
“B-?! You have got to be kidding me, fricken hell.”
“Dude, shut the up, I got a C+.”
“At least you guys passed…”
With shaky steps, I walk into my creative writing class and pray that the paper waiting for me won’t destroy what’s left of my GPA. I had taken this class with the intentions of getting an easy A, but my first paper had been less than stellar and the last one was just as disastrous. Needless to say, I can kiss the 4.0 my parents wanted goodbye. Oops? That’s what I get for listening to Luhan I guess…
I line up behind a couple of my classmates, and watch as their nervous faces turn into ones of disappointment and anger as they receive their assignments. Soon, I reach the front of the line, but all I want to do is inch my way back to the end. I’m definitely not ready to see another C- next to my name.
“Your ID?” My TA’s voice is laced with boredom as she speaks. When I don’t answer, she looks up at me with her eyebrows raised, clearly unimpressed. “I know this class only has 50 students, but I still need to see your ID first. I’m sure you know the drill by now.”
“Huh? Oh right, sorry.” An awkward chuckle escapes my lips before I reach into my backpack to search for my wallet.
“Lee Jae Eun.” My name rolls off her tongue with obvious distaste and I cringe when she hands me my paper with a smirk on her face. . I probably failed.
I grab a random seat in the back of the classroom then prepare myself for the ty results that await me. A breath I didn’t even realize I had been holding is released. Here goes nothing. I remove my hands from the top of the page and eye the red letter grade next to name. It takes me a solid three seconds before my brain finally registers what my prof had given me, B+. Oh… Oh. Well, that’s not too bad. It’s definitely not going to save my mark in this class, but it’s better than a C- and most definitely better than failing. I’m still going to kill Luhan though.
The chatters around me start to quiet down and I realize that class is about to start soon. People begin to take out their laptops and notebooks, but my professor tells us to put them away.
“We won’t be having class today. Those papers were absolutely atrocious, so I’ll be giving you guys a chance to redo them instead. I haven’t read such lifeless short stories in forever. Very few people had developed characters, most of these plots were cliches, and do not get me started on the dialogue. When was the last time you guys actually paid attention to someone other than yourselves?”
No answer. I look around and notice how some of my classmates are shaking their heads, a few are muttering under their breaths about how stupid our prof is, and others have guilty expressions on their faces. My gaze returns to the front of the classroom and I find myself wondering just that. When was the last time I actually paid attention to someone other than myself?
“How about you kids go live a little? Stop texting for just ten minutes and go talk to someone or something. Seriously.” My prof shakes his head at our blank faces and exhales a deep breath. “You guys have until next week to touch these up. Class dismissed.”
Well, that’s my last class of the day, guess I’ll just call Luhan up and move his death sentence up a date or two.
“Lu, you still on campus?”
“I am, but why? Don’t you have class right now?”
“It ended early, let’s go hangout or something.”
“Sure, I’ll meet you at the cafe?”
“Yeah, sounds good to me. I’ll be there in ten.”
“Kape, see ya.”

“I haven’t seen you in three weeks and this is why you wanna hang out? You can’t be doing that bad.” Luhan takes a sip out of his Americano and rolls his eyes at the exasperated sigh that leaves my lips.
“No, you don’t understand Luhan, I got my first C- thanks to you. Fix it!” My voice comes out whiny and I take the Americano from his hands. “Stop drinking your stupid coffee and help me!”
“I don’t know! I didn’t find the class hard so I thought it’d be an easy A for you…”
“Well, that’s obviously not the case bro. My parents are going to have my head by the end of this semester and if I’m going down, you’re going down with me!” I bury my face into my hands and groan.
“Okay okay, just calm down. How bout you let me take a look at your paper?”  I nod and fish out the crumpled assignment from my backpack. I hand the story to Luhan, and take a sip out of his coffee as payment for the hell I’m going through thanks to him.
“Wait, I thought you said you got a C-.”
“I got a C- on the first two. And yes I got a B+ on this one, but I also spent triple the amount of time on it in comparison to the research paper I had to do for my other English class. That was not fun Lu, not fun.” I glare at the paper in  Luhan’s hands and shudder at the memories of myself typing desperately in front of my computer at five in the morning to get this story done.
Luhan shook his head lightly and furrowed his eyebrows at my reaction. “You’re such a drama queen Jaeeun. Sometimes, it’s about the experience and what you’re learning in class, not the mark you get. And truthfully, I don’t think the amount of studying you do is healthy.”
“Tell that to my parents.” With a scoff I turn Luhan’s Americano in my hands then take another sip from it.
“Well maybe I should. You need to relax a little.” Luhan looked over at me with soft eyes and I find myself sighing for the umpteenth time today.
“I’ll try… but after you help me with this mess first.”
“Fine fine, just let give me the chance to read this.”
I continue to play with the cup of coffee in my hands as Luhan reads my short story. The expression on his face remains neutral from the start of the story until the end, leaving me anxious to hear what he has to say. Curse that boy and his poker face. Luhan flips the last page over and sets my story onto the coffee table.
“So…?” I look anxiously across the table at my best friend and bite my lips.
“Well, it wasn’t bad.” Luhan’s eyes shift to the side a little and shuffles in his seat.
“It wasn’t good.” He looks straight at me and attempts to make me feel better with a smile. “There’s a lot of good things to work with here though.”
“Well, I know that Lu! Can you please just get to the point?”
“Okay, jeeze, thought I’d let you down easy.” Luhan sits up straight and flips the pages of my assignment again. “First of all, I can see how you managed to pull a B+ despite how dull the story is. I’m guessing you scrounged up as many marks on grammar and setting as possible. I mean… why did you write a story about a terrible break up when I know for a fact that you have been single all your life? Your protagonist talks like a robot and all of her reactions seem super forced. Stop throwing in big words with every chance you get to get a better mark. This isn’t an essay. And your characterization of her ex is sooo cliche. Why does he have to be a complete ? Couldn’t you have given him some redeeming qualities? The girl did date him. That’s the biggest problem I have with this really. It’s too unrealistic. You can write circles around me in every other class, but that’s not going to cut it here. People don’t pick up a book and think ‘oh, I hope this author uses a semicolon properly’ or ‘man, the author of the last book I read didn’t have an extensive vocabulary, I hope this one makes me use a thesaurus’. Well, I don’t pick up a book with that in mind at least. People read so they can relate to a story, empathize with a character you know?”
It takes me a couple moments to absorb what I just heard. I don’t know how to respond.
“Jaeeun? Helloooo?” Luhan waves his hand in front of my face and I reach out to stop him. His eyes widen and a look of panic occupies his features. “Oh god, you’re not angry right? Don’t kill me!”
“What? No, I’m not angry. Everything you said was right, I just don’t know how to fix this. I can’t completely change my story in a week.” I run my hands through my hair and move my bangs out of my eyes.
“You don’t have to change everything. I wrote tons of stories and poems based on experiences that I never had in real life. You just gotta look around a little and listen.”
“What do you mean?” I my head to the side, curious as to what it is he’s actually suggesting.
“Okay well, if you haven’t experienced a heart wrenching breakup, and let’s say that nobody you know wants to share with you how they felt after a heart wrenching breakup, you can always try and listen in on the conversations of those who have. I know it sounds bad and kinda creepy, but it really isn’t. Chances are, you’ll never see those people again anyway. I don’t know how much of this will help though since I’ve never people watched for the purpose of making my story more ‘realistic’ per se. I usually people watch to get some inspiration, but just give it try today or something. Different people talk in different ways, and real people definitely do not talk the way your protagonist does. Even if you can’t find anyone depressed enough to make your short story juicy, at least the girl will sound human.” Luhan shrugs his shoulders then takes his Americano back.
“That doesn’t sound like too bad of an idea…”
“Trust me, it’s brilliant. Just don’t forget to have a notebook with you so you can write down all the interesting stuff you hear, and in your case, see as well.” Luhan pushes his seat back and gets up.
“Wait, where are you going?” I reach over the table and grab Luhan’s arm. I’m desperate right now.
“I have to work today, so you’re on your own.”
“Work? Didn’t you quit your last job, when did you get a new one?” I scrunch my eyebrows and purse my lips in confusion.
“Well, if you pulled your head out of your books and actually hung out with me sometimes, you’d know that I got hired to sing here every Tuesday.” My jaws drop and I have to refrain the squeal that’s working it’s way up my throat. I feel absolutely terrible for being an awful friend, but wow, Luhan actually did it!
“You sing here, every Tuesday? Lu, that’s fricken awesome!” I jump up from my seat and throw my arms around him. “I can’t believe I didn’t know! I’m so sorry!”
“It’s okay, I was just kidding about the hanging out part. I got hired a couple days ago so this is my first show. I wasn’t joking about pulling your head out of your books though. I don’t care if it’s a Tuesday, I’m off at eight and I expect to see you here when I’m done. We’re getting a later dinner together to celebrate the fact that I am no longer unemployed and you can eat your sorrows away or something okay?”
“Kay.” I pull Luhan in for another tight hug and give him a quick thumbs up as makes his way to the staff room of the cafe.
Ordering myself a coffee, I pull out a notebook and make myself comfy. I’ll watch Luhan’s first performance then try this out. I’ve got a solid four hours before Luhan is off work, so I’m bound to find something interesting. This shouldn’t be too difficult.

“! For real?!”
“Dude, could you keep it down?”
“What the do I do? I’m nineteen! I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
I peek up from my notebook and jot down the look of absolute distress on the tanned male’s face. I pay attention to the way he clutches his friend’s hand, his eyes are helpless and searching for answers from the blonde sitting in front of him.
“Sorry, I don’t even know what to say man. Did you talk to her about it?” The friend’s voice comes out lazy and drawn out, but it’s clear that he cares.
“She’s keeping the baby no matter what, what am I supposed to say after that? I want to be with her, but I don’t want to have a kid yet. I’m so ed Sehun. ing !” I watch as Sehun removes his hands from his friend’s death grip and places it on his shoulders instead.
The duo continues to talk while I peel my attention away from them. I don’t think it’s appropriate for me to listen any further. Instead I flip the page on my notebook and scan the room. My ears pick up a deep voice and I focus on what he says instead.
“You think she’ll like it sis?”
“Yes! She’ll love it Channie! This is so exciting!” My eyes finally catch up to the voices I’m hearing and the sight in front of me is a shock to say the least. I wasn’t expecting such a deep voice to come from a round eyed baby face. He looks younger than me, but the engagement rings in his hands tell me otherwise.
“I’m planning to get our initials engraved, but I don’t know if that’s too cheesy. Is that too cheesy? Please tell me that’s not too cheesy. Why aren’t you saying anything? Oh my god, it’s too cheesy right? Ughhh.” I hold in a chuckle as I watch the guy panic, his words are pouring out of his mouth rapidly, leaving his sister with no chance to speak up.
As much as I’d like to keep listening, this conversation isn’t exactly going to help with my story. I catch a sniffle towards my right and train my ears to the conversation there.
“Woah, hey, nononono don’t cry.” A wide-eyed male with dark brown hair and full lips pats the back of his female friend awkwardly as she cries into his shoulders. His eyes dart back and forth from the girl to the other people in the cafe rapidly. The girl starts to speak again, but her voice is muffled and her words are incoherent from how hard she’s sobbing. I really don’t think a cafe by campus is a good place to ball into your friends hoodie, but whatever floats her boat I guess.
I keep writing into my notebook and she finally lifts her head up when I flip to the next page. Her face is blotchy, her make up is running, and she’s shaking from how hard she had been crying previously. She isn’t exactly the definition of attractive at this moment, but the adoration I see in the eyes of the male holding her in his arms is so blatantly obvious that it makes me wonder if she’s blind. I don’t even know him and I can tell he’s head over heels for her. He swipes his thumb across her cheeks then proceeds to brush her bangs out of her face. I hold my breath and bite my lips as I watch the pair, is he going to kiss her now or what?! I can see why Luhan said my assignment lacks life now. He doesn’t kiss her, but the two of them leave the cafe hand in hand. I have a pretty good feeling about that pair.
I contemplate taking a break from people watching, but I hear someone talking about hyperrealism and become intrigued. I knew I wasn’t the only one who likes talking about theorists during my freetime. I hope this guy likes Baudrillard.
The redhead sitting diagonal from my table pushes up his thick framed glasses, and speaks to his friend with a serious expression on his face. “No, think about it. How much of what’s around us is actually real? Everything we know has been passed down to us. The things we learn in school, the things we see on TV, read in the papers, hear from our friends and family, I can go on forever.”
“So what you’re saying is that we shouldn’t trust anybody around us? Why is that I feel like my world is one massive conspiracy theory whenever I talk to you?” Another male, one with an angular face and light brown hair shakes his head and knits his eyebrows together.  
“Well, don’t think about that way. The people around us are just doing what society has already laid out for them. I’m not saying we can’t trust other people, I’m just saying we need to weary. We shouldn’t just take information in without being critical of it. People used to think the Earth was flat, look at how far we’ve come now. Gosh, I’m getting off topic now Jongdae! Just listen okay? As I was saying, we’re all so in tuned with technology and social media these days that we can’t even separate our real lives from these virtual societies. How do we even know what’s real anymore? Seriously, and don’t even get me started on the commodification of culture.”
“No, please don’t get started on anything else. I think you’re on crack or something Joonmyun that’s what.”
“Please Jongdae, I don’t need , the levels of dopamine released by drinking this cup of coffee is more than sufficient.”
Jongdae’s jaw drop as he rubs his temples to soothe the headache formed from talking to Joonmyun. “Why am I even friends with you?”
Joonmyun responds with a wide smile.
I take one last look at the two males and make note of their gestures and facial expressions instead of what they were saying. I’m pretty sure I won’t write a short story about hyperrealism any time soon. I’m weird, but not that weird. I hate to admit it, but Luhan’s idea is brilliant. I’ve got pages worth of notes that I can use to touch up the monster sitting in my backpack and tons of other notes that can help with my future assignments as well.
The bells of the cafe chime, catching my attention immediately. I look up and feel the edges of my lips pull up at the sight in front of me. Two short males, one with dark red hair and another with amber hair are laughing as they make their way to the front counter. A white terrier is following the one with amber hair while the other is holding the hands of a little girl with black hair.
“Hyunnie, I want a chocolate chip cookie.”
“Okay Minhee, is there anything else you want? I told your older sister that I’d be treating you tonight.” The male is crouching, so that he can talk to the little girl at eye level.
“Mmm, can I have a cup of warm milk too then?” He chuckles and smiles sweetly at the little girl, his canines protruding slightly during the smile
“You can have whatever you want and you’re going to get a cup of warm milk?”
“It’s cold today and I need something to dip my chocolate chip cookie in!”
“Haha, okay then Minhee.” He get’s up and looks at the menu himself now that he knows what to get the Minhee. “Hey, what are you getting Minseok?”
The male with the amber coloured hair, who I now know as Minseok, faces his friend and points up at the menu. “The Pumpkin Spice Latte. There’s nothing like Pumpkin in the middle of fall. You?”
“I’m just gonna get a Cafe latte. Thanks for helping me by the way, I like dogs, but I’ve never dogsat before.”
“Haha no problem Baek. You can concentrate on staying on Minhee’s good side instead, everybody know’s how much Jinhee cares about her little sister.”  
I stop listening and take a sip of my coffee. Not much to work with from that conversation. I decide to take a break, and watch Luhan perform for the next little bit instead. By the second song, my ears pick up a couple voices whispering about the cute guy singing on stage. Oh my god they’re talking about Luhan, and oh my god, those are male voices I’m hearing, and oh my god is that the guy Luhan has been crushing on since eighth grade? I fixate my attention on the three males sitting across from me, completely forgetting about my notebook in the process.
“What’s his name again?” A male with jet black hair leans over his chair, catlike eyes looking up on stage while scanning my best friend up and down.
“Luhan, and stop staring Tao!” Yifan grabs his friend’s collar and tugs him back.
“Calm down Yifan, he’s not going to notice us, he’s singing!”
“Wait, I’m confused. Is this why we decided to come here today? I’ve got a midterm tomorrow Yifan! I thought you said this was important!” Yifan’s other friend throws on his coat and attempts to leave, but Yifan reaches over and grasps his arm.
“This is important Xing! It’s his first time singing here and I didn’t wanna just sit here like a creep and watch him by myself!”
“Fricken hell Yifan! Just ask him out on a date or something then! I’m going back to the dorms, you two have fun.” The brown haired male shakes Yifan off and exits the cafe.
Yifan’s head whips to the side immediately, causing Tao to back up slightly. Yifan narrows his eyes at Tao and grabs the former’s arm.
“You’re not going anywhere.”
Although I find this conversation absolutely hilarious, I think I’ve heard enough. I don’t know what it is about this whole people watching business I did today, but I feel so much more relaxed now. I feel like I got to know a little bit more about the people around me. The world isn’t going to end if I fail this class, and I really do need to live a little. There’s a nineteen year old who needs to make a decision that will literally change the rest of  his life, someone who’s barely older than me getting ready to propose to his girlfriend, someone taking care of a girl who he’s probably liked all his life, a guy who’s obsessed with philosophical theorists, a boyfriend babysitting his girlfriend’s younger sister, and a tall blonde male who’s harbouring a crush on my best friend. Luhan is going to be so giddy when I tell him all about this tonight.
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Chapter 1: In short,
Well thank you very much for giving me a big chunk of inspiration! This is all what I practically need to get me working.
I shall now proceed to doing my papers. Thank you very much! e u e < 3

btw lmao at TaoRis' convo. xD
Chapter 1: this just told me to get out and have a life. I really need to do this once in a while. but yeah, isn't it bad to eavesdrop on people? lol. I loved this. thank you for giving me inspiration.
ReinaPark #3
Chapter 1: likee thiss
Chapter 1: hehehehe... nice!!!
Chapter 1: Wow, I really liked this. Ugh, this people watching method is something I've been meaning to try for a long time, but have yet to. But I have to say I'm really glad I read this, because I think it was something I needed to read right now, because like her, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed today, so this helped to put things in perspective.
Chapter 1: ohh. this is so good! haha. can use this method too.. haha
Chapter 1: This was definitely intriguing. In my short story writing class I took last semester, it was suggested that we do what the main character did in order to make our stories more realistic. It's nice to know that it can work! haha. Good story!
barooya #8
Chapter 1: Honestly, I asked myself the same question too. It's like watching a flashback-when I read the story-how life actually revolves in a way that we could not understand sometimes, however it still allows us to take every bits to move on a better life.
Thank you for a good story. I've always love slices of life stories ^___^
wow. i asked myself this question after reading this.. this is intriguing :)