Ken x OC: The Perks of Dating Ken (nn3887's Request)

VIXX One Shots and Scenarios (On Hiatus)

You walked outside the stadium where VIXX were holding their concert. Carrying a huge banner in your hands, you found yourself smiling widely as you thought of events from the past week – Jaehwan (stage name “Ken”), your boyfriend, had announced your relationship to the public; the two of you had finally admitted to dating each other, despite him being an idol and you being an average Seoul citizen.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders, when the reports came out. You were extremely happy and relieved now that the both of you need not sneak around anymore. No more dating at ungodly hours. You could be seen together with Ken, and hell yeah, did it feel good!

It goes without saying that the news caused uproar in the K-pop world – especially among Starlights (You found out that VIXX had some pretty dedicated ahjumma fans too).

Most VIXX fans were cool about the situation. Many wished you and Ken well, while those that weren't too pleased with the news resorted to spamming all fan-sites with hate.

This morning, you had woken up to the sight of taped messages on your front door -- threats from sasaeng fans, they were. You merely rolled your eyes at their bitter attitudes, crumpling up the papers and throwing them into the trash can. You thought nothing of the letters. You underestimated the sasaengs, thinking that they wouldn’t carry out their threats.

Unfortunately, you should have been more concerned.

Anyways, there was a reason as to why you were making your way behind the stadium, instead of inside it – As Ken's long-term girlfriend, you were granted permission backstage, into the room where VIXX were getting ready for their performance.

Just as you caught sight of the door, you heard a rustle. Instinctively, you turned your head towards the source, only to find yourself face to face with a crazed-looking teenage girl.

Said teenage girl came charging towards you with a yell, and before you knew it, you were pinned to the ground. The girl's hold was too strong, preventing you from getting up.

Something sharp dug into your stomach. Pain paralyzed you as your vision started to blur and your head started to spin. Over and over, you were stabbed. Over and over...

And then, the world turned black.


Jaehwan could've pulled his hair out waiting for someone – anyone! – to come out of the emergency room. He wanted to know what was going on inside; he needed to know what was going on.

He was going crazy worrying about you.

Jaehwan paced the waiting area frantically; his VIXX members weren’t looking too good either. They all sat, slumped in the chairs against the wall, faces pale and in shock.

"Ottokaji, hyung!" Jaehwan exclaimed, looking at the leader with helpless eyes. It was a first for Hackyeon to hear those words being said so seriously. Hearing Jaehwan's usually cheery voice filled with so much anxiety, Hackyeon’s heart broke.

The leader felt his eyes sting. He knew how much you meant to Jaehwan; He knew that Jaehwan loved you, and that when the both of you started going out, Jaehwan had felt guilty for hiding you.

The younger man had felt so bad for making you stay up late sometimes, just so that the two of you could hang out amidst his hectic, hectic schedule. Often, Jaehwan would feel so lousy that he regretted being an idol, and during those times, he would seek comfort and advice from Hackyeon. He would tell Hackyeon everything about you; about how he was lucky to have found someone as understanding as you were, as tolerant and beautiful as you were...

When your couple status had been revealed, and the public responded fairly well, Hackyeon was utterly happy -- because Jaehwan was utterly happy. Hackyeon was so glad for the younger member. He had thought that from then onwards, everything would be smooth sailing for the two of you.

However, that thought vanished when VIXX's manager rushed backstage that night.

Just minutes before the concert started, the manager had run into the building, looking like he'd seen a ghost. He announced that he had found you bleeding and unconscious behind the door, and as staff members hurried to call an ambulance, Jaehwan and the other members had rushed to your location. Tears started rolling down their cheeks when you wouldn't wake up.

Everyone knew very well that VIXX couldn't perform in such a state, and so, the concert was cancelled.

After a few minutes of pacing, Jaehwan looked like he would collapse. This led to Taekwoon grabbing his wrist.

"Sit down," Taekwoon told him, voice steady and quiet as always, except this time, the serene tone was doing wonders to calm Jaehwan down. Jaewhwan took a seat next to Hongbin, doing as Taekwoon said.

"Stay strong, hyung," Hyuk said quietly. "We're all praying for her," Ravi added. Hongbin, eyes b with unshed tears, nodded in agreement, pulling Jaehwan into a hug.

At that moment, a nurse appeared. The crease on her forehead clearly indicated bad news.

"Miss Kang has suffered severe blood loss," she started.

Jaehwan winced. His hands grew cold as the nurse explained how you needed a blood transfusion to survive.

"Nika's blood type is 'O negative'," she said, looking at the group intently. "Meaning she can only receive blood from people with the same type... but the thing is, our blood bank is currently void of that supply --"

"Can't you get some from another hospital?"

"What are you trying to say? You're just going to let her die?!"

"Give her my blood," Jaehwan blurted out all of a sudden; At once, s stopped talking. When he spoke again, the room was totally silent:

"I'm 'O negative' too. I can donate my blood to Nika... right?"

The nurse stuttered, clearly taken aback. "R-right," she said. She then gained her composure and started talking at the speed of light. "But you'll have to sign some papers... they're all the way downstairs, so if you're really going to do it, we have to hurry!"

"Quickly -- before she loses anymore blood!" The nurse exclaimed. She then started walking towards the lift and Jaehwan followed without hesitation.











You groaned, your eyes still closed. Mumbling incoherently, you d around for your alarm clock, trying to hit the snooze button.


The sound of your boyfriend's high-pitched screeching woke you up completely.

"What...." you grumbled. You wiped at your bleary eyes, willing your vision to adjust. When it did, you noticed two things:

One, Jaehwan's face was right in yours, his nose bumping your cheek obnoxiously, and two, there were wires running down the back of your hand. You were hooked up to an IV machine and…WHAT IN THE WORLD WERE YOU DOING IN A HOSPITAL.

"What is going on--"

"You're awake!" Jaehwan continued to shout. He moved away from you, only to open the door and to stick his head out of it. He looked like an excited puppy. "N-hyung! Guys! She's awake!"

Loud cheering could be heard from outside your ward, and you bit your lip, embarrassed.

Jaehwan flashed s two thumbs up before shutting the door again. Then, he bounded back to your side with a smile. "Hi," he said.

"Hi..." you raised an eyebrow. “Care to tell me how I ended up in here?"

"One sec."

Without warning, Jaehwan leaned down to kiss you. Surprised, you let out a little squeak.

"Yah!" your cheeks tinted pink. "I'll kill you!"

Jaehwan responded by smirking cheekily. "It's okay; so long as you're alive."


A/N: Ken's blood type in real life is AB, but for the sake of this request, let's all pretend that his blood type is O; Ravi, Leo and Hyuk had to undergo blood type changes as well...


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I have a request!
Pairing: Hyuk and Kim Sumin (OC)
Genre: Fantasy and Supernatural
Plot: Sumin was walking in the woods to get home and hyuk is about to attack her (he's a vampire) but when they see that they are from the same school Hyuk stops and scares her into not telling anyone. The next day Sumin finds hyuk and starts questioning him; scared and things get heated (but NO !!!)
Btw they didn't know each other at the begging, they only knew of each other.
Hopefully you understand and if you don't you can ask :)
Chapter 6: I- i- jejdnsksxhdhdbdjwsbsjsmsksnsisosn (>////////<) i dont know how to thank you.. i- *speechless* thank you thank you soo much author-nim♥♥♥ god i love it. Yes. This is what i need, this is what i waaantt♡♡♡ *gives your bias in a ribbon as a present* lol. Again. Thanks.
Chapter 5: That sasaeng!!!! Omg thank god ken has the same blood type as her... naaawww i love the way you describe the member's care for each other♡
Chapter 4: Wahhh, thank you very much! This is amazing, really :)))
Pairing: Jung Taekwoon (Leo) x Kim Kyunghee (OC)
Genre: Angst
Plot: Leo is unable to express himself properly to his girlfriend. At first their relationship was very bright and lively (despite his lack of words and talk) but lately it seems dead and dark. When Kyunghee addresses the problem and Leo responds with a simple shrug as if he didn't care, she harshly breaks up with him. That's when it hits him that he's losing the love of his life and well, he basically begs for her back.
Can i request?
Pairing : Park Sunhae x Hongbin
Plot : sunhae is on her period so her mood is like rollercoaster. Hongbin as her boyfriend do all the things he can do to make her feels better♡
Pairing: Kang Nika x Ken
Plot: Nika was just an ordinary girl that was dating an idol named Ken. She was prepared for saesang fans but didn't know how far they would go. One day she goes to watch VIXX perform and tries to go backstage as they were performing. What happens when she gets stabbed as she walked by one? Will Ken be able to save her? Will Ken donate his blood since he is the only one with the same blood type as her?
Chapter 3: djfhdlkshfldksafhsdlakfhlskdfhsdalkfhsldfhdslafh
OMGGGGGGGGGG /shake author-nim crazily/
Thank youuuu this is so cute I could die!!!!
Ravi and his palyful playboy acts to make her jealous..
and how he was amused at Wonyeon's embarassment.
I can completely completely imagine that. OMGGGGG so cuteeeeeee!!
I love how Ravi imagined her to act cutely but he never get it hahahahhah
Thankssss! I can't even say anything anymore :P

And Hyuk's scenario was soooo cute too!
So thoughtful for him to make such memorable present!
Every girl would definitely love it! I suddenly remembered a scene from B1A4's Only learn bad things MV
hahahhaha, your shots are jjang!
Chapter 2: Sorry, forgot to comment :D This one was really amazing! I actually made up a small movie in my head (thanks to imagining everything) as I read this one :D Please update soon, this scenario shop rocks :DDDD