Chapter 4 : Explanation

The Painful Fate


If you leave someone
at least tell them why,
because what's more
painful than being abandoned;
it is knowing you're not worth an






The next day at Seoul Art University ,

Kai and Baekhyun already arrived at the class . Kai still spacing out early in the morning . Baekhyun surprise by put a warm tin of coffee to Kai's cheek . Kai surprised and give a smile to Baekhyun . He gives him the drink .

"Whats wrong this time?" asked Baekhyun while sitting beside Kai.

" Nothing." faked his smile .

"I'm Baekhyun , Kai . I already knew you for long time , what exactly happened?" 

Kai knew he really defeat to Baekhyun . He can't lie him . "I show that girl , Hyu Mi's photo ."

"Then , how her respond?" Baekhyun curious. 

"She shocked and cannot say anything." Kai sigh .

" I see , seem she really have connection with Hyu Mi." said Baekhyun.

" I also don't know , Baekhyun." Kai burried his face on desk . Baekhyun pat his shoulder .

Suddenly , Kai and Baekhyun were surprised by someone . It was Suzy . Baekhyun shocked . Suzy stand infront of them . The student is the class who just arrived looking at them . 

" Tell me, who is Hyu Mi is ." said Suzy coldly and desperately .

Kai put his head up and surprised by Suzy presence .  


I felt lost of hope for a while . It seem I don't have any energy .So , I burried my head and wanted to dissapear from this noisy world. But , suddenly , there a voice .

" Tell me , who is Hyu Mi is ."

As I looked up , I saw that girl . The girl that make me like this . I was surprised by her words and one big thing is her expression . Seem desperate and her face like not sleeping well last night . I bet it also tough for her .

" I will tell you , but not here ." I said . 

I got up and held her hand . I drag  her into someplace . I left class and Baekhyun alone . I noticed , student look at us with weird look . Fortunately , it still early . The professor still not around . The students not too many . 

End POV 

 Kai and Suzy left the University . They walk to nearest cafe . Kai still holding her hands. Suzy surprise earlier when Kai held her hand until now .  You can say that they skipping class ,right now . 

While they gone , the student start speculating about Kai and Suzy .

" Isn't that ice princess  dump Kai?" said one girl .

" By looking that , is Kai and that ice princess dating?" yelled that girl .

" No !!!!! ."

The fan girl screamed  ! Baekhyun who hear those conversation just sigh . 

Baekhyun POV

Kim Jong In , I don't know how to stop you anymore . I bet , manager hyung will get mad at you once again . Then , what's more excuse I have to said . 




At Mango caffe , 

" So , you want to talk or not ?." Suzy asked coldly . She break the silence . Kai still stare at her .

" First , ask me nicely ." Kai said . Suzy give him a glare . "You brought me here because you want to talk or deliberately want me to scold you ." explained Suzy with her straight look .

"I won't say anything , if you did not respect or asking me nicely." Kai try to teach her how to be manner . 

"I will leave than . I'm a fool for giving hope for useless man like you ." said Suzy harshly and got up . " Yes , you can leave as you wish , but you will not getting anything." Kai said coldly this time . Suzy smirk and she look at Kai . " Did  you just threaten me?"  . " I never threaten you , I'm just giving you a chance ." said Kai while looking at Suzy calmly . Suzy think for a while and she sit . She has to let down her ego for someone like Kai . It is her first experiece dealing people like Kai.

Suzy POV

If not about my real identity , I already beat him to death . I sit at the chair once again with letting my pride down. 

" So , ask me nicely once again." said Kai calmly .

I sigh and take a deep breathe . " Please .. tell me a story about who is Hyu Mi is , sir ." slowly said that .

"Sorry , I can't  hear you ."  . I give him a glare but he still has that witch smile and fake camly face . " Please ,sir . can you tell me a story about who is Hyu Mi is ?" I said calmy and clearly .  Suddenly , he laugh . He really make a fun of me. I really want to beat him . 


I laugh as she said that clearly . I know it's not the time to laugh at her . But I can't help myself but laugh at her . The pride that she trying to hold . The ego and arrogant that she tried to let down.  Suddenly , she got up and wanted to leave . I hold her hand . At that time , I stop laughing .

"I'm sorry . I'm sorry ." I said while wiping my tears because too much laughing . "I'm sorry , it's my bad." Then ,  notice, she sit at her chair once again . " So , will you told the story or not ?" she said. I can see her blush and embrass . I found that she has the cute side eventhough , she seem cold . Right now , I'm being serious. 

"Her name is Bae Hyu Mi , lives in Apgujeong , 21 years old ." she seem shocked .

"21 years old ?" she mumbling by  herself .

" She school in ...."

" I don't want to hear where she school or whatelse., I just need to know about her parents , how is she right now, how did you know her , just important detail ." she cut my word. I saw that she seem desperate to know . So , I do as she wish . 

" She lives the same neighbourhood with me , we go same school , and more importantly ,she is my late girlfriend." I stop for a while .

" What do you mean by late ." she asked me with her wide eyes.

I take a deep breathe  . "She already died , 4 years ago because of  accident." She surprised and her expression is not good . She take the glass of plain water infront of her . Her hand is shaking . The glass was about to fall , but fortunately I saved it . 

"Are you okay?" asked me . "Just continue your story ." she said with her both hand  grip tightly on her dress . 

" But your face seem ..."

" I said just CONTINUE !." she yelled at me . Everybody look at our direction. I said sorry to them for bothering . I hold her shaking and drag her out  to Han River . It's not far from University . I brought her far from people eyes . Yes , she struggle with me when I brought here . I know she seem pushing herself to know the truth eventhough her mind cannot hold it anymore . 



" What's wrong with you .Let me go . Let me go !!." she struggle . 

As arrive , Kai loose her hand and suddenly "Pap!." Suzy  slap him . Suzy seem taken back with her action . She surprised that she hit him . While Kai , brushed his red cheeck and look at Suzy . .

"I....I ...." Suzy stutter . Kai hold her both hand , while Suzy struggle once again . " What are you , doing ." cried her. "PLEASE DON'T PUSH YOURSELF !!!." Kai yelled  at her . Suzy seem surprised .

" I know you want to know the truth , but don't push it ." said Kai softly . Suzy still froze hearing Kai words .  

" It's all for today , I don't think I can tell you about Hyu Mi more , you seem done for today ! ."  Kai released his grip from Suzy's hand . Kai walk away and look dissapoint . "Wait !." He suddenly stopped his step by hearing that voice . Kai turn back . " Atleast tell me , where is Bae Hyu Mi's parents were ." Suzy said with serious face . 



Kai brought Suzy to Hyu Mi's hometown or more likely his hometown . He and Suzy go there with her car , while Kai lead the way . On the way to the destination , Kai call Baekhyun . " Kai-ah , where the heck are you ?." said Baekhyun worriedly . " Oh , Baekhyun , I have bussiness that I need to deal with my parents , tell manager Hyung to take me at my parent's house at 6 o'clock ."

"Yah ! , atleast tell me earlier , but you go there by what ?" asked Baekhyun weirdly .

    " With friends , don't worry ." he said while took glance at Suzy who still driving . " Okay ." Kai hung up the phone and looking at Suzy who seem keep pushing herself to know the truth . 


I can see , Suzy faced seem desperate. I also noticed that behind that desperate look , is also sad look or anxious . The way she grip the steering tightly . My heart infusion that something happened that I never knew about Ahjumma (Hyu Mi's mom) and this cold child . 


45 minutes later , they arrived at his hometown . But today , he direct Suzy to his mom's restaurant . Where her biological mother work . Unfortunately , they just look from far distance . Suzy doesn't want to go in . 

"You see that , a lady wearing red apron who serving the food to customer." he pointed his forefinger towards Hyu Mi's mother . Mrs.Bae working hardly serving the customer the food . She seem in hurried , because there so many customers .  " That is Hyu Mi's mother , working at my mother restaurant diligently." Suzy just watching her every movement with pity look all over her face . 

Suzy POV

"That is Hyu Mi's mother, working at my mother's restaurant diligently." said that weirdo . I cannot help but to see her every moment . What this feeling ? Why I feel sad looking at her ?! But  my hatred towards my parents becoming more and more bigger .My entire body shattering . My eyes cannot hold it anymore , there was about a tears forming . Before that happened , I looking away . 



I can see entire her body shaking and her eyes was about to forming a tears . I can see the sadness in her eyes . There is no more cold eyes , like I saw for the first time we encountered . It dissapear nowhere . I sometime at that moment , felt that she is lonely and unloved . Like she hiding her true self behind that cold attitude .

" That's all for today , nothing interesting ." she said while turning  her back from the view.  
Here she go again , the cold and arrogant child . She go to her car straightly and left me there coldly . What exactly with that girl? Is she having bipolar or what ? She confirm not Hyu Mi . Wait .. What I just look a moment ago . That sad look of her .. Is she really Hyu Mi's twin? But I do not ask her name . So , that's mean Ahjumma is that girl's mother and ...... Hyu Mi twins.

 “ What exactly happened.....? ." I mumbling.

End POV 




While Suzy drive her car so fast . She felt angry and her hatred towards her parents increase . Not long enough , Suzy stop her car beside Han River. In car , Suzy hit the car steering hardly many time. She scream angrily . 

“Why ? Why? Why exactly they live that way !!." she said angrily.

   “ I hate them . I hate they live like that , I HATE THEM , I'll never forgive them , NEVER." 

After said that ,Suzy  rest her head on steering and silent for awhile . Suddenly , a tears falls .

“She supposed live happily after what happened , but why .. Why.. She live that... Why.. Why..." her tears keep falling. 


                                          TO BE CONTINUED .. 



“How you found me?"


“ They still your parents , no matter what."

“You wrong !" “They're not my parents!" 

“Kai-ah , stop , she is not HYU MI!"

“ I want to help her , and found the truth."



P/S,: Hey , guys . It takes me so long for update , I'm sorry. Tons of work I need to do. But finally I have a break . Keep support this story by comment and suscribe . I LOVE YOU GUYS. 



Eishami .V





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Chapter 4: Update juseyo author-nim.. I'm so curious how kai melt the ice princess suzy, and how suzy make kai open his heart for a new love again..
Chapter 1: Woah.. U have a good plot in ur story author nim.. I'm so exciting to see the kaizy interaction after this.. I'm also sad for suzy twin death.. But suzy can mqke kai happy again rite.. Hehe..
sia_23 #3
Chapter 4: Please update soon
jazzin08 #5
Chapter 3: please give us more!!! :)
D_evie #6
Chapter 3: Yay thx for the update!!!
Sarolina #7
Chapter 2: interesting ..
I really like it ..
can't wait till you Update ..
Nice chapter.. Update soon
D_evie #8
Omg I love your story so far. I love the plot that is building. I would love to give you lots of points for this, but I don't have enough karma. Hahaha silly me. But this is just amazing really!!! Can't wait for the updates!!
maiTY1227 #9
Chapter 1: The story seems really interesting, i love your idea, cant wait for next chapter ^^