Chasing the Sun


There are moments in life that you can't seem to move past, no matter how hard you try. You remain stuck, frozen in the memories. Memories never die. Some might be joyous, such as a wedding day or the birth of a child. Others, a constant regret. For Park Seri, a recurring nightmare. 

Three Years after the death of her twin brother, she has nearly come to terms with what happened with the help of her best friend Luhan. Back for another semester of college, Seri struggles when her nightmares return. Reluctant to burden her friends, she distances herself, much to Luhan's chagrin.

"Maybe I lied when I said I was ok"


I struggle writing descriptions without giving the whole story away, so bear with me! :)


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H2OvsH2Obender #1
Chapter 3: MINHO!! *spazums* I just about died when I read that! You're so good with your details that you even made him a soccer player XD AHHHH! How does Luhan know about her brother?! Please update again soon!!!! <3
can't wait to read! mai god, this sounds good XD
jesshanson22 #3
Chapter 3: Snapback know my type ;) omo its super good though, I can't wait to see what happens!!!!
H2OvsH2Obender #4
Chapter 2: Love! Love! Love!! I can't wait for more updates! My feels can't take it X3
TwitchO__o #5
Chapter 2: EEEEEEEEEEP! You updated!! >.< WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! *happiest person alive* This was STUPENDA!!! i love the character development and Seri's personality ^_^ hahhaa and why does Luhan have a BRUISE?!? Another crazy lady attack? =P I can't wait to see what you have in store for us and to find out what actually happened to her twin brother!! Keep keep keep keep writing dearie!!!! You inspire me to write =) I look forward to more updates and Luhan goodieness *melts*
jesshanson22 #6
Chapter 1: "You'll have to check out the mower soon, it drives like a dream." <3 THIS IS INCREDIBLE. I have read it over 10 times and I still get shivers. The ending=perfection. I am so excited to see what happens! Oh and I LOVE IT. <3 HWAITING.
TwitchO__o #7
KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I've only read the prologue and already I am going GAGA!!! @__@ *freaks out* This is soooooo beautifully written and I absolutely LOVE the way you write >.< GAAAAAAAAH the line at the end is so chilling. *shivers* THIS. IS. GOING. TO. BE. EPIC. let the tears come and the mayhem ensue .... BRING IT ON!!! i got tissues at the ready *grins* Please please please pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase keep writing cuz I NEED TO KNOW MORE!!!! *spazzes* This story is going to haunt me =S Don't leave me hanging! <3 <3 LUHAN <3 <3