A/N: Comments Make Me Smile :)

Heartbreak, Friendship, Love

A-Yo there! Sorry that I've been on a random short hiatus there but I think I'm starting to get my schedule back together :) I've been updating (or trying to at least) once a day and you guys have been giving me really sweet (and wacky XD) comments. I've read every single comment out there so thanks a BUNCH - they've really made me smile.

ShawolSoneAngel596: LOL laugh soooo hard when I read your comments. But I'm kinda scared because it sounds like you want to smack me because I gave JinYoung a little tear-tear there...ohhh ~ heheheeee ;) I can tell that you're really enjoying the story so that makes me happy :D yayyy!! Please keep on posting your random comments that never fail to make me smile :] Also - <3 your username! SHAWOLS FTW! SONES FTW! ANGLES FTW! And numbers 5, 9, and 6, FTW!! oh wait...I just realized that those numbers are the numbers of members in each group -___- excuse me for being extremely late....

MapleDumplings: heheheeee *evil smile* I shall keep writing evil stuff so that your heart tears apart ~ MUAHAHAHAAAA!!! just kidding kekeke ;) thanks for the...erm...emotional comments there haha. Should JinYoung experience some happiness in this story???? hmmm....maybeeeee or maybe not ~ ... hehehee >:)))) you've been a subscriber since day one so I'll (MAYBE) write something good JUST for you...how nice (and evil) am I????

arvita: WOAH!! NEW SUBSCRIBER!! YAYYYY!! WELCOME!!! hahahaaa - are you enjoying the story?? I hope so! This is my first fanfic like EVER so it's probably really nooby! I'm surprised that I have over 25 subsribers 0__0 waowww! But why are most people being all "aww...poor JinYoung" and stuff :(( no one likes ChunJi?? JinYoung's not the only one going through a heartbreak here ~ ~ oh well, we'll just have to see :)

ALSO!! I am BEGGING someone that is willing to make me a poster! I am planning to write another fanfic when I wrap this one up so PLEASE PLEASE help me out here. If you are or know any good postermakingskillsstuff.....then please help me out here :(((( this poor girl is trying to write an asian fanfic without a poster *gasps!*

ALSO!! Yeahh...I think this fanfic is going to be a long one so what do you guys think about a sequel? I think I'm going to wrap this one up, write a different fanfic, and once I'm finished with that one write the sequel for this...tell me what you think :) GOOD NIGHT!! SEE YOU TOMORROW!!

                    ~ DEbubbs


P.S. My cousin sent me this care package thingy with bunch of Korean stuff SO if you guys are good subscribers *winkwink* I might do a giveaway because she gave me like bunch of stuff that I don't want -___- So one or more of these things:

  - OneDay (2PM & 2AM) Mini journal thingy

  - MBLAQ Mona Lisa Poster

  - SNSD, 2PM, B2ST, MC MONG (yeah I know), Super Junior, or Shinee socks

  - Cute Asian keychains

  - Cute Asian lead pencils

  - Cute Asian hairclips

Alright, PEACE

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Chapter 63: Heyy whats happen?? Is that all?
I thought hye jin will be with jinyoung....
woohyun_lover #2
nice story *__*
Me: OMO~~!!! What's going to happen to Hyunseung oppa and JiHyun unnie?! I know they weren't really the main lovers, but... I got into it! And what's going to happen to Jin Young, huh?! Waeyo~~?!<br />
Jin young: Shush~! *flicks my forehead* I don't need to be in here! Heejin is happy with Chunji! *sigh* but! That's all I need.<br />
Me: Ow... *holds forehead* That hurt!!! *hits Jin young's chest* Meanie~! I was only asking...
Me: You better not drown my Heejin unnie! *grabs Chun Ji's shirt* Or else... *lets go of Chun Ji* *Yuri imitation* You die~!<br />
Chun Ji: *shocked* You have some attitude! *brushes shirt off* I won't drown her. I can't because I love her~! Drowning won't happen to anyone, ... possibly you.<br />
Me: YA~! You can't do this!<br />
DEbubbs: Whoa~! No drowning is gonna happen here!!<br />
Me: Meh hehehehe! *merong*<br />
Chunji: Why I oughta!<br />
Me: *blocks face* Michinom~!
arvita #5
Jinyoung Oppa..........
Chunji: I've... fallen for her.<br />
Me: *pops out of no where* I knew it!!! *starts singing and dancing lamely* you fell for Heejin, you fell for Heejin! Haha hahaha! I knew it! *starts doing cabbage patch* I knew it, I knew it... Chunji loves Heejin...<br />
Chunji: Hey?! Where'd you come from?!<br />
Me: I'm ... uh? I'm... uh? I'm... Your conscience?<br />
Chunji: What the... Really?<br />
MapleDumplings #7
NOOOO!!! Why reject Jinyoung over and over again? :(
The choices Heejin unnie make me cry... Aish~! Why do you do this to me?!
MapleDumplings #9
The things happening around Heejin and Jinyoung make me sigh :(
aish~! this is what i get?! poor jinyoung oppa... TTATT heejin's heart recovery, HWAITING...