Chapter 7

Men of the Moon

The cage was pure silver.

Junsu looked at his healing burnt palm. He had accidentally touched the grills of the cage and his palm was singed immediately.

The wolves were at their wits end. They were caged. Making the best of their situation, they pushed the younger wolves into the middle of the pack, leaving the older and more experienced wolves protecting them from the silver. Changmin howled indignantly when he was pushed forcibly into the core of the pack.

“I am a full wolf now! I can fight!” Changmin snapped.

Jaejoong’s eyes gleamed purple as he summoned all his powers as a dominant wolf and commanded Changmin into the inner circle. The order was so strong that Changmin fell onto the ground instantly, legs weak from the force. Arms grabbed onto the astounded wolf, pushing him in, as he looked bewilderedly at Jaejoong. Never had Jaejoong ordered him to do anything this forcibly. Yunho’s heart broke a little at Changmin’s perplexed face. Stretching his arm to the back, he caressed Changmin’s cheek.

Forgive him, Changminnie. He’s a little stressed right now.

A little? I love your optimism.

And I love your sarcasm.

Changmin shot him a weak grin.



“It’s been a while since the last time things got so lively here! I am so excited!” Taecyeon clapped his hands as he emerged from the shadows.

“Look at all the people whom you lead to the death trap, Jaejoong,” he continued airily and gestured to the cage.

“You never have learnt your lessons, have you, my brother dear. Your cursed beauty led to the demise of that muddle-headed old man. And now, your friends are going to fall because of you too.” Taecyeon shook his head mockingly, an ugly smile painted on his face.

“You killed Bi, not me,” Jaejoong gritted out.

“Oh come on, you naïve little thing. I would have been the successor, if not for you. You stupid wolf, strutting into my perfect world, destroying every piece of it like you have every right to and bewitching Bi to name you his successor. You are not quite the angel your friends thinks you are, Hero,” Taecyeon whispered his name harshly.

Jaejoong remained silent but he was bristling with anger.

“Don’t flash your purple eyes at me like that, Hero. You really should have died that winter. But no, your wretched cries have to reach into the ears of Bi. I really hated you, did you know that?” he drawled lazily. Taecyeon had dragged a chair towards the cage, setting it right in front of Jaejoong and sat on it with his legs crossed leisurely.

He’s a crazy wolf. Leeteuk warned Yunho.

Yunho nodded his head. It was not difficult to realise that Taecyeon was crazy. His temperaments were all over the place. One moment he was smiling gleefully, and the next moment he was hissing in anger.

“You know what, I don’t really like talking to you across the bars. Junho, can you get Hero out?” Taecyeon signalled and a well-built man stepped forth. He unlocked the cage with nimble fingers despite the thick gloves he had on to prevent direct contact with the deadly silver. When he laid his hands on Jaejoong, Yunho growled. Junho froze as the other wolves in the cage eyed him hungrily.

“Cool down, loverboy,” Taecyeon rolled his eyes and urged Junho to hurry up.

Within moments, Jaejoong was pushed roughly towards Taecyeon.

“Treat him better. He was almost your alpha,” the crazy wolf lectured mockingly while dusting the lint off Jaejoong’s clothes. Junho retreated in fear.

Jaejoong, be careful. He’s insane. Yunho warned.

Do you think the mental hospital has a bed for him?

Yunho shook his head at the cheekiness of his beta.

“Come Hero, share with us your feelings about being exiled from our pack,” Taecyeon grinned.

The model raised his brow at Taecyeon’s choice of words. “How about you share with us how you killed Bi,” Jaejoong countered.

Taecyeon seemed terribly pleased at Jaejoong’s suggestion.

“It’s supposed to remain a secret. But since none of you will be able to get out of here alive, why not,” he replied arrogantly.

With that, Taecyeon spilled the gruesome details of that night, no bars held. Junsu’s stomach clenched at the horrifying picture the crazy man was painting for them and he buried his head into Changmin’s chest, hoping to tune out the animated voice.

While Yoochun squirmed at the explicit details, he noticed that Jaejoong was not really listening to Taecyeon. In fact, Jaejoong was not even paying attention to him as he seemed to be engrossed in something else. He nudged Yunho and tilted his head towards the beta. Yunho was alarmed at Jaejoong’s poor danger awareness. It really was not the best time to stone.

“He’s just having his I-am-pretending-to-listen-to-this-crap face on. Just chill, I’m pretty sure Jaejoong thought of a plan to save us all,” Heechul deadpanned from beside Yunho, inspecting a nail chip. Yoochun and Yunho turned their heads away from Heechul speechlessly.

“-I never knew Bi’s blood tasted so good. It was like heaven, Hero-” Taecyeon raved as he looked at Jaejoong. His face fell when he saw the model staring at him, eyes void with emotion.

“You don’t get it!” He roared. Angry that he could not allow Jaejoong to feel the same way as him instead of getting agitated due to the other’s lack of response. Jaejoong continued to look at him dispassionately.

“Wait! I still have it.” With that, Taecyeon stormed off, but not without firm orders for his pack to keep Jaejoong where he was.

Jaejoong mentally frowned at his brother’s lack of observation. Any Tom, or Harry could see that Jaejoong had no intention to escape at all, his body language was all calm and relaxed. Even Taecyeon’s pack mates had realised it too as they looked slightly confused when the alpha gave them the ultimate order to make sure Jaejoong does not leave the room or otherwise.



Jaejoong had no idea why he felt so at ease. Where was his fight or flight instincts? He had no idea. All he knew was that the portrait kept him at peace. One look at Bi smiling reverently at him dissipated all worries. It had been the way since Jaejoong was with him.


“Hello there.”

A skinny little boy whipped his head around, bright doe eyes clouded with fear. He was cold. He was hungry. But nothing beat the confusion in his heart when he woke up to find himself in the middle of a snow field. The snow field was vast, the white stretched off for miles and miles. He missed his appa, he missed his umma. But where were they?

Little Jaejoong appraised the group of people before him. The man who spoke to him was of age. His face was heavily decorated with wrinkles and scars but Jaejoong could see sincerity and kindness in the elder man’s eyes. But it was the smile that made Jaejoong felt safe. The smile that promised security and love. Tucked beside him was a boy his age. The boy was shy for his entire body was hidden behind the old man, all except the pair of eyes that was looking at him with such curiosity.

Before little Jaejoong could reply, he smelt bread. And the survival instincts won as he stretched his hand out reflexively to grab the life-sustaining sustenance.

The rest of the events were a blur to Jaejoong for the next thing he knew, he was standing beside Bi as the reverent man announced to his pack that Jaejoong was his second child.  

He remembered clearly how Taecyeon and he were so close when they grew up for they were the only two wolves that were of similar age. It was as though they were blood brothers as they stuck together throughout, whether in their bouts of mischiefs, or getting lectured by Bi.

He remembered clearly how Taecyeon adored Bi. The little boy thrived under Bi’s love and Bi was never stingy in showing his love to his children.

But all these changed one day. Taecyeon started to hate Bi. Bit by bit, he distanced himself from Jaejoong. When Jaejoong finally noticed it, it was too late. Taecyeon had become the demon that he was today.


To say Yunho was angry was an understatement. The alpha was practically vibrating with such intensity for all the frustration that his beta was giving him. Surrounded by Taecyeon’s man and yet Jaejoong was not alert at all. In fact, Jaejoong’s mind seemed to be away. Channelling his strength, Yunho pried into Jaejoong’s mind. He was floored as he was bombarded by memories of childhood; Jaejoong’s memories of childhood. He almost cooed at an adorable face the boy was making before he reined himself back. This was not the time to be distracted even though the fleeting memories gave him a rough idea of what was happening.

Jaejoong! Yunho whispered urgently, trying to get the attention of the model before he fell too deep reminiscing the past.

No reaction was given as Jaejoong sat still on his bed. People who did not know him would think that Jaejoong was being on the ball, for in fact this was usually the case when Jaejoong modelled. The lack of awareness allowed the slim beauty to maintain uncomfortable poses and positions for hours long, adding to the fact the strong muscles of being a werewolf aided the process. However, Yunho’s pack knew him too well for Jaejoong was tuned off completely from the world.

Hearing the desperate cries from their alpha, Changmin started wailing down the mental link. It seemed as though the faux parent-child link was real for Jaejoong was jolted back into awareness as he heard of the pained cries of the maknae.

He twisted his neck fervently towards the direction of Changmin and sagged visibly when Changmin was not at all harmed.

Yunho nodded his head at Changmin before turning his full attention back to his beta.

Jaejoong, I need your full focus here. I cannot have you wondering down your happy lane of memories.

His beta smiled apologetically at him as he attempted to straighten up his posture. As he caught sight of the portrait again, he was slapped with a piece of memory. He remembered Bi had pulled him out of training, much to the disgust of Taecyeon, to have this photograph shot. And he remembered. Arms stretched out, Jaejoong approached the portrait slowly.

The sudden movement had Jun K. on his toes as he drew out his silver dagger. The rest of the pack was observing their captive vigilantly, waiting to strike if Jaejoong were to make one wrong move.

Fingers wrapped around the cool metal frame as Jaejoong gazed at the photograph. Before he could lift the portrait up, the doors to his room flew open.



AN: I am terribly sorry for this late update. I had been so busy, busy, busy these few months, with school and whatnots! I hope you enjoyed this latest update! :)

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dee_9576 #1
Chapter 10: New reader here~ I love this story so much~~ I like how they can communicate through their minds~ wanna read more please update!
Thanks for sharing :)
bemine1 #2
New reader!! love it!! I hope you can update please no rush but I would like to read more. Thank you for your work
Gem_YJ #3
Chapter 10: This is amazing, I'm loving reading this so far. I'm really looking forward to your other updates :D
Chapter 10: Aaaahh such a cliff hanger!!!
Chapter 10: waaah, this is such a cool fic. Hope to see more of this in future ^_^
Chapter 10: waaaaah!!! such a cliffhanger!!! please update soon! i can't wait to see what happens next! :)
MiszCJung #7
Ohhhh werewolvess! ^^
aktfTVXQ9 #8
Chapter 10: That's a surprise. Luckily,they managed to escape danger for now.
Chapter 10: OMG YOOCHUN!!!!!
don't cry!
Time for yoochun's past!
Can't wait~ ^^
Kattan69 #10
Chapter 10: So now it is Chun's past story......can't wait to read more.