04 In Which We Learn Humans Make Mistakes

Your Apology Is...

04 In Which We Learn Humans Make Mistakes.


Pairing: Kaisoo

Genre: Fluff, slight angst


Foreword: Kyungsoo, a single father with a 4 year old son; Jongin. Kyungsoo is a gentle as a mother could be. Jongin is adorable as a kid should be. What could go wrong? The kitchen. Yes. You read it right. The kitchen.






"Appa, what are they doing?" Jongin says as he saw some people shut the box contained his mother. Kyungsoo didn't answer.

"Appa, can umma breathe in there?" Kyungsoo only shook his head. Jongin look up to his father.

"No. Appa, umma will die if she can't breathe. Stop them appa. STOP THEM. STOP THEM APPA." Jongin shakes his father's arm. Tears slowly fall. Kyungsoo felt the rolling tears and tried to wipe it away but it seems like his body isn't listening to him. Not today.

"Jongin-ah." Kyungsoo tried to hug the boy.

"NO APPA! Save umma! Appa, please save umma." Jongin's wailing.

"I can't, Jongin. I can't." the kneeling Kyungsoo shakes his head.

"Don't you love umma, appa?" Kyungsoo nodded.

"Then, save her appa. I love umma too!" Jongin begged.

Leveling their eyes, Kyungsoo tells Jongin. "Umma is gone, Jongin. She's dead."

"No appa. I swear I saw umma yesterday." Jongin shook his head in denial.


"It can't be true appa. Umma promised me she would buy me Tigger for my birthday. She couldn't leave me." Jongin's tears start to well in his eyes.

"Appa will buy it for you, okay Jongin?" Kyungsoo hopes Jongin could understand.

"No. Appa is not umma. I want Tigger from umma! Not appa!" Jongin starts to cry. Kyungsoo become speechless. He tried to calm the boy but the boy pushed him away.

"Jongin hate appa! Don't come near Jongin!" Jongin screamed resulting his grandma to hug him, trying her luck to calm the boy. Jongin run to his room and cried himself to sleep.






"Jongin, come down and eat. I made you pancakes." Kyungsoo called his son down as he place two plates of pancakes on the table.

"Pancakes?! O_O Oh I love pancakes. COMING APPA!!". Jongin jumped off his bed and running to the kitchen.

"Hey Jongin." the seated Jongin looked up, blinking to his father.

"Ne, appa?" "What you should do before eating?" Kyungsoo ask him as gentle as possible. Jongin's eyes went round.

"Ah! Washing hands! Jongin forgot to wash hands. Sorry appa. Hehe." he grinned and went to the sink to wash his hands.

"Now my hands are clean, appa. Can I eat now?" Kyungsoo nodded lovingly. Silently he thanked god Jongin began to warming up him after his wife's death. Jongin didn't take the news well at first; locking himself in the room, threatening his father he won't come out unless his mother told him to. He wants his mother and his mother only. Due to that, Kyungsoo could only leave his meal in front of the door.


Kyungsoo did try to communicate with him but he only got a shout to leave Jongin alone in reply. He tried every way he could. He once forced Jongin to eat in the dining room with him. He practically dragged the stubborn boy to the table but the boy do nothing but looked at the food his father made like it's the most disgusting thing ever. Kyungsoo has no idea what to do else. All he get everyday was a "Shut up! Go away! Leave me alone!" and he thought he's going to live with that forever. Not until the day he got no shouting from inside of his son's room.






"Jongin, open up. Appa bring your food." Kyungsoo knocked the door, hoping he will see his bright son coming out of the room with his bright smile on his face like he used to do when his mom was around. Again. But Kyungsoo never get his hopes high. He's ready for the scream his Jongin gave him everyday. He closed his eyes tightly. One. Two. Three. He's ready. But no. There's no noise from the other side. He felt cold sweat running through his spine. 'Why he's not answering?'


"Jongin, open the door." Kyungsoo began to knock the door frantically.

"Jongin OPEN THE DOOR. Last warning Do Jongin. Appa will break your door if you don't open it now." Kyungsoo wasted no time. He kicked the door open, revealing no Jongin in sight. Kyungsoo tried to keep his calm. Scanning the room, he saw a big lump on the bed. Knowing it is Jongin, Kyungsoo yanked the blanket off. He felt his heart dropped at the sight of Jongin's sweaty body. He rushed downstairs to get a big bowl of cold water, some ice and towels.


Seeing Jongin is now sleeping peacefully after his body temperature dropped a bit making Kyungsoo took his breath in relief. He couldn't imagine a life without his son. He couldn't afford to lose another one. As he bring in a freshly cooked porridge, he couldn't fight the urge to sleep. He placed the porridge next to the night lamp. He caressed his son's cheek who looks so peaceful. He can't fight it anymore. He, with his arms as the pillow, falls asleep next to little Jongin. Well, who wouldn't after pulling an all-nighter just to get the important document done, taking care of sick kid and watching a peaceful sleeping face surely lures him to sleep.




"Umma??" Jongin stirred when he felt something resting on his arms. He opened his eyes and saw his appa's head on the bed next to him.

"Appa??" Sleepy Kyungsoo immediately wakes up hearing Jongin's voice.

"You're awake? Are you hungry?" Kyungsoo asking his son while reaching the porridge he made earlier. It's cold.

"It's cold already. Wait here. I'll make another one." Kyungsoo left after checking Jongin's body temperature but forgot to take the porridge along with him.


Hungry Jongin ignore the fact the porridge is cold and ate some of it. He blinked his eyes. 'IT'S SUPER TASTY!! I MUST LEARN HOW TO MAKE IT!!' Jongin hurried to the kitchen and silently took a peek at his father who's preparing the porridge. Noticing something looking at him, Kyungsoo turned around and found Jongin watching him cooking the porridge. A smile carved on his face as Jongin nodded when he asked the boy if he wants to help.


Laughter and warmth filled the kitchen as the father-son duo continue cooking. As if little Jongin already forgave his father. Giggling sound Jongin made is like music to Kyungsoo's ears. Something he missed so much. 'He sounds just like you. I miss you.'






"Appa." Jongin tugs the older pants.

"yes, Jongin?" Kyungsoo looked down to his son. But it seems like the little boy have problems to tell his father about his little wish. Kyungsoo kneeled to match their eyes.

"Jongin, appa won't be mad at you. Don't worry."



"You won't be mad at me?" Jongin asks for confirmation. Kyungsoo nods.

"Promise?" Jongin hold out his pinky finger causing Kyungsoo chuckles at the cute sight.

"I promise." he connects their pinkies together.

Jongin looks into his dad's eyes, takes in a deep breath and say "I want to visit Umma." Kyungsoo knew that this day would come.

"If thats what you want then, thats what you'll get." Kyungsoo said it gently while hugging his only son. Jongin hugged back even stronger.

"Thank you, appa." says Jongin with a smile and two cresent eyes.

"So, when do you want to visit umma?"

"This Sunday?"

"Sunday??" Kyungsoo furrows his eyebrows.

"Please appa. I won't ask for any other present. Please? It's my birthday, so I get to pick what I want, right?"

"But Jongin-ah--" Kyungsoo really don't want to see his son to cry on his birthday. He really don't.

"You promised." Jongin looked at his father with his round glassy eyes and a pouty mouth. 'Damn it, Jongin! How could I reject that?'

"Okay." Kyungsoo gave in. "-but only for this time."

"Yay!! Appa is the best appa in the world. Thank you, appa!!" Jongin shouted and hugged his appa tight before running up the stairs. 





Kyungsoo followed his son to his room and saw Jongin is rummaging the clothes basket. He took out one piece of clothing, try on his body in front of the mirror and toss it away; because he didn't like it. He took another one, try it again on his body in front of the mirror and put it nicely on the bed; because he likes it. It goes on for thirty minutes. He kept on searching until he couldn't find anymore shirt he likes. The same goes to the pants and now he's trying to figure out whether he should wear a short pants or a long pants. 'Which one should I wear? The long pants looks better because I'm going to visit Umma. But... I like the short pants. It has Tigger on it. Umma likes Tigger. But Umma said if you are going to someone's grave, you should wear a long pants. Etiquette. But Umma also said to wear what I like to wear. Ugh... Which one should I wear?' Tears start to building up in his eyes. He started to sob silently. Uh-oh.


Kyungsoo saw this and "APPA TO THE RESCUE!!" He throws his fist into the air like the superhero in cartoons.

"Appa??" Jongin stopped his sobbing and blinked at his father. Kyungsoo grabbed a pair of long black pants that have Doraemon printed on it and gave it to Jongin.

"But Jongin don't like Doraemon."

"But appa like Doraemon."

"But umma told me to wear what I like."

"But umma didn't say you cannot wear something that appa likes."

"Ne, appa." Jongin sighed.

"Jongin hate appa already?" Kyungsoo pouts and squats in front of his son causing Jongin to chuckle.

"No, appa. If appa likes it, then Jongin will like it too."

"Really Jongin?"

"Ne appa." says Jongin while patting his father's hair.

"Appa's hair is very soft. Hehehe." Kyungsoo smiles at his son. They then clean up the clothes-cluttered room and head downstairs to eat.




"Umma, look. I wear the pants that appa likes. I'm a good kid, right umma?" Jongin starts to talk to his mother. Placing a bouquet of flowers on the memorial place, Jongin reminds his mom something. Something that bring tears to his father's eyes. Kyungsoo tried hard not to cry in front of his son.


"Umma, visit us sometimes, okay? I read in books if someone wants to visit you, they will appear in your dreams. I will wait for you. I love you." And his wish come true. His mother did visit him in his dreams that night.




Jongin wakes up at the sound of his alarm clock.


"Where is appa?" Jongin asks himself in confusion. It's not normal for him because usually he wakes up at the voice of Kyungsoo calling him down to eat breakfast. He steps downstairs to find his father in the kitchen but he didn't found him. He tiptoed to reach the bathroom knob and open the door. No Kyungsoo. He went to his parents' room; the room he never step a foot in after his mother's death. Jongin knocks the door before coming into the room.


"Appa?" Jongin calls out for his father. A croaky voice was heard replying his call.

"Jongin?" Kyungsoo let his head out of the blanket. His head feels heavy and he couldn't open his eyes properly. He feels a warm hand touching his forehead.

"Appa, you are hot." Jongin said after pulling his hands off Kyungsoo's forehead.

"Appa, you are having a fever." A smirk was formed on the kid's face.

"Appa. Appa." He shakes his father. "Can we play doctor? I'll be the doctor. I'll make you feel better."


Before Kyungsoo could say anything, Jongin already left the room. 'Jongin-ah, what are you planning? Ouch! My head.'


Jongin got to the kitchen to find something. 'Where is that white round thing? Umma took them when she's sick. Aha! There it is.' He climbs up a chair and takes a bag of pain killers. 'I wonder why umma always eat this. It's not tasty at all.' He flinched at the memory. No. He's not going to eat that again. Sure it's round and cute and alluring but to apparently to that kid, not tasty means not pretty.


He's now searching for his favourite chocolate milk in the fridge as he thought it could decrease the degree of untastiness of the medicine. He then poured it into a transparent glass. 'Chocolate milk looks yummy. If I drink a little, appa wouldn't notice right?' Seduced by the chocolate milk, he drinks it until it's half full. Uh-oh. He realized he overdrank the milk. His hand reaches for the milk box, hoping there is more milk left in the box. He refill the glass but it's not even reach third quater of the glass. 'It's okay. I'll just tell appa sick people cannot drink too much milk.'


Smiling at his brilliant idea, Jongin took the glass of chocolate milk and the bag of pain killers to Kyungsoo. Biting the bag, he tiptoed and turned the door's knob. Hearing the door's knob is being twisted, Kyungsoo sits on his bed and silently prayed Jongin will bring something that would lessen his headache. To his suprise, he did bring something useful.


"Here, appa." He hand over the pain killers and chocolate milk. Kyungsoo is grateful but curious as well.

"Jongin, where did you get these?" says Kyungso holding up the pain killers.

"Umma always told me to play nicely and eat that and after ten minutes, she play with me." Jongin tells him a story Kyungsoo had never knew with a smile on his face.

"Thank you, Jongin."

"Appa go to sleep. Jongin will be nice." he says that while tucking his father with a blanket, a perfect copy from what his mother did to him when he was sick. He then left the room. Kyungsoo felt so comfortable that he forgot Jongin is his son. Maybe Jongin could really make a great doctor.


Stepping outside of the room, Jongin was thinking about making his dad a bowl of porridge like the one the older made for him. Without any delay, he strides to the kitchen.




Jongin's POV


'Hmm... What should I do first?' I open the fridge and saw carrots. And it popped in my brain. Appa add carrots in the porridge. I took out the carrots and a special yellow coloured knife umma gave to me. She said I am special cook so I need a special knife. Hoho. I know I'm great.


I was admiring myself in my brain when I remembered about appa. Appa is sick. I need to work fast. I chopped the carrots into a perfect size because I'm that perfect. Then, I took out a pot and I pour rice into it. I should add water. As I twist the water tap, I remembered something. I need to wash the rice first!


I finished working on the rice and I feel very tired so I went to the couch to rest for five minutes. I sit and then I lie on the couch. My sight gets blurry and I don't remember what happened next.




Author's POV


Kyungsoo went out of the room when he heard the tv was switched on in the living room. Luckily, his head feels lighter and it didn't hurt that much when the light hit him in the eyes. He takes a glance at the clock. It's already 12. He hurried to the kitchen in his pajamas, thinking he need to cook lunch for them. And he didn't expect a mess in the kitchen.




Apparently, Jongin didn't only chopped the carrots and cook the rice. He took out raw chicken and meat and decided to leave them in front of the fridge. He also took out the cheese crumbs but the plastic was torn so the cheese was spread on the floor and leave a trail from the fridge to the sink to the water dispenser to the chicken and meat and lastly, to the table. The carrots he worked on are scattered on the table and some of them were chopped too big, even for Kyungsoo. When he think he's washing the rice, he poured a generous amount of detergent into the pot half-filled with uncooked rice. Luckily, he forgot to turn on the stove. Oh god.


Jongin the doctor may be a good idea but not Jongin the cook.




Kyungsoo was about to scold Jongin for turning his kitchen upside down but stops when he saw the cute tired looking face sleeping on the couch in front of the tv. He then retreats to the kitchen to make them the porridge Jongin intended to make.


'I think I'll just save the scolding for next time.'


A/N: Kyungsoo appa and son Jongin. I love this father-son kind of pairing. XD XD XD XD XD XD !! What about you?


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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 11: T~T Poor Sulay :(
I liked the Sulay story best though.
me_nna #2
Chapter 11: my god..
i just read sulay chapter and it broke my heart T_T
they both die, am i right? *based on sehun diary and hunhan story previously*
i think i can related to you, i just say sorry when they ask me to do,either way, i won't *mumbling
by the way, i love your story :) keep writing

Lots of l0ve #hugandkiss *mumumumu
myotterprince #3
Chapter 11: OMG Suho killed lay !? 0.0
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 9: oh oh oh oh oh
Chapter 9: it gonna be sad omf im near to cry alr orz;;;; sulay- update asap pls! ^^
wildrose88 #6
Chapter 8: waaaaaaaaa interesting ><
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 6: this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D !
dennyl #8
Chapter 6: oh. I just saw a mistake. It was meant to be cheese crumbs, not sliced cheese. I'm sorry. ><"
wildrose88 #9
Chapter 5: wow , i read all your stories , great ><
love it !!!!!!!
cant wait
juicyspazzer #10
update soon!!