A/N: KPop Concert and Meeting Kpop Stars

Heartbreak, Friendship, Love

Hellooo ~ ~ lovely subscribers :)) How are you? So - yesterday, I went to the free Kpop concert in Ridgefield, NJ. I live in the town right by it so of course I went. B2ST, Sistar, Shinee, 2PM, DBSK, 4Minute, and G.Na were all there. It was so much fun and since it was at the 추석 (Chu-Seok/ Korean Harvest) festival, I got to eat some yummy food and get cool stuff.

So .. I <3 my auntie! She is cool, funny, smart, and really pretty. She works at KBS; which is the company that sponsored this whole concert, so she got me and my friend VIP tickets and backstage passes. Let me tell you, I am SO glad that I got them. With the regular tickets, you would barely be able to see the stage since it was so crowded. But with the VIP tickets, you got nice neat and arranged seats waiting just a couple of feet in front of the stage. The backstage passes however, are like golden tickets to Kpop factory. Not even kidding. I go backstage and am about to faint because! I see members of Kpop groups poppin' here and there.

Even though I couldn't stay and REALLY chat with them, I made small talk with them. :)) I was so excited and happy that I was in front of them that I could've sworn I was shaking from excitement when I stood in front of them. They really just asked me like "Oh, what's your name? How old are you? Are you enjoying the festival? Who's your favorite member and what's your favorite songs? *side joke here and there.*" nonetheless, it was AWESOME! Since G.Na could speak english fluently, she was the most comfortable person talking to.

Don't get me wrong, I was born in Korea so I'm fluent but living in America my whole life just makes english that much more familiar and comfortable to me. She's so pretty in real life and a real down to earth person. She's funny, sweet, and really a sociable person. I actually tried to do her "Black & White" and "Top Girl" dance cover and she laughed and complimented me which made me feel good :))

Just wanted to kind of let you guys know what the experience was like. :))  Thanks for reading and please continue to comment and support this fanfic :)) <3 you guys!


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Chapter 63: Heyy whats happen?? Is that all?
I thought hye jin will be with jinyoung....
woohyun_lover #2
nice story *__*
Me: OMO~~!!! What's going to happen to Hyunseung oppa and JiHyun unnie?! I know they weren't really the main lovers, but... I got into it! And what's going to happen to Jin Young, huh?! Waeyo~~?!<br />
Jin young: Shush~! *flicks my forehead* I don't need to be in here! Heejin is happy with Chunji! *sigh* but! That's all I need.<br />
Me: Ow... *holds forehead* That hurt!!! *hits Jin young's chest* Meanie~! I was only asking...
Me: You better not drown my Heejin unnie! *grabs Chun Ji's shirt* Or else... *lets go of Chun Ji* *Yuri imitation* You die~!<br />
Chun Ji: *shocked* You have some attitude! *brushes shirt off* I won't drown her. I can't because I love her~! Drowning won't happen to anyone, ... possibly you.<br />
Me: YA~! You can't do this!<br />
DEbubbs: Whoa~! No drowning is gonna happen here!!<br />
Me: Meh hehehehe! *merong*<br />
Chunji: Why I oughta!<br />
Me: *blocks face* Michinom~!
arvita #5
Jinyoung Oppa..........
Chunji: I've... fallen for her.<br />
Me: *pops out of no where* I knew it!!! *starts singing and dancing lamely* you fell for Heejin, you fell for Heejin! Haha hahaha! I knew it! *starts doing cabbage patch* I knew it, I knew it... Chunji loves Heejin...<br />
Chunji: Hey?! Where'd you come from?!<br />
Me: I'm ... uh? I'm... uh? I'm... Your conscience?<br />
Chunji: What the... Really?<br />
MapleDumplings #7
NOOOO!!! Why reject Jinyoung over and over again? :(
The choices Heejin unnie make me cry... Aish~! Why do you do this to me?!
MapleDumplings #9
The things happening around Heejin and Jinyoung make me sigh :(
aish~! this is what i get?! poor jinyoung oppa... TTATT heejin's heart recovery, HWAITING...