02 In Which We Learn A Little Bribe Won't Hurt Part Two

Your Apology Is...

05 In Which We Learn A Little Bribe Won't Hurt.
Pairing: Taoris
Genre: Fluff

Part Two


Tao's POV


"Okay. Here's the plan." I write the word 'Day One' on a white A4 sized paper and start to think about what should I do to that BB Cream loving giant. Time to put my thinking cap on, folks. So he learn not to mess with my face. Poor him. He didn't understand this piece work of art that my parents produced.


"Hmmm... Ummm... Ah ha! Haaa..." Ok. That is weird.

"Yeah. It's weird, Taozi." I jumped at the sudden comment and turned around to see the commentar.

"Yixing-ge, you don't go around, appear and make a sudden comment. Warn a person, ge. I may get a heart attack."

"I knocked. But you didn't answer me. So, I think it's okay to enter since you're inside."

"How did you know that I'm inside? Oh my god. Is unicorn a real thing?" I must be crazy. UNICORNS ARE REAL!!

"Oh that. I don't have to use my unicorn powers to know that. Plus, unicorns can only heal and read minds. Not teleport or telekinesis or et cetera."

"So, are you a psychic?" I AM CONFUSED.

"No, idiot. We saw you got in just now." say Minseok-hyung while drinking his bubble tea with Chen-hyung. Wait. What?!

"When did you guys come in? And how??" I knit my brows in confusion.

"After you got in and the door's unlocked. But, don't worry now. I locked it." Chen-hyung winked. Why did he locked it anyway? Uh. Whatever.


I turned my face back to the almost blank paper. I stared at the paper and it stare at me back. It's like it's mocking me because I couldn't think of any plan to get a revenge on Kris.


"You couldn't get a revenge plan on Kris, huh?" Minseok-hyung hung his head on my shoulders.

"Yeah, hyung. How did you know it's for Kris anyway?"

"Baekhyun told me."

"I see." I only mutter those words.


"I don't know, MinMin-hyung." I shook my head.

"Let me help you with that. Hehehe."

"ChenChen, I don't think your plan will work."

"Why MinMin? Do you hate me already?" Chen-hyung pull his puppy look on Minseok-hyung. Minseok-hyung sighed on the sight.

"Your idea is either very small or very big. Plus, Dranda's Seven Days of Wrath is not yours. Let Taozi do his art alone." Minseok-hyung then dragged Chen-hyung and excuse themselves from my room. Yixing-ge already left to see his son, Sehunnie. I widened my eyes at the name they give to my revenge plans. How did they came up with a great name? Why I never think of it? And what is Dranda anyway? 


But, still I couldn't think of anything to get back at Kris. At the end of the day, I tossed the crumpled paper into the waste basket. I must go out to get some inspiration.




"Heyy, what's up with the long face, Taozi? Is there something bothering you?" Suho-hyung took a seat next to me with little Sehunnie placed on his lap. Yixing-ge had left for work, I guessed.

"Nothing, hyung. I just can't get any ideas for my plans."

"Oh. You mean the one for Kris?" I turned to see the older's face.

"Yixing told me." the older shrugged. I do the same. Well, I should have expected that. I took a glance to the cute four year-old kid. Poor kid. He lost his parents at a very young age. I drink the bubble tea he gave to me. He is super cute looking at me like that, even with his usual nonchalant face. He reminds of Soya-noona. She's kind and sweet. Her husband was the same. It's sad to know that one day you lost your family just like that in a car accident. Cruel reality. I still remember the day they died. Suho cried like there's a river flowing in his eyes. I mean, who wouldn't if they lost the one and only sister in the world. They already lost their parents when they were only 19 and 15. Luckily, Soya-noona was able to provide for the both of them. When she got married, Suho became the happiest person on planet. He got himself a brother, new addition to the family. A few months later, little Sehunnie come into the new family picture. Suho was nothing but happy. I still remember how he described it. He looks really happy.

"It's like buy one plus one. It's just this one is free. How in the world am I not happy, Taozi?"


"Tao." A shake to my arm brought me back to where I supposed to be.

"Heyy Huang Zitao." Suho-hyung waved his hand in my face. He looked worried.

"Hyung, I'm still here."

"Good to hear because you don't seem like yourself today. Is the whole Kris thing really bothers you?" I just nodded. Feeling lazy to disagree. It managed to get Suho-hyung stop waving his hands. A silence was heard. 


"I think it's because you really like him. You wanna hurt him but not too hurtful because you worried that the cut will be too much for him." I somehow think about the truth of the statement.

"I don't know, hyung. Maybe it's true."




Kris' POV


It has been five hours and a few minutes since Tao left my house and Chanyeol's explaination of Tao's plans. What should I do now? Should hide myself? Because it is totally my fault!! Oh! Should I disappear like foam like that Baby Don't Cry song from that EXO that has a lot of hot boys that made me want to be like that Yifan guy? Why I say too many 'that'? Am I freaking out right now? Comment below. I AM FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!


"Can you not walking in circles like a crazy guy in your room?" I stopped walking and narrowed my eyes at Chanyeol.

"Why should I listen to you?" I scoffed and continue walking. I could hear him sighed but I choose to ignore it.

"If I were you, I would go out right now and ask him to forgive me instead of walking in circles and do nothing." I think of that proposal and I realised something.

"You can think of something useful, Chanyeol!! It must be because I raised you well. Oh I am sooo proud, son. My hardwork paid off." I hugged Chanyeol tightly. Well, I just made Chanyeol think of something that can be used in real life. How am I not happy with that? I faked a sniff and wiped off the non-existance of my tears. Ok. Now, back to his idea.


"Let's call Baekhyun now."

"Why do we need Baekhyun?"

"I need Tao's location now."

"Oh. Okay." Chanyeol reached for his handphone and dialled Baekhyun's number. After a few seconds, Baekhyun picked up the phone.


"Tao is at the campus' library right now."

"Let's go." I grabbed my phone and car key only to see Chanyeol is not moving.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Do I have to come too?" Chanyeol asks reluctantly.



"Because I don't know how to apologize."

"Uh. Maybe you're right."

"It's not 'maybe'. It's 'of course'. Also, you owe me one, remember?" Chanyeol squints his eyes with suspicion.

"Baekhyun birthday." He moved his eyes a bit, trying to remember.

"Eyeliner." another clue. His eyes widened, celebrating the fact that he remembers it but not for long though.

"Fine." Chanyeol gave in. I shout a short "YAY!" before dragging the boy to follow me. Operation To Apologize For The First Time begins.




Author's POV (because 'No One's POV' sounds too mainstream)


"Chanyeol, lure him out to our hideout."

"Do you think this is some kind of play?"

"Shh. You should listen to your Sergeant-Major Kris, Private Chanyeol. Not question." Chanyeol rolled his eyes. He soon lured Tao out to the
park where they at, with a phone call.


"Tao, can you come out to park for a moment?" Tao knit his eyebrows.

"Why? Do you need something, hyung? Because I'm reading the most popular book right now and I couldn't borrow it because I reached the

"Can you not ask me anything? Please." Tao could hear Chanyeol's aegyo from the other side. Tao giggled. 'awww. Isn't he's cute sounding like that?'

"Ok, hyung. Give me five minutes."

"Thank you, Tao. You are the best!" Chanyeol put his thumbs up for Tao even though the latter couldn't see it.


As Tao's silhoutte come into sight, Kris pushed Chanyeol to hide somewhere else. Chanyeol chooses to hide behind a bush next to them, hoping Tao didn't notice his sudden disappearance.


Tao was about to wave at Chanyeol when he saw a little chaos between Chanyeol and someone who his back looks like Kris'. 'The guy pushed Chanyeol!! Are they fighting?!' Just when Tao was about to yell at the boy, the boy turned around. 'Oh. It's just Kris.' He rolled his eyes then nonchalantly walked towards the boy. Obviously Tao realized the reason Chanyeol wanted to meet him.


Facing the taller, Tao asks "what do you want?" Kris gulping his saliva down his throat. He's never been this nervous. I mean, who won't if you are dealing with someone who have an adorable serial killer's face?

"Speak up or I'll leave."

"I'm sorry."

"I'm listening." Tao still give him his nonchalant look he learned from his brother. It comes handy in this kind of situation even though he think he had just forgiven Kris for his cuteness. Or it's just what he thought he is.


Kris practically ruined everything Tao prepared for him. He admits it, but....

"In my defense," 'Oh no. He's not going to do what I think he's going to do. Right?' Chanyeol secretly prayed.

"--I didn't know anything about it until Chanyeol told me." 'That stupid Krisus. Why am I even friends with you? Just please don't say the-shall-not-be-said-line.'

"It's not entirely my fault." Chanyeol facepalmed. Yep. It's official. He got himself a very stupid friend.


Tao's face is still nonchalant but it looks a little more irritated. He walks away without saying anything. Anger can be seen through his eyes as he strides his way to his room. 'How could he said that? There is no way that I would forgive him. He's not sorry enough. I'll teach him a lesson.' narrowing his eyes "Kris Wu, your life won't be an easy ride. Not anymore."




"WHAT?!!" Baekhyun sprayed the water in his mouth when he listened to Chanyeol's story of what happened earlier.

"YOU SAY WHAT?!" his face turned to Kris who's standing next to Chanyeol like a boy waiting for the teacher to hit him with a ruler. Baekhyun only shook his head. He sighed. This Kris Wu really doesn't know how a relationship works. He rubbed his temple as he's thinking of other plan for Kris to win Tao's heart back. He furrowed his eyebrows at a thought. 'Ah. What was that thing called again? Gucki? Gucka? Messi?'

"Gucci?" Baekhyun snaps his fingers at the answer but quickly turned to look at the replier. "How did you know what's on my mind?" he asked the tallest of the three. "You said it out loud." Chanyeol nods in agreement. Baekhyun rolled his eyes saying "whatever" and continues with his idea.

"I don't know if this works but Tao really loves Gucci. I think if you give him a Gucci bag or shoes or something made by Gucci, maybe he'll like it and forgives you."



"Look, Tao. Please. Please listen to me." Tao groaned as soon as he's out of his hell-like calculus class only to be greeted by that particular sentence from the voice of the last person he wanted to see who's doing that particular motion that appears to be in the lower middle rank of his bucket list that involves grabbing his wrist. Not after that disasterous class.


"You've got your chance yesterday. Now, leave me alone." Tao says without any emotion. But, Kris' quickly cut in. He pouts and showed Tao the brand new Gucci bag pack that were just launched a few days ago.

"Please. For the sake of Gucci." Tao turned his head at the mention of Gucci.

"Gucci?!" Tao almost screamed in disbelief. 'OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO OMO IT'S THE BRAND NEW GUCCI!!'

"Yes. Gucci. The latest one." Kris calmly and shortly explained (me: is that even counted as an explaination? Kris: shut up and just put it that way).

"Listen Tao. I'm-" Kris was cut by a quick peck on his lips.

"It's okay. You are all forgiven." says Tao with sparkles in his eyes. 'OMG I AM SOO GONNA SHOW THEM THIS!! OMG THIS BEAUTIFUL PIECE OF ART!! FITS ME JUST PERFECTLY!!'

"Woah. That's quick." Kris blurted out but instantly put his hands over his mouth. 'Stupid!'

"What?" Tao asks Kris back, asking him to repeat because he was too busy looking at the dazzling Gucci bag that he barely hear what Kris had just said.

"Nothing." Kris quickly put on a smile and secretly relieved Tao likes the bag and forgave him that instant. Tao looked back to his boyfriend and hugged him tightly.

"Tao.can't.breath." That powerful hug almost suffocate Kris. Both his father and Tao sure give a strong hug even though they are both shorter than Kris. "hehehe. Sorry, ge. A little too excited." Tao giggles.

"So, we are good now?" Kris asks for confirmation. Tao nodded and answered "eung!" cutely. Kris pulled the latter to a hug and kiss.


They then walked to the cafeteria while Tao rambling about his calculus class earlier and everything that happened while they were fighting. Kris only smiles as he listens to Tao's cute rambling. He doesn't mind a bit as long as he sees a smile on his lover's face.




Later that night~~


"Anyway ge" Kris turned his head towards his TaoTao. "yes, Tao?" Kris are all smile before Tao asks the question.

"Where did you get the bag?" Kris stoned. "Err.. Let say I have a connection."


While in the Jessica Jung's apartment somewhere nearby the Wu's residence~~


"It's okay, Jessica. I already ordered another one for you. Don't cry anymore, okay?" says Tiffany while hugging the wailing Jessica who had just to let go her newly arrived Gucci bag for the sake of the love life of her dear cousin Kris Wu.


A/N: thank you to SooWook13_SK5HaeSica for the upvote. and thank you to all my subcribers. :D XD XD XD XD. and HAPPY KAISOO DAY !!!


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fangrlxbecky19 #1
Chapter 11: T~T Poor Sulay :(
I liked the Sulay story best though.
me_nna #2
Chapter 11: my god..
i just read sulay chapter and it broke my heart T_T
they both die, am i right? *based on sehun diary and hunhan story previously*
i think i can related to you, i just say sorry when they ask me to do,either way, i won't *mumbling
by the way, i love your story :) keep writing

Lots of l0ve #hugandkiss *mumumumu
myotterprince #3
Chapter 11: OMG Suho killed lay !? 0.0
wildrose88 #4
Chapter 9: oh oh oh oh oh
Chapter 9: it gonna be sad omf im near to cry alr orz;;;; sulay- update asap pls! ^^
wildrose88 #6
Chapter 8: waaaaaaaaa interesting ><
wildrose88 #7
Chapter 6: this is so cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :D !
dennyl #8
Chapter 6: oh. I just saw a mistake. It was meant to be cheese crumbs, not sliced cheese. I'm sorry. ><"
wildrose88 #9
Chapter 5: wow , i read all your stories , great ><
love it !!!!!!!
cant wait
juicyspazzer #10
update soon!!