Sunggyu - Waiting for you

Feel Loved by Infinite~

Happy Valentine's Day~!

She was standing under the lantern and looked at her phone. Her hair was tied in a bun and her clothes were simple but elegant. She was smiling and he felt himself smiling too.

Kim Sunggyu was sitting in the café where he met his friends every Saturday. All of them talked with each other. Only Sunggyu was staring outside and didn’t even listen to the talking of his friends.

He was sitting here every Saturday and watched the girl under the lantern. Something in his heart told him to watch her and he didn’t know why. The only thing he knew was that he had weird feelings he never had in his life.

What kind of feelings are they?


A sudden sound took him out of his daydream and he looked shocked to his side. There was his friend Myungsoo holding his camera and smiling at him.

“You should see your face…it tells all of your feelings right now” His smile got wider and he nodded towards the window where he was looking just some minutes ago. Sunggyu saw how Myungsoo raised an eyebrow when he saw that he nodded towards the girl Sunggyu watched.

His other friends stopped talking and gave their attention to Sunggyu and Myungsoo. Suddenly all of them smiled and started speaking at once.

“Hyung are you in love?”

“Woooow our Gyu likes a girl~”

“You creeper…stop staring at her from afar!”

They didn’t stop talking until Myungsoo raised his hand and put it on Sunggyu’s shoulder.

“We always notice how you stare at her. It’s time you try to approach he-“



“It’s not the right time and it would be weird when I suddenly started to speak with her”

“But Hyung-“

“No buts I don’t want to do it now”

All of them sadly looked at each other and stopped talking. Silently they agreed to let Sunggyu handle it himself and started talking about other things again. But what they didn’t notice was the desire and sadness in his face.

He wanted to talk to her but was too scared.

So he remained silent and watched her for some more minutes until her friend picked her up.

She disappeared and a precious feeling in Sunggyu also disappeared. His heart suddenly felt lonely and sad but he couldn’t explain why.

But he was sure that the girl was the cause of it.


Weeks passed and Sunggyu felt how he always looked forward for Saturday’s. Not only because he could see his best friends again, but also because of the nameless girl under the lantern.

Watching her gave him the feeling of satisfaction. He felt completed just by watching her and every time she was picked up, he felt how these feelings disappeared.

Myungsoo silently watched how his friend helplessly watched the girl he admired everytime. He fought back the urge to drag Sunggyu to the girl, so he didn’t have to feel that way.

“So what are you all doing on Valentine’s Day?” Dongwoo got everyone’s attention with that question and his eyes were twinkling.

“I will go to the amusement park with my girlfriend!” Sungjong shouted and made a little victory dance in his seat.

“Me and Woohyun will have a double date with our girlfriends in a fancy restaurant” Dongwoo high-fived Woohyun and they both smiled at each other.

“I will just go on a walk with my girlfriend in the park” Myungsoo shyly smiled and looked at his pictures in his camera where he found the Picture from Paris back then.

“And what will the lonely ones do?~” Woohyun jokingly looked at the other three who didn’t have a girlfriend yet. Sunggyu, Hoya and Sungyeol glared at him before speaking up.

“Just some dance training…”

“Probably I will go ice-skating”

“…..I will tell her my feelings”

Sunggyu was the last one to speak and Woohyun nodded all the time in satisfaction when they spoke.

“Oh what a great idea, actually- WAIT WHAT?!” Woohyun stared unbelievingly at Sunggyu and just realized what he said before. Now everyone looked at him but he remained emotionless and looked out of the window again, just to see her. A small smile formed on his lips and soon he looked at his shocked friends.

“That’s right. It’s finally time and Valentine’s Day is perfect!” Sunggyu stood up from his seat and looked energetic and happy. His hands formed into fists and slowly touched his chest. There he put his hand on the side of his heart and listened to his heartbeat.

Steady and clear.

Strong and full of love.

His heart told him the right things and finally it was time for being true to his feelings.


Finally it was Valentine’s Day and this time he wasn’t in the café. Sunggyu waited outside with a little bouquet of flowers and nervously looked around. Last time he promised everyone to talk to her and today looked perfect for that.

Just then he heard footsteps and turned around to see the girl he admired for so long beside him. His heartbeat got faster and his hands got sweaty. Slowly he fully turned around and approached her.

She saw how he looked into her eyes and smiled at him. When Sunggyu was standing in front of her, she saw the gentleness and warmness in his eyes. It was like she knew him for so long and felt comfortable around him even though she never saw him before.

Sunggyu took all his courage and held out the bouquet of flowers. The girl slowly took the flowers and both of them smiled at each other.

“My name is Kim Sunggyu and I was waiting to finally speak to you. Would you want to drink a coffee with me?”

“I’d love too”

Her smile was even more beautiful than from the distance and his feelings finally filled his whole body with happiness.



“What are you doing Myungsoo? Let’s go to our date already!” Myungsoo’s girlfriend watched how he shot a photo of his friend. They were just going to the park when they noticed Sunggyu speaking to the girl.

“Yes we will go now” he kissed his girlfriend on her forehead and smiled in satisfaction when he watched Sunggyu and the girl going into the nearby café.

“Now you should see how happy you are Hyung”


I'm so sorry for the late update >.< But anyways enjoy your weekend! ;)

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Everyone check out Infinite's new MV 'Last Romeo'! It's so amazing *_*


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Chapter 13: Awe~~ Well, I'll be waiting until you come back! ~<3
Chapter 10: No problem!!!! ^^ I love your stories, why wouldn't I upvote? Good chapter ~ I'm not really a fan of , but it was pretty good! however.... I cant imagine Sungjung doing such a thing. But hey, he is becoming a man right??? Lol . Anyway keep it up and I can't wait for the next! FIGHTING!!!!! <3
Chapter 7: Ahahahah!! I swear the look on my face when I read that the noodles she ordered were at another table, priceless. I laughed so hard!! I can only imagine how she felt.

Good story! Can't wait for the next. :))))
Chapter 6: Eeeeeeep!!! So cute!!!!! Sungyeol is such a tease~

I can't wait for the next one! Fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 5: Sorry* (damn it!!!)
Chapter 5: Wait* (Spretty.... using my phone.)
Chapter 5: New reader here!!! *Waves*
I love your oneshot stories! They are awesome and fluffy and b-e-a-u-tiful!!! Please update author-nim! I cant waut to read more! :D
K_AnExo #8
Chapter 1: So cute! ^_^