Ravi x OC: Even the Best Pilots Need a Co-pilot (Yeoniie's request)

VIXX One Shots and Scenarios (On Hiatus)

Wonshik reached for his wallet, wanting to pay for the dress his girlfriend was getting, but she reached out a hand to stop him.

“I got this,” she said, pulling out crisp dollar bills from her own purse, making Wonshik sigh. He couldn’t understand why Wonyeon never let him buy her anything; why did him spending money on her make her feel uncomfortable?

Wonshik reached for her shopping bag, but Wonyeon wouldn’t let him carry it either.

Sure, she was all for female independence – Wonyeon’s strong-will and confidence was what had attracted Wonshik to her in the first place – but he was her boyfriend; Wonshik wanted to do these things for her. He liked helping girls, and knowing that he could be of service to them boosted Wonshik’s ego. It made him feel wanted and appreciated.

Also, who didn’t like a little spice in their life? When he’d first dated Wonyeon, he had thought that there’d be moments where she would ask him for something, then cutely pout or whine adorably when he pretended to refuse. However, no such thing had happened in their relationship. They barely even fought because Wonyeon acted so nonchalant towards everything, she put up walls around herself, refusing to let her weaknesses show. Not even to Wonshik.

In all honesty, Wonshik would say that his 3 years with Wonyeon had been pretty dull.

He trailed after her, sighing, hands stuffed in his pockets as he recalled how the two of them had met.

They had been in high school, and at the time, Wonshik hadn’t been looking for a serious relationship. He had gone through girls the way females go through clothes. Wonshik, only wanting to have fun, had toyed with a series of his classmates’ hearts. His actions had left him labelled as a playboy, until the day he graduated.

His playboy status had left Wonyeon with a bad – okay, ‘bad’ was an understatement – impression of Wonshik throughout both their high school lives. Every time she passed Wonshik in the hallways, Wonyeon would send him glares and snide comments. She would give him one of her long lectures of Treating Females with Respect whenever she caught him with another one of his conquests.

Wonyeon had really been disgusted with Wonshik, and sometimes, Wonshik would purposely kiss different girls in front of Wonyeon just to piss her off. He had found her reactions utterly amusing.

He chuckled, remembering the time she had slapped him when he had tried flirting with her for the first time. She was the only girl in school who had refused to succumb to his charms, which made Wonshik find her all the more interesting.

It was only on their last day of school that Wonyeon decided to give Wonshik a chance. It was also the day Wonshik saw his estranged mother for the first time in 16 years – she had come to his graduation unexpectedly, giving him a surprise. Let’s just say it wasn’t a very pleasant one.

Later that day, Wonyeon was the one who had found him with tears streaming down his face. Wonshik opened up his heart and told her everything, and they have been together ever since.

But now, Wonshik was getting bored. He had let her in and let her know so many of his secrets, but Wonyeon had never done the same when it came to her feelings. She always played safe and recently, it frustrated him to no end.

I guess it’s true what they say, he thought. 'The fun is in the chase.’


Fast forward a couple of months, and Wonshik and Wonyeon were both invited to his friend, Hackyeon's wedding dinner. Hackyeon was a senior from high school, so quite a number of their ex-schoolmates attended the dinner as well.


Wonshik heard his nickname from high school being called by a female voice. Hand still in Wonyeon's, he turned around towards its source. He was slightly taken aback when he saw that it was one of the girls whom he'd hooked up with briefly in high school. Beside her sat two other girls... one of which he had also dated for a while before.

Wonshik and Wonyeon walked up to their table as Hongbin and Jaehwan, his other friends, were there too and beckoning him over. Looking closely at the girls, Wonshik had to admit that they had become much prettier since high school.

"So, how have you been?" one of them leaned towards Wonshik, touching him on the arm. Wonshik's eyes flitted towards Wonyeon. Wonyeon just raised an eyebrow silently, shrugging.

"Oppa~" one of the girls whined when he didn't answer. Wonshik turned to them abruptly with a dazzling smile. "Pretty good," he replied. "Yourselves?"

It didn't take long for Jaehwan to start telling one of his interesting anecdotes from high school. He threw in animated actions and hilarious jokes, making the whole story seem even better. Hongbin and Wonshik joined in as well, recalling the good old days.

Wonyeon noticed that the girls were flirting a lot with the guys. They giggled at every joke that came out of their mouths, even the ones that weren't funny. After awhile, the guys were flirting back too. Even Wonshik.

Every now and then, he would wink at the girls when he said something. Wonshik no longer flinched when they 'accidentally' touched him, and there was this little smirk on his lips that Wonyeon hadn't seen since his playboy days.

She tried to show that she didn't care; Wonyeon put on her best poker face throughout the whole event, pretending that her boyfriend's flirting didn't bother her the slightest.

Not only did Wonyeon's heart hurt, but her pride and ego as well. However, she wasn't going to let Wonshik see that..


The next day, Wonshik was over at Wonyeon's place again, the both of them acting as if nothing had happened the previous night. Wonyeon was mad and upset, of course. But as usual, she refused to show it, faking indifference instead.

Wonshik, on the other hand, had decided to forget the situation. He had only flirted with the girls at Hackyeon's wedding because he was bored. Also, he had hoped to draw out a reaction from Wonyeon; he had hoped that she'd be fuming and jealous. When his girlfriend continued to show him no emotion, Wonshik was left very dissapointed.

At present, he was sitting on Wonyeon's couch, silently playing around with his iPod as Wonyeon sat on a beanbag a few feet away. She was typing vigorously on her laptop.

Suddenly, Wonyeon stopped typing. She got up from her beanbag, closing the lid of her laptop halfway and placing it down onto the coffee table. "Be right back," she mumbled, moving towards her bathroom.

Wonshik looked up and nodded even though Wonyeon could'nt see his response. Feeling like surfing the net all of a sudden, he reached for his girlfriend's laptop. He flipped the cover open and clicked on the browser icon... He was not expecting the tab that came up on screen.

It was, Wonshik could tell, Wonyeon's personal blog. She used an alias, though a very obvious one made up of only her initials -- Y.W.Y. The letters definitely stood for Yong Wonyeon.

On it was a post entitled 'I Just Don't Know Anymore...' 

It was posted only a few minutes before.

Curious, Wonshik started reading it. It only took two sentences to understand that the post was about his relationship with Wonyeon. On it, his girlfriend had honestly poured out all her feelings about the two of them dating. How Wonshik would make her happy, although she didn't really show it. She admitted that she did not know how to show how she really felt, and she was insecure that this was driving Wonshik away. She talked of her worries about how he was becoming distant, how she was afraid that he was going to break up with her soon... How he had flirted with the girls at the wedding, sending a knife through her heart. 

The whole post consisted of words that Wonyeon could not tell Wonshik in the face.

The more he read, the more Wonshik realized that his girfriend was not as independent and strong as he thought. She was not nonchalant like she led on. Not at all.

All this time, he had been seeing her with a one-track mind. He hadn't thought that her feelings would be different beneath the surface of her cool, collected expressions. He regretted taking her for granted --

"Oh my god, Wonshik!"

Wonyeon stood in front of him now, eyes wide when she saw that her boyfriend was using her laptop. Those eyes widened even more when she saw the page her browser was opened too. "Don't tell me you read that..." She groaned, covering her face in embarrassment.

"I... Kind of... Did?" Wonshik couldn't help but let out a laugh. Not because he found Wonyeon's post to be ridiculous, but because this was the first time she was acting so cute in front of him. Wonyeon was adorable when embarrassed. To Wonshik, her blushing face was very endearing.

He got up and walked towards his girlfriend. Wrapping his arms around her, he laughed again when she buried her face in his chest. Wonyeon, although in a flustered state, mentally noted that Wonshik hadn't hugged her like this for awhile. 

Wonshik started caressing her hair. "I'm sorry," he said, voice soft. "I haven't been a very good boyfriend to you."

Wonyeon melted into his embrace. "It's okay, I was the one who pushed you away anyway," she admitted without a second's hesitation. Since Wonshik knew everything already, there wasn't any point for her to keep pretending. As Wonshik placed his lips on hers, Wonyeon promised that she would open up her heart to him... Slowly, at least.

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I have a request!
Pairing: Hyuk and Kim Sumin (OC)
Genre: Fantasy and Supernatural
Plot: Sumin was walking in the woods to get home and hyuk is about to attack her (he's a vampire) but when they see that they are from the same school Hyuk stops and scares her into not telling anyone. The next day Sumin finds hyuk and starts questioning him; scared and things get heated (but NO !!!)
Btw they didn't know each other at the begging, they only knew of each other.
Hopefully you understand and if you don't you can ask :)
Chapter 6: I- i- jejdnsksxhdhdbdjwsbsjsmsksnsisosn (>////////<) i dont know how to thank you.. i- *speechless* thank you thank you soo much author-nim♥♥♥ god i love it. Yes. This is what i need, this is what i waaantt♡♡♡ *gives your bias in a ribbon as a present* lol. Again. Thanks.
Chapter 5: That sasaeng!!!! Omg thank god ken has the same blood type as her... naaawww i love the way you describe the member's care for each other♡
Chapter 4: Wahhh, thank you very much! This is amazing, really :)))
Pairing: Jung Taekwoon (Leo) x Kim Kyunghee (OC)
Genre: Angst
Plot: Leo is unable to express himself properly to his girlfriend. At first their relationship was very bright and lively (despite his lack of words and talk) but lately it seems dead and dark. When Kyunghee addresses the problem and Leo responds with a simple shrug as if he didn't care, she harshly breaks up with him. That's when it hits him that he's losing the love of his life and well, he basically begs for her back.
Can i request?
Pairing : Park Sunhae x Hongbin
Plot : sunhae is on her period so her mood is like rollercoaster. Hongbin as her boyfriend do all the things he can do to make her feels better♡
Pairing: Kang Nika x Ken
Plot: Nika was just an ordinary girl that was dating an idol named Ken. She was prepared for saesang fans but didn't know how far they would go. One day she goes to watch VIXX perform and tries to go backstage as they were performing. What happens when she gets stabbed as she walked by one? Will Ken be able to save her? Will Ken donate his blood since he is the only one with the same blood type as her?
Chapter 3: djfhdlkshfldksafhsdlakfhlskdfhsdalkfhsldfhdslafh
OMGGGGGGGGGG /shake author-nim crazily/
Thank youuuu this is so cute I could die!!!!
Ravi and his palyful playboy acts to make her jealous..
and how he was amused at Wonyeon's embarassment.
I can completely completely imagine that. OMGGGGG so cuteeeeeee!!
I love how Ravi imagined her to act cutely but he never get it hahahahhah
Thankssss! I can't even say anything anymore :P

And Hyuk's scenario was soooo cute too!
So thoughtful for him to make such memorable present!
Every girl would definitely love it! I suddenly remembered a scene from B1A4's Only learn bad things MV
hahahhaha, your shots are jjang!
Chapter 2: Sorry, forgot to comment :D This one was really amazing! I actually made up a small movie in my head (thanks to imagining everything) as I read this one :D Please update soon, this scenario shop rocks :DDDD