encounter 04

drop the shades and crank the bass

"I love the smell of nature~" Minzy said silently to herself as she twirled around. Even if it was cold outside Minzy enjoyed being outdoors. Humming a random tune, she effortlessly climbed upwards despite carrying a heavy backpack on her tiny back.

Meanwhile, another hiker struggled to keep going. His legs were growing increasingly numb by the second. "Aish, why is this so hard," Kai whined. Just then his stomach growled. "That's right! I packed food!" he said excitedly.

He took off his backpack and searched in all the pockets. "Where’s my food?!" Kai panicked. He scratched his head. The he remembered, he left all his food on the counter. "!!" he groaned. He was hopeless.

Wiping fake tears away, Kai picked himself up and decided to head back down. Before that however, he thought he heard someone calling out for help. "Help! Anyone out there? Help! Help!" it was definitely a female's voice. She sounded close.

"I'm coming!" Kai shouted heroically. He slung his backpack over his shoulder once again and headed toward the female's voice. "Where are you?" he asked. "Down here! I fell in a ditch...uhm be careful when you get here!" "I got this," Kai brushed himself cockily.

"Are you here yet?" "Almost there," Kai said and pulled out a rope from his handy dandy backpack. He took a step forward, and that alone was enough for him to start rolling forth. "Ahhhhhhh!" Kai screamed as his came tumbling down with his backpack still on.

Thankfully, he landed on his back side. "Holy crap! I'm alive?" He touched his body all over. A cute female peered over him. "I knew I recognized that scream," Minzy smiled sweetly. Then, she sighed. "I guess that makes two that are stranded now." Kai blushed deeply.

"I usually don't scream like that." Minzy chuckled, "Okay." "I'm serious," Kai insisted. "I'm Kai by the way. My real name is Jongin, but I prefer Kai," he coughed. "Minzy," she smiled sweetly.

"So what do we do now? How are we going to get out of here? It took twenty minutes of me screaming for someone to hear me...I heard not too many people are hiking today either." She sighed helplessly. Kai nodded.

His stomach rumbled in the silence that enveloped the atmosphere. Minzy giggled. "Would you like some food? I packed a lot of yummy things," she offered. Kai nodded his head excitedly. This stranded thing wasn't so bad, Kai thought.

Kai slurped on the spicy noodles like a starving child. Minzy just watched in awe. He was really cute, she thought. Kai didn't feel her gaze on him as he the plastic container clean.

"Yummy! Did you make this yourself?" he asked. "Not the noodles. Those were noodles my unnie made. I brought them as leftovers," Minzy replied. "Which unnie?" asked Kai as he wiped his lips. "Uhm...CL unnie," she replied awkwardly. "Oh," Kai simply said.

"I'm sorry she was so snarky around you guys. She's actually very sweet and caring. CL unnie's smart and a good cook," Minzy added. "Oh really?" Kai laughed, "Why does she look the type who is angry all the time? Or maybe she's just trying to pull off a cold-city image like my duizhang...?" he trailed off.

"Duizhang?" Minzy repeated. "Duizhang means leader in Chinese," Kai explained. "Oh, Kris is Chinese?" Minzy asked. Kai nodded.There was a moment of pure silence. The birds chirped loudly above them. "My two older unnies say that maybe CL is ually frustrated," Minzy giggled like a school girl.

Kai's eyes widened. "Oops, don't tell anyone I said that," Minzy quickly covered . Wait til Kris hears this. Kai smirked inwardly. "So anyways is Kris an exchange student? How long have you known him? Actually, what university do you go to?" Minzy blinked.

"Whoa one question at a time please!" Kai laughed loudly. He then sat Indian-style on his backpack. "I'll tell you everything, okay? Just don't ask me too much about Kris hyung. It'll seem to me like you're more interested in him than me." Minzy's cheeks flushed. Kai smiled like a dummy seeing her reaction. He could get used to teasing her like this.

The sun came down as Minzy breathed silently in her slumber. She had fallen asleep along with Kai. When the two awoke, the sun was long gone and the sky was filled with stars. "My unnies must so worried," Minzy yawned as she stretched her arms out.

"Lucky. My hyungs don't care about me," Kai pouted. Minzy suddenly leaned forward and pinched his nose. "Don't be silly." "Hahahahaha," Kai laughed awkwardly. Why was his heart racing so rapidly? "We should probably set up our tents...oh and a fire! That way we can stay warm and not waste the flashlights," Minzy said.

"I'll set up the fire," Kai quickly offered. By the time they were done, it seemed like were on a real camp out. "I wish we had marshmallows," Kai sighed. "Yeah," Minzy sighed along with him. "They'll find us tomorrow right?" He asked worriedly while biting his lip.

"Yeah," Minzy said assuringly. She rubbed her hands together to warm up. "Do you want to double up on gloves? I can give you mine," Kai said. "No! Please don't. I'm fine like this!" Minzy quickly replied. Kai chuckled to himself. He scooted closer to Minzy. "If you need me to warm up at any time, let me know," he winked.

CL, Dara, and Bom paced back and forth at the police station. Minzy had not made it back to the cabin so of course they were worried. "Our baby could be freezing to death out there for all we know!" cried Dara. CL rubbed her shoulders.

"It's alright, unnie. Minzy's a strong girl. She'll be just fine," CL assured her using her 'leader' voice. CL was probably the most worried, but someone had to be the voice of reason around here. "Are you sure you can't do anything, officer?" Bom asked the police officer.

He shook his head. "We will send out our rescue team as soon as the sun goes up, ma'am. I suggest you all go home and rest up. There is no point waiting here." Bom sighed heavily. "Neh," all four replied. As they made their way out, a group of three guys came rushing in, zooming past them within a blink of an eye.

CL immediately clenched her fists. Not them again! "Officer! Officer! There is someone stranded up in the mountains. You have to help us!" Chanyeol cried out while panting.

"Alright. Please calm down and take a seat," the officer said. CL quickly scanned over their group and realized that it was the bratty tan-skinned one that was missing. "Bom!" Kyungsoo unintentionally called out when he noticed his angel standing by the door way.

Chanyeol and Kris straightened up and finally noticed CL's group. Their maknae was also missing. "Hello Kyungsoo," Bom greeted back. She was all smiles now. CL looked on with a disgusted look.

"Our Kai hasn't made it back," Kyungsoo stated sadly, "I'm worried." Bom looked at Kyungsoo with soft eyes. Why was he so squishy? She wanted to pinch his cheeks right then and there. "Same for our Minzy...you think maybe they got stranded together?" Bom blinked.

"Now is not the time to be flirting! Let's go girls," CL ordered. Bom pouted and slightly clicked her tongue. Bom and Kyungsoo broke their gaze as CL attempted to drag her older unnie away.

Dara was too shy to even take a peek at Chanyeol. CL quickly ushered them out the door. "What's up with her? Aish, why am I even asking?" Chanyeol shook his head. "She didn't even acknowledge duizhang's presence," Kyungsoo tried containing his laughter.

"Shut up," Kris murmured angrily. "Would you boys like to fill me in with the details of your friend’s disappearance?" the police officer soon interrupted them. "Oh right!" Chanyeol's ears perked up.

"Unnie does it have to be him? I can't stand him or his equally cocky friends," CL whined. "Pick someone else to flirt with on this trip!" "Well excuse me! But do you see any other cute boys around here?" Bom asked. She was putting on a face mask while CL continued to nag at her. She had been doing that since they returned from the police station.

"I don't think so~~" Dara said in a funny tone. "You guys are traitors!" CL yelled. "What happened to all the mediating you did today? Did you not find inner peace and finally put this behind you?" Bom shouted back. CL's cheeks warmed as she recalled today's events. "Oh shut up!" CL murmured and buried herself in the bed sheets.

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I loved how you made kai shy when trying to confess to minzy.
Qilabathowi #2
Chapter 11: I really love bomsoo couple heheh
Chapter 11: i really like this story thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 11: Bommie you are the best!
Chapter 11: Awwwww. This is so cute. :)
Chapter 11: Awesome fic!
Bommie was hilarious here
I loved Kyungsoo's confession the most xDDDDDDDD
so squishy <3
OMG Cuteness~ Bom and Kyungsoo? OMG
vinsensiasharon #8
Chapter 11: CHAEKRIS!! omfg im so loving this♡ i want more >__<
seemstobeadream #9
Chapter 11: That was funny thanks for the update <3
k-pop_navia #10
Chapter 11: This was amazing !!¡ But i want some mire you.kno some action from kaiminzy