Save The Date

Save Yourself, I'll Wait

N forced his way into my bathroom.  Brothers are such a pain.  Noise wasn't going to make him flee, so I covered up and tried not to be angry.  He actually helped me get ready by drying my hair.  The weird thing was that he styled my hair better than I could.  He did some crazy version of a fishtail braid that looked great.  Especially once I got into the dress and out of my towel.  Not that a wet towel could really compare with any item of clothing.  I ignored his suggestions for make up deciding that it would only make things more difficult for me.  I didn't want to be attractive at the moment.  I wanted to figure out what I wanted or more accurately whom I wanted.  

The door bell chimed.  I heard it answered.  I sighed.  This was going to be weird no matter what I did.  Oppa dragged me out of my room.  I pouted trying to use my charm on him but we both knew it was futile.  I let him grab hold of my arm so it seemed he was politely escorting me rather than half pushing me to the living room.  When we were in view, I pasted a more pleasant expression on my face.  No need to anger my parents.  They wouldn't budge an inch without rather a large amount of histrionics and tears.  Something I was out of at the moment.  

I saw Henry and realized that I may be underdressed.  Yet, I felt no urge to change as I gave him a demure smile.  The silence had fallen as everyone knew that we were engaged.  No one said it out loud, but I knew we were all thinking it.  

"Well, Henry we'll just have to talk later. Perhaps this weekend when we head to Monaco," Dad was saying. I kept my lips firmly pressed together.  Wonderful.  Family get aways with Henry invited.  Great.  Apparently, I had to find a way to figure out if this was something I could end.  Maybe Henry didn't really like me?  Maybe he didn't want to marry me?  Oppa had said he wasn't gay but perhaps he didn't really know that?  I sighed. 

"Oh Nahi, I'm sorry.  I didn't meant to keep you waiting, shall we go?" Henry said.  I silently cursed his perceptiveness.  

"Yes," I answered.  Limiting my words to keep my emotions to myself.  

"Yes, of course.  Have a wonderful time.  You know dear that you can always use our suite at the hotel," I heard from my mother's mouth.  What the hell?  Not even a whole day was I engaged to a man and she wanted me to sleep with him?  My parents were way too invested in this marriage arrangement.

"Mother, I'm sure that isn't necessary.  Nahi and I want to get to know each other first," Henry said not exactly disparaging her suggestion. So he was interested?  He'd clearly considered it before giving a vague answer.  I didn't accept his arm as I slipped on a pair of heels before heading out the door.  

"Nahi, you didn't know about this?" Henry asked as we waited for the elevator.

"No," I said.  I could tell he nodded from the corner of my eye.  His suit was perfectly tailored which made me think my basic blue off the shoulder dress didn't match up.  I fidgeted and was happy when the elevator appeared.  

"Nahi, you don't have to be worried.  I'm not going to force you to do anything against your will," he said plainly.  I stared down at my shoes.  I felt his hand under my chin.

"Don't look down.  Even if you aren't comfortable with this betrothal, you are still your father's daughter.  We both know you aren't lacking anything," he said lifting my chin.  I stared at the doors instead which meant I saw the two of us next to each other.  We didn't look so mismatched after all.  I tried not to think about it any more as the doors opened.  We were in the garage and I discovered he now had his own parking space with his name on it.  Ridiculous, but something I knew my mother had arranged.  She'd want to make sure he was well taken care of especially since her plan was to keep him close to me.  Now I had to wonder why she suggested a hotel room when it was obvious Henry could live here and they wouldn't say an ill word.  Much less be able to hide their joy.  

I expected him to open the door for me, but at least this time I hadn't injured him.  He didn't say much else as he drove.  He'd the seat warmers.  I hadn't realized I was cold until my eyes began to close.  

"Nahi, are you awake? Or maybe I should carry you?" The voice was saying.  I felt someone close by and felt the seatbelt unbuckle.  My eyes popped open to reveal Henry inches away from me. 

"Sorry, I fell asleep," I mumbled finding my voice.  

"I know.  That's why I changed our plans.  I canceled our reservations," he informed me and I tried to take in the meaning of his words, but I was still waking up.  He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders.  He supported my weight with his arm as well.  I leaned into him as we went through some doors.  Held open by someone and he led me into an elevator.  Had he brought me back home? No.  That wasn't right.  We were somewhere else. 

"Where are we?" I asked rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.  Maybe I'd be able to focus better as I let my hand drop back to my side.

"My apartment. Don't get the wrong idea though.  I thought maybe you'd want to take a nap while I made dinner," Henry was quick to explain.  My brain kicked into high gear.  His apartment. Maybe I should try to leave but I wasn't sure anything bad was going to happen.  He must have noticed that I was alert now as he went ahead down the hallway to key in the code.  Or I thought he'd have a code, but he placed his finger on the panel instead.  

"I'll have to add yours in later.  That is when you feel more comfortable stopping over," he said aloud.  I kept my comments to myself not wanting to openly reject him.  He wouldn't appreciate it and there was little I could do at the moment.  

"There's some slippers in the cupboard," he said as he went past the entryway flicking on lights. The space was actually smaller than I thought with one large room.  The open floor plan made it seem slightly bigger.  Everything seemed minimal as the furniture seemed to consist of square couch set into the floor.  

"You can lie down on the bed and watch tv," he said.  I blinked taking in his words.

"Bed?" I parroted back at him.

"Yes.  It's my bed and a couch and the bench for the table when I lower it," he said pointing upwards. I could see there was a large piece of wood hanging from the ceiling.  

"It's ok if you fall asleep.  I'm just going to cook dinner. Then, we can talk," he said.  I nodded feeling a little awkward as I slipped into his bed.  I found a blanket not wanting to get between the sheets.  

I flipped on the TV so I would feel less self-conscious.  I didn't want  to deal with silence.  Even though I found a funny variety show I couldn't stay awake.  I woke up and the lights were out.  The TV was still on and I sat up bumping into Henry.  

"Nahi, are you awake?" he asked.  I stared at him feeling hot.  His face was inches away from mine.

"What about dinner?" I asked him.  He smiled warmly.

"I did try to wake you, but you were sleeping so soundly.  There isn't exactly another place to sit, so I turned out the light.  I decided to wait until you woke up," he said.  I tried to sit up but I ended up touching him  as I leaned forward.  He pulled me backwards against him before he let go so I was free of the blankets.

"Nahi, you don't have to be afraid of me.  I'm not going to hurt you," he said.  I stared at my hands not knowing what I should say to him.  

"Henry, this is just unexpected.  I barely know you," I told him.  He smiled laughing quietly.

"I know, but I'm willing to try if you are?" he asked.  I took a breath and nodded.  I had to at least give him a chance.  It wasn't as if Ravi and I had a relationship.  Maybe Henry was someone who could make me happy.  I didn't think I could reject him now when he didn't seem awful in the slightest.

"I'll be right back," he said and I heard him getting something.

"Don't stand up whatever you do," he directed and I heard him moving something.  The large wooden square lowering itself from the ceiling.  My eyes went wide as I saw it moving to crush me.  

"Just a second," he said.  He fiddled with something and the middle popped into a shelf.  He set  bowls of food on it along with a teapot.  The cups and chopsticks following afterwards.

"Ok," he said sliding back into his spot.  He handed me a bowl and I laughed.  There was a face made out of vegetables, shrimp and scallops.  It was cute and he seemed pleased as he stirred his up with his chopsticks.  

"I hope you like it.  I'm not sure what you like to eat yet," he said nervously.  I found myself thinking he was cute as he blushed.  He handed me a small cup for tea.  I had to admit I was impressed he didn't spill pouring it up high in the air.  

"Thank you," I said.  He was pretending not to watch me eat, but he would look away quickly when I looked up.  I was searching for more scallops when one came into view.

"Here," he said waiting for me to open my mouth.  I felt the butterflies in my stomach as he came closer to put it in my mouth.  His fingers brushed against the corner of my mouth.  I froze feeling the contact.  

"There was something there," he explained.  I looked away.  

"Nahi, I want to ask you something," he said.  His voice sounded anxious as if he wasn't confident.

"What is it?" I wanted to know.  He took a deep breath letting it out in a rush.

"Are you dating someone else? Or is there someone you love?" he asked me.  It was my turn to be nervous.  Should I be honest about Ravi when I didn't even know anything until a few hours ago?  

"No, but Ravi confessed his feelings for me today," I said.  I looked at him trying to read his expression, but I didn't know him well enough to guess at his thoughts.

"Thank you for telling me.  I like you Nahi, but if you tell me you love someone else I won't force you to marry me," he said.  I stared at my bowl not feeling hungry anymore.

"Here.  I'll take that," he said putting it up on the shelf.  He pressed a switch and it moved upwards back towards the ceiling.

"It was delicious," I said meaning it.

"Nahi," he called my name and I looked at his face.  He wasn't satisfied and pulled me closer his hand pressing against my lower back.  My mouth went dry as he waited.

"Kiss me," he said.  

"Wh-what?" I gaped at him.  

"I'll wait until you're comfortable, but you should get accustomed to kissing me.  Our engagement is for show as well as for business.  I need to know you can play the part," he said.  I stared at him in shock trying to make space between us by resting my hand on his chest.

"Relax," he said.  Goosebumps spread across my skin as my heart pounded in my chest.  His free hand reached up to my hair and I felt a fresh wave of goosebumps across my skin.  

"You are beautiful, Nahi.  Should I help you get over your nerves?" he half-asked as he moved his mouth closer to mine.  He didn't kiss me but waited a few centimeters between us.  I felt myself swallowing nervously.  His hand moved down my arm trailing his fingers across my skin.  His fingers slowly moving back up my leg towards my thigh. 

"Henry," I wanted to plead with him to stop, but I didn't know what to say.

"Shh, relax.  You're safe with me," he said his hands holding me close to him but he wasn't hurting me.  The hand on my thigh moving upward again and I felt warm as I closed my eyes.  

The kiss had me clinging onto him.  I felt like he had let go of me, but that was because I was resting against him.  When he pulled away, I was panting lightly.  I didn't know why I had waited so long.  His lips pressed against my forehead.  

"Nahi," he said my name.  I looked up at his face.  

"What?" I asked not sure what I was even thinking right now.

"From now on, you're not allowed to kiss anyone else.  I promise that I'm all yours," he said leaning to seal his words with another kiss.  He let me rest my head on his chest. I must have fallen asleep that way.

"Are you crazy?" the words were fairly loud.  I heard someone cry out in pain.

"Shhhh! She's asleep," the other voice said.  I tried to clear my thoughts.  Who was talking? Did N have his friends over again this early?

"She slept over? You just got engaged and you already slept with her?" the voice was asking.  

"Ow!" the same voice cried.

"Aigoo, not everyone is like you.  Firstly, she's my future wife so I ask you to be more respectful.  Secondly, I will not be having with her until she loves me.  Thirdly, she's still asleep so keep your voice down," Henry said.  I shifted recognizing his voice.  Should I get up now? They were talking about me but I was curious to know what they thought about me.  I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep as I didn't know if they'd be able to see me.

"Oh my god.  You really like her," the strange voice said.  I felt like I'd heard it somewhere before, but I couldn't quite put a name to it.

"She's not shallow or vain.  She is smart and beautiful and honest.  My grandfather would have trouble picking anyone better.  She even trains with her oppa.  She's adorable and you'd best watch out. Her high kick is powerful," Henry told him.  

"Adorable? Oh my god.  Are you already falling for her?" the voice wanted to know.  

"Yes, but it's a good thing.  She's going to be my wife and it's a lot easier knowing that I am falling for her.  She's more than just part of my grandfather's truce.  I want to earn her love," Henry said.  I felt uncomfortable hearing him talk about me like that.  As if he was waiting and watching me and he'd already agreed to this betrothal.  I didn't hate him but I didn't know if I wanted to marry him either.  Everything was progressing too fast and the way Henry was talking it felt like he would accept it if they sent a car to pick us up right now and take us to a church to get married.  As if our relationship would go according to everyone's plans without any problems.  Only, they still didn't want to know what I thought.  

I knew my parents were thrilled as I got a text from my mother.

"Are you coming home for breakfast? Let me know if I should make extra for my son-in-law," she'd written.  I let the phone drop onto the blankets.  She was bound to think that we'd had last night.  She would probably be elated if I got pregnant in a matter of days.  She'd say it was meant to be and insist upon the two of us living together.  That we should start our own family and worry about the details later.  We could have a wedding after I gave birth to the baby.  The formal papers just needed to be signed and I could worry about the ceremony later.  

"Nahi, do you feel ok? You seem a little pale," Henry said dropping down next to me.  I stared at him not sure what to say.  I opted for the truth.

"My mother wants to know if we're going to have breakfast with my family," I told him.  He leaned in and kissed me.  I felt a fire start in my chest.  My whole body felt warm.  

"Whatever you want," he whispered.  The heat in my cheeks meaning I was in full blush.  

"Did we wake you?" he asked getting comfortable next to me.  I realized that I had my hands on his chest.  

"Maybe," I said.  

"I'm sorry.  I didn't expect to have company.  But I'll repeat my words because I want you to hear them,  I want to earn your love.  I know this is moving fast but since we're engaged, I want to be honest with you.  I don't plan on keeping secrets from you.  It'll just take time to tell you everything," he told me.  

"Ok," I said.  

"So do you want to go home for breakfast?" he asked.  I shook my head.

"No? Ok.  Then, I'll be right back.  I'll find you some clean clothes to wear," he said.  Even as he kissed me again.  This whole situation felt unreal.  

"Go get breakfast.  It doesn't matter what, but you're leaving because Nahi needs time to change.  GO," Henry was saying.  I saw from the resisting skinny giant that it was one his friends, Kyuhyun.  I'd met him at the party the other night. 

"No fun.  You are no fun at all," he complained before the door shut in his face.

"It's ok, he's gone.  The bathroom's through that door.  Wear whatever you like.  If you need anything, then let me know.  Don't be embarrassed to ask.  Or you can wear a pair of my boxers," Henry said.  My eyes could only stare at him.  He started to laugh.

"Nahi, you're adorable," he said kissing my cheek before he shut the bathroom door for me.  It was the back end of the room with a small divider but I could see the shower from here.  One wall was mirrored from floor to ceiling while the other side was clearly the closet with shelves and storage. I turned and saw that the wall behind me held an array of weapons.  I saw not just firearms but swords, knives, and even kendo equipment.  I located a clean towel and decided to worry about clothes later.  I hoped that the warm water would help me clear my mind.  

(AN: Update!  So, uh that happened.  Well, it's obviously hard to say at this point if Henry or Ravi has the winning hand.  In both cases, they seem to care about just enjoy the feels while they last.  The drama is coming...)

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hoping tomorrow will be good for an update.


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ninjakona #1
Can you please update & finsh the story??
Chapter 17: Sorry I never commented on update.
Anyway you knew I liked it from what I said before when I received it before anyone else bwhahahaha.
Great job of keeping us all guessing.
It's all over the place, her feelings, who she will be with. If she gets to choose....hmm hmm.
Funny it seems like Nahi needs saving after all. :p
SUJU4ever13 #3
Chapter 17: Yay updated!!! I wonder how will Henry fight for Nahi??? I ship Henry with Nahi more^^
SUJU4ever13 #4
Chapter 16: Please update?! Can't wait!
SUJU4ever13 #5
wish it'll update soon!
Chapter 9: Thanks for writing about my 2 fave boy groups in one story! I'm more of a Ravi-biased than Henry-biased. I'm wondering how the story will all turns out. :)
SUJU4ever13 #7
Chapter 16: can't wait!!! What if she doesn't choose both and drags siwon to leave with her...? Gosh it's getting intense!!
SUJU4ever13 #8
Chapter 16: Oh my god!!! The author is SO cheering me up :) an update a day keeps the doctor away~ *blinks & runs away~ see you in the next chapter!
Chapter 16: Ahh a nice conversation with Siwon and Nanami, that breaks things up a bit.
Love how Yoshi and Henry are having a discussion in the background LOL...
What will happen next, who will appear in her its Yoshi LOL.....random OC feels LMAO.
SUJU4ever13 #10
Chapter 15: Don't know if Nahi will survive this drama before her engagement party!!