Five Steps -- EvilBaboo

CHEEZMUFFIN REVIEW SHOP~! (not accepting new requests currently)
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Five Steps -- EvilBaboo

Genres: angst, romance

Characters: Ken, Leo (Keo)

Status: complete


Description -- So, it sets the feel pretty well. However, the first line seems pretty unrelated to the second and third, and likewise with the fourth and fifth. As for technical issues -- “Red crimson blood tainted and spread through the crisp white, newly laid snow.” I would say “crimson red” instead of “red crimson,” because whereas crimson red is one color, red and crimson are two (albeit synonymous) colors and would require a comma between. Also, this sentence.. “On the other hand it is Lee Jaehwan after all.” I would omit “after all,” because you already have “on the other hand.” A comma would be necessary after “hand” and, should you choose to keep it, before “after.” There’s also a period missing after the last line.


Foreword -- Because this is more of a section listing rather than an actual snippet of story, there isn’t much to correct. What there is to correct is purely mechanics. Spacing -- it should be “1. Denial and Isolation,” with a space between the period and the title. Ditto for the other sections. In addition, you mistyped “story” as “strory.” Finally, I wouldn’t say “Warning: this is an angst story, I am warning you,” as the repetition of “warning” is redundant.



Chapter One -- The format was interesting, what with the headings and paragraphs. It built the story effectively, and the use of italics also worked well. I also like that you use present tense. It lends a more poetic feel to the story, as long as you make sure that you always use the right verb tense (which you have been). On the other hand, the grammar was a definite weak point. Here’s an excerpt that I edited in red. Additions and word changes are in red text, omissions highlighted.

    “Jaehwan is just another classmate that Taekwoon’s friends Hakyeon introduced him to, and they casually hang out just like any other teenage boys. But recently, when he talks and plays around with Jaehwan, these butterflies flutter inside of him. Taekwoon is fully aware of what it means: he’s in love, with Jaehwan.”

    Though I won’t point out most details, I’ll mention this -- you used “might of done,” which is phonetically but not grammatically similar t

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Hi there! Dropping by to submit a review request:
Under the Shade of the Reverie -

I'm fine with the review being posted here, and I'd like to have an in-depth critique (be as harsh and honest as you want <3).

Looking forward to read your review! if you happen to be busy, please take your time, I wouldn't mind the wait. Thank you in advance :>
Hey there! I really like your view of reviewing. If you have time, could you review my story? I'm okay with it being published in the review fic and I guess I'm looking for an in-depth critique. I would love to see what kind of constructive criticism you have for my story and my writing! Thank you!
Story title: Take it to the Next Level
Link to story:
Chapter 2: Thanks so much for all of your suggestions on the language and the inconsistencies, they were so helpful! I love you and your review.

I guess in the description I meant more ‘all eternity’ in the sense that he would be forever stuck there, as in the future would witness the same event. But I see how that’s confusing. I love your suggestion on rephrasing the last sentence as ‘Kris was hope’ and italicizing the whole thing. I think it even gives it more of an effect! Thanks ^^

On the foreword, once again, thanks for the phrasing suggestions, looking into them right now. And to answer your question on the foreword it was an excerpt from the actual story. That’s usually how I tend to do my forewords >.<

Haha, I’m glad you enjoyed the plot and character development since that’s where I really invested a lot of time in this story on and I’m really pleased that the effort showed and paid off. Thank you again for the phrasing suggestions, just fixed and your comments were extremely helpful on language. As for the continuity issue, I think the reason Yixing wanted to die in the beginning was because he was always locked in the constant struggle against the force and he thought there would be no possible way for him to ever break free of the pain but after Kris he starts hoping. Haha, it’s pretty confusing I must admit. I suppose I chose to make it more ambiguous and called it ‘life’ because it isn’t a new thing, I guess an earlier foreshadowing of the fact that Yixing was once alive, but then again only I know that and the readers don't so I completely see the problem there.

Thank you again! Credited and will definitely comeback again. You’re amazing.
Hello!!! I would like an in depth review and it's ok to be harsh if necessary.

Story title: Tantalizing Innocence

Story Link:
Hey there! I'm requesting a review for my first story, 'Unexpectedly'. Here is the link:

I want an in-depth review. I'm totally fine with constructive criticism so be as blunt as you can. I don't mind if you publish the review as well.

English is not my first language, but it is for my co-author (redhoodies) so we've been editing the stories and proofreading them many many times. However, if you still spot any grammar mistakes, let us know too XD

Let me know if you're able to take this request. Thanks!
Chapter 1: hi, thank you for the in-depth review. i like it so much. also, thank you for the recommendations, it will be a big help for me. i really appreciate it.

chapter three: about the journal, you're right. she's using the word 'you' to address herself. and kai does notice about her suffering but not thoroughly until he reads her journal.

chapter eight: i know it's a bit confusing, but i'll elaborate the details later in the next chapter update.

thank you again. i'll credit you... ^^