This Much


One time he was asked how much he loved him.  Being the cynical bastard he was, he didn't tell him and instead wrote the answer and locked it to the top of a hill.

Wasn't it better like that?


This fic will focus on Exo as a group, especially Baekyeol.  I intend for it to be pretty short, but it might extend beyond my planned limits.  Although this fanfic is nothing like Anterograde Tomorrow and 10080, those are the ffs that I got inspiration from.(Beautiful, just beautiful ffs.) Also got ideas from Exo ui... SHOWTIME!!hahahah


I love angst. Ugh.

*I don't claim to know what happens in Exo and what happened in Exo.  This is purely imaginative.


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bdz357998 #1
Chapter 2: Omg please update soon!! Poor baekkie T.T