Picture Perfect

Save Yourself, I'll Wait

There was little not awkward about the trio of us traipsing out of Henry's car.  The black leather interior left me feeling as if it belonged to someone much more sinister than the person beside me.  He was lively and pale as if his skin were completely untouched by sun or worries.  Kyuhyun seemed the old grandpa complaining in the backseat about the space.  His feet were cramped and his legs ruined by the lack of room.  Henry mostly ignored him leaning to turn up the heat.  At a red light he took off his seatbelt throwing his jacket over my lap.  

"Nahi, please tell me when something's bothering you.  I was losing my mind seeing you shiver," Henry said.  I stared at him not knowing what to say.  He sighed buckling back into position as the light changed to green.  He kept glancing at me to determine if I was cold or not.  

"Really, I'm fine," I tried to tell him.  He only shook his head not saying anything.  I reverted to staring out the window not wanting to continue feeling nervous.  He caught me off guard with the way he was sincerely caring about whether I was cold.  Luckily, I got a call from N to distract me. 

"Hi oppa.  Did you have a good breakfast?" I asked him.  

"Nahi, where are you? Of course it was excellent.  Mom kept thinking you'd stop by and now it's my fault you're not home," he said.  I laughed at him. 

"Oppa. Did you really think it wasn't your fault?" I asked him.  

"Aish, dongsaeng don't think I'll forget your words.  So, where are you?" he repeated.  I looked at Henry who was pretending not to listen.

"We're going shopping for the party.  I'll be home later," I told him.

"So, he's with you and you can't talk right now? I don't like this guy.  Nahi you have to tell me where you are.  I'll come get you.  I don't like it that you spent the night with him," N said.  I sighed knowing he waned to ask me if I slept with him.  

"Yah, oppa.  You don't think we had do you? Babo," I said forcefully into the phone.  Definitely not a yell but he definitely heard my words on the other end.

"OK, Ok.  I believe you, but I still don't like it.  You have to be more careful.  Listen to oppa, text me your location and I'll take you home.  I know you need time to think this through.  You need to be at home right now," N said.  I knew he was right.

"Yes oppa.  I will.  Bye oppa!" I sang into the phone hanging up.  I knew he got the message that we were in transit.  We had a few codes in place that meant we could communicate information easily without anyone else knowing.  Like me answering with words that didn't exactly fit meaning that I wanted him to come get me and saying bye and hanging up before he could respond meant I was in transit.  That way he wouldn't call back right away wanting to know the information he had asked for thus arousing suspicions of the other passengers.  

When we arrived, I made sure to turn on my GPS and sent the location to N.  I knew he'd set it up so he could track my phone.  Also, he didn't do it remotely but let me turn on the GPS as I wanted.  He let me have my privacy because he knew in most cases I was probably being followed anyway.  You didn't get to be the daughter of a mob boss without constant protection.  I didn't know exactly who it would be on any given day but I knew some faces well enough that they weren't coincidences.  My father was at least cautious and had never openly introduced me to my constant tails.  Even if we both knew the truth, but I knew nothing would result in asking for my privacy.  So, I pretended not to know about them and he pretended that I didn't know as well.  

The thought that I was a little grateful this time made me laugh.  I never thought I would appreciate being watched but the uneasy feeling being with Henry and his cousin was unsettling.  I was relieved when we arrived and I could get some space between us.  My feet hit the pavement reeling only slightly.  Growing certain on my tired legs, I started to walk towards the building we were parked in front of not wanting to be near them any longer.  Suddenly, the thought of being part of their family for the rest of my days was too much.  The way Henry had stared at me was unnerving as if I were angelic or perfect.  I didn't want to attract his undivided attention.  

Walking blindly, I bumped into something.  Or rather someone, I looked up mortified.  

"Nahi, are you ok? What's wrong?" Henry was asking.  He felt my forehead before I could move away.

"You aren't warm.  I shouldn't have let you wear that outside.  I guess this will have to do," he said.  I stared at him wondering why he was acting as if we were having a conversation while I was silent.  Was he crazy?  I didn't have time to build a list of reasons why he was crazy as he spun around.  He grabbed my hands and wrapped my arms around his neck leaning forward at the same time.  I ended up on his back feeling awkward until he wrapped his arms around my legs supporting me.

"That's better.  Maybe you'll be warmer like this..." he was saying, "Nahi, are you ok?" 

"Put me down," I commanded.  

"No.  Honestly, I wanted to carry you, but I thought you'd be more upset with me.  So, I settled on a piggyback instead.  This way I can't see your face and how much you're blushing," he said.  I wanted to kick him but that wasn't exactly the best option.

"Yah, you're too cocky. Don't think I'll let this go so easily," I told him.

"Ah, so you are affected by me? I hoped you would be," he said.  I could have leaned my head around to look at him, but I didn't want to give the satisfaction of seeing my face. So, when he kissed my arm it was unexpected and I jerked my hand backwards, but he was laughing softly.  

"Sorry.  Was that too shocking? Don't worry.  You'll have a lot of chances to get used to me kissing you.  We're going to be married after all," he said.  I would have retaliated again but we were passing through the doors.  Inside was a calm and quirky shop.  Few clothes were featured on mannequins and there were empty furniture arranged about the room.  The walls were a cool bright blue and the rest was accented in white.  Behind a large mirrored wall, there seemed to be an extra space, but I couldn't see around it.  A woman greeted us not showing her judgment of our appearance. 

"Welcome Mr. Lau.  You're early," the woman cooed at him.  He nodded glancing around. 

"Yes, well, my fiancee had a mishap and needed some clothes.  I'm afraid mine don't suit her," Henry said.  I heard a loud guffaw and reliazed that Kyuhyun was there.  When had I forgotten about him?  

"So you will be wanting some casual outfits as well?" the woman asked.  I could tell her words were not directed at me but at Henry.

"Yes.  Whatever Nahi wants," Henry said.  I didn't have time to protest as we followed her behind the mirror wall.  There were spacious dressing rooms and Henry deposited me carefully on a cushioned bench.  

"If you follow me this way, you' are directly across," the woman said and I was grateful that I didn't have to be stuck to his side like a magnet.  Another woman came in disturbingly quiet and directed me to change into clothes she began to arrange in the room.  I waited hoping she would leave but it seemed she was here to assist me.  I sighed and cursed my luck.  

Ushered into dress after dress, I bemoaned the loss of color.  As our wedding would be in traditional clothing style, my engagement dress was to be the white gown.  Signifying my purity and a new start that would begin with our marriage.  I sighed not liking any of the choices particularly.  

Of course Henry was done before me.  He only needed had to pick the style of tuxedo.  Soon, he was insisting that I come out each time and show him.  I felt myself growing more annoyed as I tried on dresses that I didn't like.  

"Why don't you try on some normal clothes?  I don't think they know what you like," Henry said.  I pinched the bridge of my nose willing myself to calmly traverse this nightmare of a day.  

"Anything but these dresses," I said softly not knowing Henry was in fact listening to me while using his phone.  His friend had taken up residence on a large bench currently chatting to the employees.  

"Nahi, why don't you go pick something you like?" Henry suggested.  The meek woman next to me agreed under his firm gaze.  She probably wasn't supposed to let me back there but I followed after her through racks of clothes.  There was a giant space in the back not just bridal but nicer every day wear.  I was perusing the skirts deciding I might actually wear them, when I heard talking.  

"Can you believe that? She didn't like any of the dresses!  There were thirty in that room alone and she didn't like a single one!" one woman was saying.

"I know, but did you see who she was with.  That's Henry Lau.  Chaebol heir and he's her fiancee! If my fiancee were wealthy than any king I'd want the best too!" a second woman was saying.  I rolled my eyes ignoring their gossip.  They didn't know what it was like to tailor your behavior and style to suit my family's image.  I just wanted to pick something that I liked for once.  A dress that wasn't forced on me because I didn't want to be the perfect china doll any longer.  

All my public appearances were prepared in advance.  Even this engagement party, I didn't have a choice besides this dress which was astonishing.  I usually was just expected to show up on time and let everyone fix me up to match their planned look before I was ushered to attach my arm to some man for the night.  Most of the time it happened to be my brother or Leo.  It had been that way since I was in primary school.  Except those special occassions had been more limited.  Now, I was attending events once a week or more frequently.  Some of them with only my mother at my side.  Henry would probably alter my routine hopefully in a way that required less small talk.  

After I began to try on my selections, nothing like the sweet and feminine options I'd been forced to don, I watched Henry turn off his phone.  He was watching me completely and I was a little self-conscious coming out and standing in front of the three way mirror. I managed to find a blue leather jacket wearing it over a black top and a green skirt underneath.  Luxuriating in the simple fabric with clean lines and no weird flowers added all over.  Henry stood up scaring me a little appearing over my shoulder.  Without a word he fixed my hair, his fingers settling it around my shoulders pulling from under the jacket.  

"It's too bad you can't wear this to our party.  Nahi you're beautiful," he whispered his arms around my waist.  I blushed as he hugged me.  He was sincere and I felt myself questioning why N had warned me off of him.  Should I really not trust this man who seemed to be interested in me?  So far he hadn't done anything for me not to trust him.  Could he be a monster in a great suit?  I shook my head pulling away to change into something else.  

Having observed my tastes, they'd picked out some more sleek dresses.  I didn't want to wear a completely fitted or poofy chapel dress.  I began making my way through the rack.  There was a lot of lace but there were mostly cutouts so it wasn't a full lace detail but a partial one to reveal some bit of my skin.  I tried on the ones with a deep plunge in the front but I didn't think I could get away with wearing them.    The next one didn't seem entirely promising as parts of it were encrusted with pearls.  The seams and straps made from pearl details adorning the backless sheath.  

The woman helped me slip it on as I heard shouting.  We both turned to stare and she well trained turned back to positioning me into the dress properly.  

"No, Nahi is here.  Where are you hiding my dongsaeng?!" I could hear N yelling.  I took a moment checking to see I was clothed.  I opened the door and found Henry had gone to check on my oppa.  It was clearly him and I decided to check myself int he mirror.  Running anywhere in a dress I didn't own was stupid.  I didn't know how much this one cost and even though I wasn't paying for it, it would be a waste to ruin it.  I stared at myself surprised that I liked the pearls.  Feeling a breeze against my exposed back, I turned and saw them.  N and Leo with Ravi and Ken trailing behind.  

"Oppa!" I smiled at him.  My brightest smile to keep him from yelling.  

"Nahi, you look-are you sure we're related?" N shot at me.  I glared at him.

"No, but Mom keeps saying that we are," I shot back.  He cleared his throat.  

"Nahi, you look beautiful," Leo was saying.  I grinned at him. 

"Do you like it? I think this is the one!" I sang.  Henry's eyes avoided mine and he tugged at his collar nervously.  Was he staring at me?  That meant the dress was having the right effect.  I noticed Ravi was staring at me as well.  I didn't want to draw attention to him though so I only winked at him.  

"Yah, Nahi, we should go clubbing tonight.  I need you to attract some gorgeous women," Ken was saying.  I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Oppa, I thought I told you to stop having one night stands," I teased.  

"You wound me.  I can't deny all those women," Ken was saying.  I rolled my eyes as he blew a kiss at someone.  Poor women didn't know he was a player.  He always got away with it with his aegyo.  N was just as bad but he didn't have the same amount of free time.  Secretly, I thought he was watched as well and he was careful to attract the wrong person who wanted a connection with him for our family ties.  

"Hyung, at least use a hotel.  I don't like having to kick out crying women," Ravi said.  I bit my lip holding in my laughter.  Ravi shot a glance at me before he continued.

"That last one tried to crawl into bed with me!  I mean she thought I was the one who slept with her!  You can do better than that right?" Ravi was saying.  I stared at his face not sure what to think about his words.  

I felt a hand on my .  I whirled to see Henry next to me.

"Nahi, why don't you go change? Then we can all have lunch together," he suggested.  I nodded doing as he said.  I could hear them all talking about me.

"I can't believe our Nahi is getting married," Ken said.

"I know.  I always thought it would be with Leo," N said.  I felt my eye twitch.  What? 

"What? Why would you say that?" Leo could be heard saying calmly.  

"Nahi has always liked you the best.  She still does.  She likes you better than her own oppa!" N complained.  

"What are you saying Ravi is standing right here!" Ken added.  I didn't think listening to them was a good idea but they weren't exactly quiet. 

"Yes.  Ravi always liked her best," Leo was using N's words again.  

"What are you looking at me for?  She's not marrying me.  She's engaged to Henry," Ravi was quick to point out.  Did he sound a little sad?  I wasn't sure because I was struggling to put on my new shirt.  No way was I going to wear Henry's overly large clothes anywhere else.  At least my new clothes seemingly went with my heels even if I chose black pants with a sunburst top. 

I let the door open because I had to choose which clothes I wanted.  I walked out and grabbed Ravi by the arm.

"You have to help me pick.  You know the others are hopeless," I told him.  He let me rest my head on his shoulder and was starting to help me point out items. 

"Just send them all.  You can return anything you don't like Nahi," Henry said in the doorway.  Ravi extricated himself from my grasp.  I frowned not liking him rejecting me so openly.  Henry let him pass and came forward to guide me outside.  I pouted and ignored his hand on my back.  

"Opppa," I called out and Leo knew to pause as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  Pouncing on him and then he was piggybacking me, and I let my head rest on his shoulder.

"Oppa, you didn't actually think I'd marry you?" I asked.  

"No.  I knew a long time ago that you would probably get married to him," Leo said.  I didn't know what to think.

"You knew about Henry?" I asked softly.  I looked over my shoulder and Henry smiled at me.  I looked away quickly.  That was confusing to think that in some form I was bound to be married for the family business.  I'd never considered it before.  

(AN: Update!  It took me a while to find time to write it.  I never like writing about clothes but I think it was a necessary evil...anyway I hope you enjoy it!)

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hoping tomorrow will be good for an update.


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ninjakona #1
Can you please update & finsh the story??
Chapter 17: Sorry I never commented on update.
Anyway you knew I liked it from what I said before when I received it before anyone else bwhahahaha.
Great job of keeping us all guessing.
It's all over the place, her feelings, who she will be with. If she gets to choose....hmm hmm.
Funny it seems like Nahi needs saving after all. :p
SUJU4ever13 #3
Chapter 17: Yay updated!!! I wonder how will Henry fight for Nahi??? I ship Henry with Nahi more^^
SUJU4ever13 #4
Chapter 16: Please update?! Can't wait!
SUJU4ever13 #5
wish it'll update soon!
Chapter 9: Thanks for writing about my 2 fave boy groups in one story! I'm more of a Ravi-biased than Henry-biased. I'm wondering how the story will all turns out. :)
SUJU4ever13 #7
Chapter 16: can't wait!!! What if she doesn't choose both and drags siwon to leave with her...? Gosh it's getting intense!!
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 16: Oh my god!!! The author is SO cheering me up :) an update a day keeps the doctor away~ *blinks & runs away~ see you in the next chapter!
Chapter 16: Ahh a nice conversation with Siwon and Nanami, that breaks things up a bit.
Love how Yoshi and Henry are having a discussion in the background LOL...
What will happen next, who will appear in her room...bet its Yoshi LOL.....random OC feels LMAO.
SUJU4ever13 #10
Chapter 15: Don't know if Nahi will survive this drama before her engagement party!!