The Chance

That Playboy Wants Our Dongsaeng!


                Hyunseung made his way to enter the night club. He often visited it during his college years but now he could barely go there because he would be too tired after doing the works at his workshop. Usually the guys at the club would flirt with the girls but not him. He just went to the club to have some drinks while enjoying the performance.

                As he walked to the bar, he spotted a familiar figure sitting on a stool with his drink. He approached the guy and took a seat beside him. “Hey, Jepp! I can finally see you here.” He patted the guy’s shoulder.

                “Oh. Hey, Rancho,” Yongguk replied with a small smile.

                “Something wrong? Usually you would be partying and dancing with those hot chicks,” Hyunseung observed the dance floor and he saw Himchan and Youngjae were having some fun by themselves.

                Yongguk twisted his stool to look at the dance floor too. “I don’t know. I just… don’t feel like it.”

                Hyunseung raised one of his eyebrows. “What’re you talking about?”

                “I don’t feel thrilled anymore. Just… guilt,” Yongguk sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

                Hyunseung gasped. “Wow, Jepp. Maybe it’s time for you to change! What about the cute boy?”

                “I don’t know about him too. I mean… I’m afraid if I’ll hurt his feelings,” Yongguk sipped his drink.

                “Maybe you can stop playing with his feelings. Maybe he’s the right one for you.”

                “The right one?” Yongguk was confused.

                “Yeah, the one who you truly love from the bottom of your heart.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Daehyun was sitting at the kitchen, waiting for Kyuhyun who was making the dinner. He really wanted to help but Kyuhyun would not let him because every time he did that, disasters happened. Both of his hands were holding up his chin on the table. His eyes followed every moves of his hyung and it was really boring. He suddenly remembered about Yongguk. Daehyun liked to talk to the elder. He was a good listener and his presence was very comforting. If only his hyungs like Yongguk.

                “Hyung?” Kyuhyun hummed when Daehyun called him. “I-I met Yongguk hyung yesterday.”

                “You what?!” Kyuhyun stopped stirring the pot on the stove and turned directly to Daehyun.

                “No, hyung. Listen to me first,” Daehyun raised his palms, telling Kyuhyun to calm down. “He’s not what you think he is. He’s really nice. He didn’t bring me to somewhere else because I told him you don’t let me to. And he just talked to me. That’s it. He really wants to be my friend, hyung.”

                Kyuhyun inhaled deeply. “Daehyun, we can’t judge people based on what we see. I’m afraid you’ll be hurt again one day.”

                “I don’t think Yongguk hyung will hurt me. Just give him a chance hyung,” Daehyun gave his hyung the puppy eyes and Kyuhyun found himself slowly giving up to the boy.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                Yongguk saw Woohyun and his friends were sitting on the same usual spot. He took a deep breath before approaching them. As he reached there, he did not say anything but wait for Woohyun to notice him.

                Woohyun looked up questioningly at Yongguk. “What do you want?”

                “I have something to talk to you,” Yongguk stated briefly.

                Woohyun told his friends to leave them alone. “Not you, Baekhyun. I need you to hold me back, in case I feel the urge to punch his nose,” Baekhyun went to sit back at the table when Woohyun said that.

                Yongguk rolled his eyes. He too would like to punch the other if it’s not because of his dongsaeng. He took a seat in front of the brothers.

                “What is it that you want to talk to me?” Woohyun asked.

                Yongguk let out a heavy breath. “I just wanted to say… I’m sorry.”

                Woohyun and Baekhyun looked at each other, hard to believe at what the playboy said. “Come again?” Woohyun leaned his ear closer.

                “I said, I’m sorry.”

                “What’re you sorry for? ‘Cause you took away my girlfriend?” Woohyun snickered. “You know that I’m not mad at you because of that. That’s an old story. I’m mad at you because you tried to play with my dongsaeng,” Woohyun said scornfully and Baekhyun just nodded his head in agreement.

                “I know. That’s why I want to talk with you,” Yongguk leaned forward and folded his hands on the table. “Look, first, I’m sorry that I took away your girlfriend but it’s not me who started it. She was the one who seduced me. She cheated on you.”

                “What-” Woohyun was about to burst out his anger but Yongguk did not give him a room to do so.

                “No, listen. You just listen to me,” He pointed his index finger straight at Woohyun’s nose while looking at him solemnly. Woohyun shut his mouth in an instant. Baekhyun looked around awkwardly.

                Yongguk clasped his hands together before continuing. “Second, I’m sorry when I called you a bully. I thought you beat up the middle school students just for fun. I don’t know you did that for Daehyun.”

                Woohyun’s eyes widened when he heard that. “Who told you that?”

                “Did Daehyun tell you about it?” Baekhyun asked curiously.

                “It’s not important. What’s important is for you to know that I’m not playing with Daehyun.” Yongguk gazed at both of them sternly.

                Woohyun snorted and Baekhyun tapped his chin. “Why should we believe you?” The younger one questioned.

                “Because I’m serious,” Yongguk said in response. “I never felt like I want something so bad before. And I’m just asking you to give me a chance.”

                Woohyun and Baekhyun could see the sincerity that clearly showed in Yongguk’s eyes. They did not know what to say anymore. It seemed that Yongguk had some guts to meet them and voiced out his request. Maybe Yongguk had made his mind this time.

                Baekhyun cocked his head when Woohyun looked at him for an answer. He then turned to Yongguk who was patiently waiting for their final words. “Well, if you really wanted to, and if you’re really serious about it, you have to meet our hyungs too.”


〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)


                Daehyun was having a Mathematics lesson with Hyunjoong when he remembered about Yongguk again. His friends sure did have a huge effect in his life. Daehyun took a glimpse at his eldest hyung. He was busy doing his work using his laptop. He would only help if Daehyun had problems with his homework.

                Daehyun was contemplating whether he should bring up the Yongguk issue. He did not realize he was staring at his hyung while he was deeply in thought.

                “Daehyun?” Hyunjoong’s voice startled him. “Are you daydreaming again?”

                The boy straightened up on his seat. “A-Actually, I have something to ask.”

                “What is it? What part that you don’t understand?” Hyunjoong took a look at his dongsaeng’s book, thinking that Daehyun was going to ask about the math problems.

                “No, hyung,” Daehyun his lips. It was a habit when he was thinking his next words. “I just wanna know why hyungs don’t like Yongguk hyung so much.”

                Hyunjoong was taken aback with what Daehyun had said. Truthfully, he did not really dislike him. He was just being cautious of the people around his dongsaeng. And he was put to guard after he found out that Yongguk was a playboy.

                Hyunjoong pretended to think while rubbing his chin before responding to Daehyun. “It’s because he’s a bad guy.”

                Daehyun pouted. “How can you say that when you don’t even know him? Yongguk hyung is reaaallly nice to me.”

                “Really? You like him?” Hyunjoong asked jokingly.

                Daehyun nodded. “I like Yongguk hyung.”

                “Do you love him?” Hyunjoong teased Daehyun.

                “Uh… l-love? I-I don’t know…” Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows. “Hyung! You know I never fall in love before. Don’t ask me something like that!” He puffed his cheeks angrily.

                Hyunjoong laughed and ruffled Daehyun’s hair. “Alright, alright. Go back to your homework. I’ll think about the Yongguk guy.”

                “Yes, hyung. You have to think, think, think and think about Yongguk hyung, Yongguk hyung and Yongguk hyung,”Daehyun grinned and it was returned by Hyunjoong. The boy continued with his math homework while Hyunjoong turned back to his laptop. He tried to focus but Daehyun’s voice kept ringing in his mind. Maybe he should reconsider about the said playboy. Maybe he should see Yongguk for himself.

                Hyunjoong realized that it was getting late in the night. He checked on Daehyun who had been quiet for a while. It turned out that the boy had fallen asleep with his cheek pressed on the table. His mouth was slightly opened but his hand was still holding to the pencil. His heart warmed up looking at his dongsaeng. He then took Daehyun’s math book and check for the answers. They were all wrong. He felt sorry for his dongsaeng. But Daehyun really tried hard. He never complained. And it made Hyunjoong proud of him.

                The elder gently the boy’s hair and smiled by himself. He carefully took the pencil in Daehyun’s grip and put it back in the pencil case.

                Baekhyun came down to them as Hyunjoong was tidying Daehyun’s things on the table. He wanted to call the boy to go to bed because it was getting late and he needed to go to school tomorrow. When he saw Daehyun was already sleeping at the table, he sighed heavily. It must be hard to wake him up again.

                Hyunjoong heard that sigh and chuckled at Baekhyun. He totally understood what that meant. “Don’t worry. I’ll bring him up.”

                “Sure, hyung?”

                “Yeah,” Hyunjoong made Daehyun’s head rested against his chest and slipped his hands behind the boy’s back and legs. He lifted Daehyun easily in one go. It’s not like the first time he did that. Hyunjoong slowly climbed the stairs while carrying Daehyun in his arms before carefully laying his dongsaeng on the bed.

                “You sure are a heavy sleeper,” Hyunjoong muttered with a smile when Daehyun did not move at all. He pulled the blanket over Daehyun’s body and caressed his head. Baekhyun entered the room before going straight to his bed.

                “Good night, hyung,” Baekhyun said.

                “Good night, Baekie,” Hyunjoong turned off the lights and shut the door slowly.


(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜


                All the Jung brothers were waiting for Yongguk at Kyuhyun’s restaurant. That’s because Yongguk did not want to visit their home, afraid that he would not go out in one piece.

                Yongguk looked around the restaurant after he arrived there. He finally saw a group of five guys sitting at a table. He walked to them and bowed politely. “Annyeong haseyo. I’m Bang Yongguk. Nice to meet you,” He introduced himself especially to the two persons he never met before. At least that was what he thought.


                Yongguk quickly shot up his head at the recognizable voice. “Rancho?” He asked unbelievably.

                “Are you kidding me?” Woohyun chimed in.

                “So all this while I’m giving advice for you to tackle my own dongsaeng?! The supposed to be cute boy is Daehyun?!” Hyunseung exclaimed.

                “How should I know that Daehyun’s your dongsaeng?!” Yongguk snapped back.

                “You two knew each other?!” Kyuhyun asked in the middle of the confusion.

                Hyunseung settled back to his seat when he saw Kyuhyun’s stern face. “H-He’s my club buddy.” He stated timidly.

                Yongguk too lowered his gaze while clasping his hands together in front of him like a child waiting for his punishment.

                “What a coincidence.” Baekhyun chortled. Thankfully, Kyuhyun had nothing to say about it.

                “Yeah, take a seat,” Hyunjoong said to Yongguk. “I’m Daehyun’s eldest hyung, Jung Hyunjoong.”

                Yongguk nodded. “Yes, nice to meet you,” He felt slightly embarrassed because he had never been so polite in his life. He then turned to Hyunseung with a questioning look.

                Hyunseung was confused for a while. “Ah… Me… My real name is Jung Hyunseung. But you can just stick to Rancho.”

                “So, I heard that you met Daehyun the other day,” Hyunjoong started a conversation.

                Yongguk nodded. “Yes, I did,”

                “And how the hell did that happen?” Kyuhyun asked.

                Yongguk cleared his throat before looking at each of them. He was about to spill his beans but all of them seemed like they were going to eat him alive. “A-Actually, Zelo is my… cousin….so…”

                “What?! You planned this??” Kyuhyun smacked the table, making some of the drinks spilled out from the glasses. His siblings just remained calm while holding their glasses from falling down, different with Yongguk who almost fell from his chair out of an extreme shock.

                Yongguk quickly collected himself. Panic started to engulf him. “No, please hear me out! I have no other choice, I really wanted to see Daehyun but I can’t because of you guys, so, I asked Zelo and Jongup for some help, but trust me, they really wanted to be Daehyun’s friends,” He explained in an amazing speed.

                “Why do you want to see Daehyun so bad? Do you like our dongsaeng?” Baekhyun spoke up when his hyungs were still trying to figure out what Yongguk had said just now.

                “Well…you can say that I’m interested in him. But, if you guys don’t want me to date him, then I guess I’ll just be his friend he always craving for,” Yongguk shrugged his shoulders.

                “That’s more like it,” Baekhyun bobbed his head up and down satisfyingly.

                “Why would you think we’ll let you date him?” Woohyun mocked.

                “So, what did Daehyun told you when you met him the other day?” Hyunjoong sat up and intertwined his hands on the table.

                “About the bullies and his past friends.”

                Hyunseung smiled while shaking his head. “There’s so much more you don’t know.”

                Yongguk looked at him curiously. “Really? Care to tell me about it?”

                The siblings looked at each other, thinking whether they should tell Yongguk about Daehyun’s past. After a while, Yongguk heard Kyuhyun let out a heavy breath. “We’re just telling you this because we don’t want you to hurt Daehyun in the future and take care of him,” Kyuhyun said.

                Yongguk nodded. The atmosphere became silent for a moment.

                “Our parents…died ten years ago,” Hyunseung began slowly, looking down at the table.

                Yongguk was listening carefully in front of him, did not want to miss a single bit about what Hyunseung going to tell him.

                “It was very late at night. And it was raining heavily. They were on their way home from a festival. Nobody knew what happened but the car just crashed like that. The car lost control and it flipped on the road,” Hyunseung paused when he felt tears were threatening to fall from his eyes.

                “Daehyun was also in the car. He was sleeping at the backseat when it happened. Hyunjoong hyung got a call in the middle of the night. And five of us rushed to the hospital. Dad…died at the scene. Mom was in a critical state. Daehyun was barely breathing. We thought we’d lose them too. But Daehyun was still a kid. He was just eight that time,” Hyunseung covered his teary eyes with his hand.

                Baekhyun took over the task. “Mom died after three hours. That time, we put all our hope on Daehyun. Doctor told he was in a state of coma. You don’t know how grateful we were to know that he’s still alive. We kept waiting and waiting for him to wake up every single day, not losing even a tiny bit of hope on him. The day he woke up, was almost two years after the accident.” Woohyun nodded. Hyunjoong and Kyuhyun just stared at nothing while listening to Baekhyun.

                “All of us cried in happiness, although he didn’t remember any of us. The doctor confirmed that he had a brain damage. We brought him home with a new hope. But Daehyun lost his appetite. It’s really hard to make him eat even just a bite. He didn’t talk much like he used to when he was still a bright kid before the accident. Every night, he would have nightmares and he wouldn’t sleep until the morning. Kyuhyun would hug him to comfort him, to lull him to sleep. Daehyun became slow, forgetful, hard to understand, hard to learn, he could barely take care of himself.”

                “It took almost a year for him to smile again. After we convinced him that we would always be there for him, to protect him from all the dangers and to love him with all our hearts. He became more cheerful, more talkative and ate a lot. But he still has the intellectual disability. He struggled hard to catch up with those kids at the same age as him as he missed three years of studying,” Baekhyun finished his story by taking a sip from his drink.

                Woohyun decided to add a little more. “But then we found out about the bullies. We’re so frustrated to ourselves because we did promise to protect him. And we failed…” He rubbed his face before looking straight to Yongguk. “That’s why we’re being protective over him. We won’t let things like that to happen again.”

                 “I promise I won’t ever hurt him,” Yongguk uttered seriously. “I’ll take care of him with all my heart. Just give me a chance to prove it,” He gazed at all of them genuinely.

                 “Well, Daehyun really appreciate it when someone wants to be his friend.” Baekhyun began to talk.

                 Woohyun nodded. “I think Yongguk is sincere to befriend with Daehyun.”

                 “Frankly said, Jepp, I mean Yongguk, has changed,” Hyunseung shrugged. “He usually would flirt with every pretty boys and girls at the club, but not anymore.”

                 Kyuhyun closed his eyes for a moment before opening with a sigh. “I’ve talked to Daehyun. He said that you would never hurt him and asked me to give you a chance.”

                 Hearing all his dongsaengs opinions, Hyunjoong too was thinking about the same thing. “Daehyun likes you. And I just want him to be happy.”

                 “Does that mean you guys will let me meet him?” Yongguk asked excitedly. The brothers nodded their heads simultaneously.

                 “CHYEAHHH!!!” Yongguk pumped his fists to the air. “VICTORY!!!” He was still pumping his fists, or more like punching the air here and there.

                 “You better be serious with him.” Baekhyun voiced out, making Yongguk stopped his actions midway.

                 “Don’t you ever play with his feelings.” Woohyun warned and Yongguk shifted in his seat.

                 “I believe you’re different. But if not, I’ll make sure you’ll live in hell,” Hyunseung said with a dark look. Yongguk lowered his head, not brave enough to look straight to the intimidating eyes.

                 “I’ll cut down your balls if you hurt him,” Kyuhun threatened. Yongguk made a painful expression while covering his private area.

                 Hyunjoong smirked. “I’ll kill you if you made him cry,” Yongguk shuddered and gulped down his saliva.


〜( ̄▽ ̄)〜


So I update this earlier than I planned coz I dont think I can update it anythime soon. I'll be a lil bit busy starting this week but I'll try to update this fic regularly. I really appreciate all the comments but I dont think I can reply all of them after this. I'll try to reply as much as I can though :D

Also, more BangDae moments coming up after this ⊙ω⊙

Thanks a lot to the upvoters, subscribers, commenters and readers! Saranghae ♥♥♥






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Chapter 1: dae and bae thooo hehehe
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 18: cute
Chapter 18: I still laughing so hard at daehyun's hyungs antics even I've read this countless time already. This story is daebak!!!
Chapter 18: I spend good time reading it, it was funny and daehyun's hyungs are very fun, you are perfect like always
bangdaebak #5
Chapter 6: Okay, now I understand Daehyun's characterization. I was drilling holes of reasons behind it and now that the whole truth is out,

bangdaebak #6
Chapter 2: Oh my god how did I just come across this au I'm cry. Hyunjoong, kyuhyun, hyeunsung, woohyun and baekhyun as baby dae's elder brothers omg this is just the cutest esp hyunjoong and baby kyu being my biases from the old days, still are lmao I love this, this is adorable. Thank you xx
meemow123 #7
(Kyu is so mommy I'm like omg where's the evilness- wait! When Yongguk does 'things' to Dae is gets evil haha ^^)
Hannahdeulset #8
Chapter 18: Thank you for making this fluffy ff! Daehyun was so innocent and cute><
Chapter 18: I laugh so much that my side hurt. Cute beautiful story that still manage to make me cry. You did it again...kept doing it.
Chapter 18: This is the cutest BangDae story I have read