Fail 42

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It had started slow. Not like the first time when it had been a direct dive into the deep end. This time it was more like dipping your foot into the shallows and very slowly edging further and further out into the water until one part of your body had gotten used to the cold and you submerged another. All of the sudden your feet didn't touch the bottom and you didn't know how you got there. 
It had quite simply snuck up on him.  
Hyukjae dropped down onto the plush cushions of his couch with his phone in his hand not sure whether to laugh or cry. If he was being completely honest with himself, and he really wished he weren't an honest man, he had missed it. However, now that he had it again he just wasn't sure what to do about it.


Movie night at Shindongs! Be there at eight. We're watching a but he promised it wasn't too bad. :)
HORROR! Jesus!


During the last few months he had very steadfastly ignored any spelling errors coming from Donghae since he knew for a fact that the other man simply couldn't hit the right keys to save his life. It was endearing but time consuming. He knew that Donghae made an effort to go back and correct every other word in every post and text he made before sending them but sometimes a mistake would slip through, especially when he was tired. But this.... this was not simply spelling errors where the man had hit N instead of M or O instead of I

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Chapter 45: I cannot comprehend how time passes by so fast when I'm inhaling this fic
Chapter 45: C'était génial, j'ai adoré. Merci
Finished in 1 sitting :3
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