Chapter 9

Men of the Moon

Jaejoong woke up groggily when he realised that he was not on his bed. He groaned at the soreness of his muscles. It had been decades since he last slept on the floor and it was obvious that his body was not used to the hard floor of Leetuek’s living room.

He stared at the ceiling leisurely, as the past day’s event flashed by like a silent movie. A huge load was off his chest when he knew his brother was back. The real Taecyeon and not some angry, misunderstood wolf. He was glad that everything was ironed out. A deep frowned marred the pretty face as his thoughts wondered to Kyungsung. A low growl vibrated from him, the more he recalled how he was played by the man he had trusted. He was pretty attached to him, almost seeing him as his second father since he spent a huge portion of time with the man. Jaejoong shook his head in an attempt to clear his head from the not-so-happy thoughts.

Taec, have you mowed the overgrown lawn yet? Jaejoong teased. He had cheekily ordered the alpha to clean up the mansion when it finally registered to him that his former house was in filth. His eyes widened in horror when Taecyeon begrudgingly admitted that his pack and he had been staying in the unkempt house for a few months already.

There was only silence at the other end. Taecyeon had never been a morning person, Jaejoong recalled and mused. He shifted a little towards his left and rolled his eyes shut. Alpha or not, the model did not want to be greeted with Yunho’s infamous sleeping face first thing in the morning. He tugged the blanket up awkwardly with his left hand, a satisfied smile adorning his face when Yunho’s face was covered thoroughly by the blanket.

His right hand had been anchored down heavily by Heechul for the diva had claimed his right side and since then had been adamantly glued to his side. Changmin howled at his umma being stolen right in front of him. But the spoilt brat could do nothing to the stubborn wolf. And judging from his warmed toes, Jaejoong fairly had an idea where his cub was.

He could hardly feel his fingers and he tried to wriggle the digits to get the blood flowing. The tingling feeling was a torture but he was in no position to complain. He was almost sleeping on Yunho, using his muscled chest as his makeshift pillow.

Jaejoong was still tired, but his body was bustling with unknown energy. He fidgeted around as he fought the urge to pull his heavy body up. The random movement was ceased when Yunho threw a leg over him. Jaejoong stilled for a moment before pushing the heavy limb off him with a grunt as the alpha started muttering incoherently at the action.

He heard a growl from Changmin’s stomach and his stomach echoed after. Excitedly, Jaejoong sat up. His sudden action dislodged his arm from the tight clutch of Heechul. The diva pouted heavily before rolling towards the other side and curled up against Siwon. Changmin crawled into Jaejoong’s lap sleepily and fell asleep immediately. It set off a domino effect, for everybody was either sleeping beside or over someone else, and soon most of the wolves stirred from their sleep. All except Eunhyuk and Donghae who were in each other embraces, snoring like a truck. Jaejoong smiled affectionately when Yoochun pulled a sleepy Junsu, who was rubbing at his eyes, as they shuffled clumsily towards him, tripping over bodies that were strewn messily around the room.

Ruffling the messy bed hair of Junsu’s, Jaejoong suggested, ”Grill party, guys?”

It did not matter that it was still morning – late morning, Changmin argued – for Jaejoong was suddenly faced with sixteen very hungry wolves, including the one on his lap. Well, fifteen to be exact since Yunho was struggling ferociously with the blanket on his face to face his beta. The blanket laid on the floor in shreds seconds later and Yunho gulped when a very angry Jaejoong pinned him with a glare for destroying Leetuek’s blanket.




Jaejoong was floored at how fast Siwon bought and delivered the meat. Leeteuk sent him to buy meat and he came back with packs and packs of meat within minutes. Literally within minutes despite the remote location of the mansion. Leeteuk almost lectured him for revealing his powers in front of the humans but the starving face of Siwon’s held his tongue.

The grill was set up quickly, mostly fuelled by hunger, and Jaejoong wasted no time dumping the meat on the hot grill. The ambrosial aroma made the wolves giddy and Jaejoong gave up trying to defend the meat on the grill.

He pouted ferociously and sat beside Yunho who simply gave him a piece of meat he got from Changmin. The meat-crazed professor actually growled at Yunho when the alpha swiped the entire plate off him and only whined meekly when Yunho stared down at him. He sighed sufferably as he looked at the long line trailing from the grill. It was an interesting sight to see indeed, as the hungry wolves fidgeted terribly yet still standing obediently in a line after Leeteuk ordered them too. The chaos they made as they fought around the grill had the alpha screaming the command. Spotting that Yoochun and Junsu were next in line, he scrambled towards them and squeezed himself in between. Indignant howls rang through the garden but the three wolves paid no heed. Meat was the only thing in their head.

“How did you know that Bi passed you powers over Taecyeon?” Yunho asked in between chews.

“I didn’t know. It was just a spontaneous idea that sprung up when we were caged,” Jaejoong shrugged, eyes trained at the ugly yet adorable scene happening at the grill. Changmin had situated himself at the grill, fending the wolves off like the meat belonged to him. He gave out stingy portions of the meat, leaving Kangin and Shingdong this close to strangling the goddamn professor. Only Yoochun and Junsu had access to the meat for they pulled ranks over the stubborn maknae. And Yunho got his portion from them in return, too lazy to even get up for the meat.

“And without any sort of proof, you confronted him with just your belief?” Yunho raised his brow at his reckless pack mate.

The pretty wolf gave a stink eye.

“I’m not that stupid, Yunho. I tested it before I stood up against him.”

“Oh right!” The forgetful author slapped his head as he remembered Taecyeon’s words at Jaejoong.

“It was just weird that Jun K. obeyed me as if I were his alpha. So I thought maybe, just maybe. After all, I was supposedly the alpha of the clan,” Jaejoong pulled a face.

“That’s why you rather submit to me and let me shoulder all the responsibility of an alpha?” Yunho asked incredulously, still smarting over Jaejoong’s confession from the night before.

Before the alpha and beta engaged into a full-fledged argument, Leeteuk interrupted.

“What about Kyungsung?”

The bickering wolves turned around to see the previously meat snatching wolves all seated around them.

Jaejoong frowned heavily. Kyungsung has been around far longer than any wolves that Jaejoong knew. And being an elder of the clan, Kyungsung is not without his smarts and evils. It definitely was going to be a difficult task.

“We will have to track him down before we could do anything. I already told Taecyeon to try and trace his whereabouts since that anonymous letter would most likely been from him, given that he was one of the only few who knows that I am still alive,” Jaejoong explained.

“Plus, I’m going to be busy soon. With the spring season starting ‘round the corner and Junsu’s next friendly at Japan – “

“I AM GOING TO JAPAN??? REALLY??” An unearthly shriek in the dolphin register had all the wolves covering their ears, trying to protect their overly-sensitive ears from the abuse.

“Well, I think you should be fine by now, unless you are still-“

Junsu immediately transformed into his wolf, snarling and snapping with such ferocity. His glossy black coat glinted under the midday sun and Yoochun could not resist petting the heavy fur.

“Down boy,” he laughed as he soothed the happy wolf.

Yunho suddenly stuck his nose into the air and sniffed loudly.

“Is it just me or is that burning meat I smell?”

Seventeen wolves whipped their heads towards the grill, only to see a small fire happily blazing through.




“Aren’t you going to tell him anytime soon?”

“Tell who what?” Yunho repeated, eyes trained at the busy wolves trying to put out the fire, including Jaejoong and Heechul who were screaming their heads off at Donghae and Eunhyuk who were supposedly responsible to look after the grill.


Yunho turned towards Yoochun, perplexed.

“Tell Jaejoong what?”

“I already know.”

Yunho’s countenance grew serious.


“Well, you weren’t very good at hiding at times…” Yoochun rubbed his neck sheepishly.

“Damn!” Yunho slapped his forehead hard.

“So…. Are you going to tell him?”

“I think Jaejoong need some help,” Yunho mumbled and jogged towards the chaotic mess, where Jaejoong was on the verge of strangling Changmin who only wanted to eat whatever meat that were saved instead of putting out the fire.

Yoochun could only glare at the retreating back of their coward alpha.

I am not a coward.

Yes, you are. If you weren’t, you would have told him by now.


Fine, fine. Just live like you’re dying.





“Do you have to go? Do you really have to go?” Heechul whined since Yunho announced that they were going back to their apartment that day.

And no, the questions were not directed to Yunho, but rather to the pretty model whom Heechul grew so attached to.

“Heechul-yah, I will still be in Seoul!” Jaejoong laughed, looking at the feminine wolf clinging at his side.

“YAH, Heechullie! What about me?” The green-eyed alpha complained as he see his best friend clinging onto his beta, feeling a little betrayed at how fast Heechul switched favourites and a bit more jealous at how close he was glued to his beta.

“Who cares about you, you oaf!” Heechul stuck his tongue out in response.

Unable to take his sickeningly sweet partner, Siwon directed his attention to Kyuhyun.

“Aren’t you sad that Changmin is leaving?”

Kyuhyun raised a brow at Siwon’s unexpected question.

“What’s there to be sad about when I’m going to see that ugly face tomorrow?”

“Oh please, it’s not like you are Mr Korea yourself,” Changmin defended.

Not knowing why, Changmin offered Kyuhyun a position at the university he was working at for his department was looking for a temporary professor. And not knowing why too, Kyuhyun accepted the offer despite his immense dislike towards teaching. The idea of having to face forty-odd morons was just so off-putting. Nobody could understand the relationship that the two youngest had for their words were usually so sarcastic and barbed. But they just clicked just well, much to the bemusement of the rest.




After much pulling and pushing, Yunho’s pack was finally out of the mansion.

“Don’t forget, tomorrow morning!” Changmin shouted across the street and Kyuhyun nodded in response.

Somehow everybody knew that Changmin was not referring to Kyuhyun’s new job but rather something else. Leeteuk and the rest of the wolves silently reminded themselves to be extra careful and cautious the next morning when they woke up. God forbids what morbid prank had the two evil maknae had planned out.


AN: Aloha guys. Enjoy this update for the next one will not be up anytime soon coz school is about to start and I'm absolutely swamped with it. Plus, I'm getting a minor writer's block. I blame this on my rambling brain, complicating this story for more than I can handle. Sigh. 

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dee_9576 #1
Chapter 10: New reader here~ I love this story so much~~ I like how they can communicate through their minds~ wanna read more please update!
Thanks for sharing :)
bemine1 #2
New reader!! love it!! I hope you can update please no rush but I would like to read more. Thank you for your work
Gem_YJ #3
Chapter 10: This is amazing, I'm loving reading this so far. I'm really looking forward to your other updates :D
Chapter 10: Aaaahh such a cliff hanger!!!
Chapter 10: waaah, this is such a cool fic. Hope to see more of this in future ^_^
Chapter 10: waaaaah!!! such a cliffhanger!!! please update soon! i can't wait to see what happens next! :)
MiszCJung #7
Ohhhh werewolvess! ^^
aktfTVXQ9 #8
Chapter 10: That's a surprise. Luckily,they managed to escape danger for now.
Chapter 10: OMG YOOCHUN!!!!!
don't cry!
Time for yoochun's past!
Can't wait~ ^^
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 10: So now it is Chun's past story......can't wait to read more.