Pushing the Limits

Point Zero

No one P.O.V

"I knew it!" They all thought except Sungjae and Yongguk they just stood there in shock. Ren walked away from Karam and Sungjae then walked to Zelo slapping him "Bastard! Who said I was trying to kill myself! I slipped on accident if only you'd let someone speak every once in a while! And you!" He turned to Yongguk and slapped him "this is all your fault!" He walked away leaving everyone in shock and hurt. Karam ran after him while Sungjae stood there crying then running past Zelo andYongguk into their house. Zelo and Yongguk stared at each other then laughed "Idiot!" They went inside and hung out for a while. 

But, Zelo didn't want to let Ren go, but he didn't forgive him either so he promised to stick with Yongguk.


Ren P.O.V

I can't believe I slapped them. I sat on my bed with my wrist still showing and the redness around them growing darker "!" I ran to the bathroom and started to disinfected them and smiled when the redness disappered. I walked out of the bathroom and sat on my window sill watching the clouds until I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up to see Karam. My heart felt weak looking at him cry. Karam cupped my face in his hands and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck bring him closer to me and he grabbed my waist pulling me into his lap. He deepened the kiss, ing his tongue inside of my mouth.

We parted for air and he blushed along with me "Karam..." I looked at him questioningly and he looked at me "NEver do that again... I love you to much to see that happen." I looked at him in shock "Love?" all of a sudden Zelo left my mind and I smiled at Karam "I love you too..." I hugged him and accidently spotted Zelo looking at us through his bedroom window. I smirked and stuffed my face into Karams neck breathing in his scent. Karam rubbed my back gently making me fall asleep in his lap. 

I woke up and didn't feel anyone beside me so I went to the stairs railing and heard voices. I listened closely "I have to do this for his safety! I can't let him love someone who will hurt hi,Sungjae!" Karam yelled and I flinched at the foreign volume. I hear Sungjae growl in anger "Fine! Do what you want! I am not helping you with this I am sticking to his side for good and not getting dissed because of you!" I smiled at him then frowned "But, I will help keep Zelo away from him." I ran to my room and grabbed my backpack, slipping my razors inside of it then I changed into my skinnies and thigh length shirt "Bull ... I actually thought I loved him, and that he loved me too I guess I was wrong." I ran down stairs and bowed "I'll be back at sun-down." I said not looking at them and running out the door, quickly putting on my shoes. "Ren!" I turned around and smiled with wet tears on my face "I just need space that is all, I am fine." I headed out and headed to the park.

I sighed and let tears flow from my eyes, not making a sound or coughing. I pulled out my razor and uncovered my right wrist which has no scars on it. I slid the razor across... over and over again. I pulled out my uniform handkerchief then wiping off the flowing blood and wrapping the bloodied tissue over it. I heard a crunch and looked over to see a dark figure running away, shrugging I climbed onto the slide watching the sunrise. I put on my uniform and tucked my shirt in my pants then headed to the school first. I bumped into someone and bowed "I'm sorry..." I started to walk away, but was pulled back "Yah! Thats not how you talk to someone who has the urge to hurt you!" I looked at Yongguk with the rest except Zelo and sighed. "If your gonna beat me up then follow me before a teacher comes." I lead him to the roof of the school and threw my book bag down. "Go ahead" I held out my arms.

He hesitated and I taunted "What are you waiting for you bastard?!" I yelled and that set him off causing him to kick me in the stomach and make me fall to the ground. The rest came over and started kicking me, making laughs come from me. Jr straddled me and started punching my face, but they stopped when they heard the bell ring "An hour long beating... I liked this. We should do it more often, you bastard!" I smiled and got up as Yongguk nodded. They headed out and I picked up my bag. When I got into the classroom I heard gasp come from everyone except Yongguk and Jr who just smirked at me. I felt a hand on my shoulder "Lets go to the nurses room, I nodded and threw my arm over the girl looking boy. As we walked down the hall we started to talk "I'm Heechul, by the way, and you are?" I looked at him and smiled "Ren..." We walked by Karams class and I heard him call my name "Ren?!" I didn't look at him.

"Mr. Kim have a seat!" Teacher Kang yelled. When we got to the infirmiry, the nurse look at the bruises that covered my face and chest "Even though you were three shirts you still are badly hurt! How long did this go on?" I looked at her "An hour...." She was shocked and so was Heechul. She pulled up my sleeves and checked for bruises, but stepped back in shock aat the scars and cuts "Minki!" She yelled at me and I looked at her and just started talking "You wonder why I do this to myself right?" She nodded "Have you ever had a grown man... no your father abuse you... call you names... you even? MY father did that to me... just for looking like a girl... Did you mother die when you were born?" She shook her head "My mother did... he blamed it all on me... yet... he killed my little brother in front of my own eyes... When he finally went to jail, I thought all the abuse would be over... but when I transferred it started again... the bullies... asking me why I didn't have parents... telling me that I must be that worthless for them to just throw me away..." I didn't cry when I said this "To tell the truth I keep telling ymself that I don't want to die, but the second I see a razor or a cliff I want to jump/cut. I hate myself... even my friends think lowly of me..."

I smiled "I don't care... I have a 'friend' who doen't care if I gay or that thinks lowly of me... cause 'he' is the pain that runs through my body..." I looked at the nurse and she had tears on her face "Ren, I think you need rehab." thats when I snapped "No! Never again!! No!" I knocked over her cart and ran out of the room with a crying Heechul following me. I walked into it, but he forced me outside making everyone gather at the window "Don't think of pain as your friend! I will be your friend... I will make sure what your appa did to you go far away from your mind. Trust me... I know what its like Ren..." I looked at him then saw Zelo standing there along with Sungjae "Tell him Sungjae... take him away from here and tell him what happened to me all of these years! Or Zelo would you like the nurse to tell you?! Would you listen then?!" I felt arms wrap around me "Stop it! Stop Ren!" Karam screamed at me and I looked down "I'm not going to rehab..." When I said that my handkerchief fell of and blood dripped to the floor. Sungjae hand already pulled Zelo away and up to the roof, leaving me there with the classmates and a bloody floor.

Heechul grabbed histie from around his neck and tightly wrapped it around my wrist to stop the blood flow. I looked at Teacher Jung who stood there with teary eyes, I unwrapped Karam's arms from around me and walked away... out of school. "I pushed the limits of my self." I whispered then looked at the roof to see Zelo and Sungjae arguing. Sungjae looked down and noticed me, Zelo followed his glance and turning around. I saw him running down the roof stairs. I headed out and straight to my house, but was stopped by arms around my waist. " I never knew..." I heard Zelo speak "I don't care... do you see these bruises on me?" He nodded against my back "Your gang put these on me..." He froze and his arms fell. "I'm warning you... don't leave that gang Zelo... if you do you'll end up like me..." I started to walk away and heard footsteps following me.

"Go away..." I whispered and stopped. "What did you say?" He said and I turned to him "I said go away... i don't want to be around someone who hates me." I walked away without hearing footsteps. When I made it home I went to my room and locked the door then closed the windows curtains. I laid in bed "This is the last time I will see the outside world." I closed my eyes and slept.


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