
Heartbreak, Friendship, Love 

Park HyeRi - Stranger Sun


When JinYoung arrived home, he found the tiny apartment a mess. DaHye was sobbing in the middle of the room. He quickly rushed over to her. "DaHye-ah, what happened? Where's halmuhni?" he asked. She wiped away her tears and sniffled. "T-T-They t-took h-h-her a-a-away." she whimpered. "Who?" "T-T-T-Those e-evil a-ahjusshi's." she sobbed. JinYoung's eyes widened in shock.

*The loan sharks.* he thought. He looked around the small aparment that was destructed. He found a letter taped to the side of his bed.

Until you pay us back, your grandmother will be with us. And soon, your little sister will be too. Hurry up and pay us back before you're left with nothing.

He crumpled the paper up and walked back out to where DaHye was.

The table was thrown over, the pots with plants were broken, the mattress was coming out of the bed frame, and picture frams on the wall were now crooked or on the floor. He put a hand on DaHye's shoulder and pulled her close so that he was hugging her. She sobbed into his chest and he pulled her up onto his lap. Her tiny body was curled by his chest and his strong arms embraced her tightly.

He glanced down at her and noticed red and purple marks on her face. He quickly cupped her cheeks and examined her face closely. There were scratches, bruises, and marks from slaps on her face. "DaHye-ah, did those ahjusshi's hurt you?" he asked. She didn't answer. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a frame that was lying face down on the floor. He picked it up and saw that it was the picture of his parents. It was broken and there were holes and scratches on it so that all you could see were their faces. He clenched his fingers tightly around the frame. *Ruining my home, stealing my grandmother, hurting my baby sister; you'll pay for this.*

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Chapter 63: Heyy whats happen?? Is that all?
I thought hye jin will be with jinyoung....
woohyun_lover #2
nice story *__*
Me: OMO~~!!! What's going to happen to Hyunseung oppa and JiHyun unnie?! I know they weren't really the main lovers, but... I got into it! And what's going to happen to Jin Young, huh?! Waeyo~~?!<br />
Jin young: Shush~! *flicks my forehead* I don't need to be in here! Heejin is happy with Chunji! *sigh* but! That's all I need.<br />
Me: Ow... *holds forehead* That hurt!!! *hits Jin young's chest* Meanie~! I was only asking...
Me: You better not drown my Heejin unnie! *grabs Chun Ji's shirt* Or else... *lets go of Chun Ji* *Yuri imitation* You die~!<br />
Chun Ji: *shocked* You have some attitude! *brushes shirt off* I won't drown her. I can't because I love her~! Drowning won't happen to anyone, ... possibly you.<br />
Me: YA~! You can't do this!<br />
DEbubbs: Whoa~! No drowning is gonna happen here!!<br />
Me: Meh hehehehe! *merong*<br />
Chunji: Why I oughta!<br />
Me: *blocks face* Michinom~!
arvita #5
Jinyoung Oppa..........
Chunji: I've... fallen for her.<br />
Me: *pops out of no where* I knew it!!! *starts singing and dancing lamely* you fell for Heejin, you fell for Heejin! Haha hahaha! I knew it! *starts doing cabbage patch* I knew it, I knew it... Chunji loves Heejin...<br />
Chunji: Hey?! Where'd you come from?!<br />
Me: I'm ... uh? I'm... uh? I'm... Your conscience?<br />
Chunji: What the... Really?<br />
MapleDumplings #7
NOOOO!!! Why reject Jinyoung over and over again? :(
The choices Heejin unnie make me cry... Aish~! Why do you do this to me?!
MapleDumplings #9
The things happening around Heejin and Jinyoung make me sigh :(
aish~! this is what i get?! poor jinyoung oppa... TTATT heejin's heart recovery, HWAITING...