encounter 09

drop the shades and crank the bass

CL shrieked causing Kai and Minji to immediately let go of each other's lips. "Noona!" Kai groaned and then pouted. "How dare you taint my baby's lips you little brat!" CL shouted pulling Minzy away from him. "What is your problem?" Kai retorted, "I'm allowed to kiss my girlfriend if I want."

"GIRLFRIEND?!" "Unnie, please calm down-" Minzy began as she nervously bit her lip. She didn't want to make a scene. CL had always been extra protective of her since she was the youngest. "Unnie, aren't you happy for me? I like Kai, and he likes me," Minji tried reasoning with her.

Kai seized her hand. "I more than like you," he said softly while gazing into her eyes. "CL, seriously what's the problem here?" Bom said, "Kai's a good kid." Dara nodded agreement. "B-but but," CL stuttered, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, someone spoke up.

"What? You think Kai's not good enough for her? Well let me tell you something. Jongin's hardworking, passionate, and selfless. He may look like a playboy to you, but I can assure you he's not. He loves to joke around a lot but he doesn't mean harm. And he would never hurt Minji," Kyungsoo defended the maknae, surprising everyone.

CL was speechless. She creased her eyebrows and just walked ahead of everyone. "Well that was interesting," Chanyeol remarked. "Hyung, gomawo," Kai said cutely while turning to Kyungsoo. "Don't mention it," he replied and ruffled the younger's hair. "Aigooo," Bom teased as she pinched Kai's cheeks.

Chanyeol and Dara looked on happily. Kris had to retrain himself from catching up to CL. He knew he could convince her to approve of Kai, but he couldn't do it in front of the others. After bidding each other goodbye, the two groups went into their separate cabins.

While, Dara and Bom were spazzing over Kai's sweet confession, CL couldn't help but feel a little sad. It's not that she hated Kai like everyone thought. She honestly thought Kai was a good kid, but she couldn't help but feel emotional. Her baby was really growing up.

After the girls washed up and hopped into bed, CL felt so guilty she tossed and turned in bed until she couldn't take it anymore. She went outside to get some fresh air. It was chilly, more than any previous night. She wrapped her blanket tightly around her body and shivered. "CL?" a voiced called out.

CL jumped and swiftly looked around. "It's me babe," Kris chuckled as he stepped out from the bushes. "Kris!" CL exclaimed and then laughed, "What are you doing here?" "I missed you," Kris said sheepishly.

CL rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Kris just smiled as he got into the same blanket as CL and wrapped his arms around her tiny frame. He tenderly kissed her neck making CL feel warm all over. His mouth hovered over her ear.

"Are you really upset with my dongsaeng?" CL shook her head. Kris chuckled and kissed the top of her head. "I knew it," he breathed out. "I think it's cute that you're overprotective of her. Are you going to be the same with our future kids? I guess that will make me the cool parent," Kris hummed.

"Yah! I'm going to a be cool mother," CL exclaimed and then grew silent after she processed what Kris just said. "What what?" She blinked and turned around to look at Kris in shock. Kris's face reddened. "I mean," he coughed awkwardly. CL found it all too cute.

"Whaa it hasn't even been a day and you're already thinking of marrying me and having kids? You've got it bad, Kris," CL teased. Kris felt a little embarrassed so he just groaned and nuzzled against her neck. They stayed like that for a while until they parted and kissed each other goodnight with the promise of seeing each other tomorrow.

Minzy was the first one to wake up the next morning. She stretched her limbs and after brushing her teeth and hair, she went to the kitchen to make some food. The girls woke up one by one and filled the kitchen after smelling the sweet aroma that filled the place.

"Whatcha making baby girl?" Bom asked as she took a seat at the table. "Well since I can't make fried chicken for Kai, I decided to just go with naengmyeon," Minji replied. "What? You mean this foo isn't for us?" Dara exclaimed dramatically as she held her stomach and pretended to cry.

"Sorry unnies, this is for Kai," Minji apologized while laughing. Bom flipped her hair ad scoffed, "Whatevas. I'll just have some bread for breakfast." CL cleared as she snuck up behind Minzy. "Minji-ya," CL addressed her cutely and rested her chin on the younger's shoulder.

"What is it unnie?" "I'm okay with you dating Kai," CL said in one breath. Bom and Dara gasped and stopped what they were doing. "R-really?" Minji asked unbelievably. CL nodded, "But if he hurts you, just know that I won't hesitate to rip his balls off." "Unnie!" Minji exclaimed. The girls all laughed.

The girls decided to tag along even though that made Minzy even more flustered. They knocked on the boys' cabin until a happy looking Chanyeol opened the door and let them in. "Jongin! Your girlfriend is here," he announced causing Minzy to blush hard.

Jongin stepped out of the kitchen. His hair was tossled ily having just woken up not too long ago. "Minji, what brings you here?" he said in raspy, still sleepy voice. It was so y. "I-I brought you breakfast," Minji stuttered.

She could not get over how good her boyfriend looked in a simple white T and jeans. Bom and Dara whistled and hollered with Kyungsoo and Chanyeol joining on the teasing. "You guys!" Minji said, obviously flustered. Kai chuckled as he hugged her and let her bury her face in his hard chest.

"They're making fun of us," Minji pouted. Kai dragged her away and into his bedroom, leaving everyone dumfounded. "You better leave the door unlock-" CL suddenly stopped herself and just stayed quiet, forcefully zipping her lips. "So who's hungry?" Kyungsoo asked happily.

"I'm starving!" Bom said, causing Kyungsoo to laugh. "I can make everyone something to eat, but I'll need an assistance," Kyungsoo said, trying to sound serious as he tapped his chin. Bom rolled her eyes. "Oh you!" she laughed and grabbed Kyungsoo's hand, dragging him to the kitchen. Kyungsoo grinned widely.

They spent the afternoon together, not realizing how late it was getting. The sun had gone down and the winds had gotten stronger. They were sitting on the living room carpet enjoying snacks and playing together. It was an enjoyable time even for CL. She really had grown to like them all.

"Aigooo," Bom sighed deeply as she stretched out her long legs, barefoot and all. "We should probably get going soon. My body aches." "Kyungsoo can help you with that. He knows how to give massages," Kai said and Chanyeol nodded frantically. Kyungsoo blushed a little.

"Oh really?" Bom chuckled. Dara got up and looked out the window. "Wow why does it look like there's a blizzard out there," she scratched her head. "What? No way," CL jumped up and also looked out the window.

"," she cursed. Everyone hurdled around the window and saw the same sight: strong winds, trees swaying left and right, and snow everyone. It was hard to make out any surroundings. Kai suddenly spoke out, "Why don't y'all stay for the night?" Kyungsoo seemed to agree as he immediately nodded.

"It's dangerous out there. Y'all should stay." "I guess that won't be a bad idea..." Bom trailed off as she stared at the girls. No one seemed to be opposed to the idea, not even CL. "Where will we sleep?" "Bommie can take my bed," Kyungsoo said.

"Dara can take mine!" Chanyeol said, almost too excitedly causing everyone to give him weird looks except Dara. She thought it was sweet of him. "Uhm I guess CL can take my bed," Kris said coolly as he shrugged. "Minji can just sleep with me," Kai said.

Everyone's head snapped in his direction. "Excuse me? I'm okay with you two dating, but not this. You will sleep in different rooms," CL said in an authoritative voice. Kai scoffed, "We aren't going to do anything naughty, noona." CL lowered her eyes at him.

"I trust Kai. Just keep it in your pants okay?" Bom said causing both Kai and Minji to blush. "Where will you boys sleep?" "On the floor is fine," Kyungsoo replied. "I feel so bad. How about we sleep on the floor and you guys take the beds?" Dara suggested.

"No way noona! You're our guests!" Chanyeol said. "He's right. Just make yourself comfortable, ladies," Kyungsoo said smoothly as he got up to prepare everyone fruit-flavored drinks.

"Isn't he the best?" Bom laughed. Kyungsoo heard that and smiled. "So what should we do next?" Dara asked. "I got it!" Chanyeol said happily as he ran off to his room. He came back with his guitar. 

"Let's have a campfire!" "Hyung, but were inside," Kai pointed out. Kris furrowed his eyebrows. "So? We can roast marshmallows near the fire place and I can play my guitar." "This sounds like fun!" Bom said giving him a thumbs up. Chanyeol looked over at Dara to see if she approved. She also gave him a thumbs up.

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I loved how you made kai shy when trying to confess to minzy.
Qilabathowi #2
Chapter 11: I really love bomsoo couple heheh
Chapter 11: i really like this story thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 11: Bommie you are the best!
Chapter 11: Awwwww. This is so cute. :)
Chapter 11: Awesome fic!
Bommie was hilarious here
I loved Kyungsoo's confession the most xDDDDDDDD
so squishy <3
OMG Cuteness~ Bom and Kyungsoo? OMG
vinsensiasharon #8
Chapter 11: CHAEKRIS!! omfg im so loving this♡ i want more >__<
seemstobeadream #9
Chapter 11: That was funny thanks for the update <3
k-pop_navia #10
Chapter 11: This was amazing !!¡ But i want some mire you.kno some action from kaiminzy