts.

“I did some research before coming here. It seems as attention isn’t what you and that sound user exactly want.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?”

“That’s what I want to ask you. But since you won’t answer, I will get going.”

 “W-wait,” Dong Hoon stayed silent for a few minutes before he began speaking again, “I don’t know anything about the plan but, I do know that your friend is in danger. Your friend is a time controller isn’t he? His opponent is the worst match for him.”

        Baekhyun cursed as he released the light blinding the other before leaving to go to Tao.

“That idiot.” Dong Hoon said laughing maniacally


        Tao coughed up some blood as he gripped his ribs in pain. Glaring at his opponent who went by the name Kookie, he grabbed his stick that had fallen in the blow from before. 

“You can never win against me. You’re weaker than me and your time whatever can’t affect my ability, which are my six senses.”

        Tao gritted his teeth as his fists clenched in frustration. Tao couldn’t help but admit that he was completely useless in this battle. He was weak. Even though he had trained so much, he was still weak. Giving up, he let his head fall to the ground.

         Seconds before his head touched the floor, a hand lifted his head by his forehead. Tao’s eyes slightly widened in confusion, when he saw Baekhyun grinning brightly at him.

“W-why are you here?”

“To think I would see that arrogant dongsaeng of mine give up so easily like this. I’m kinda disappointed to be honest."

“Then what? What do you want me to do? There are some things that no matter how hard you try, you just can’t do it cause that’s your limit. If it’s like that, I’d prefer dying in a less pitiful manner.”

"I'm not gonna say such a cheesy thing like there is no such thing as limits but, the thing you call limit, can you tell me what you mean by that?"

"U-uh... my limit is the maximum of my power?" Tao answered unsure of what the other wanted.

"The limit is not the maximum. Sometimes limits are levels where you may not extend or pass. For example, speed limit. It is the maximum speed at which a veichle may legally travel. The speed limit is not the maximum speed of the veichle. And dying in a less pitiful manner? For what? Your pride? Is fighting your best untill the end not beautiful?"

    As Baekhyun finished his 'speech', he gave Tao a small and playful slap on the face before turning to face the opponent.

"Are you finally finished?" Kookie asked

"I thank you for patiently waiting!" Baekhyun cheerfuly responded

"So i'm guessing you're the next I need to win from?"

    Kookie charged foward, bring the younger down by the neck. Struggling to breathe, Baekhyun lifted a hand up to try and blind the man but sensing his intention, the man retreated back quickly. Baekhyun fixing his collar, jumped in the air, slicing the air with a kick. Out of his leg, a sword made out of pure light came out and disappeared quickly creating a large cut on the wall. Kookie ducked down to dodge the dangerous attack. As he ducked, Baekhyun took his chance to closen up the distance and charged destructive energy bolts to the man. 

     The result was absolute destruction as the blows wiped out the area, creating large holes on the wall. Baekhyun squinted his eyes as he noticed there was still a moving figure beneath some of the parts of the fallen walls. He prepared himself, getting into a fighting stance. 

"Baekhyun! Look out, behind you!" The brunette heard Tao yell out. Turning his head, he was met with a smiling Dong Hoon as he was sent flying to a wall. "Baekhyun..."

      Dong Hoon grinned as he walked towards his leader. Pulling him up, he thought of finishing off the younger. Instead of being greeted by a brunette who lay down between the piles of rocks, he was greeted by nothing. There wasn't a single piece of rock, neither was there Baekhyun. Before he could think about the possibilities, a sound of a gun reloading entered his ear. In less than a second, the same gun was place on his head.

"H-How could you be-"

"If thanks to light you can see, if I manipulate the light in a certain manner, I can create an illusion in your eyes." Baekhyun said as he looked towards Tao, "It's your turn!"

      Tao slowly lifted himself up from the ground with the help of his stick. Walking towards the three men, his eyes reflected his emotions of insecurity clearly. As much as he wanted to march there confidently, when he remembered the fact that he was useless during the whole battle, his frown deepened.

       In front of them, Tao lifted his stick in preparation to hit the two opponents. 

"So the weakling will strike in the end after hiding behind another guy's back?" Kookie said in a mocking tone

      The said guy froze in response, making Kookie grin in success.

"So what? So to be strong, we need to charge in like a idiot even thought we know we're going to lose? There's a difference between being strong and being a complete idiot." Baekhyun said, putting a comforting hand on the other's shoulder.

       Tao gave a small smile of thanks to Baekhyun before wacking the two on their necks, causing them to faint. 

"Although I admit you're pretty strong, I still don't completely accept you into the grouo yet."

"As long as you don't reject me, i'm satisfied." 

        Baekhyun grinned as he made a failed attempt to put an arm over the other's shoulder, making the Tao roll his eyes in a playful manner.

"Aren't we forgetting something though?" 

         Right when they stepped outside the shopping, was when they turned back just in time to see the shopping explode.



A/N: This is trash.. ; - ; I know

I'm kind of worried this is kind of fast paced though..,

Oh and this isn't the end of Tao's problems, i'm gonna go deeper later.

:v Have a nice day~

P.S. I thank you guys so much for your commentaries 

 (இдஇ; ) They make my day *throws hearts




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bookwonderer24 #1
Chapter 1: Nice story. It really this makes me want to write one on my own. Thank you and keep up the good work fighting!
Chapter 3: I love this story it's so cool! hope you will update soon!
kimeyen #3
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Hey, don't worry. Your story is awesome and its pace wasn't fast like what you claimed. Just maybe the last few lines seems a bit rush. But it doesn't pull down its standard..
bdz357998 #4
Chapter 2: Please comeback soon and update. They are being so mean to baekkie lol
hellabanz #5
Hiatus? ohh i hope not
Hurm wonder who was the old geezer..baek's relatives perhaps
Omg this is so cool please update soon ^.^
Chapter 2: Update soon!
Chapter 2: ouo baekhyun is a monster. i love this. <3
Chapter 2: Waaaa! New reader here! I do hope that you update this sooner! Omg! XD