Chapter 3

Free Hugs










Sehun hated the cold.

He wanted to run back into the comfort of his room the moment the elevator door was open, a huge gush of cold winter air smacking him right into the face. He attempts to run back in and hit the 'close' button but Baekhyun grabbed him by the collar and yanked him forward, so that Sehun was the one leading the way.

"Jong In invited us, Sehun, at least try to be a little less ." Kyungsoo mumbled from the back, his red scarf almost swallowing his head. Sehun grunts, stuffing his hands into the pockets, regretting that he did not toss an extra supply of heat packs into his bag. It was freezing, the cold biting into his cheeks and worming past his tuff of hair and into the scalp. Jong In's got a new part time job in Starbucks and was overly excited about the pay check he got yesterday, inviting everyone over and insisting that it was his treat.

"It better be his treat, I'm broke as ." Sehun was a little tight on his savings, having bought a new set of mangas the other day,stuffing everything into his closet. Just in case Baekhyun finds them and throws them away, complaining about the limited amount of space they had.

Sehun practically skipped into Starbucks, enjoying the swarm of warmth hugging his sides. He jogged over to a window seat, dumping his back onto the chair. The others arrived shortly after, pausing near the door, Chanyeol dusting the snow off Baekhyun's coat and Kyungsoo running to the cashier to greet his boyfriend.

"So what do you guys want?" Sehun made Jong In list out all the specials, nodding his head, and looking like he was considering about the different choices.

"I'll just get black coffee." He leans back into the chair and receives a kick in the shin, Kyungsoo turning to scowl at him.

"Hey! What are you guys during here?" An excited Luhan appears from behind the counter and Sehun tries to not faint from the elder's cuteness. Firstly, Luhan was smiling and secondly he was in an apron. It was too much for Sehun to handle.

He ing loves Jong In.

There wasn't much people in Starbucks (actually it was just them) and Luhan joined them after preparing all the drinks, frowning a little when he received Chanyeol's order : vanilla frappucino. Who orders a ing frappucino when it's -10 degrees outside?

" Why do you work here?"Baekhyun gave up on his sweet romantic plan of 'sharing drinks', shivering everytime he took a sip from Chanyeol's drink. He settles on sharing drinks with Sehun, the younger swatting his hand away everytime he came close. And Sehun heard him mutter selfish  under his breath.

"A little tight with the cash." Luhan chuckles, sipping from his cappucino. Sehun was tempted to smash his lips against the elder and be like you have foam on your lips. But he figured out that he was Oh Sehun and not ing Kim Joo Won. He fiddles with the packs of sugar Kyungsoo grabbed from the counter. 

"Can I get the new york cheescake?" Chanyeol finished with his frappucino, rubbing his palm together ready to eat food. Kyungsoo hits him on the thigh, he didn't want Jong In to go broke feeding the giant (Chanyeol has a huge appetite).

"It's okay hyung." Jong In jogs over to the counter, grabbing the tongs. Kyungsoo glares at Chanyeol, a piercing it's all your ing fault in his eyes. Chanyeol shrugs, leaning against Baekhyun's arm.

"You're awfully quiet today Sehun." Luhan scrunched up his nose and Sehun tries to breathe when the elder directed his gaze at him. 

"He's usually really hyper though. What happened Sehunnie?" Baekhyun snickered, punching him lightly in the shoulder. Sehun contemplates to tip his black coffee over his roommate's hair. Baekhyun's such an .

"Just erm stressed about life." His answer was lame and Sehun felt like digging a hole and jumping in.

"Your cheescake."Jong In sets the plate on the table, Chanyeol picking up his fork immediately,digging into the piece of cake.

"You'll be fine." Luhan did his eye smile and Sehun picks his mug up, sipping his coffee,  hiding his grin. 



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yuu8713 #1
Chapter 2: Kkkk~ love-struck Sehun is soooo cute~ o(>w<)o definitely subscribing!! :D looking forward to the updates~ ;3
B-locket #2
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^