

Sehun gets a night before leaving only with memories.



This was written for a prompt on the EXO prompt meme. Title influence was BIGBANG's Tonight. I liked the sound of the quote, moreso when I found the full thing, but OP wanted something "bittersweet and really cute and fluffy." I think I only succeeded on the bittersweet part. I kind of want to write the same thing from the other point of view. There are honestly more ideas coming with these two; maybe I'll continue with small drabbles about them in this 'verse [which could easily be written as canon].


He knows he should go. His phone is dead; he has class in a few hours. No amount of burrowing and dozing would bring back the young man who'd left with the moon.

Dressing in silence, he forgoes a shower in favour of getting home before his room mate found him still gone. Jeans, sock, hoodie, and shoes are easily located. He slept in his boxers. His shirt is no where to be found. Tearing the sheets off the bed, he finds his other sock, but his shirt is still missing.

Oh, well. He has more at home.


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Chapter 1: I loved how short and simple it was.
The world needs more ing, I swear to all hells. Ah~