A Special Moment

My Turn For Happiness
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To say that the backstage for the year end special was little out of hand was an understatement. Chaotic was the closest word that you could think that would perfectly describe the situation right now.


Everywhere you look, you would see people frantically screaming and running all over the place. From the production staff thoroughly checking and making sure everything was in place, equipment men carrying stage props for various artists’ performances later, various media outlets trying to get some inside scopes, to coordi noonas preparing make ups, stage costumes etc. , managers and most noticeably the Idols.


Almost all of the idols you come across with had this looked that screamed: ‘I’m tired!’ With evident eyebags, and other signs that shows the idol’s fatigue. Well, that was the price an idol has to pay in exchange for the fame, popularity and all the glamorous things people associate with the celebrity life.


If only they knew what idols go through every single day for this so called fancy living. You sighed. Though you were actually thankful that your group was lucky enough to get a week of rest and relaxation before the big events during this time of the year came.


Being one of the idols, you couldn’t help but imagine-- no scratch that, sometimes you wish you didn’t live the dream. Wishing that you were just normal girl having the time of her life hanging out with friends and family without any one following you, going to school and ofcourse having a relationship and openly going on dates without anyone bashing you for touching their ‘oppa’ and the other way around. But if you didn’t become an idol, would you still meet him?


As you also rushed to get to your designated dressing room to doll up for the event which will take place in an hour. You caught sight of him.



Kim Joonmyun.



Also known as Suho as everyone calls him.



Exo’s Guardian / Leader.



And your Boyfriend for five blissful years.



Today being your anniversary.



When you two saw each other along the corridors, you couldn’t help but feel as if you’re an ice cream ready to melt just by his gaze. His sweet smile directed towards you were also enough to make your knees go wobbly. Even if he wasn’t considered as one of the hottest in his group, nor in the entertainment industry for added fact, and often labeled as Grampa, you still think his the hottest not to mention sweetest guy you have ever laid your eyes upon on. And you are definitely not bluffing because his your loving boyfriend. No, a lot of people would also agree with half you said, well maybe not so much for the ‘hottest’ part but still. It’s the personality that counts. Right?



Spending another year having him by side was the best Christmas/anniversary gift you could ever have.



The first year of your relationship was like what they call the ‘honeymoon stage.’ The two of you would always secretly go out at midnight for a walk in the park or late night movies. But mostly the movie thing would either be at his dorm or yours depending on the availability since you two couldn’t really go out to actually theaters.



The second year was probably the most difficult year in your relationship, although the two of you have the same entertainment company, due to Hallyu’s increasing popularity mixed in with your own group’s and his group’s demanding schedule, you couldn’t see each other often since when one of you were in korea the other would be in another country performing and was most likely stuck with using cellphone and internet as your way of communication with each other. The all night talk turned into 10 and on rare occasions 20 minutes of talking, misunderstandings and arguments occurred frequently now, add a little rumor and you two almost ended your relationship but thanks to the loving members of both groups you two overcome the hardships together.



The third year was were everything became more serious. Not that you two weren’t serious with each other during the first two years together. No, far from that. It was serious in the sense that the two of you introduced each other to one another’s family, Which most of the people closest to the both of you thought was heading to something more, so much more.



The fourth year was relevantly like the first and second year combined together, you two now have a lot of time to spend together since the year wasn’t as hectic as the past one. And eventhough arguments were still there it wasn’t as bad and severe as before. Also, a lot of people now know that you two are of the single list, and try to avoid blurting out things like ‘She’s my ideal type.’ and ‘I think he’s cute, would like to be partnered with him on We Got Married if ever given the chance’ on national television as much as possible. But obviously the fans still doesn’t know about it. No, you both know you weren’t ready to announce it yet, well you were slightly ready to announce it but you were fearing what the fans reaction would be plus you didn’t know if Suho wanted to announce it to the public so you just kept quiet about it. And now the fifth year

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