Myungsoo - Love at first sight

Feel Loved by Infinite~

"Paris Romance" from Myungsoo's sight!

“Mum I can see the Eiffel Tower from here! Look!”

“Sit down the plane will land soon!”

A little kid sprang from his seat and admired his sight from the little window, not even noticing that he was sitting on a strangers lap. When his mother saw it, she lifted him up and put on his seat belt again. The mother sighed at her child but looked up to apologize to the man who sat beside the window. He only smiled at her like telling that it was alright and the mother stared at him with slightly pink cheeks. She felt bad for her husband to stare at a stranger, but she had no choice.

Who wouldn’t stare at this handsome man?

The man waved his hand in front of the woman’s face but she didn’t react.

“Don’t worry my mum is daydreaming again. Sorry for sitting on your lap before…” The little boy looked sadly to the ground and felt bad. Suddenly a warm hand ruffled his hair and when he looked up he saw the man smiling widely at him.

“You don’t need to apologize little man, I didn’t even mind. What is your name by the way? I’m Kim Myungsoo.”

Myungsoo stretched out his hand and the little boy happily shook his hand.

“Oh that’s good then. I’m Jung Minkyung!” Minkyung opened his belt again and bounced his head in excitement. That made Myungsoo chuckle a bit and he admired the cute little boy more. Maybe he will get such cute kids himself in the future?

But first he needs to find the right one for him.

“My parents decided to do a city trip and they choose Paris. I can’t believe that my big brother could ditch this to only spend time with his girlfriend!” A little pout appeared on the face of Minkyung and that made his face even more adorable than it already was. Myungsoo just wanted to squeeze his cheeks because he was really weak against cuteness.

But he only ruffled his hair more and laughed at the mess he caused on Minkyung’s head. When a frown was replaced by a playful smirk on Minkyung’s face, then Myungsoo knew that a little war would start. And it didn’t last long until both hairs were now a single mess and the plane full of giggles.

Suddenly the voice of a woman got their attention and they stopped. She told all passengers that they would land now in Paris and that they should put on their seatbelts. Minkyung’s mother who watched them playing around put on the seatbelt of her son again. Myungsoo did the same and remained silent but when he glanced at Minkyung who glanced back at him, he couldn’t contain his wide smile.

That little boy surely put out Myungsoo’s playful side and he felt like a kid again.

It was a refreshing feeling to laugh at silly things and to have fun. With Minkyung on his side, his plane flight wasn’t boring anymore.

After some minutes, the plane landed safely and all passengers walked out. It was time to say goodbye to Minkyung and his mother. Minkyung was really sad but waving energetically to Myungsoo. Even Myungsoo was sad but he felt more motivated to do his job in Paris now

When he turned around and began to walk, he bumped into someone. He stumbled back a few times but immediately apologized. But all he heard was a soft and warm giggle.

“No need to apologize it was my fault too!” A petite girl, maybe around his age, giggled softly and her eyes turned into happy crescents. Myungsoo didn’t reply back because he felt a sudden pain in his chest.

Thump Thump Thump

His heart did strange things right now and no matter how long he stared at her, he found her amazingly beautiful. Just then his face blushed in a deep red and he looked embarrassed to the ground.


Well he suddenly realized a small hand touching his hair and patting it down. After the little fight with Minkyung, he forgot to arrange his hair and now he must be looking horrible.

“Sorry for suddenly touching you but I watched your fight with the little boy and it was so cute! Your hair looked really…funny hahaha” Gently she arranged his hair again and nodded in satisfaction after she was done. Myungsoo shyly thanked her and over his now normal hair.

“Oh I must go now! Bye!” The girl waved at him and looked around to search for a cab. When she found one and drove away, Myungsoo pouted and felt sad. A strange feeling inside told him something about that girl but he didn’t thought about it more and made his way to a cab too.


On the next day Myungsoo decided to start his project. He needed to make beautiful pictures of Paris and what is one of the best things to take a photo of?

It’s the Eiffel tower.

Slowly he walked through the streets of Paris and watched how the blossoms of the trees started to grow. Flowers in all kind of colors opened themselves and Myungsoo made sure to capture each of their beauty. It was a perfect spring weather for taking beautiful pictures.

Then Myungsoo saw the Eiffel Tower and he admired it for some minutes before taking out his best camera and taking pictures of it. He walked into the park beside the Eiffel Tower and took some pictures there with the green field.

Suddenly he tripped over a stone and looked away from his camera to see over what he tripped. Just then he saw a familiar face.

The girl from yesterday at the airport sat on a bench and was drawing something. She was just as beautiful as yesterday and Myungsoo’s heart began to beat faster. Her wavy long hair brushed against her face when a small wind came. She wore a summer dress with a jeans jacket and looked fashionable.

Myungsoo took out his camera on reflex and took a picture of her together while drawing.


The sound of the camera got the girls attention and she looked at Myungsoo.

“Excuse me but did you just take a photo of me? It’s rude not to ask firs-“

She stopped talking when Myungsoo put down the camera and revealed his handsome face. It looked like she didn’t remembered him but was fascinated about his appearance.

A small smile appeared on his face when he answered her.

“Ah sorry I couldn’t control myself from taking a picture from such a beautiful sight”

“Well it’s not normal to just take a photo of someone without asking” She said with a little pout and Myungsoo mentally screamed at her cuteness.  He sat down beside her and laughed a little at her behavior.

“I’m really sorry if I did that so let me do it right...Miss, can I take a picture from you please?”



“Because I don’t want to and why do you even want to take a photo from me?”

It didn’t took Myungsoo long to answer that because his heart spoke for him.

“I love to take photos and seeing a person happily smiling while drawing warmed up my heart. I could see from the looks of your eyes that you love your work there. No wonder, because it’s amazing!”

Myungsoo leaned down to look more at the drawing from her, but before he could see more, she shoved it into her chest.

“Aww playing mysterious or what?” he pouted and showed the girl sad puppy eyes. Soon bright laughter filled his ears and he smiled upon seeing her laughing.

“Hahahaha whoever you are, you are hilarious!” Suddenly she packed all her things and wanted to walk away but Myungsoo grabbed her wrist before she could go anywhere. His heart told him that he shouldn’t let her go, so he listened to it.

“Wait! Please draw me next to the Eiffel Tower female Picasso!” The girl gave him a look after hearing her nickname from him and he only smirked at her.

“Sorry but I don’t draw people so much and I have to go…” She apologized to him and her face told Myungsoo that she was somehow sad about leaving.

“Oh…uhm then can I take a Polaroid picture of you and the Eiffel Tower? I will give you the picture” At the last sentence he winked at her and showed his other camera. It was a Polaroid camera.

Myungsoo saw how the girl thought about it and suddenly her eyes looked gently at him.

 “Sure why not? You’re lucky because I needed a good photo from me” The girl nodded and posed in front of the Tower after Myungsoo gave her his thumbs up.

His feelings overwhelmed him when he saw her standing there beside the Eiffel Tower. Even the beauty of the world wasn’t enough to beat her own beauty in his eyes.

“She is so beautiful…” he thought and positioned his camera at her.

“I will count to three and then press the button Ok? 1…2….3!”


Everything happened fast when the photo came out. The girl was about to go again, when her bag fell to the ground and some things flew everywhere. Her pencil rolled to Myungsoo and just then an idea came into Myungsoo’s mind. He slowly picked up the pencil, scribbled something on the Polaroid photo before the girl noticed it and handed her the photo.

Both of them said goodbye to each other and Myungsoo watched her walking father away from him. His heart hurt so much and he felt the sadness again. This time he didn’t ignore it and knew that was because of her.

He fell in love.

Finally it was time for the meeting of Myungsoo’s company in a fancy restaurant. He wore a suit and looked more stunning now. When he wanted to go to the washroom, he noticed someone sitting lonely at a table looking at a photo.

Somehow his feelings said him that he should go nearer and he did so.

All the feelings from yesterday till now returned and his heart beat familiar.

It was the girl he fell in love with and she looked lovely while smiling at the photo.

“Is this seat free?” Myungsoo took all his courage and asked her while pointing to the seat beside her. Her face lit up and it looked like she missed him so much even when they didn’t know each other for so long.

“You truly are something Kim Myungsoo”

Even today when he was holding her hand in his, his heart didn’t stop beating like crazy. Since he first met her it was like this and even now his heart acts like this.

It was love at first sight.

Loving and to be loved was the best feeling he could give and receive. He remembered to always listen to his heart, because it tells the truth.


Happy belated Birthday Kim Myungsoo! >.<

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Everyone check out Infinite's new MV 'Last Romeo'! It's so amazing *_*


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Chapter 13: Awe~~ Well, I'll be waiting until you come back! ~<3
Chapter 10: No problem!!!! ^^ I love your stories, why wouldn't I upvote? Good chapter ~ I'm not really a fan of , but it was pretty good! however.... I cant imagine Sungjung doing such a thing. But hey, he is becoming a man right??? Lol . Anyway keep it up and I can't wait for the next! FIGHTING!!!!! <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah!! I swear the look on my face when I read that the noodles she ordered were at another table, priceless. I laughed so hard!! I can only imagine how she felt.

Good story! Can't wait for the next. :))))
Chapter 6: Eeeeeeep!!! So cute!!!!! Sungyeol is such a tease~

I can't wait for the next one! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Sorry* (damn it!!!)
Chapter 5: Wait* (Spretty.... using my phone.)
Chapter 5: New reader here!!! *Waves*
I love your oneshot stories! They are awesome and fluffy and b-e-a-u-tiful!!! Please update author-nim! I cant waut to read more! :D
K_AnExo #8
Chapter 1: So cute! ^_^