(T.O.P) When You Get Jealous

GD/TOP & You Scenarios/Drabble

When You Get Jealous (T.O.P)


You were sat on the floor, your back leaning against the couch and your legs crossed. The only light source was that which came from your laptop, casting an eerie light around you. A small smirk tugged at your lips as you scrolled down the list of videos, your eyes serching for one you haven’t already seen.

“Aha!” You shouted in triumph across the empty room.

Immediately, you clicked on the video named ‘Turn it Up’ and waited for it to load, excitement bubbling up inside of you. You loved to watch all his videos, especially his solo ones. You loved to watch them so you could about how he used to style his hair, or about how he never fully opens his mouth when he mimes. Eventually, after cursing your internet speed a few thousand times, the video came on and the sound of the drums beat through the still room; your smirk widening when you saw him with his back to the camera, wearing some black and white checked jacket and stood in front of some colossal speaker. Oh, this was going to be good. Your eyebrows furrowed a little when you saw the poorly-clad woman holding the drum but you shook it off. It was just part of the music industry, right? He didn’t have much control over who appears and what they will be wearing in his videos, right? It was the director’s choice.

You continued to watch, smirking at the little stupid things he does in the video that you will definitely about later, but also frowning when you see the half-, probably-homeless-and-desperate-for-some-cash girls dancing rather promiscuously. You shook it off again; Korean girls don’t have on you. Their too-skinny, flat-chested-and--less physique had absolutely nothing against your foreign curves. But then something inside you clicked when you saw the woman lying across his lap while he tapped his fingers on the small of her back, extremely close to her . Your brow furrowed and your lips pulled down into a frown as you replayed the scene in your mind over and over, completely disregarding the rest of the video.  But before you could finish your overthinking, the sudden weight that caused the couch to collapse behind you snapped you out of your negative thoughts and immediately you slammed your laptop shut, not bothering to look behind you.

“Why?” He asked in heavily accented English, his voice being dragged down by the negative atmosphere which surrounded you.

Completely ignoring him, you stood up and walked out of the room, leaving him alone on the couch in the lonely living room. Shutting the door a little too harshly, you made your way through the hallway and into your shared bedroom, kicking the door shut behind you and collapsing onto the king-sized bed. You huffed loudly, laying there in the dimly lit room, the bustling city light spilling in through the floor-length, wall-wide window. You know you over-reacted a little, and that the video was probably filmed years ago, but still, jealousy and pride got the best of you.

“YAH! JAGIYA!” His husky voice boomed through the apartment, reaching unwelcome ears.

You remained silent, staying face down on the bed; refusing to acknowledge the presence that just stormed into the room.  

“Kitten-ah…” He begun, sitting down on the edge of the bed beside your head. His voice was soft and his words sweet.

You could only grumble a response, trying your best to stay mad, even though that pet-name already had you melting.

“You were watching Turn it Up, right?” He asked softly, reverting back to his native tongue. You stayed silent in response. “That was filmed over three years ago, and it was way before I met you.”

You felt him shuffle beside you, and before you could retaliate, he had straddled your back, keeping your front pressed against the bed. You were about to ask him what he was doing, but you were stunned into silence when you felt something sloppy on the nape of your neck. Wait, was he kissing you?

As if answering your internal question, he mumbled in an extremely husky whisper against your skin: “Before I fell in love with your beautiful pinky skin,” he placed another delicate kiss on your exposed shoulder. “And your cute accent, even though you speak Korean like an expert.” He shuffled down, his weight now on your legs, pulling the hem of your shirt up with one hand while propping himself up with the other.

 “And your beautifully y curves, that no Korean girl could ever have.” He whispered again before trailing soft, chaste kisses across both your hips.

All you could do was grumble again, still trying to show the man that you’ll stand your point, even though all you wanted to do was hug and kiss him for being so adorable, and then laugh in his face for being so cheesy and lovey dovey. After feeling his movements still for what felt like a lifetime, you thought he had given up trying, and you were about to rejoice for winning this fight, but suddenly a pair of large hands grabbed your waist and flipped you over so you were laying on your back with him straddling your thighs. You grumbled for the nth time that night and covered your face with your hands, refusing to look him in the eye for fear that you’ll crumble and forgive him.

“Kitten, let me in,” He whined, softly kissing your hands and trying to nuzzle his nose in-between them. You shook your head, wriggling under his hold. “Let. Me. In”

Slowly, you separated a few fingers and peeked through with one eye, only to be met with his pleading ones. Immediately, you crumbled and removed your hands away from your face completely, only to be pounced on by him. His lips showering your face with chaste kisses while mumbling against your skin.

“And your extraordinarily,” Kiss. “Undeniably,” Kiss. “Green, round eyes,” Kiss. “Tall, sculpted nose,” Kiss. “Plump, adorable cheeks,” Kiss. “And those perfect, irresistible lips.” He mumbled again, but this time he hesitated for a bit, drinking in your every feature, staring at you so lovingly, and then slowly closing the gap between your two faces, gently, yet passionately pressing his lips against yours and leaving a lingering kiss that sent your heartbeat wild.

After he broke the kiss, his face was still only millimetres away from yours, his soft, brown orbs boring into your own.

“Kitten?” He whispered, his warm breath crashing against your face, his scent filling your nostrils.

“Mmm?” You replied in a love-struck daze.

“I love you,” He whispered breathlessly before pecking your nose. “So much.” 


So here's the first chapter. Lemme know if you like it. I made the oc foreign because I feel like we foreign fangirls never get enough love in the fanfics, so I guess it's for you gals. Tell me other scenarios you'd like to hear and with who, so I can write whatever.

Thanks <3


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Chapter 4: Okay lol do like when top or gd leaves for army! Or when they get married..
cupcake_wannabe #2
Chapter 1: Oh my God I about cried. This is so prefect. AND I HAVE GREEN EYES AND A LONG NOSE AND NICE LIPS AND and....ohhh I was dying. Thankyou. So. Much. Earned yourself a subscriber and an upvote (: ha and I've only read the first chapter xD aha I need help....
Chapter 2: Hahaha.. omg. LoLs
More GD scenario or should I say pls write one since first two are all TOP. When your title clearly wrote 'GD/Top'
Chapter 1: Oh GoD.... i super duper like it.. omg..mooore top scenarios plssss
memeko #6
Chapter 1: Ah! I love it, it is so cute and I love TOP "speaking" English. ^,^ can't wait the next scenario