day two

(500) Days of Summer


Day Two: A few days after the Wedding


 October 22, 2009
10:00AM, my mother's house.



 When I announced my marriage (me! I announced our marriage while she sat in the background, her head down meekly, bloody traitor), the whole world seemed to either hate me or laugh at me. Noona was the first to react, screaming and punching me, telling me that I've ruined her best friend and that she will never, ever forgive me. Then she went on to hug Sooyoung and hug her, telling her that it was okay if she wanted to get divorced to her idiot brother. I was a bit disgruntled, but held my breath for her answer. When she smiled and told her that it was okay, she was happy with me, noona burst out crying and telling me how brave she was.


 Excuse me, but where is my sympathy?! Don't I get any?! I was dragged into this by a woman I was in love with (and then she destroyed my heart) and she refuses to give me a reason other than, 'You're perfect to be my husband'. Pfft. She's lying to me. I want to know why and I'm not going to accept anything less than 'I'm desperately in love with you'. Because let's face it, I still do love her. Even though it was a short moment, and love is meant to bloom and stuff. But I really did love her. And I need to know where she stands.


 But before I can, my family is getting in the way. Obviously, my only friends are the men. Eunhyuk told me that I was lucky it was so sudden, because the preparations and stuff were 'the mothering devil. Never let your wife plan your weddings'. Yeah, well, look where that got me. She plans the wedding, I end up married in sixty seconds flat. Eunhyuk and Hyungshin both congratulated me however and offered to buy me a drink and get wasted, telling me it's going to be a bachelor's party. I heartily agreed, and was going to go out and get completely wasted when my mother slammed an iron grip on my shoulders and spun me around. She grabbed me by the collar and I swear, I have never been more scared in my entire life. She took a deep breath and the rant from hell began.


 "SHIM CHANGMIN!" she yelled, causing the entire room to shake. "HOW DARE YOU HOLD A WEDDING WITHOUT ME. MY WEDDING YOU WERE THERE, AND YOU PLAYED ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT ROLES! HOW AM I NOT ALLOWED TO BE THERE WHEN I SEE MY ONLY SON TAKEN FROM ME. By a very lovely woman, I assure you dear," she paused to smile prettily at Sooyoung, who looked amused at the whole thing. Now, as my wife, I must stress the importance of saving me from a rampant mother. But no! She just sat there and smiled as my mother killed me with her screaming. "AND I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU NEVER TOLD ME OF YOUR PLANS TO MARRY! HAVEN'T I ALWAYS TOLD YOU I WANTED TO SEE YOU GET MARRIED!?"


 "You would've been there, I swear!" I tried to defend myself, but as I looked around, no one was going to help me. And noona was about to have her say, so today... I think I really will die. "But we got married so quickly-"




 No point in listening anymore. I just nodded and she stepped aside to let Hyo noona take the reins. "YOU WERE AT MY WEDDING, WHY CAN'T I BE IN YOURS?!" Wow. That is literally amazing. How can she go an octave higher than my mother is beyond me. "DIDN'T I TELL YOU I WANTED TO BE MAID OF HONOUR?!"


 "Yes noona," I said. "But as I said, we eloped. Eloping means we ran away and married without anyone else's knowledge." I have no idea why I'm even defending her, because this is all Sooyoung's mess and I can't see why she hasn't been screamed at. 


 "I know what eloping is, Min!" she snapped and took a hold of my ear. She twisted it and ignoring my agonised screaming, she leaned close to my ear, "Don't you ever try that ever again. If you make her cry, I will kill you." There's no point in divorcing at this point, and of course I won't make her cry. I just nodded and nursed my throbbing ear, while Sooyoung got all the sympathy and love. The men behind me were chuckling and I just wanted to go home. 


 I was so surprised to have survived that ordeal.



- - - -



 October 23, 2009.
9:00AM, my apartment.


So.... I'm married.


 Just like that, I'm a taken man.


 And the woman I have to spend the rest of my life with, and are bound to in the eyes of God is currently dragging a heavy cardboard box in from the front door. She was dressed casually, in an oversized shirt and loose jeans. She looked good though; I'm happy my wife is so good looking. I can't believe I have a wife! An actual wife, someone who will order me around and whatnot. Through all this confusion and feelings of 'what the ?!', I was very happy. She was mine after all, and in a way that only a smug smile can deliver, it was her doing. So she was bound to me for eternity and if she complains, well... it's her fault. All of it. And only a small fraction is mine for being such a crappy morning person.


 I sighed and decided to just take things as they come. I tapped her on the shoulder and told her to stand aside, taking the box by the bottom and hauling it into the living room. "How many of those have you got left?" I asked. 


 "Just one more," she replied and went back out into the hallway. I sighed, was this really how we're going to be from now on? Strangers trapped in a loveless marriage? Well, except for me because you already know how I feel. But what about her? What if she's the type to go straying? And will she remain distant to me, never opening up about her problems and her feelings? I wanted her to be the one, but at the moment she's so far away from me. What if we have children? Does she even like them?


 "Do you want children?" I asked her, my arms folded. She looked back at me, surprised. She then stood up straight and tucked a hair behind her ear, clearly delaying for time. 


 She then nodded, "Yeah. I love children so I would really like one."


 "With me?"


 "Of course with you," she said, frowning. "You're my husband; I'm not going to go back on my marital vows. Not now," she walked towards me and put her arms around my neck. "Not ever. I'm sorry we got married so suddenly, and I know we didn't see each other long. But I promise I'll make it up to you." she smiled, and she looked like she really did mean it. And that makes things kind of stable, for a while. 


- - - -



  October 25, 2009.

10:00AM, my apartment.


 I'm beginning to learn a lot of things about my new wife. So I'll just list them down;


1) She really, really likes eating. That's fine, since I eat a lot too.
2) She has one older brother.
3) She likes all things Apple. She has an iPad, iPhone, iPod and her prized possession; the iMac.
4) She is 173cm tall.
5) She won't tell me her bra size.
6) She's fluent in Japanese.
7) Her favourite brand is Mulberry.

 She sleeps in the spare room. I told her she didn't have to sleep next to me just because we're married, and because we'll take things slow. But the spare room was only used a couple of times. At the end of our first week as officially married couple, I woke up with her head resting on my chest. I don't know why, but the feeling of her body next to mine and the thought of waking up with her every morning makes me feel... contented.



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Sep2: I'm really sorry this hasn't been updated in a while. ;-;


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Chapter 1: please update soon
Chapter 7: finally found your story, update the chapter.....
cassie98 #4
Chapter 8: Will be waiting for your updates ^^
Chapter 8: loving this story authornim and don't worry I'll wait till u come back ^^
PipTheTerror #6
:( Good luck with school, dude. Speedy return ;)
Okay ^^v i'll wait for more LoL but poor Soo she really had an idiot hubby
My fave chap so far. Apples, you are a gifted writer. I sincerely hope you won't forget that. :)