The oneshot begins~!

Love Comes and Go and Comes Again~!

“Sungyeol your here!” I exclaimed as I ran towards the entrance of my apartment. Sungyeol stood there taking his shoes off making no reaction to me at all. He looked down at me with the same look I have been getting for a few days now. The look of sadness and regret. His eyes were looking into mine but it felt more like he was looking past me, they felt empty, lifeless. It felt like if he truly looked at me he would say something he was going to regret later. I knew from the first second I got that look that he was going to start pushing me away. I have gotten that look once before. Once before from a boy I loved very long ago. Days after that look started that relationship ended. I knew Sungyeol and I were heading there also but I didn't want to except it. I also knew the reason why I was getting this look from him now was because he was confused on what he should do. Stay with me or break up with me and be with a girl he has liked for many years. Sungyeol told me many times that he loved me. The whole 2 years we were together wasn't going to be thrown away for some girl he was never going to marry was it?


I dropped my eyes from his and tried hard to hold in the tears that were trying to escape. The look he gave me was much worse today then normal. I walked down the hall hearing Sungyeol's faint footsteps as he followed me. As I walked into the kitchen I heard him stop following me. I was hoping that maybe if I took my time making tea I wouldn't have to deal with what I assumed was going to happen today.


“Mihyun can we talk for a minute?” Sungyeol asked coming into the kitchen.

“We will after I finish this.” I told him in a low voice. I was afraid that if I talked louder he might hear the pain in my voice.


“It won't take long. You can make that after. I can't stay long anyways.” He told me as he walked closer to me. I took a deep breath before I turned to face him. I avoided his gaze and stared at the floor waiting for him to talk. Bracing myself for what he was going to say.


“Can we sit down in the living room?” He asked. I nodded my head and walked past him through the doors and to the couch taking a seat at one end. Sungyeol followed suit taking the couch next to mine. The silence that followed after we sat was deafening.


“Mihyun I-”

“Are you sure you don't want anything to drink?” I questioned him trying to avoid what he was going to say.


“Yes I am fine. I think we should-” He started but I cut him off once again. This time when I quickly stood up from the couch.

“I will be right back.” I told him. Just as I passed him a hand gripped around my wrist as he stood up from the couch.


“Why are you not letting me speak?” He questioned. I could hear the annoyance his voice and I sighed.

“Because Sungyeol I know what you are going to say.” I told him as I pulled my wrist from him. “Did you think that maybe I wouldn't realize you were pushing me away?” Sungyeol's eyes fell to the ground for a few seconds before he turned them back on me.


“If you realized it why didn't you say anything?” He asked looking into my eyes. This was the first time in a long time that it felt like he was actually looking at me and it just scared me even more.

“Because I don't want to break up.” I told him and ran into the kitchen. The tears slipped past my eyes and fell down my cheeks.


“Hyunnie I am sorry.” He said as he came into the room. Hearing him say my pet name just made it worse and the tears fell even more.


“Please don't call me that.”

“I'm sorry.” He repeated this time dropping the name.

“Can I ask you why we are breaking up?” A few seconds passed with him not saying anything. I turned to look at him to find him staring at me crying himself. “Why are you crying? I'm the one being broken up with.” It irritated me that he felt like he had the right to cry at this moment.


“You think that this doesn't hurt me also Mihyun. I love you as much as you do me.” He told me taking a step closer. I backed up until I was against the counter and shook my head.


“That is a lie. I would never break up with you. You don't love me as much as I do you.” I retorted whipping away at a few of the tears. Sungyeol took another step towards me.


“Stop. Just go.” I told him and turned back around to face the kitchen sink. I heard a few faint footsteps then the front door open and close. Instantly I fell to the floor. I placed my back against the cupboards and pulled my legs to my chest. For what felt like an hour I sat there just crying, hard. My throat felt sore, my head hurt, and my heart felt like it had been ripped into a million pieces. I heard the sound of my phone go off and I pushed myself off the floor to get it. I was not really sure why I was going to answer it. I guess I was trying to find someone to help me. I picked up the phone and held it to my ear for a few seconds to try and calm my breathing.


“Mihyun? Mihyun are you okay?” I recognized the voice to be my best friend's and I fell back to the floor letting the tears come out again. “Mihyun what's wrong? Are you home? I am coming home now okay?”


It didn't take her long to get back. I remembered earlier this morning she had said she was going over to the Infinite member's dorm. Bad thing was Sungyeol, who was in Infinite, lived only 2 buildings away. He would always meet me at the front of my building to walk me to the bus stop for work. But now that was never going to happen.


“Mihyun what's wrong?” My best friend asked as she threw her arms around me. She held me tightly trying to calm me down.

“Sung.....broke........up.....” I tried to force out through tears. My friend hugged me tighter to her and started to pet down my hair.


“That jerk. Why?” She asked trying to sooth me. Once I had calmed down a little bit more to talk to her I pulled away and looked at her.

“I don't know why. Probably has something to do with Jihyun.” I told her and stood up from the floor. “I am going to take a shower.”


For days I avoided everyone. I wanted to be alone. I didn't want to be around anyone that was going to remind me of Sungyeol until I was ready too. Right now I was currently sitting in my room watching a drama. The drama was cute and funny. The couple in it were so happy together and it just made me feel worse. I threw the remote at the TV but missed. The remote landed on the floor with a loud thump and seconds later a few people entered my room.


“Mihyun are you ok?” Woohyun asked as he looked around the room. I looked at the intruders and sighed.

“What did you think I was going to kill myself or something?” I questioned. They all avoided my gaze and I stared at them surprised. “Wow guys. Just wow.” I fell back on my bed and pulled the blankets over my head.


“Mihyun you really need to get out of here.” I heard Sungjong say. The blankets were pulled from my head seconds later and I looked up to see L.


“Forget about Sungyeol.” L ordered looking down at me. The mention of 'his' name caused a tight pull at my heart and tears formed in my eyes once again. L reached over to my face and placed a light slap on my left cheek, adding just enough power behind it to sting a little.


“What was that for?” I asked him holding my now slightly red cheek.

“Every time you cry, almost cry, or even talk about him I am going to slap you. I will make you too afraid to even think about him.” He grabbed a hold of my wrist and pulled me out of the bed. “Now get up we are going to go out.”


An hour later we were all on our way out the door. I wasn't sure on where they were taking me and my best friend Eunjong but I didn't care. I followed after them my eyes on the ground and trying not to think about Sungyeol. Today I was going to forget about my problems and have fun with the boys.


“Oh I forgot something at the dorm. We will have to make a pit stop.” Sunggyu said as he patted his pockets. I shook my head no. I wasn't going to go anywhere near that dorm knowing Sungyeol lived there. “Don't worry Mihyun he isn't here.”


I wanted so much to ask them where he was then. Was he with Jihuyn? Was he already over the break up? Had he already told Jihyun how he felt? I knew that if I asked these questions I would only start to cry again and I avoided it.


“Mihyun.” L warned in a low voice. I quickly perked up and looked at Sunggyu. “Okay oppa we can make a pit stop.”


We all entered the apartment one by one and made our way to the living room. I took a seat on the couch in between Hoya and Dongwoo who happened to be sitting there.

“Mihyun. Hi, long time no see.” Dongwoo said as he pulled me into a light hug. I smiled at the older boy and hugged him back.

“It's nice to see you both again.” I told them and gave Hoya a light hug. It took Sunggyu longer then we expected to find what he was looking for.


“Hyung! Why did you leave your wallet in my room?” Someone asked coming from a room off to the right of the living room. The voice of the person I had not wanted to see ever again. I felt his gaze on me but I ignored it. I dropped my head down making my hair fall over my face and cover it from his view. I stood from the couch and walked quickly from the room. I felt the stares of everyone following me but I didn't care. I needed to get out of here. I shouldn't have left my room. That was a very bad decision.


“Mihyun wait.” Sungyeol yelled out to me just as I was about to exit the apartment. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at the younger boy.

“What?” I asked in a low voice.

“How are you?” He asked rubbing the back of his head. I didn't answer him. I just continued to stare at him. I was waiting for him to just leave so I could leave.


“Mihyun I-” He started but I cut him off.

“I don't want to hear I am sorry from you again.” I told him, opened the door, and proceeded down the hall.


“Mihyun!” Sungyeol yelled out to me as he grabbed my hand. “I am sorry. I didn't mean it.” I ripped my hand out of his grasp and turned towards him throwing him the best glare I could muster. He grabbed a hold of both of my shoulders refusing to let me go anywhere.


“You wouldn't have said it if you didn't mean it.” I yelled at him trying to push him away from me. Tears were threatening to pour from my eyes as I pushed him away.


“Mihyun wait!” He yelled out to me once more as I ran away from him. It didn't take him long to catch up to me, being as he was taller and had longer legs. Once he did he threw his arms around me stopping us both. He stood there his arms wrapped around my shoulders holding me to his warm chest.


“I'm sorry.” He whispered tightening his grip on me. “I don't know what I was thinking. I really didn't mean to break up with you.”


“Why did you do it then?”

“Because I was confused. I didn't know what to do knowing Jihyun liked me. I thought that maybe if I broke up with you then maybe my heart would tell me what I wanted more.” He told me turning me to face him. He whipped away the few tears that had managed to escape and hugged me to him once more.


“I now know the decision to break up with you was the dumbest one ever. I love you Mihyun.” He whispered into my ear and pulled me away from his chest. He looked down at me placing a finger under my chin lifting it to lock eyes with mine.

“I love you too.” Sungyeol bent down slowly his face getting closer and closer.

“I'm sorry.” He whispered one last time before his lips touched mine. The feel of his lips on mine felt like a memory I had lost and just now found again. Instantly I kissed him back. It felt like everything in the world was right when he kissed me. His strong arms felt like home as he pulled me closer to him deepening the kiss. Seconds later he pulled away and looked down at me.


“Please forgive me.” He lightly brushed his hand across my cheek looking deep into my eyes. The way he was looking into my eyes now reminded me of how it was when he first looked at me; with pure love. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tiptoes to get closer to his face.


“Promise to never break up with me again?” I questioned him.

“Never going to happen.” He told me with a smile.

“Good.” I pulled him back down to my lips and kissed him with such passion it felt like my legs were going to fall out from beneath me.


Sunggyu pov


I peeked my head out of the apartment to see Sungyeol and Mihyun interlocked at the lips. I quickly closed the door and ran back into the living room. Everyone looked at me in anticipation.

“Well they are kissing. So I assume they are okay now.” Everyone broke out into cheers and big smiles before a few rushed out into the hallway.




The kiss was ended shorter than I had expected when a few people pulled us away from each other. Sungyeol and I looked at each other confused before we both looked at the people behind us.

“Congrats guys. We knew you two wouldn't be able to stay away from each other for long.” Eunjong said as she hugged me from behind. Sungyeol looked at me and smiled lightly causing me to blush. Eunjong laughed at me and pushed me towards Sungyeol.


“Let's go celebrate!” Sungjong shouted.

“Man now I don't get to hit her anymore.” L complained. I glared at the younger boy before lightly hitting him.


“You hit my girlfriend?” Sungyeol asked looking at his dongsaeng. L ran away; Sungyeol chasing after him. I laughed at my boyfriend turning back into his normal self and bit my bottom lip. I was so happy I could explode.


“Mihyun! Are you coming?” Sungyeol asked popping his head out from the apartment door. I smiled and ran towards him. Towards the boy that makes me happier than anyone else. The boy that stole my heart.


So tell me what you think~!

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Haneulxxx #1
Chapter 1: >_< wahh! So fluffy! <3 sungyeols adorable
asdfghjkl That was really really nice ^O^.
ThePowerChaserToYou #3
So cute!!!! Sungyeol!!!!! Yeolie!!!!!
lol because L likes being abusive.<br />
It's funny.
Gomawo you guys~! ^^
it's cute >_<
I think this is really good. :)