The Connection

The Diva and the Gentleman

The Connection

After Seunghyun got out of the meeting, he asks his best friend to find information on the Shinee Kibum. The elder was interested in getting to know the diva that got his attention; he was driving to his home as he got a call from his best friend Jaejoong; he didn’t want to drive and talk on the phone, so he connected his phone to his speaker and answer the phone as he drove. 

“Hey” Seunghyun answer smiling.

“I will only tell you the basic...” Jaejoong sighs softly.

“Waiting on you" Seunghyun rolled his eyes.

“His name is Kim Ki Bum he’s 29 years old.....” Jaejoong clicks on his laptop “He has a dog” he continues clicking “He loves wine, art, and fashion...” Jaejoong giggles.

“Mmmh… Interesting” Seunghyun smiles to himself.

“Whatever bye” Jaejoong giggle hanging up.

Jaejoong sigh softly he knew his best friend wouldn’t stop until he got close to Kibum, which he didn’t mind. He just didn’t want to see Seunghyun get hurt and get heartbroken, he’s heard many bad stories about Kibum breaking men’s hearts and he didn’t want to deal with his best friend being one of them. He sighs softly as he took out his phone, deciding to talk to the only person who understood him, his online friend. Jaejoong felt like he had another best friend that he could count on no matter what happen BtchDiva was always there for him. He appreciated him since he got rejected by his long-time love. Jaejoong confesses to Kim Hyun Joong, and the elder rejected him. After that Jaejoong stayed by himself he stops believing in love, he didn’t think anyone would ever love him. 

--Chat Pov--

LittleKittyJ: “Hey~~”

Btchdiva: “Hey~ How are you?”

LittleKittyJ: “Good just waiting on my friend, he got off a meeting late, so I've been bored at his apartment..."

Btchdiva: “Ugh! I understand I just finished a work meeting and I decided to grab a frappe!” -Btchdiva send a picture-

LittleKittyJ: “OMG! you're close to my friend's apartment!!!”

Btchdiva: “Ommoooo!!! really???!!!! you're in Seoul!!”

LittleKittyJ: "Yes! Do you want to meet up? I don't mind telling my friend to meet us there, he can wait in his car ... >:( " 

Btchdiva: "Sure~ I'll be waiting for you here~"


Kibum smiled shyly. He was going to meet his chatting buddy, and that made him happy and nervous. He didn’t know how his friend would react when he saw him. The younger frowns a bit at the thought. He didn’t want his friend to see him as ‘Key’ from Shinee. He bit his lips as he waited nervously. The younger had forgotten that both of them had never spoken about work. Jaejoong put his coat on as he looks into the mirror and then he sighed as he facepalms. The elder forgot one thing, he’s a famous singer in Korea. He looks at his messages and stared blankly into the streets. He wanted to meet his friend, but he didn’t want to be used for his fame. Jaejoong took a deep breath as he got in his car and drove to the cafe place. He didn’t care, his friend knew too much about him to care about him being an idol. When he arrives he sends a message to his online friend and waited for a reply as he walked into the coffee shop seeing a familiar, the elder polity waves giving the younger a soft smile. Kibum smile at the elder, waving back at him as he got close to him.

“Oh! Jaejoong, how are you?” Kibum smiles, looking at the elder.

“I’m good. It’s been a while. How are things with Shinee?” Jaejoong asks softly 

“They’re good as always, working hard to keep fans happy,” Kibum giggle “how is your solo career going, I saw your new album Love song... it’s beautiful,” Kibum smiles softly as he took out his phone and played him his ringtone.

“T-thank you,” Jaejoong face redden embarrassed “I just wrote about a new song hopefully their good,” he chuckles a bit

“Good Job, your music is amazing hyung,” Kibum continues to smile.

“So why are you here?” Jaejoong changes the subject since he didn’t want to be the center of attention.

“Drinking coffee and meeting a friend,” Kibum look around, “Which he’s late...” Kibum pouted a bit.

“Oh! Me too!.... I meet a friend online we are meeting for coffee here,” Jaejoong explained smiling softly.

Kibum’s eyes winded as he choke a bit on his drink, the elder raised an eyebrow confused about the youngers reaction. Then Kibum shows him his phone as the elder face reddens. They both giggle at each other and found it funny how both of them ended up in the same group chat meeting.

“You’re Btchdiva?” Jaejoong raised an eyebrow, amused.

“LittleKittyJ?” Kibum scuff “Kitty?”

They both laughed then they stood silently until Kibum offered a coffee to Jaejoong. The elder accepted as he went to look for a table for both of them, then he sat down. Kibum went to the counter and order a coffee, then he walked to the table, sitting down as they both stood quietly drinking coffee.

“This is very awkward,” Jaejoong spoke as he blew a bit on his coffee.

“It is I never excepted you to be on a messenger app....” Kibum spoke honestly as he drank his frappe.

“I expected no idol to be on messenger app…” Jaejoong spoke nervously.

“I won’t tell anyone your secrets. Jae your still my friend no matter what happens. I trusted you, and I still do. You were there for me when no one else cared.” Key gave a soft smile to Jaejoong.

“Thank you Kibum, same to you, you were there when I needed someone.....” he frowns as he drank his coffee “Thank you...” 

Kibum sighs as bit his lips “Was it Joong?” he asks looking at Jaejoong.


Jaejoong bit his lips as he rubbed his arm not wanting to talk about it, Kibum frown because everyone in the company knew about his love for Kim Hyun Joong. Many of their friends told him to stay away because they knew the elder didn’t love him back. Jaejoong felt depressed and hated life for a while. He hated the fact everyone knew except Joong. When he confessed his love, Joong knew it was his fault everyone turned their back on Jaejoong. Kibum sighs softly as he gave him a soft smile he extended his arm then he grabbed the elder’s hand and rubs it softly, assuring him he won’t judge him, but he was happy the elder moved on. They both talked and catch up with each other professional life. Time pass by and they didn’t even notice. Kibum got a video call and when he answers the camera pointed at Jaejoong. The person on the video call was Minho and his eyes winded. He saw the blonde man with beautiful features and all he could say was.

“Wow…” Minho mumbles

“Mm...Minho, what do you want?” Kibum raised an eyebrow

Jaejoong covered his mouth as he giggled and then he turned away drinking his coffee trying not to laugh at Kibum reacting. Minho ignored the elder as he saw Jaejoong give the most stunning smile. The younger smile just gazing at the elder beauty.

“Kibum, He’s beautiful...” Minho whispers with his husky voice

Jaejoong’s face reddens as Kibum notice the camera was pointing at Jaejoong the whole time and he panic. He switches it around and he glared at Minho. 

“Yah! erted why are you starring at people? You could have told me the camera was backwords..” He glared at the younger.

“Not when I was enjoying the view,” Minho smirk to himself 

“Minho,” Kibum smirk as he pointed at his ear and the younger eyes winded, “I don’t have my headphones...” 

“Please tell me he did not hear all of that..” Minho cover his face, embarrassed 

“Oh, everyone heard” Kibum’s eye twitch. 

Jaejoong burst out laughing as he snorted and cover his mouth, Kibum giggled softly finding the elders laugh cute. Minho's smile hearing both elders laugh made him happy. Jaejoong’s phone rang as he picked up his phone rolling his eyes showing the younger his phone. Then he crosses his legs and raised an eyebrow. Kibum giggled as he found someone older, just like him, when he answers the phone. 

“Yes?” Jaejoong answer softly 

“Where are you?” Seunghyun ask curious.

“I’m in a coffee shop with a friend Seunghyun” Jaejoong scuff “Since when do I owe you details like that?” he glared at his phone, he put it on speaker annoyed.

“Since you stayed in my house while I went to the meeting and drank three bottles of wine, mess up my computer, left a mess in my living room, and stole one of my cars..” Seunghyun spoke with his husky voice.


Jaejoong and Kibum both giggled finding what the elder said funny. Seunghyun heard them both giggled he smirked a bit to himself his friend had him on speaker. He must have sounded like a woman complaining. Kibum bit his lip a bit as the man’s voice sounded y on the phone. Minho had a duck face on while he waited for the elder to look at him. Jaejoong sighed as he rolled his eyes, waiting for the elder to say something.

“Can I go? I want coffee,” Seunghyun as he chuckles.

“Umm..” Jaejoong smile “You know what yes... I want you to meet my friend” Jaejoong smirked a bit as Kibum’s eyes winded as he shakes his head, then he hung up.

“I look ugly...” Kibum glared and then gasp.

“You look fine,” Both Jaejoong and Minho said at the same time with an annoyed tone.

Kibum raised an eyebrow as Minho rub the back of his neck then Kibum played Jaejoong’s mind game too. The younger moves his hand for his phone to face Jaejoong, the elder face reddens as he smiles softly and waving at Minho. Minho rubbed his neck and waved at the elder. 

“Hey~” Jaejoong spoke softly 

“H-hey” Minho cough a bit “Sup?” 

Jaejoong raised an eyebrow as he drank his coffee “Nothing much you?” 

“ know...about to, mmm...” Minho cough not knowing what to say.

Kibum cough “e” he teased

“Kibum!” Minho glared at phone “Aish, ert”

Jaejoong chuckle playing along “Let me know if you ever need help, I’ve been told I have soft hands” Jaejoong giggled as he drank a bit of his coffee.

Minho bit his bottom lip as he rubbed his bright red hair. He didn’t like being teased he turned the camera around showing a wall mirror. The younger walked. He didn’t have a shirt on, he only had grey jogger pants on. He got close to the mirror for the elder to get a good look at his tone, his abs, and enormous arms. Then he turned the camera around and shrugs a bit, smirking. Jaejoong mouth drop open the moment he saw the youngers abs, he even drop his coffee. Kibum raised an eyebrow as he turned the phone in his direction and gasp. He glared at Minho as the younger smirk.

“Let him know he’s welcome anytime,” Minho smirked proudly.

“Bye Minho..” Kibum rolled his eyes and hung up

Jaejoong covered his face with a napkin as he bit his bottom lip and his face redden. The way Minho's body looked, he wanted the younger to bend him down and do many bad things to him. Kibum held in his laughter as he took a notebook out of the bag and fanned Jaejoong. The elder took a deep breath, trying to relax. Kibum decided to buy a cold drink since the elder face was bright red. He stood up and went to the counter. At that moment Seunghyun walked in and wave at his friend, he then noticed him weirdly as he cursed under his breath and sat away from him as he crosses his legs. 

“Why are you ?” Seunghyun asks in a whisper, raising an eyebrow.

“Do not ask questions...” Jaejoong responded as he fan himself.

“Damn, I haven’t seen you like this in years” Seunghyun laughed a bit.

Kibum walked back, worried about the elder. He gave Jaejoong an ice tea with a cold napkin, then Seunghyun eyes winded as he stared at the beautiful man in front of him. Kibum sat down and sighed softly he didn’t know what to say he wanted to not make things awkward. Then he notices the man next to them and he glared at him. Seunghyun smiles as he leans into his hand.

“Hey princess...” Seunghyun smile.

“Ugh, you again....” Kibum glared.

“Oh, no...” Jaejoong sighed getting turn off “What did you do Seunghyun?” He asked as he rubbed his face. 

“I told you, I was late...” Seunghyun smile 

“And drinking” Kibum scuff 

“Excellent wine..” Seunghyun added proudly

“Not as good as Stella Rose,” Kibum spoke as he drank his frappe 

“Black or Red..” Seunghyun asks, starring at the other body

“Red…” Kibum turned his head as he played with his drink “Green apple or Peach...” The younger ask as he bit the straw seductively.

“Green apple... I like sour and sometimes sweet.....” The elder smirked a bit as he took his glasses off, observing Kibum.

Jaejoong felt like a third wheel now. He sighed softly as he took out his phone before going through his IG. Then he did something stupid: he searched for Minho on Instagram and follow him. Then he looked through his picture. A very handsome man, not even seconds later the younger send him a message. Jaejoong bit his bottom lip as he click on the message, then he felt his body get hot again. 

--IG Messages Pov--

Choi Minho: My Offer stands your always welcome over anytime beautiful.

Kim Jaejoong: Minho I am Old, you can find someone younger that will make you happy.

Choi Minho: I don't need someone young and unexperience. I need someone as y as you next to me, I can't stop starring at your pictures...

Jaejoong face redden at the conversation he was having with the younger. It felt forbidden, and it turned him on. The elder bit his bottom lip as he giggled a bit. He continues to text Minho ignoring the other two who continue to flirt with each other, then Seunghyun stops starring at Kibum and stared at his friend who was being all cute and biting his lip. He leans into Kibum, making the face redden as he felt the elder close to him. Seunghyun lean into Kibum’s ear, whispering with his husky voice.

“Did you introduce him to someone?” He asks curiously.

Kibum bit his lip a bit as he shiver hearing Seunghyun husky voice in his ear. He cough a bit and he nodded then he raised an eyebrow as he whispers back to the elder.

“One of my members called, and he played around...bu- “Kibum gasp “Jaejoong you did not!”

Jaejoong’s eyes winded felt his phone taken out of his hands by the younger. Kibum and Seunghyun read through the messages as Jaejoong cover his face, embarrassed, he did not need this awkward situation. 

--IG Messages Pov--

Kim Jaejoong : You are kind of being a creep.
Choi Minho: Says the one who followed me on IG after we just got off the phone... mmh..
Kim Jaejoong: I was curious..
Choi Minho: In what? Me? 

-2 min later-
Choi Minho: It's been two minutes and no text which means yes and if your curious ask. 
Kim Jaejoong: I just think you want and never talk to me again.
Choi Minho - You got one thing right...
Jaejoong - Which one?
Choi Minho - -
send a picture of half his body showing his tone abs and enourmous arms- I do want something, but I don't want to stop at one night beautiful

Kibum’s eye twitch after he finished reading the messages, then Seunghyun took the phone from Kibum’s hand and sighed. Jaejoong’s eyes got watery and Kibum frowned a bit. He understood the elder wanted attention from someone, but he felt it was not the right way to get the attention he wanted and deserved. Jaejoong bit his lips, taking his phone and walked out of the coffee shop feeling humiliated. The elder walked away as he frown feeling the tears run down his cheeks as he blocked Minho on IG. He got into his car as he drove away. Seunghyun sighed softly as he rubbed his eyes and Kibum frown looking at the elder, pouting.

“I d-didn’t mean too…” Kibum frown.

“It’s fine, Jae.... he’s been through a lot..” Seunghyun took the ice tea from the other side, drinking it.  

“He will hate me now…” Kibum frown more.

“No, he won’t princess, besides why do you care?” Seunghyun asks curiously.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Kibum sighed.

Kibum stood up as Seunghyun grabbed his hand gently. He saw Kibum’s pouty face, and it broke his heart. He put his glasses on the younger, then he laces their fingers together as he took him out of the coffee shop. Kibum heard his phone ring, and he panic a bit seeing it was Minho, Seunghyun, pick up the phone as he smiled at the younger.

“Kibum what the did yo- “ Minho cough as soon as he saw Seunghyun “Hyung! sorry I thought I called Kibum phone”

“You did, I pick it up” Seunghyun smiles at the younger.

Seunghyun walked with Kibum a bit more than he arrived at his car, unlocking it, then he opened the door for Kibum. He made a gesture telling him to go inside. Kibum crosses his arms waiting on his phone as the elder sighed. Seunghyun look at Minho as his smile faded a bit.

“Jaejoong is very important to me, but if you want to talk to him, it can’t be for ,” Seunghyun went straight to the point 

Minho chuckles bitterly, “I would never someone on the first date. I might joke around, but that wasn’t my intention. Jaejoong is too ...” Minho's face turned bright red, and he covered his face.

“Beautiful...” Seunghyun smiles a bit “He’s my best friend and I don’t like it when people around with him. I had to deal with the last don’t need another one...” 

“Sorry...” Minho sighed.

“I’ll send you his address. If you bring him a flower and Soju he might melt, so treat him nicely” He hung up “Can I text him from your phone?” Seunghyun asks cautiously. 

“Do I have a choice?” Kibum scuff.

“You don’t have to be like that...” Seunghyun gave the younger his phone

Kibum sighed softly as he saw Seunghyun about to walk off, since he was going to get inside the car. Kibum frown as he closed the door and walked away. He wasn’t in the mood for drama; he felt his eyes watery as he held back his tears. The elder sighed as locked his car then walked behind the younger grabbing Kibum’s hand. He turned the younger one around and saw Kibum's frowning face as tears fell down the younger cheeks. 

“You are such a diva, you know that right?” Seunghyun smile as he rubs the youngers cheek.

“I’m not…” Kibum sniffed

“Why are you crying?” Seunghyun asks softly

“No reason,” Kibum spoke as he rub his tears away “…”

The elder smiled widely this man was going to end up killing him. The elder placed a gentle kiss on the younger hand-making Kibum’s face turn bright red, as the elder rubbed his hand softly.

“Call me if you ever want to drink wine or talk about art...” Seunghyun smile leaving his card in Kibum's hand as he walked away “Don’t worry Jae will be fine, he’s stronger than he looks princess…” he chuckles.

Seunghyun unlocks his car as he got on it and drove away. Kibum bit his lips as he touches his hand. Seunghyun was gentle even when Kibum was stubborn and rude to him. He felt attracted to the elder. Kibum smiled a bit as he heard his phone ring; he saw a message, and it was from Jaejoong. He opens it as he walked and he smiles softly when he read it.

--Chat Pov--
LittleKittyJ: "I'm sorry for overstepping, Minho is your friend and I shouldn't have engaged on that I'm sorry Kibum"

Kibum bit the inside of his cheek as he walked. He didn’t want to stand in the middle of people’s happiness, and Jaejoong deserved to be happy. Since he wanted to make things right, he smiled a bit as he wrote a long message to Jaejoong, then he wrote a message to Minho as he walked to his apartment in deep thoughts, he could still feel Seunghyun lips in his hand and he sighed softly. 

To Be Continued

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<3 Completed <3


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Chapter 6: that was a rollercoaster of emotions o.o
Chapter 3: but when top decided to watch a movie as well with kibum, my heart fluttered, it was cute uwu

ahem, i mean- i love this so much!!
Chapter 3: I am in love with the new poster, it is more lively and coreful, giving more adventurous feeling, whilethis story had its sad moments, I still enjoyed it and will continue reading, even the parts you are editing. ^^
Chapter 8: I like this chapter a lot. It’s a good way how to end a story. While I wished we would see more of their trip I liked how things turned out. I was mad at Minho for cheating but things escalated very quickly. Didn’t expect for Jongin to be like that. I always saw Jongin and Taemin as some kind of villains in your story but I feel sad for Taemin and glad that he actually wanted a 3 people relationship.
Thanks for making happy endings for all of your stories ^^
I will continue reading your other works ^^
Chapter 7: You sure know how to make your readers feel attached to the characters and understand what they are going through. At first I wanted to punch Minho for hurting Jaejoong but thankfully he fixed his mistakes. And Deunghyun and Key melted my heart, especially when Kibum thought that they will break up and Seunghyun comforted him.
While lying about having to talk just to have a trip is not the best idea, I am excited for the trip and what will happen next!
Also wouldn’t mind to see more SHINee and Bigbang interactions ^^
Waiting for the next chapter!
Chapter 6: Aww, I am sad that this story will end soon, I really enjoy it ^^.
I like the storyline and pairings too, they are rare but they work together well. I’m happy that after their fights they always make up, and they help each other.
Will surely miss this story.