My Heart is Yours

Heartbreak, Friendship, Love 

Do You Know? - Someday


ChunJi and HeeJin walked peacefully together by the Hankang. The night air was cool and serene. HeeJin looked up at the sky and breathed in the fresh air. ChunJi glanced at her and his heart started beating like crazy. He put a hand over his chest. *It was never like this before; only she can make me feel like this.* he thought.

They continued to walk together. ChunJi looked at the river and he smirked. He abrubtly stopped walking. "Wait here, I'll be right back." he told HeeJin. He ran off and she watched him disappear. She turned her view back to the river and rubbed her arms as a cold breeze blew by.

HeeJin waited for five minutes, then ten, then twenty. ChunJi still didn't return and she started to grow worried. *Where is he?* she thought. She turned around to go search for him but then bright lights came on from the river. She turned around and gasped. Colorful lights glowed through water that shot from the side of the bridge over the river.

"YAH LEE HEEJIN!" a voice yelled. She turned to the side and saw ChunJi standing with a small cake in his hand with candles. He smiled brightly as he walked closer. She cupped her hands over . "Did you do all this?" she asked and he nodded. "What's going on?"

"Next week is when you'll officially become a Mrs. Lee. I thought that we should do something special." HeeJin grew touched. He held the cake up. "On the count of three, blow." he instructed and she nodded. "One ~ two ~ three!" they both closed their eyes and leaned closer to blow. When the flame disappeared, they opened their eyes again and smiled affectionately at each other. "This was to our silly parents, this marriage, our crazy lives, and to us."

Soon, ChunJi and HeeJin were sitting on the steps eating the strawberry shortcake. They fed each other and happily chatted. Everytime HeeJin smiled, laughed, or touched him, ChunJi would go crazy. The night continued with warm laughter and happiness.

*Jang HeeJin, can you smile like that forever? If I could make you smile everyday, I would be the happiest person on earth. Even though your heart might not be mine, I'll give my heart to you. I never thought that I would fall for you but you casted a spell on me. I can't stop thinking about you. I love you.*

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Chapter 63: Heyy whats happen?? Is that all?
I thought hye jin will be with jinyoung....
woohyun_lover #2
nice story *__*
Me: OMO~~!!! What's going to happen to Hyunseung oppa and JiHyun unnie?! I know they weren't really the main lovers, but... I got into it! And what's going to happen to Jin Young, huh?! Waeyo~~?!<br />
Jin young: Shush~! *flicks my forehead* I don't need to be in here! Heejin is happy with Chunji! *sigh* but! That's all I need.<br />
Me: Ow... *holds forehead* That hurt!!! *hits Jin young's chest* Meanie~! I was only asking...
Me: You better not drown my Heejin unnie! *grabs Chun Ji's shirt* Or else... *lets go of Chun Ji* *Yuri imitation* You die~!<br />
Chun Ji: *shocked* You have some attitude! *brushes shirt off* I won't drown her. I can't because I love her~! Drowning won't happen to anyone, ... possibly you.<br />
Me: YA~! You can't do this!<br />
DEbubbs: Whoa~! No drowning is gonna happen here!!<br />
Me: Meh hehehehe! *merong*<br />
Chunji: Why I oughta!<br />
Me: *blocks face* Michinom~!
arvita #5
Jinyoung Oppa..........
Chunji: I've... fallen for her.<br />
Me: *pops out of no where* I knew it!!! *starts singing and dancing lamely* you fell for Heejin, you fell for Heejin! Haha hahaha! I knew it! *starts doing cabbage patch* I knew it, I knew it... Chunji loves Heejin...<br />
Chunji: Hey?! Where'd you come from?!<br />
Me: I'm ... uh? I'm... uh? I'm... Your conscience?<br />
Chunji: What the... Really?<br />
MapleDumplings #7
NOOOO!!! Why reject Jinyoung over and over again? :(
The choices Heejin unnie make me cry... Aish~! Why do you do this to me?!
MapleDumplings #9
The things happening around Heejin and Jinyoung make me sigh :(
aish~! this is what i get?! poor jinyoung oppa... TTATT heejin's heart recovery, HWAITING...