Pick Me Up

Save Yourself, I'll Wait

I exited the shop after paying the bill.  I wondered if I should really keep the change.  I'd left a tip, but I still had eighty dollars left over.  My conscience was telling me I should not use the money.  That I should use it on my new friend.  Afterwards, my pride took my conscience for a walk and broke his legs.  He hasn't hobbled back since then.   This was too weird to accept.  

Yet, the nagging feeling that something was going on lingered.  Waiting for the stop light to change so I could cross, I turned to see Henry beside me.  

"Ahhh," my mouth let out.  Was he behind me the whole time?  He saw me flailing my arms and arguing with myself?  How loud was I?  Playing it cool seemed like an option for someone with dignity.  Mine had abandoned me.  I was stuck with insecurity taking up all the spaces in the front row.  

"If it bothers you that much, then you could give it back," he said.  I gaped at him.  

"..." my mouth hung open.  He seemed uncomfortable with my silence and looked away clearing his throat.

"Well, you don't have to," he said tousling my hair.  I tried to say anything but my mind blanked.  No words.  Nothing.  

"Aren't you going to cross?" he called out.  I jolted out of my stupor and crossed giving him a wide berth.  No need to be close to this guy.  I had enough stress for one morning.  Time to escape when he isn't looking.  Only when I turned I ran into someone.

"Oh, sorry," I said apologizing without looking up.  I tried to walk away and keep going, but a hand grabbed me. 

"Nahi, are you ok?" the voice I recognized.  I looked up to confirm that it was Leo.

"Oh, oppa.  What are you doing here?" I asked distracted.  I didn't know if Henry was gone or not.

"Who is that guy? Do you know him? Should I take care of him?" Leo said focusing his gaze over my shoulder.  I turned to look and see if Henry was still visible; he was just barely going up the steps to a building.  Leo felt me shift and turned me back around.

"Tell me. Or should I mention it to N?" he said.  I winced.  

"You won't though?" I blurted, but Leo motioned for me to explain.  Best to make Henry seem outstanding so there wouldn't be trouble.

"Oppa, he's someone that helped me. So, don't hurt him. You won't hurt him, right?" I prompted poking his arm.  He studied my face carefully for a few seconds.  He smiled and leaned down and wrapped me in a warm hug.

"No. Not if it matters to you that much," he said.  I smiled satisfied that nothing would happen.  

"Thank you, oppa," I said patting him on the cheeks with both hands.  

"Aish," he reacted in record time.  My feet had left the ground before I could blink.  

"YAH! Oppa!  Put me down!" I protested.  He had suddenly picked me up!  I should be used to it by now, but he still managed to surprise me.  It was his way of retaliating against me messing with him.  He couldn't fight back with the same methods and so he carried me around instead.  

 "I don't want to," he said.  

"I'm sorry," I said puffing out my cheeks.  Aegyo was the best method in this situation.

"Really?" he asked. 

"Truly!" I chirped.  He slowed down and I knew that I had been forgiven.  He set me down and I grinned.   I let him take a few steps before I jumped on his back.  My arms going around his neck and I felt him moving his arms to support my legs.  

"Oppa, will you take me home?" I asked my head resting on his left shoulder.  I could see him rolling his eyes at me.

"Obviously, but I thought you had something later?" he asked.

"Not exactly...just office hours, but I can send an email instead," I answered. He nodded.  I relaxed my grip on his shirt.  He stopped and allowed me to shift into a better position so I wasn't applying pressure on his neck.  He took the scenic route even though there was snow on the ground.  

"There is one detail I didn't mention," he said.  I inspected his face.  He shook his head slightly as if his short hair was in his eyes.  

"What is it?" I ventured. Did N do something bad again?  My father was having a harder time keeping him out of the cross hairs of the prosecutors' office.  

"The car turned into a motorcycle," he said haltingly. 

"What? Are you a wizard?" I said my voice dropping to a whisper, "I thought you were a gangster".  He grit his teeth to hold in his frustration.

"No. A hyungnim needed it," he answered.  

"Who?" I asked.  He sighed.  

"Ingook," he said.  I nodded.  Seo Ingook was older by a few years.  He was one of the wiser captains.  He didn't act without thinking like my brother.  Which was exactly the reason that made my brother detest him, but there was little he could do about it.  Leo respected him though, and usually listened to his hyung.  I think Ingook oppa was one of the few people Leo would listen to whole heartedly.  

"Aish, I'll tell him not to steal your car next time," I said.  He stopped and I saw a neon green Kawasaki by the curb.

"I don't know.  I kind of like the new ninja," he said.  I rolled my eyes.  I shouldn't be surprised to hear he liked the latest model and I did like the green.  

"But, I don't have a helmet--" I said.  He smiled and magically produced one.  It wasn't there and then it was.  

"Oh, I do have one..." I said disappointed.  Motorcycles weren't my choice for winter.  He was pulling on a pair of black leather gloves.  I sighed.  He rotated and smiled at me.  He took the helmet out of my hands and helped me put it on.  Never mind that I was trying to avoid wearing it.  I knew I had little choice.  

"I don't have the right gloves," I said.  He cupped a hand to his ear meaning he didn't hear me.  I raised my hands and pointed from them to his gloves.  He made an ok signal.  I watched confused as he got on putting on his helmet.  He was fine dressed warmly in sturdy clothes.  I felt flimsy in my comfortable clothes.  Annoying to live with people that expected you to dress for battle everyday.  Some days I just wanted to be comfortable.  

I didn't drag out the time.  My legs sliding into place behind him.  I could feel the muscles on his back and as I shifted into position pulling my feet up.  He surprised me by taking my hands from behind and sliding them into his pockets.  Warm hands and holding onto him at the same time.  He probably thought he was exceptionally clever.  He soon lifted his feet and I heard the engine rev.  

We were racing through traffic.  I was too amazed to be entirely afraid.  Blame it on my upbringing.  I was pretty fearless having been challenged my entire life.  There were few things that left me defeated and those were usually people not machines.

I was home in record time.  I knew I couldn't tell him to drive slower but it wouldn't have mattered.  At least the ride was over now.  I released my death grip on his abs.  There had been a few dodgy swerves closer to home.  Where our legs and the side of the bike had gotten closer to the pavement then I would have liked.  

"Can I get off now?" I asked.  He took off his helmet shaking his hair like he was auditioning for a shaving commercial.

"Sure, watch the pipes," he said.  I didn't whine knowing they were hot. 

"Are you coming inside?" I asked as he was adjusting his gloves.

"No, I have to return this," he said.  I rolled my eyes.

"If you like it so much, then why don't you buy one for yourself?" I asked.  He glared at me.

"What? And have your parents hate me? If they find out you were on a motorcycle, then we're both dead," he said fake slicing his neck.

"I know.  Don't worry.  I'm not telling.  I like my head attached to my body," I said.  He smiled and I handed him back the helmet and watching him prepare to drive away.  I headed through the entrance and up to our floor.  We had a large penthouse and I was looking forward to lounging on the couch.  Maybe I should close the curtains though and take a nap instead.

I pondered my options as the elevator moved upwards.  As I keyed in the code, I hoped no one else was home.  I didn't want to deal with the family today.  The reason we had an actual front door was so that no one could sneak up on us.  As if one door would really prevent them from entering if they really wanted to do so.

A few hours passed and I mindlessly flipped through channels.  No one else seemed to be home and I wondered what my father and brother were up to today.  My mother came home with a bunch of shopping bags in tow.

"Oh good, you're home.  We have to get you ready for tonight," she said. I stared at her chip partially in my mouth.

"What do you mean?" I asked suspicious.

"There is a gala tonight.  The we're all going together.  Your father is opening up negotiations with the Chos.  You don't have a choice.  Besides, it's for charity," she finished.  I sighed.  I wondered what charity they were using to hide their nefarious dealing this time.  Probably something involving sick children.  My mother was big on helping sick children this year.  

"Go take a shower.  I'll leave your clothes in the closet.  The team will be here shortly to style your hair," she continued oblivious to my rebellious thoughts.  There was no use fighting her.  I just had to go along with it.  

My mother didn't pull out all the stops to torture me.  I was allowed a short formal dress.  Bright white pleated fitted top with sweetheart neckline and a full skirt with layered transparent white fabric.  The waist was encircled with a bright red ribbon with the bow in front.  Overall, it was one of the better outfits I'd been forced to wear.  The red heels weren't so bad either, but it was hard to mix up my shoe size at this age.  My feet hadn't grown in years.

For the most part, I was allowed freedom.  My hair was pinned up out of my face. I was grateful as I was likely to be warm later.  With natural makeup mostly BB cream, I was deemed acceptable.  I flounced out into the living room to see my brother and father waiting.  He grinned seeing me walking towards him. 

My mother emerged in a floor length fitted red dress.  I sensed a theme, as my brother and father had red ties with their black tuxes.  

My father picked up two boxes.  The first handed to my mother was a ring box.  She opened it to reveal a stunning ruby ring. She smiled as she slipped it onto her left hand.  He handed me the larger box and I cracked it open.  Inside was a gleaming ruby necklace.  The color exactly matching the red ribbon I was wearing.  I was stunned that they were so perfectly matched.  

"Princess, this is for you.  Tonight, you're going to impress everyone just like your mother," he said looking at her.  She smiled and held his hand.    She squeezed it before letting go and helped me put on the necklace.  

"You really do look lovely," she said.  I smiled at them and my brother even showed his affection by hugging me briefly.  

"Aha!" I heard.  My brother and I turned to see her phone out.

"I have proof that you love your sister!" she grinned.  N was about to argue, but my father put his hand on N's shoulder.

"I'm proud of you, son.  Your mother and I are going ahead.  You know you have to look out for your sister tonight.  There could be trouble," he added so my mother couldn't hear him.

"I know," N said.  I watched as they left.

"Alright, well, let's go.  I'm sure Leo and hyung are already waiting for us," he said.  I nodded and we took the elevator down the garage.  My brother punched in the code so we didn't stop on our way.  As expected, Leo and Ingook were waiting.  Two cars idled by the elevators.  It was standard procedure that we didn't travel in the same car to events such as this.  When other families were involved, extra precautions were taken.  My father didn't want anything to happen to all of us if he could avoid it using separate cars.

"Seriously, isn't this a little much?" I spouted.  Leo didn't say anything, but N tilted my head back with one finger.

"Aigoo. Don't you know tonight is pulling out all the stops to impress the other families," he said. I sighed.  I wasn't into material possessions but I knew the night would probably only get more dangerous as sports cars were in the mix.  Leo stood before the Ferrari and I was glad I didn't have to deal with swinging doors on the lambo in my heels.  Leo opened the door for me and I got in rather gracefully I thought.  Even though it was low to the ground, I didn't hit my head.  

"Are you ready?" he asked getting in the driver's seat.  I had buckled my belt already knowing I wouldn't be able to lean back all the way or ruin my hair.  

"I can't say no, can I?" I said.  He smiled and flashed his lights to signal we were all set.  With that the squeal of tires overtook all else in the garage.  We went shooting up the ramp and out into the streets.

We arrived in front of large gate.

"Wait, they invited us to their house?" I asked astonished.  Leo just shrugged. 

"I think their boss lives here, but I don't really know the details," he said.  I nodded.  How would he know anything else?  We took security seriously even if I didn't always.  I knew that everyone else was on top of the details.  

We were in line and had to wait to be inspected.  There were security checking under the cars and Leo had to present a pass.  Strangely they didn't ask for our ID, but maybe that had something to do with the color red everywhere.  I suppose they'd caught onto the theme.  We followed the lambo up a winding drive and I wondered how big this place was as we pulled out from under the trees.  There was a large circular drive in front the giant mansion.  I watched as the lambo pulled up and they got out and a valet got in to park the car.  I was helped out of the car and my hand held until Leo came around the front.  I was given to him and I wondered why I wasn't trusted to stand on my own feet.  

"Leo, hands off," N said.  I rolled my eyes.  Apparently, tonight's role meant an entirely too protective older brother.  I let him take me by the arm and me inside.

"You don't have to grip so hard," he hissed at me.  

"Well, I wouldn't have to if you slowed down," I hissed back.  He sighed but did allow me to walk in relative safety.

We walked in through the open doors and were directed down a hallway and up a short flight of stairs that were quite the display.  They were carved out of white marble and the sound of my heels clicking loudly marked our presence.

A door was opened at the top, and we were then forced to go down a more stairs.  I was trying hard to keep my smile in place.  Inside I was cursing the architect.  Who designed this place? I'd like to hit him with my heels.  He designed a room with a staircase on both sides of the door?  How much wealth did they need to display at once?  My feet were certainly going to hurt later after this much walking and we'd only just arrived.  

At the bottom, my brother spotted my father and led the way over to him.  

"Father," he said formally.  I caught up with his large feet and I could see who was standing in front of my father.  An older gentleman and a young man.  He turned to glance at me and I recognized Henry.  

"Ah, your children are finally here.  I want to introduce you to my grandson, Henry," the old man said.  I watched as my brother shook hands nicely.  Or at least I hoped he wasn't trying to crush Henry's hand secretly.  Neither of them showed signs of discomfort.

"This is my son, Hakyeon and my daughter, Nahi," my father said.  Henry let go of my brother's hand and leaned over to kiss my hand.  He looked up at me and winked.  I didn't know what to say.

"Nice to meet you again," he said.  My eyes were big as saucers hearing him acknowledge me like that.  All eyes were on us as I tried not to panic.  How do you get your new friend a pass from execution?

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hoping tomorrow will be good for an update.


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ninjakona #1
Can you please update & finsh the story??
Chapter 17: Sorry I never commented on update.
Anyway you knew I liked it from what I said before when I received it before anyone else bwhahahaha.
Great job of keeping us all guessing.
It's all over the place, her feelings, who she will be with. If she gets to choose....hmm hmm.
Funny it seems like Nahi needs saving after all. :p
SUJU4ever13 #3
Chapter 17: Yay updated!!! I wonder how will Henry fight for Nahi??? I ship Henry with Nahi more^^
SUJU4ever13 #4
Chapter 16: Please update?! Can't wait!
SUJU4ever13 #5
wish it'll update soon!
Chapter 9: Thanks for writing about my 2 fave boy groups in one story! I'm more of a Ravi-biased than Henry-biased. I'm wondering how the story will all turns out. :)
SUJU4ever13 #7
Chapter 16: can't wait!!! What if she doesn't choose both and drags siwon to leave with her...? Gosh it's getting intense!!
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 16: Oh my god!!! The author is SO cheering me up :) an update a day keeps the doctor away~ *blinks & runs away~ see you in the next chapter!
Chapter 16: Ahh a nice conversation with Siwon and Nanami, that breaks things up a bit.
Love how Yoshi and Henry are having a discussion in the background LOL...
What will happen next, who will appear in her room...bet its Yoshi LOL.....random OC feels LMAO.
SUJU4ever13 #10
Chapter 15: Don't know if Nahi will survive this drama before her engagement party!!