(T.O.P) When Mother Nature Calls

GD/TOP & You Scenarios/Drabble


Notice: NAUGHTY WORDS ARE USED IN THIS, IF YOU DONT LIKE THEM DON'T READ. This is with T.O.P (as the chapter title says) and is based on before you got together, because it seemed like it would work better like that idk, so you're not living together yet. FYI, for people who live under rocks, Tyra is a chat show hosted by Tyra Banks, and she talks to and about different things, like people claiming they're vampires, or underage prostitues etc etc etc, you get the idea.


When Mother Nature Calls (T.O.P)


Your phone bleeped for the umpteenth time that evening, disturbing your intimate gathering with Tyra, Ben and Jerry. A loud groan erupted from your throat and you dumped poor Ben and Jerry on the floor to pull the phone from underneath you, squinting at the bright light that burst from it and illuminated the dim room.



19:43 From: Ice-cream hair tall boy

We still on for tonight?xxx


20:36 From: Ice-cream hair tall boy                             

Where are you? I’m already here. Xx


21:08 From: Ice-cream hair tall boy

Stop ignoring me :( we had plans!


You sighed audibly and decided that he deserved a reply, no matter how crappy you were feeling, so you began to tap one in, not caring at all if it came off too blunt.


21:12 To: Ice-cream hair tall boy

Lady problems.


You tapped send and launched the device across your small living room, snuggling deeper into your blankets and hugging your knees tight, hoping that the cramps will go away soon. You were well aware that Seunghyun had asked you on a date tonight, and that you agreed to go, but Aunt Flow called unexpectedly and decided against the idea, putting you in a crappy mood with crappy pains. You groaned again, even though you knew there was no one to hear you complain, it felt good anyway; you were the princess of complaining, and you were quite content, groaning away while being smothered in blankets on the comfy couch while Tyra was rambling on in the background with your pot of ice cream melting on the floor, but a click from the hallway caught your attention, and immediately all your senses piqued, fear slowly rising in you. Was that the door? , what if somebody broke in? Hastily, you completely buried yourself in the blankets, hoping that if it was a burglar, they wouldn’t notice you.

A low voice cheerily humming slowly made its way to your ears, getting closer and closer to where you were lying. Your heart froze, breathing at a total halt as you tried your best to seem unnoticed; as long as you were invisible to the robber, they could take whatever crappy item they want from your apartment, because you didn’t have anything of value anyway. When the humming stopped, your senses piqued again, trying to distinguish what the stingy little bastard was doing and where he was doing it… Until a pair of unwelcome hands took you by surprise and ripped away your only protection, exposing you completely to this waiting vulture. And without a second thought, you squeezed your eyes shut, a blood curdling scream erupted from your throat and filled the atmosphere with an eerie tension. Different scenarios were flashing through your mind like a slideshow of freeze-frames, you being the helpless victim in every one of them. Your fearful mind clinging to the hope that someone, anyone from the apartment building would hear your cries. You just needed some kind of saviour, anyone, hell, even Superman and Batman were becoming real in your mind at this point. But your screams fell short, being muffled by the large hand that was cupped against your mouth. Your heart dropped to your feet and all of a sudden, you were well aware that it was just you, and this stranger. And Tyra, still babbling on in the background about some taboo subject. You refused to open your eyes, because maybe, if you couldn’t see the guy, he wouldn’t be able to harm you.

“Open.” Came a deep, husky voice, speaking in heavily accented and extremely broken English which was all too familiar to you.

Immediately, your eyes snapped open at the voice you knew too well. And surely enough, staring back at you with his intense gaze was the tall, ice cream haired, high cheek-boned and sharp jawline-d idiot you were supposed to be on a date with tonight.

“I’m going to ing hurt you.” You seethed, but your words were cut off, blocked by the hand that still remained cupped around your mouth.

He realised this too, and immediately dropped his hand, only to lift the other one up, which was decorated with a brown paper bag hanging from his fingers, his lips curling up into a sheepish smile.

“I bought Chinese?” He squeaked, raising his eyebrows and batting his eyelids in an oh-so-heteroual manner.

You shook your head slowly, the rage that came with the cramps bubbling up inside of you, and in two seconds flat, he was pinned against your tiny couch, his throat underneath your hand and his awkward, lanky body sprawled underneath your hold.


When all the stupid idiot did was shake his head quickly and timidly, you released your hand and clambered off of him, picking up the paper bag that had since fallen to the floor and grabbing the liquefied pot of ice cream, slightly-stomping towards your open-plan kitchen. You launched the tub of ice cream across the small room and into the bin, getting it straight in there first time round, and you set the paper bag on the counter, pulling out the different cartons of food and shoving them all onto a plate, making a right mess while you were at it. Noodles were flying everywhere and your plate was a mess of different dishes, but you really didn’t care right now, because all you wanted to do was behead the blue-haired idiot that was sat (probably still fearing for his life) in your living room. Different thoughts, ideas (of how to kill the man) and questions rushed around in your head. Like, how did he even get into your apartment in the first place? You aren’t on the terms of sharing keys yet, and you never gave him your apartment number, so what the hell?

“Hey, ?” You called from the kitchen, speaking in perfect Korean.

“What now?” He whined back, still a little bit frightened from your earlier outburst.

“How the hell did you get into my apartment?” You questioned, bobbing your head out from behind the wall only to see him, standing a few centimetres away from you like some freaking stalker.

“I used your apartment number.” He stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  

“… But you don’t know it.” You replied, even though it was pretty obvious he did.

“Yes, I do; you never ever cover it while typing it in, so I memorised it.” He stated again, still condescending you with the tone of a parent explaining something to a 3-year-old.

“Jerk.” You muttered in English as you hit his chest before grabbing your plate of disaster and trudging back into the living room with it, collapsing onto the couch and burying yourself under blankets again, trying to shut out the whining coming from the fully-grown idiot behind you.

“Kitten-ah,” He cooed, hurrying back to the living room and collapsing on his knees in front of you. “I came to comfort you; if you feel too unwell to go on a date, then I’ll bring the date here.”

“What, is a “Hey baby, it’s your boyfriend!” When you enter the apartment too much to ask for?” You asked, not really searching for an answer, but as always, you begun to melt under his sweet words.

“Am I your boyfriend now?” He questioned, completely amused.

“Yes.” You stated simply and hastily, causing him to burst into a fit of chuckles.

“Last time I checked, I was still a single man.” He teased, a smirk pulling at his lips.

“You haven’t been a single man since the very day you met me, you should know that by now.” You retorted, your seriousness making more deep, musical chuckles erupt from his lips.

He didn’t reply, and instead placed a chaste kiss on your forehead before awkwardly climbing on top of you and sliding in the covers behind you, pulling you into your favourite position: spooning. You couldn’t help but crumble at his sweetness, and you felt yourself snuggling closer into his hold, carefully chomping on the mess of Chinese dishes in the most awkward eating position ever. Behind you, Seunghyun started nuzzling your shoulder with his nose, making you burst into giggles.

“What?” You replied in a sweet laugh.

When he said nothing, you turned around to look at him, only to see him with his mouth wide open, pointing to your dish and then his mouth. You raised an eyebrow and slowly picked up the fork, but instead of feeding him, you quickly stuffed it into your mouth and ate the contents, laughing at his dumbfounded expression.

“Yah! What the hell, woman?!” He whined, and then before you could answer his proclamations, he sat up and flopped on top of you, straddling you in such an awkward and uncomfortable position while whining and grunting like a little piglet.

“Ouch!” You yelped, the weight on your stomach causing a shooting pain through your abdomen.

Immediately, he rolled off you and thudded onto the floor, scurrying up again while looking up at you with concern masking his usually-intense eyes.

“Yah, Kitten-ah, are you okay?” He asked softly, touching your forehead with the back of his hand and moving the plate of food to the floor with the other.

You just nodded; feeling the stabbing pain of cramps hit your tummy again as you curled up in the blankets, forehead creased slightly. He stayed there on the floor, his back leaning against the sofa as he reached back to gently caress your hair, entirely focused on the TV.

“Kitten-ah?” He begun.

“Mmm?” You lazily answered.

“What are you watching?” He asked, slightly amused.

“Tyra.” You stated simply.

“Why?” He asked again, this time trying to stifle his chuckles.

“Because I know you secretly love it, along with every chat show that’s aimed at middle-aged females suffering a midlife crisis.” You quipped, a smirk growing on your face when you felt him stiffen and stay silent.

“I so do not.” He mumbled back in a fluster, making you chuckle loudly.




Hi, new scenario woo. Comment what else you'd like to see and who with lovelies.

I know it's another TOP one, sorry GD fans, there's a scenario coming, I just felt like doing something a bit different. 




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Chapter 4: Okay lol do like when top or gd leaves for army! Or when they get married..
cupcake_wannabe #2
Chapter 1: Oh my God I about cried. This is so prefect. AND I HAVE GREEN EYES AND A LONG NOSE AND NICE LIPS AND and....ohhh I was dying. Thankyou. So. Much. Earned yourself a subscriber and an upvote (: ha and I've only read the first chapter xD aha I need help....
Chapter 2: Hahaha.. omg. LoLs
More GD scenario or should I say pls write one since first two are all TOP. When your title clearly wrote 'GD/Top'
Chapter 1: Oh GoD.... i super duper like it.. omg..mooore top scenarios plssss
memeko #6
Chapter 1: Ah! I love it, it is so cute and I love TOP "speaking" English. ^,^ can't wait the next scenario