Life is Unfair

Life is Unfair

[A/N]: (uhh =_= this is longer then I thought) Well, I must say this is a 100% true story until the part where Luhan came out. All these situations (except for Luhan's again) really, 100% happened to me. Within the first week of 2014. Trust me, Mirae's feelings are all mine. I tried to make the ending as ambiguious as possible because who knows what kind of angst I'd write with a state of mind like mine now. I dont wanna disappoint my readers (if there are any) with lousy endings, so it's up to yall to decide on the ending. 

I'd said I write better when I'm stressed but I guess the stress I'm facing now is a whole new level I havent encounter before... So this drabble isnt 100% satifiable but I need to rant and I figured it'd be better to write what I want to rant into a fic instead of plunging myself into darkness and emo while affecting my tlist on Twitter ._. T_T

As usual, I welcome comments & criticisms (it's ok if you go all spazzy and CAPS on me. LOL I do that to my friends on Twitter and AFF all the time ^^*) 

Just when she thought her life is going to get better in a new year, everything came crushing down. Mirae cant help being all disappointed - after all, new year promises so much optimism. But no, ridiculous and digusting stuff just has to trigger her OCD and volcano-like temper.

Mirae's very very first weekend in 2014 is spent fighting a barbarian. 

Over new year's hot pot dinner.

Because said barbarian came "like-a-boss" (literally) to her grandmother's house and added ingredients with her dirty, unwashed hands. (Well, fighting may be an understatement considering how Mirae screamed off while trying to -slap someone.)

Two days later, her friend showed her that the meaning of her name isnt actually auspicious at all. 

To add on, the college Mirae's studying in is ending their break soon. In 4 days to be exact. When college starts, it'll be like hell overturned - 2 laboratories lasting 6 hours each, a full Wednesday without break, days after days of late release and hours of travelling because her parents thought dorms are of bad influence.

It's difficult not to be pessimistic in situations like these. And to be honest, Mirae is breaking under pressure and stress. 

At times like this, how Mirae wishes she has a caring boyfriend to hear her rant. Of course she has best friends who do listen to her - but boyfriends can do more. 

Give her reassuring hugs. Or bring her out on therapy dates.

Oh, how she wished. 

"Mirae! Park Mirae!"

There it goes again. Another lecture session by dear mother. For whatever nonsensical reasons. 

Those angry tears. Those unjust moments. Those grevience she thought would explode out of her. 

The feeling of running away from home is so strong because hey, one can only withheld so much emotions at one time. Mirae is already on the edge of what she calls her own break down point. Maybe suicide point is a better description.

-Mirae ah-

Her iPhone's screen lit up, blinding her while being in a dark room she is forced to share with her sister. 


-I heard the noises-

-What noises-

At times like this, it can only be this one person. 

-You know you house isnt exactly far from mine right? =_= Of course its your mom's voice-

-Oh. So? What do you want me to do? I'm not in the mood to do anything, Luhan-

-Come over to my house. It's just one unit away. Dont be lazy-

This one special person who had never made Mirae felt anything less than a human when she is with him. 

Mirae trots out of her room grouchily, slipped on her filp-flops, bang the door close and head towards her neighbour's house. In all honesty, she couldn't care less about politeness anymore. Not when she knows one major emotional breakdown is hitting her like a tsunami soon.

Before Mirae can even knock, he appeared by the door and hastily pulls her into his house. Subsequently slamming the door.

"Sit. I'll go make some cappuccino." Luhan settles her on his giant, pink, comfy couch before he went to mess around in his kitchen. He knows cappuccino is her happy food.

Mirae nods. It's difficult to speak when she feels bile building up in her oesophagus. So when Luhan left for the kitchen, she assume the knees-to-chest position, burying her head down. Mirae couldnt cry. But she couldnt help but feel inferior and stressed. It's like a tangle of knots everywhere in her body. She'd like to stop breathing - and hence, thinking - for now, if she can manage to. It's rare for someone to see Mirae in a vulnerable position. She doesnt like being labelled vulnerable, nor does she like to present herself as weakling.

But it's even rarer to see Luhan frown. 

Luhan settles both cups of foamy, caffeine goodness on his pink-tinted glass coffee table, and proceeds to try to drag Mirae out of her self-pitying and pathetic thoughts. Luhan pulls her up from her assumed position and hugs Mirae as hard as he can manage without hurting her. 

Tight hugs. 

Those are what Mirae needed so much now she didnt even realise she is already wetting his shirt with silent tears.

And Luhan knows, at times like this it's better for him to say nothing. Let her cry in slience.

Mirae appreciates how Luhan always manages her situation so well even though she hadnt speak a word. When Mirae thought she calmed down a little, she pulls him down to his sofa to cuddle. 

"Thank you." Mirae mumbles, burying her face deeper in his chest. 

Luhan suddenly (and involuntarily) feels so protective he wants to rid the world of people who made her feel so unguarded. 

"Sleep." Luhan hugs her and pats her head, coaxing Mirae to put down whatever thoughts she could not let go for now. "I'll wake you up when it's dinner."

"I dont wanna eat." Mirae whispers, knitting her brows into a deep V.

"You'll feel better after sleeping." Luhan pokes her temples, trying to stop her from frowning but never letting his hold on her falter. "Come on, sleep."

"Ugh. Dominating." But she heeds his advice anyways, sleeping in warmth that she thought she'd never feel in her lifetime. 



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Chapter 1: Life is always unfair ^^